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New terms - commercial content on RMweb

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Harlequin said:

Shame there isn't another way.


There is. Anyone can start a forum. And make their own rules, and decide on what terms to accept members.


Some forum software is free. Some software suppliers include a web hosting service. I'm probably not allowed to post links (even though I have no financial connection), try searching for SMF forum, or XenForo, or Invision Community.


Or stick with RMweb and realise that web costs have risen a lot recently.


A suggestion for Andy -- CHARGE folks for posting, and refund it if they get more than 3 likes? 🙂



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  • RMweb Premium
37 minutes ago, cctransuk said:


Clearly understood - my apologies to the membership, but you will in future have to look elsewhere for news of what I have to offer.


As a matter of interest, I have just spent in excess of £600 of my own money to import a refurbished, twenty-five year old Alps printer, so that Cambridge Custom Transfers can continue for a few more years.


I have no prospect of recovering this investment, but it is clear that such altruism is beyond the comprehension of today's publishing houses.


Sad days - but, hey ho!


John Isherwood.

Is that a joke!? You charge £10 for some 2mm wagon transfers, and call it altruism? Let's not pretend for one moment you don't make a profit out of CCT. Yes ok, if you include your time in that you're probably 'earning' pennies, but one presumes you do it because you enjoy it (and enjoy serving the hobby). True cost of a pack of decals, even allowing for your ALPS printer is what...? £2 for an A4 sheet, at most. You're getting at least 10 times that? Honestly your tirade is laughable, and that you're playing the victim is astonishing!

Have you even asked how much you may be expected to pay?

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  • RMweb Premium

Can we have some guidance pined/stickied somewhere easy to find, together with contact details?


A simple FAQ type page (e.g. I'm advertising a club event, do I need to pay?) would save lots of searching through this thread (and no doubt others in the future).




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  • RMweb Gold

It's a fundamental tenet of business and commerce in a capitalist economy that users/customers pay for the goods and services that they receive.


The irony and hypocrisy of some commercial (and semi-commercial) businesses that contribute here grumbling (substitute your own adjective of choice) because another commercial business, Warners, has legitimately decided that it's time to start charging is pretty breath taking really. 

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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, njee20 said:

Is that a joke!? You charge £10 for some 2mm wagon transfers, and call it altruism? Let's not pretend for one moment you don't make a profit out of CCT. Yes ok, if you include your time in that you're probably 'earning' pennies, but one presumes you do it because you enjoy it (and enjoy serving the hobby). True cost of a pack of decals, even allowing for your ALPS printer is what...? £2 for an A4 sheet, at most. You're getting at least 10 times that? Honestly your tirade is laughable, and that you're playing the victim is astonishing!

Have you even asked how much you may be expected to pay?


I have offered Cambridge Custom Transfers for a quarter of a century, and in that time I have invested many, many thousands of pounds in importing Alps printers and very expensive consumables from all over the world. The printers are VERY expensive, being rare legacy hardware, and require complex packaging in order that they arrive in working order. International postal charges are inordinate, as are the customs, VAT and handling charges.


Alps printers will only work with twenty-five year old legacy computers and software, which are equally expensive and difficult to source.


Postage of transfers within the UK is now £1.35 for the smallest order, and then we have card, envelopes and paper for the instructions and packing - none of which are cheap nowadays.


You may choose to believe that I make a profit - but you can have no way whatsoever of knowing that; suffice to say you are wrong. At 75, I genuinely carry on with Cambridge Custom Transfers because of the appreciation expressed by my customers - it puts a rosy glow on what might otherwise be a dull day!


Frankly, I really don't care if you denigrate my efforts - feel free! There are many, many more modellers whom I KNOW are producing better models because of the transfers that I supply - they tell me so!


John Isherwood,

Cambridge Custom Transfers.

Edited by cctransuk
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  • RMweb Premium
25 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


Oh you've played the woke card. How very gammon.


You could just refer to the 'ad team'.


I could - but I choose not to play those silly games.



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  • RMweb Premium

And then there is Templot. I make it available entirely free with no strings attached. But I'm happy to receive voluntary contributions towards the running costs.


I've no idea where that fits in Andy's scheme, but presumably those saying they supply stuff purely as a spin-off from their own modelling could do the same?



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  • RMweb Premium
54 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


I'd climb down off that very shaky moral high ground of a wobbly three-legged stepladder for your own safety if I were you; you don't know what you're talking about and your stance is really quite insulting. And incorrect.


Actually, I fell off it three weeks ago whilst accessing my garage loft - so I DO know what I'm talking about; as do the staff at my local surgery, Bodmin Hospital and the Royal Cornwall Hospital.


(.... and the leg still stings far more than the combined invective of our Moderators)!



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1 minute ago, martin_wynne said:

I make it available entirely free with no strings attached. But I'm happy to receive voluntary contributions towards the running costs.


I'm cool with that Martin.


See @cctransuk; I can be quite reasonable when someone's not mounting their high horse and insulting everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium
11 minutes ago, cctransuk said:

lps printers and very expensive consumables from all over the world. The printers are VERY expensive, being rare legacy hardware, and require complex packaging in order that they arrive in working order. International postal charges are inordinate, as are the customs, VAT and handling charges.


Alps printers will only work with twenty-five year old legacy computers and software, which are equally expensive and difficult to source.


Time to upgrade to 3D-printed decals?





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  • RMweb Premium
28 minutes ago, Phil Parker said:


That wasn't a "perfectly reasonable enquiry", it was a tirade.


A sensible enquiry would have been "How much will this cost me? ", but you haven't bothered with that before saddling up the hobby horse. As said before, this isn't a one size fits all job. Those with the broadest shoulders will do most of the work. They, not unreasonably, expect that if they are contributing, those who don't, don't get the same benefits.



What you are saying, is that BRM, GR and NGW readers, should pay for RMweb, even if they don't use it.




I didn't ask "How much will this cost me" because, on principle, I will not financially subsidise a forum which, in part, relies on the input of manufacturers and supplies for its appeal.


How many MODELLING members do you think RMweb would have if all new product announcements and reviews were absent? Furthermore, it is clearly apparent, reading the 'frothing' of the 'fan-boy' element, that that sector come here for the latest rumours, speculation and - ultimately - announcements of the latest models and gizmos. Take that away, and what is left?


Bottom line - if I do not profit by my efforts to keep Cambridge Custom Transfers running, I'm d*mned sure that Warners will not - even by a miniscule sum! There has to be a line drawn somewhere - and this is it.


By the way - my Premium subscription is to be cancelled; no great shakes, but none-the-less a financial loss to Warners.



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1 minute ago, cctransuk said:

There has to be a line drawn somewhere


I drew my line first - Ner ner ner nerrr.

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2 minutes ago, cctransuk said:


I didn't ask "How much will this cost me" because, on principle, I will not financially subsidise a forum which, in part, relies on the input of manufacturers and supplies for its appeal.


No, but you do expect readers of a magazine that I'm sure you do not buy, to subsidise it for you to use, both personally, and commercially.

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  • RMweb Premium
6 minutes ago, martin_wynne said:


Time to upgrade to 3D-printed decals?






Nope - I do not have the capital to go there; nor the inclination to learn new skills at my age. Others do that extremely effectively.


If the day dawns when there is no demand for Cambridge Custom Transfers, I will close the website and breath a sigh of relief. Until then, I will continue to provide the thousands of modellers worldwide who value my output with the best transfers that I can produce.


This latest' wizard wheeze' from Warners has undoubtedly 'got my goat', but it will have minimal impact upon my activities and, God willing, CCT may still be around when RMweb is but a memory.


We'll see.





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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, Phil Parker said:


No, but you do expect readers of a magazine that I'm sure you do not buy, to subsidise it for you to use, both personally, and commercially.


No-one asked Warners - certainly not me - to acquire RMweb. I was a fait accompli, presumably made on commercial grounds.


Had they not done so, I gather that RMweb would have perished and the hobby would have moved on.


Like it or not - the input of small producers is a significant part of the appeal of RMweb; dismiss them at your peril!



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2 minutes ago, cctransuk said:

No-one asked Warners - certainly not me - to acquire RMweb. I was a fait accompli, presumably made on commercial grounds.


Had they not done so, I gather that RMweb would have perished and the hobby would have moved on.


No one has ever forced you to post on RMweb, but you chose to do so in both a personal and commercial capacity.


If RMweb's closure would please you so much, you can simulate it by deleting your account, and never, ever, looking at it again. However, as your over 500 posts a year suggest, I think this would be very difficult for you. You see plenty of value in this forum, just expect someone else to pay for your enjoyment.

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5 hours ago, AY Mod said:

Any commercial activities need to be agreed with our advertising folk. Please contact sarah.jarman@warnersgroup.co.uk from Monday onwards.


That information could have usefully been put on the original notice page. 


The fact the jist of the notice was duplicated under different headings doesn't give much confidence in the management. 

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  • Administrators
15 minutes ago, cctransuk said:


Oh dear - we've entered the playground now, I gather.




You started it.




It was an intentionally childish retort to illustrate the ridiculous rubbish I'm expected to put up with from you.

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1 minute ago, billbedford said:

doesn't give much confidence in the management. 


There are reasons why the T&C's were replicated in two sections - so that it couldn't be claimed that it was not noticed. There's no need for your subsequent dig.

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  • RMweb Premium
32 minutes ago, cctransuk said:


By the way - my Premium subscription is to be cancelled; no great shakes, but none-the-less a financial loss to Warners.



You mean that you'll be complaining about all the ads, that your subscription currently blocks! Warners will still get some revenue from Google.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 minutes ago, kevinlms said:

You mean that you'll be complaining about all the ads, that your subscription currently blocks! Warners will still get some revenue from Google.


Nope - my adblocker always eliminated the ads anyway.



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