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Bachmann Earl Class Body Weight

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I want to remove the body weight from the Bachmann earl class  so that I can modify it. I have remove the 2 screws that hold it in place bit it will not drop out. Any Ideas?

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Not having ever seen let alone handled this particular model, but with experience of removing screw attached ballast weights in upward of 20 of Bachmann's OO steam models:


Sometimes the paint on the ballast block, and/or the surface it sits on, was tacky at assembly, so breaking it out may be required, insert blade in gap and wiggle. Likewise gummed on somewhere with the plastic body assembly solvent, though that's unusual.


Inserted exterior detail such as handrail knobs, boiler furniture locators, fouling the ballast block,  wiggling it and observing closely for any exterior detail movement; and all else failing simply gently pull out anything potentially fouling.


If the ballast is in the smokebox, removing the smoke box door moulding may enable you to see what the obstruction is. And in the case of the WD 2-8-0 this is essential as the ballast weight at the smokebox end can only be removed this way,  as it is conical on its long axis. A one off in my experience thus far, but who knows a designer might have felt that it was time for another such?


Some ballast weights, especially at the smokebox end of the model, are an essential part of the body assembly, which may not be immediately apparent because the cement is holding. Until suddenly it breaks and parts fall off.


Finall, good news, the construction is such that I have never yet had any trouble getting the models reassembled with no sign of having been taken apart.



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