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  • RMweb Gold

I've found the problem, and it's because there are two versions of this particular RC; one for the US market which transmits wifi at a frequency (Kenneth) suitable for drones in that market, and another for the European market, with a different frequency (Kenneth) for drones sold here.  Guess which one I've got... 


It came from a UK seller, in Redhill, Surrey, and may of course have been sold in good faith; it is to be fair100% identical in appearance to the Euro version.


.  I may be able to get my money back; I'll certainly try. 


I have had a very generous offer from one of the Grey Arrows mods, a DJI Mini 2 with paired RC.  This is a better specced drone than the Mavic Mini, and uses a different rc.  It has a 4K video camera, 'Occusync' connectivity which is much more reliable and longer range than wifi, and 4x digital zoom; in fact it's more or less identical to the original Mini 2SE murdered by seagulls, but with better video.  More to the point, I can afford it, so I'm taking the guy up on the offer on the condition that I will pay postage and there's a beer over the bar for him if he is ever in these parts.


DJI make good drones, but the pointless number of models of identical appearance is pretty confusing.  Mavic Mini, Mini 2, Mini 2SE, Mini 3 (not to be confused with Mini 3 Pro), and MIni 4K (not to be confused with Mini 4 Pro) all use the same bodyshell, gimbal, and camera housing and look identical, though the specs differ in each case.  The Pros are almost (but not quite) identical to each other as well.  I challenge anyone to find a difference between the Mini 2 and the Mini 4K; even the price is the same!


There are 3 identical-looking RCs, RC-N1, RC-N1C, and RC-N2, which are not compatible between drones except that the RC-N2 can be used with the new Neo, as can the RC3, a vastly different and more expensive beast with it's own screen.  There are RC1 and RC2 controllers as well.  Paying attention at the back?


None of the drones are identical, except for those that are, none of the controllers are identical except for those that are, and none of the drones are compatible with any of the controllers, except for when they are.  So, that's all right then..


This drone will be the third of an identical shape since I ordered the Mini 2SE in June.  Let's hope things settle down a bit now; it's all been a bit too exciting for me!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

This gets better; he's actually offerering a full 'Fly More' combo; 3 batteries, carry case, spare props.  It doesn't include the charging hub or the charge usb plug, but I've already got both of those. 


Might be flying again by mid-next week!  Poor, living on Tesco beans, but flying...

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One difference I vaguely remember between the Mini 2 SE and the Mini 2 is that I think the latter is supported by the Litchi app, which I'm told is a very good third party app with a lot more autonomous flying capabilities than the DJI app.


Admittedly I haven't tried it, because mine is the Mini 2 SE which apparently uses a slightly different interface which is not supported...


Fingers crossed you have a bit of good luck for a change and get yourself sorted!

Edited by Phil Himsworth
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  • RMweb Gold

I'll investigate this, but IIRC Litchi supports waypoint autonomous flying, which would be a great thing to have.  There is apparently some debate as to whether there is in fact any difference between the Mini 2 and the Mini 4K; they are even the same price new from DJI, £269.  There are slightly different labels inside the battery compartment door, but that's about it apparently.


I'm hoping my run of bad luck is broken; certainly looks that way.  The guy selling the Mini 2 pm-ed me yesterday avo to say that the package is in fact a Fly More bundle but not including the mains adaptor, which is no problem because I've got two of these, and is therefore an even better deal than I first thought!  I'm familiar with the controller for the 2 from my previous 2SE; it's the same RC-N1.


And, as you say, the differnce between the 2SE and the 4K is not much more than the extra video quality, 2SE=2.7K, 4K=, um, 4K, no Sherlock...  I don't think the 4K supports Litchi, but it's more or less the same as a 4K apart from that; see what I mean about confusing names for DJI drones, they all sound the same and when a lot of them look the same as well...

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  • RMweb Gold

Litchi does indeed support Mini 2, as does another similar cheaper app called Maven, and I’ll prolly get one of them as and when funds permit.  It’d be good to have the waypoint and tracking/follow me options


My drone is on it’s way and in the tender care of UPS.  Now, we wait…

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  • RMweb Gold

Actually, there is another difference between the Mini 2 and the Mini 4K.  The Mini 2 has a front led, midway across the nose, to assist with determining the drone's orientation and as a connection indicator when switching between wi-fi and Occusync connectivity.  TTBOMK this is the only DJI drone with this feature, which suggests it wasn't overwhelmingly successful, probably because the light isn't bright enough to be clearly seen at any sort of distance.


In the meantime, we continue to wait, and UPS' tracking app now says they have 'opened an investigation to find the parcel', which sounds as if they've lost it.  Oh, goody.  The guy I'm buying it off says that this has happened with stuff he's bought or sold with UPS a few times before, and they find the item after a few days, but given my luck I'm not banking on it.  I've ordered a replacement correct 'CE' controller off the Bay for the Mavic Mini in case the Mini 2 has vanished into the UPS void; if it turns up it'll do no harm to have a reserve drone. 


I'm rather hoping to be able to fly something by next weekend/early following week, when there is some superb flying weather predicted by 'Ventusky' (after a proper storm next Friday).  Winter is coming, and such calm and sunny periods are going to be rare, so I'd like to make the most of them!


Sometimes I just think I'm cursed.  (John Laurie voice) 'We're a' dooooomed, doooomed I tell ye'.

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  • RMweb Gold
34 minutes ago, The Johnster said:

In the meantime, we continue to wait, and UPS' tracking app now says they have 'opened an investigation to find the parcel', which sounds as if they've lost it.  Oh, goody.


"We are very sorry to inform you that your parcel was attacked by seagulls."

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  • RMweb Gold

More than likely!  Last heard of at UPS pickup point in Manchester, posted in Wigan.  If some manky manc has nicked it, it can be traced by DJI* if he tries to fly it, so I'm almost hoping it is nicked as I have a better chance of it being found and recovered in that case than if UPS have simply lost it in their system.



*All Is Known to DJI, which is why they're in trouble in the US.

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  • RMweb Gold

Belay that last order Mr Christian you mutinous dog.


Just checked the tracking, not expecting any good news, and they found the item at 16.15, and sent it on it's way at 19.40, and I should have it in my sweaty little paws by 19.00 tomoz.  Much happier puppy here now!


I've decided not to cancel the replacement controller for the Mavic Mini.  I occurred to me that it might not be the worst idea to keep this drone set up for night filming; no filters on lens, ISO ramped up a bit, that sort of thing, and using indoors with the prop guards on.  Using it outdoors with the prop guards on takes it over the CAA's 249g weight limit, which incurs more severe flying restrictions; for example, one must keep 50m clear of all persons on the ground other than those directly involved in the flight, and 150m away from buildings. 


I'm off to play the Hallejulia Chorus loud on my headphones...


'Mr Christian, you villainous cur, why have you taken the sails down'?

'They were dry, sir'.

'How long have you been on this ship, Mr Christian'?

'5 years before the mast, sir'.

'Rubbish, you mutinous dog, the mast's always been here'...

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  • RMweb Gold
51 minutes ago, The Johnster said:

Belay that last order Mr Christian you mutinous dog.


Just checked the tracking, not expecting any good news, and they found the item at 16.15, and sent it on it's way at 19.40, and I should have it in my sweaty little paws by 19.00 tomoz.  Much happier puppy here now!


I've decided not to cancel the replacement controller for the Mavic Mini.  I occurred to me that it might not be the worst idea to keep this drone set up for night filming; no filters on lens, ISO ramped up a bit, that sort of thing, and using indoors with the prop guards on.  Using it outdoors with the prop guards on takes it over the CAA's 249g weight limit, which incurs more severe flying restrictions; for example, one must keep 50m clear of all persons on the ground other than those directly involved in the flight, and 150m away from buildings. 


I'm off to play the Hallejulia Chorus loud on my headphones...


'Mr Christian, you villainous cur, why have you taken the sails down'?

'They were dry, sir'.

'How long have you been on this ship, Mr Christian'?

'5 years before the mast, sir'.

'Rubbish, you mutinous dog, the mast's always been here'...

My bold. . . . Just a random thought. . . What if they are bouncing in the air on a trampoline  ? Fair game ?? 🤔



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  • RMweb Gold

It’s at Tamworth, the crossroads of England, now.  Exciting stuff this tracking, in’t it?


44 minutes ago, Matt C said:

My bold. . . . Just a random thought. . . What if they are bouncing in the air on a trampoline  ? Fair game ?? 🤔



No, 50m away from non-involved people, I shouldn’t have said ‘on the ground’, 50m  in any direction.  Though a drone probbly wouldn’t be underground…

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  • RMweb Gold
6 minutes ago, The Johnster said:

It’s at Tamworth, the crossroads of England, now.  Exciting stuff this tracking, in’t it?


No, 50m away from non-involved people, I shouldn’t have said ‘on the ground’, 50m  in any direction.  Though a drone probbly wouldn’t be underground…

Dawwww you spoilt my fun ! I was thinking of sitting out in the garden, having a wee dram, flying me drone over the neighbours  garden where the little darlings are bouncing up and down on the trampoline, screaming with delight as there little heads pop up out of the safety net,. . . Playing 'wackamole' 🤭

Any new news on delivery ??

Edited by Matt C
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  • RMweb Gold

I'll join you in the wee dram, but filming kids bouncing up and down in their garden on trampolines is not the kind of activity we droners are encouraged to take part in, much as whack-a-moly sounds like fun!  The CAA take a dim view...


Delivery is scheduled for tomoz 'by 19.00'.  There are 2 stops marked on the tracker progress bar, which I reckon mean 1, Cardiff distribution, then 2, out for delivery, the driver's working day ending at 19.00 and that time being used because I could be the last drop,  If so, i could also be the first, though not having any idea what time they start the round I've no idea what time that would be, but the most likely scenario is that the van will turn up sometime between starting the round and 19.00.  UPS drive the exact same route every day for each round; they're worked out to include the lowest number of cross-traffic right hand turns.  As it happens, I've nowt on tomoz, so whatever time he shows up will be ok.


But the excitment is mounting!

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  • RMweb Gold

'Sigh' see all these regulations turn a simple pastime of playing wackamole on the neighbors noisy kids in to something nefarious ! 

Hopefully all goes well with the delivery and the UPS driver doesn't crash and destroy the Drone whilst avoiding a seagull..........🤪

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  • RMweb Gold

It's arrived!  Let Joy be unconfined, poor girl!


I've checked it over; he's sent me quite a bit of kit including a Grey Arrows mug!

Drone with battery in being charged currently.  Well, obviously currently, with current, but currently at this time as well with current current.  Drone, controller, phone, batteries; all are much more intelligent than the nut holding the controller...


2 spare batteries and a little piggyback charger to charge them one at a time, so one is being charged with current, currently, the other is currently uncurrently waiting it's turn.  These 'intelligent' batteries automatically discharge to an extent if not used for a certain period to avoid overheating and swelling in storage, and these have been in transit since Monday. 


Nice camera-style bag with velcro compartments, some Grey Arrow stickers, and two lapel badges.  Loads of spare controller-phone cables.  I am now a fleet owner, two drones, both functioning when the CE controller for the Mini 1 arrives next week.  Next task is to label the batteries 1, 2, and, er, 3, to keep track of them; they are light grey unlike the black batteries for the M1, and a slightly different casing so that they cannot be charged in the multi-hub M1 charger because they don't fit.  The M1 batteries can be used in the M2 apparently, but have a shorter burn time, so they are still worth taking with on flying expeditins as backup, as is the multi-hub, which can be used as a powerbank.  DJI are the best consumer drone company (Jeremy Clarkson voice) ...in the world..., superbly innovative and clever, but they are restrictive marketing profiteering 'stards nonetheless.  I get the impression that drone manufacturers have taken their eye off the consumer ball a bit while there's money to be made on the Ukraine/Russia border, wherever it is today...


It remains to be seen if the M1 black batteries can be charged with the M2 piggyback charger.  The front led lights when the drone is charging, but unless it's a lot brighter in flight mode it will not be much use for locating the drone or determining it's orientation at any sort of range, even at night.  Good idea, 1 out of 10 for effort.


We fly at dawn (well, sometime in the early avo when I prise my mortal remains out of my pit), smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast!  The rec for a test flight I think and then, to infinity and beyond within CAA rules. so 120m up and VLOS (about the same distance), radius with my eyesight, probably Roath Park Lake again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Successful test session over the rec this evening, and a couple of beers on the way home, pretty good day all round in fact.  Didn't bother with the lake, it was getting late, I'd just missed a bus,  and I was getting thirsty!  I've bought an IOS app called Maven, which is a replacement for the DJI Fly app but it is able to manage stuff that Fly can't, like waypoint flying, polygon geofencing to keep you out of the trees (trees are d*cks), and 'follow me', which it can do from in front, or all round in fact, it'll circle you like a vulture if you want.  It's unusual for me to exchange actual beer vouchers for apps, but this seemed worth it...


I'll try some of it out on the next sortie, which is likely to be Thursday avo/evo now.  Thinking about Barry Island, Nell's Point, eastern end, because the western end, Friar's Point, is within the FRZ for Rhoose Airport.  In fact the red line runs right through Marco's Cafe, and, if he's coming out from behind the counter, Marco.  His cheese'n'ham paninis are still brilliant, though.  Likes a 'nini, I does, see!


To the west of Friar's Point, and within the FRZ, is Barry Old Harbour.  There is a sort of sandbar at the entrance, and as the tide comes over it, it floods the space behind in a single wave, quite impressive.  I want to film this, following the wave in from about 20' up as it inundates the harbour, and can do this legitimately, but I have to get permission from Rhoose ATC.  PMP will know more about this than I do, but apparently you fill in an online form, and permission is usually granted.  You then turn up at the site on the day, phone ATC, and tell them you're about to fly and what you intend to do in their airspace (the runway alignment is about half a mile to the southwest), and then phone them again when you've finished.  No charge, and it all seems very friendly and reasonable.

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  • RMweb Gold

Barry Island trip brought forward to Tuesday, improved weather forecast and better tide (in terms of time of the high, not in size).  Wind direction is miles off where I want it on both days but there'll be other times.


The eastern end of Whitmore Bay is where I would be taken as a rugrat, largely because it was away from anything that required money to be spent and father was quite averse to that!  The rock pool I played in is still there, and will feature in the footage.  In fact the pathway around Nell's Point is largely unaltered, though the cafe and ice cream shop at the extreme end of the prom have long gone, overwhelmed by the Butlin's site that is now also as the snows of yesteryear; there is 1990s housing on top of the headland now.  The path comes out above Jackson's Bay, and that end of it has good views over the harbour, lifeboat station, pilot's building, and what's left of Barry Pier station.  And beyond towards Bendricks, Sully Island, the Holms, and the North Somerset coast.


 Looking the other way, Nell's is high enough to provide views over the top of Friars, and the main draw to the eyes is the brooding bulk of Exmoor culminating in Dunkery Beacon.  One can see down to Hillsborough, Ilfracombe, in reasonably clear weather, and if you're lucky you'll make out the upper parts of Lundy poking over the horizon some 70 miles away.  On the Welsh side, the chimneys of the Aberthaw industries and cliffs of the 'Heritage Coast as far as Summerhouse Point feature.

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  • RMweb Gold

Trip caped.  Too windy; actually, within the drone's capacity but marginal, and northerly, due off-shore, that's too many alarm bells ringing.  Better safe than sorry.


Thursday now, and the tide is all wrong at Barry Island, so that's back in the pending tray.  Back over the rec prolly to play with Maven (12 tutorials to get through!), then up the lake again if there's time.  Other trips in the 'sometime as per convenient' tray are Radyr Wier, Llandaff Cathederal & Wier, more Cardiff Bay, Newport Transporter Bridge, River Rhymney sailing club and mouth, Millenium (sorry Principality) Stadium, more civic centre. 


Next spring/summer for Porthcawl, Caerphilly Mountain again (remember to put the SD card in the drone this time), Caerphilly Castle, The Garth, Porthkerry & The Mumbles (these need ATC permission from airports), Ogmore, Southerndown.  And of course anything else that occurs to me in the meantime...


I'm a bit limited by relying on buses (tx WAG for bus pass). and am thinking about resurrecting my bicycle, which might extend my range a bit especially in conjunction with trains.


In other drone news, the replacement CE controller for the Mavic Mini has arrived, so I'll pair that and have a backup drone.  I'm a fleet operator now!  Actually I might put this one up for sale on the Grey Arrows site once I've established that it's all working properly (which will be another session over the rec).  If so, I'll post it up here as well in case any of you might be interested; it'll be priced to go!

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  • RMweb Gold

I've got into the habit  of switching  out the card as soon as I get back from a flying session. I then take off any recordings and return the card to the drone. This means I don't risk losing  any recordings and also have a clean card ready to go. I also have a backup card in the carry case JUST in case I forget to put one back in the drone. Cards are cheap as chips these days so havi g a spare along is a no brainer.


Last trip out for me was to fly over a lagoon in a valley. Climbed down through the trees to the shore, set up the drone and got the message ' update detected' update before flying. OK, set it to download the update. . . . No joy, I'm  in a valley and the download keeps failing 🤔

Note to self. . . . Fire up drone and check for updates BEFORE climbing  down into a valley with poor phone signal 😔

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  • RMweb Gold

I've got into the habit of day-before pre-flight checks of drone, controller, and drone phone (I have one without a sim dedicated to drone app use), which includes updates if there are any.  Final check before flying; batteries charged, door closed properly, SD card firmly inserted, gimbal cover removed, lens clean, filter on if required, all props spinning freely,  switched on.  There is also a post-flight routine, when I get back home and usually the following day; battery removed from drone, all batteries charged fully, gimbal cover attached, visual check of props for any nicks or cuts, SD card removed and placed inside converter card, converter card placed in reader slot on back of Mac Mini computer where it won't get lost (again), then drone packed away.


There's also an occasional 'get the drone out and check it over 'cos I'm bored' routine, which includes placing a vacuum cleaner hose to the bottom ventilators to keep the interior dust/sand/dead insect/bits of atmospheric pollution-free; the motors are given a suck as well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Pairing of the new Mavic Mini CE controller went off without any problem and exactly like it says it was supposed to in the manual, so I am looking out for decent weather to give it a proper test flight, which will be it's first since I got it what with the first r/c not holding charge and the second one being not suitable for European market drones...  Wednesday should be ok if a little dull and overcast.  Despite the identical bodyshell this Mavic Mini is rated for wind level (Beaufort Force) 4, while the Mini 2 is good for 5, and a good bit of weather recently has been ok for Mini 2 but a bit dicey for Mavic Mini.  I think the Mini 2 motors are a bit more powerful or faster or both.  This is supported by the fact that apparently Mavic Mini batteries (which can be used in a Mini 2 but not vice versa), which have a 30-minute run time in the Mavic Mini, are only good for 18 minutes in the Mini 2.  The Mini 2's own batteries run for 31 minutes in that drone.  Fortunately for this poor confused old dodderer, Mavic Mini batteries are black and Mini 2 batteries are grey...


I bought some cheapo Amazon signal boosters for the Mavic Mini, bit like tv aeriels that go over the antennae on the r/c, and a pair of parabolic signal reflectors to go with them.  Opinion on Grey Arrowsf forum is that they are a waste of money, landfill, which may turn out to be true, but one Grey Arrow member reckoned he increased the range of his Mavic Mini from 400m to 2km, which is encouraging (though he didn't mention how he'd maintained VLOS on a drone that size at that range!).

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  • RMweb Gold

 Successful flying yesterday avo down Cardiff Bay with the Mavic Mini; drone and the new controller all performed well, except that I initially had a warning on the app 'propellers spinning too fast, land immediately' a few seconds after the intial take-off.  Landed, checked the retaining bolts (all good), changed the flying mode from 'Normal' to 'Cine' which slows the drone down a bit, and had no further trouble when I took off again.


Did some close-up filming of the Pier Head building, a marvellous Victorian Gothic confection with all sorts of odd details; Roman, Arabesque, and Mogul architecture are referenced, and there are some magificent gargoyles, all in red brick, but the icing on the cake IMHO is the Rhymney Railway coat of arms with a 2-4-0 Kitson-looking well tank and the motto, in Welsh, Wrth Ddwr a Than, By Fire And Water, as good a motto for a steam railway as any! 


Then, with the second battery, a similar examination of the Oval Basin's 'water tower' and the frontage of the Wales Millenium Centre Opera House, which is known in our house as the Copper Woodlouse and is, again IMHO, the best piece of architecture in the city, by miles.  It's not really an opera house, of course, and one day the secret alien overlords of our planet will turn it on, there will be a low but immensely powerful hum as it anti-gravitates upwards about 20 feet, then slowly, and incredibly smoothly and gracefully turns and aims itself at their home system, and Millenium Falcon's it off into Deep Space in a streak of warp-speed light trails and a 'p'cheoo' sound fx, leaving nothing but a few scattered blown-about copies of the programme for next week's WNO Rigoletto and the confused ghosts of some Neale & West trawlermen (Cardiff afficionados will understand...).


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  • RMweb Gold

100% predictable.


I've had a small knock (tree jumped out on me) with the Mini 2 and I thought I'd damaged the antenna, but investigation shows that what's actually happened is that the antenna cable has pulled off it's terminal.  The antennae themselves are housed in the support legs of the front arms. and the violence with which the lh arm was forced back the the branch has dislodged the cable which runs up the arm and into the body to this terminal.  It should be a simple matter of pressing a brass socket over a pin on the circuit board.


But it isn't.  I've tried by hand, small pliers, tweezers; it doesn't want to sit over the pin in a way that would re-assure me that there is a good mechanical connection.  So, the easiest way around the issue is to solder it.  After all, I'm a railway modeller, not scared of a bit of the hot stuff...


Now, those who follow my ramblings here may be aware that the layout is in fact taken down at the moment pending the landlord doing work to correct the bed/railway room floor, which is dropping away from the skirting boards.  I'm waiting for his boys to start, but before they can he wants them to finish work in the flat across the hall which he wants to move me into while the work in mine is ongoing, and they've found all sorts of structural problems there so I have no idea how long it is before I get my railway room back.  At the moment. everything is in boxes ready to be shipped across the hallway when the time comes, so attempting to find anything is a bit fraught...


I quickly located the soldering iron on it's base, now all I need is the solder.  Where is the solder?  Here, solder solder solder, o solder solder won't you marry me, with your musket, fife and drum...


3 days of fruitless solder-searching so I gave in on Tuesday and ordered a spool of solder off Amazon.  Sitting on the edge of the bed when I got up yesterday, my eyes alighted on the missing solder spool, sitting in the corner of the top of a cardboard box.  Every bloody time!


It's the Space Elves from the planet Zarg again of course.  Not only do they use their highly advanced technology and warp-speed ships to steal single socks from me and replace them with wire coat hangers, but now they are making my life a misery with solder...


No rush to complete the repair; I can fly the Mavic Mini in the meantime and there is going to be a dearth of suitable flying weather over the weekend and through next week, high winds.  Today is the best, but the winds are marginal and rising so I'll be sensible and give it a miss; there looks to be a spell of decent conditions on the way early week-after-next.


But, every bloody time!

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  • RMweb Gold

Ok, the new solder arrived lunchtime, you can say what you like about that Bezos bloke, he runs a fine delivery service.  No excuse, do the soldering, re-assemble the Mini 2, test fly in the good weather forecast for Saturday.  Nice sunset coming up this evening but tbh I'm a bit lethargic, not in the mood, can't quite achieve escape velocity.  Weather forecast keeps changing, but that's not the end of the world if it was bad to start with as opportunities open up,  You know what they say, when one door closes another one slams in your face... 


Entered competition on Grey Arrows for an Air 3S, a new all-singing all-dancing drone that DJI have just brought out, 'fly more' kit worth £1,425.  No way I'd  ever spent that on a drone, I probably woundn't even spend it on a loco, and it's a 720g beast, so I'd be a bit restricted as to where I could fly it*.  Two cameras, one wide angle-3x zoom, one 3x-9x zoom, Lidar, 32gb on-board storage plus micro SD slot, level 6 wind resistance, 45minutes battery, all-direction obstacle avoidance, makes you a cup of tea when it lands...  Let's hope I don't win it, it's too much drone for me! 



*Minimum 50m away from other people, 150m from buildings; this thing needs a lot of room! 

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