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Longworth's new book on Diesel and Electrics

Peter Kazmierczak

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Anyone know when (or if) this'll eventually appear?


Should've been published before last Christmas. No show.


Then it was March 2024. No show.

It's disappeared off both Amazon and BookFinder.com.
Crecy website now says April 2024. Any real chance this month?

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I had a delivery update from Amazon this morning. Sometime between July and October!

Something very strange going on with this one.

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On 05/04/2024 at 18:26, Peter Kazmierczak said:

Crikey. If I were the author I'd be right annoyed...
I wonder if I should ask for my pre-order ££ back?

Hugh Longworth is a member of RMWeb but last posted (in response to you) in January 2022. Late publication of his books has been mentioned several times.

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