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What more could one ask?


GN tender, double chimney, Witte smoke deflectors....actually. 60100 preferably!  Too late for you though, IIRC.


Not necessarily No.100 but I was rather taken with that particular combination on A3s as I thought the Witte smoke deflectors really added something to their looks - almost as attractive as a B16.


(and with that lot of heresy I think I'd better skulk away before someone decides to sacrifice me at the altar of Gresley worship - even if the A1 only worked properly and became an A3 after 'Victor Wild' went west and learnt some lessons ;) )

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Wot u been drinkin' cobber? :drag:


Another shot of that Ivatt this morning.

attachicon.gifIvatt 2.JPG

and then we had Sun Castle arriving with the 5.00pm from KX.

attachicon.gif523 1.JPG

Taken mid afternoon, by which time the sun is shining almost parallel to the room, so for a short time I get some lovely light without the normal problems. Not quite though, as you can see. One stray ray crept through a narrow gap in the blinds, and achieved the peculiar effect at the front of the loco. Still quite a nice shot though.



Only when one sees the A2/3 in a shot like that is the bulk of the Thompson apparent. 

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 Good lord no, that's a B17 job.


When my father used to use it to get quickly from WGC to "The Smoke", or maybe the return journey in the evening, (we moved out to hedgehog land before he got a job there) he usually reported a B1 as motive power. In fact I have a distinct memory of him saying "ten ninety seven again today, that's four days running" - it was a Hitchin engine at the time. I don't remember ever seeing a B17 on the "beer train"....of course that's not to say they didn't feature.



Edited by chaz
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Not necessarily No.100 but I was rather taken with that particular combination on A3s as I thought the Witte smoke deflectors really added something to their looks - almost as attractive as a B16.


(and with that lot of heresy I think I'd better skulk away before someone decides to sacrifice me at the altar of Gresley worship - even if the A1 only worked properly and became an A3 after 'Victor Wild' went west and learnt some lessons ;) )


The aesthetics of the Witte smoke deflectors will always be a matter of personal taste. It can't be denied that they were very effective with the softer exhaust (as the Germans found on their 01 locos)  but I, for one, preferred the look of the loco's without them - with one or two nostrils!



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Another shot of that Ivatt this morning.

attachicon.gifIvatt 2.JPG

and then we had Sun Castle arriving with the 5.00pm from KX.

attachicon.gif523 1.JPG

Taken mid afternoon, by which time the sun is shining almost parallel to the room, so for a short time I get some lovely light without the normal problems. Not quite though, as you can see. One stray ray crept through a narrow gap in the blinds, and achieved the peculiar effect at the front of the loco. Still quite a nice shot though.


The Cockney drivers had a rather scatiological rendering of No. 523's name.

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Sorry , but from September 1952    60100 "Spearmint" always towed a LNER type of tender as opposed to the GNR one.


Somewhere........#sigh# I have a photo of her as such.  Might be an E E Smith one, can't really remember, as I can't remember where the (*&^ing photo is since we moved last, but I have seen 60100 with a GN tender with deflectors and double chimney.  So, while I appreciate your knowledge, no doubt gained from many books,  but it is wrong.  I have always liked 100 since reading Toram Beg (even though his stories aren't always quite HIS!) and collected photos of her whenever I saw one.  The tender swap might have been very brief but I know for certain I have seen it!

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Somewhere........#sigh# I have a photo of her as such.  Might be an E E Smith one, can't really remember, as I can't remember where the (*&^ing photo is since we moved last, but I have seen 60100 with a GN tender with deflectors and double chimney.  So, while I appreciate your knowledge, no doubt gained from many books,  but it is wrong.  I have always liked 100 since reading Toram Beg (even though his stories aren't always quite HIS!) and collected photos of her whenever I saw one.  The tender swap might have been very brief but I know for certain I have seen it!

 It would be very interesting if you could find the photo Neil. Both yeadon and the RCTS green book say new type tender continuously from 1952 to withdrawal, but of course both have been known to be wrong! A short term swop at a local shed though would probably never have come to the attention of Doncaster, or even got onto the loco's service documents, particularly in those last days of patching things up however one could to keep them running.

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Most of the evening has been spent drafting a rather tricky letter to our club members informing them of certain changes. That involves giving a short version of a 50+ page document, which may or may not be passed by our Committee. I have to get it done though to get it approved if it does pass. Quite a lot of our members don't like or want change. Tricky, as I said. So, it is bed time, after putting up this picture, cropped several times until, to my surprise, it looks respectable.


I wanted to get the shot with both platforms occupied, but light was in short supply. Jolly good wheeze, this cropping.

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 It would be very interesting if you could find the photo Neil. Both yeadon and the RCTS green book say new type tender continuously from 1952 to withdrawal, but of course both have been known to be wrong! A short term swop at a local shed though would probably never have come to the attention of Doncaster, or even got onto the loco's service documents, particularly in those last days of patching things up however one could to keep them running.


Yes, I must put my memory forgettory into action and see if I can find it.  I haven't seen it since we moved to the island 15 years ago - as we downsized from a rambling Edwardian end terraced house to a modern 2 bed bungalow, I'm sure you can appreciate the issue!  I'm sure my recall is correct, as that was the reason I bought the photo at the time.  It is a photographic print, not a digital image.  I suspect you are quite correct in that it was a very short timescale exchange whilst something was sorted out on its own tender of the time.

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Ah, change. Members will generally embrace it if they are involved in achieving it. (Management speak). No worries there then Gilbert. :mail:



"Change? Why do we need change? Things are quite bad enough already."

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"Change? Why do we need change? Things are quite bad enough already."

The well-known piece of management b*ll*cks aphorism "If it is necessary to change, it is necessary to change" is only part of the story. The corollary is "If it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change".

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When my father used to use it to get quickly from WGC to "The Smoke", or maybe the return journey in the evening, (we moved out to hedgehog land before he got a job there) he usually reported a B1 as motive power. In fact I have a distinct memory of him saying "ten ninety seven again today, that's four days running" - it was a Hitchin engine at the time. I don't remember ever seeing a B17 on the "beer train"....of course that's not to say they didn't feature.



Plenty of photos of them with the buffet expresses in early BR days, but few later on, presumably as withdrawal was getting ever closer, and their riding was getting ever rougher.

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Ah, change. Members will generally embrace it if they are involved in achieving it. (Management speak). No worries there then Gilbert. :mail:


 I have a simple way of getting them to embrace it Phil. We have only three sources of income, sunbscriptions, green fees from visitors, and borrowing. They just need to understand that if they don't want more visitors clogging up their course, and they don't like borrowing, the cash needed to fund improvements can come from only one source. They will be informed and involved though, as I believe very strongly in that.

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 I did a slightly different take on last night's image, and leave it to you which you prefer.


I wish those blobs could be avoided, but cleaning the lens doesn't seem to be the answer.


Then I tried this.


Ivatt off to the carriage sidings with the stock. By this time I had found the lamp, and put it where prototoype photos show it to be for this movement. I do like the way the massive presence of the bridge comes over in this shot.

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 I did a slightly different take on last night's image, and leave it to you which you prefer.

attachicon.gif523 3.JPG

I wish those blobs could be avoided, but cleaning the lens doesn't seem to be the answer.


Then I tried this.

attachicon.gifIvatt south.JPG

Ivatt off to the carriage sidings with the stock. By this time I had found the lamp, and put it where prototoype photos show it to be for this movement. I do like the way the massive presence of the bridge comes over in this shot.


The blobs look like drifting smoke to me - so, a happy accident? Good photos either way, Sir.

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Somewhere........#sigh# I have a photo of her as such.  Might be an E E Smith one, can't really remember, as I can't remember where the (*&^ing photo is since we moved last, but I have seen 60100 with a GN tender with deflectors and double chimney.  So, while I appreciate your knowledge, no doubt gained from many books,  but it is wrong.  I have always liked 100 since reading Toram Beg (even though his stories aren't always quite HIS!) and collected photos of her whenever I saw one.  The tender swap might have been very brief but I know for certain I have seen it!




far be it from me to dispute your opinion on this matter, but as Gilbert mentioned both Yeadon and the RCTS green book are on my side. I also have a very large collection of K.R.Pirts & Colour Rail slides with the LNER type tender. However I could still be wrong.


Kind Regards,Del.

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attachicon.gifIvatt south.JPG

Ivatt off to the carriage sidings with the stock. By this time I had found the lamp, and put it where prototoype photos show it to be for this movement. I do like the way the massive presence of the bridge comes over in this shot.


The backlighting in this shot is very effective - rather reminiscent of the flare effects that used to afflict any backlit shot attempted with a variety of Box-Brownie cameras (although nowhere near as bad).



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far be it from me to dispute your opinion on this matter, but as Gilbert mentioned both Yeadon and the RCTS green book are on my side. I also have a very large collection of K.R.Pirts & Colour Rail slides with the LNER type tender. However I could still be wrong.


Kind Regards,Del.


From the many photographs I have plus those in books/magazines etc. I have yet to come across Spearmint with a GNR type tender. Always dangerous to say "never" of course, however the search will continue over time! In the early 60s when the German defectors were first fitted many A3s never received them and some were so fitted for a only short time before the wholesale withdrawals back then which adds to the difficulties in tracking down photos for details which did not apply for long.

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