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CAOLISPORT (1980's railway operations)


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Hi Claggy,

I always enjoyed a bit of a Tractor bash, if you were in Scotland during 1986-8 I probably saw you, or maybe just your arm hanging out of a window.laugh.gif


I can't find my pic of 37425 but here are a few others.


Cheers Peter.




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Hi all

This thread is becoming “tractor tortureâ€. Cracking prototype photos Peter, large logo blue suited 37's for some reason.

Claggy, when is 114 going to drop on a passenger, could do with some warning, so i can get on 1S19 off Wolverhampton at some strange time in the morning, to get up for it. 

37114, 37209, RIP


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Its all down to the roll of a dice. Unless the Caolisport chaps could do a swap. Its presently sitting on the stabling point waiting to work its final SLK back to Mossend. If one of the 37/4's were to go kerblamo then it may possibly end up on the sleeper or on the Cambletwon branch passenger.


Now the dice is a 20 sided one that a friend that used to do roll play games gave me. Each of the numbers corresponds to some sort of operational problem. It gets rolled every 8 hours to see what it throughs up. I'll let you know. Number 13 is " Loco for 1720 Glasgow failed on arrival at CT"


One of the signalmen at Inverary has said that 425 sounded poorly on its way in from Glasgow.


Now PCM those pics are great! Thinks thats Mossend in the last one. They were the days. Very dull on our 66's up there now. Although they are good for sleeping on when we spend 6 hours at Mossend over night.


Never did go bashing in the late 80's. I was only 13 in 1988. Used to spend a lot of Holiday time sat on the hill above Tom Na Faigh depot though with my sandwiches. That is where Caolsiport comes from really.



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Breaking news! 37425 did arrive at Caolisport on the 1215 from Glasgow Queen St delayed with traction motor problems. It was decided to step up 37114 from its SLK duty, and move 37404 from tomorrow mornings SLK duty to tonights. This still leaves 37410 for tonights sleeper.


Concrete Bob arrives at Caolisport in disgrace, later removed by 37410 to the stabling point.



37114, 37404 and 37410 await their next duties at a busy Caolisport stabling point. Some operational changes meant 37114 left the point shortly after this picture was taken.



cheerio AGAIN



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I swear this is the last post for a while.


You would have had to be quick to catch 37114 on the 1755 pax to Glasgow. Seen here leaving Caolisport with the train whilst 37404 waits to come off the stabling point to work the SLK on the right in the yard that 37114 should have worked.



And as stated in the previous post before shunting its sleeper stock 37410 collected the errant 425 from the headshunt in the station and is captured dragging it away in this shot.






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Hi Claggy,

That is Mossend, it was pretty busy back then, glad to hear it's still there so many yards have gone now. Also good to know you can still get a bit of kip on a loco, had a few snoozes on 47s and 33s myself.wink.gif


I was at work so missed 37114 on the passenger, glad to see someone got a pic though.biggrin.gif I will keep an eye out tomorrow you never know it might work back.wink.gif


Cheers Peter.

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Thats it for 37114, it has gone back to IS.(friends railway 10 miles away called Kind of Lochishlaugh.gif )


Apparantly though 37401 in original Mainline Red stripe livery could be winging its way to Caolisport in the next few weeks.( I know its not Nov 1988 by the way).


Arhhh PCM, 33's and 47's. Westbury, Weymouth, Bristol man per chance?


I signed 33's with DRS a few years ago before we stupidly sold them to WCRC. Great little machines. I have to make do with 37409 and 37423 nowlaugh.gif biggrin.gif





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Arhhh PCM, 33's and 47's. Westbury, Weymouth, Bristol man per chance?


I signed 33's with DRS a few years ago before we stupidly sold them to WCRC. Great little machines. I have to make do with 37409 and 37423 nowlaugh.gif biggrin.gif






I worked as a shunter at Eastleigh East Yard then down the Depot. Used to shunt down Hamworthy and the Docks a bit so travelled about on the odd train or two.wink.gif


I never heard a bad word about the 33s all the drivers I met thought they were a good loco.

Shame DRS sold them, though I think they got some good use out of them.


37401 in Mainline liv should be nice.


Cheers Peter.

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I thought I'd just show you the Caolisport-Cambletown-Glasgow-London timetable from June 1986blink.gif I'd like to get it looking like the real thing if anyone had any ideas. Also if you see any glaring holes or non railway style working please feel free to suggest improvements/corrections.


Not sure if anyone is inerested though.


Caolisport times.doc



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I thought I'd just show you the Caolisport-Cambletown-Glasgow-London timetable from June 1986blink.gif I'd like to get it looking like the real thing if anyone had any ideas. Also if you see any glaring holes or non railway style working please feel free to suggest improvements/corrections.


Not sure if anyone is inerested though.


Caolisport times.doc




hi mike


how would i get from perth to catch heb?biggrin.gif

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I thought I'd just show you the Caolisport-Cambletown-Glasgow-London timetable from June 1986blink.gif I'd like to get it looking like the real thing if anyone had any ideas. Also if you see any glaring holes or non railway style working please feel free to suggest improvements/corrections.


Not sure if anyone is inerested though.


Caolisport times.doc




Hi Claggy,

Looks good! Don't think from my time on the real railway we ever had an SuX day code - that would mean its Mondays to Saturdays which is EWD (Every Week Day), which i think was only ever used on the working timetables/freight schedules. I'm not aware that the passenger service had it - however if your grouping all seven days together it would be worth using. Perhaps follow the BR principal and have a seperate table for Saturdays and/or Sundays? Also the SO and SX day codes should be in capitals if your making it look right .... just reached for my copy of the 1986 timetable and I can't find Caolisport listed (obviously a BR typo!) but I guess it should have a Table number in the top right.....


Not criticism, just help! Hopefully!



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Great thanks,


Seperate Sunday one it is then. Sounds right now you say. Thats why I hadn't seen a SUX before.


Do you actually have a 1986 Timetable? Where would I get one of those, none of my DRS mates are any help.



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I thought I'd just show you the Caolisport-Cambletown-Glasgow-London timetable from June 1986blink.gif I'd like to get it looking like the real thing if anyone had any ideas. Also if you see any glaring holes or non railway style working please feel free to suggest improvements/corrections.


Not sure if anyone is inerested though.


Caolisport times.doc




Mate, you really need the mileages in a left hand column and then an indented second mileage column restarting at 0 for Cambletown for services on the extension. Someone could do with scanning a real thing to explain this better. I'll try and mock one up in XL later on....


...which gives me an excuse for beginning with one for Teviotbank as guinea pig wink.gif

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hi mike


how would i get from perth to catch heb?biggrin.gif


I suppose you'd have to get the first one off Perth in the morning to Queen St. Should be able to get there to catch the 0803 to Caolisport arriving at 1050. (thats a Glasgow Queen St Top Link turn).


Bit of time to kill before the next ferry departure with the Heb on the 1500 sailing to Port Ellen. Mind you 2 or 3 good pubs in Caolisport and a 37/4 or 2 to look at on the point.


You'd then have 45 mins on Islay before returning and landing back at Caolisport at 1945. Finally catching the sleeper back to Queen St at 2015. That would get you into Queen St at 0005 not sure of onward connection back to Perth at that time of night.


Sounds like a long day.



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Hi Claggy, It's good to see so many LARGE LOGO 37's in the yard have you got sound units in them ? the prototype pic's look great too. My mate George and I used to spend the odd evening at Eastleigh a few years back but now he's in Manchester and I'm in Derbyshire so those days are gone, but yes 33 were great but you still cant beat a LARGE LOGO 37 or even better DOUBLE HEADED 37's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend of mine Bob ( check out Big Bob in kit building and scratch building) has just built some superb Cambrian Kit OTS's which will be used on my Glen Roy, his painting and weathering is really good and they will really enhance the layout and it's operation. 


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Hi Andrew,


Yes all the 37's are DCC sound fitted with recordings from various DRS workings. Here is a link to the only sound clip I've done so far. The sounds are produced by a friend on the railway who has access to the locos with me. The sound in 37407 comes from me with 37423 on the workington shuttles. Not many recordings around of a 37/4 with ETS switched on.


37407 squeals around the curve at Camusfearna before powering off towards Druimdrishaig.



That OTA looks great! I'm going to cheat though and wait for the Hornby ones.


Thanks for you comments.





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Sounds like she's missing a bit, rattling fuel pump tappets and “hunting†on the governor. Attention from the Eastfield hammer needed soon!.

Great stuff, i have to look at this thread every night to fined out whats on the sleeper, it will be appearing on TOP's soon, best have a word with Berny.


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Do you actually have a 1986 Timetable? Where would I get one of those, none of my DRS mates are any help.


Hi Claggy,

Can't remember where mine came from now, but I'd suggest the Vintage Carriage Trust at Ingrow (KWVR) if your visiting anytime or are located within a reasonable distance. Their magazine room is superb and generally has a fair few (40-50) timetables of different types (WTT, Public, Freight Notices etc, ROTR (Rules of the Route)) and periods - generally 1980s-2010 although i've seen some 1950s and 1960s in there.


Happily have a look for you next time i'm over there if your not close by.



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Great pics yellow van man. Look how FW has changed near the station.


Thanks Clifford, if you do see some 1986-1989 WTT that would be great, full price etc etc. Superb stuff.


That 37/6 sound in 37410 does sound a bit clattery doesn't it.


Not sure I should post this, men in white coats will be around shortly. Oh well here it is.




That took some working out I can tellblink.gif blink.gif blink.gif huh.gif tongue.gif blink.gif unsure.gif


I'd personally really like the Inverary job in the morning, the am or pm shunts or Lochgilphead/Cambletown trip jobs. Easy life!



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Hi Claggy,

Love the youtube clips, the loco's sound alright, the Scottish drivers weren't scared to give their loco's a bit of thrash.


Nice pics Keith, I think I was with you on that trip.biggrin.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Help please!


As this place is the answer to any question you could ask.


When did the day coaches added to the London-Fort William sleeper at Glasgow stop. Can't find any good pics from 1989/1990. I suspect it was when the train started getting split at Edinburgh but I'm not sure.


If you look at Yellowvanmans pics above the extra coaches are the MK1s next to the engine. I wonder what date that is? Thanks in advance.


My 20 sided dice thru up a problem for me today. 37409 has failed on its way in with the 1220 from Glasgow Queen St at Inverary. Its going to cause me problems but I'm sure its sortable.


On a scenic note I have had a spare piece of land next to the throat of the station and can't decide what to do with it. Church, Kyle style gas holder, school, playground, really don't know. Any interesting ideas out there?





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