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rrpicturesarchive site - is it broken or is it just me?

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  • RMweb Premium

I have been trying to get on the excellent rrpicturesarchive website most of the morning without success.Β  Is it my computer playing silly beggars or is it kaputt?

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  • RMweb Premium

There is a suggestion on an American site that the owner of the archive sadly passed away earlier this year. I’m afraid I can’t verify this, but it would explain the situation. Β Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I can’t access the site either, Keith.

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I checked this morning and it wasn't working. Checked again just now and glad to see it's working again.


A valuable resource for US modellers,Β  I hope it continues. Perhaps there is some sort of intermittent fault.


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  • RMweb Premium

Working again here too, all be it a bit slowly in places which suggests the server it sits on is either overloaded or unwell.Β  A very valuable resource that is full of rabbit holes down which the unwary descends as they trace the history of a particular loco and then winds up finding something else interesting and before you know it, it's gone midnight and I should have retired to bed an hour ago...

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