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Trent Valley Area Group Modelling Day - 27th January 2024


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The Trent Valley Area Group of the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association is happy to announce our next modelling day… Saturday 27th January 2024, 10.00am to 4pm.


We'll be in our usual location, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, Mickleover, Derby and the entry cost is £5 per adult (accompanied children are free!)


As usual there’ll be plenty of tea, coffee, bacon butties and a good selection of cakes to tempt your taste buds with. 

We have limited car parking on site, but there is a regular bus service from Derby City Centre (the Mickleover - bright pink buses so you can’t miss 'em!). If you’re getting the train the nearest station is Derby itself, and the Bus Station to catch the Mickleover bus is a short (10mins) walk away. 


Updates will follow as more details are confirmed and we hope to see you there!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Met up with @Mike Bellamy today and we discussed the Trent Valley Group Modelling Day at Mickleover in January. If anyone wishes to bring a layout (ideally 7mm narrow gauge, but other 7mm standard gauge, or other narrow gauge scales are acceptable) or have a table to do some modelling in between chatting, drinking tea and eating cake, then please get in touch too. Either to Mike, myself or by email to group.trent@7mmnga.org.uk




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  • 5 weeks later...

Modelling Day 2024 - The Plan Comes Together


January is fast approaching and once again, the Trent Valley Area Group is holding a Modelling Day in Mickleover to beat away the January blues with one of their popular Modelling Days. We are currently finalising the plans and we have a packed hall of attendees booked. Mike has started to stockpile the bacon and warming the tea urn up, we have started to think what types of cakes we will bake and we have even listened to the feedback from our visitors (and my wife) and have added more tables into the plan this year for you to sit and enjoy the food, drink and company on offer. The Modelling Day will take place in Mickleover, Derby on Saturday 27th January 2024. Please see the poster cunningly placed on the rear cover of this issue of Narrow News to catch your eye for full details of how to find us. Up to date details will be published on the group’s Blog at www.henmoredale.org.uk and on EDM Models’ website www.ngtrains.com The current (early November) list of attractions is as follows.


Group Members. Whilst the events of this summer have rather stalled our group layout (making progress will be our New Year’s Resolution), we will be bringing the late and much missed Neil Blair’s ‘Elsbridge’ 7mm standard gauge tramway layout. Andrew will be bringing his O-16.5 layout ‘Wheal Ponder’ for you to spot if there has been any progress. Simon will be bringing the 16mm scale narrow gauge inglenook shunting puzzle layout he built for the local Church fete. Paul will be there with a multigauge demo/test track and a limited range of EDM Models stock. If there is anything in particular that you want him to bring let him know. Phil is bringing a layout over from North Wales. Possibly ‘Black Drake Wharf’ but possibly a new layout he has been working on, you will have to come along to find out. Jim is bringing his O-9 layout ‘Quarry Yard’ and last, but not least, Andy has been dabbling in a little 009 which will be on a table that may or may not be doubling up as the Entrance pay table depending on whether Mike has got the plan right.


Layouts. In addition to the TVAG members we have the following due to attend.

Derwent Road – Arline Wilson. 7mm scale O-9 sand quarry layout originally built by Bill Flude.

The Lindsey Joint Railway – 7mmNGA Lincolnshire Area Group. 7mm scale O-16.5 modular layout.

Black Swan Wharf – Peter Garrett. 7mm scale standard gauge, under construction.

Grand Lake Railroad – David Rae. 7mm scale standard gauge, A New England standard gauge short line under construction.

Bob Harper will be bringing the latest instalment of his American railway empire along under construction. American On3 scale with a provisional name of Nicola Landing and the 7mmNGA West Midlands Group will be bringing their new work in progress station module.


Demonstrating. Association Chairman Adrian Gray will be bringing his soldering iron along to help with those etched kit assembly questions, including his particular penchant for Ffestiniog Railway slate waggons, the kits of which are available from Association Sales again. Which leads me nicely into…


Trade Stands. In addition to EDM Models and the TVAG Second Hand Sales, Neil Smith will be bringing along Association Slate Waggons to sell plus the full array of Association Modelling Goods. Plus we will have the following stands attending:

422 Modelmaking – Andrew Creaser.

Corris Railway Society – Ian Cross.

Iconic Rail – Graham French.


It promises to be an excellent day, be there or miss out on cake!


Trent Valley Area Group Modelling Day. Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall. DE3 9GE.

Saturday 27th January 2024. 10.00am to 4.00pm.

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  • 1 month later...

Time for a reminder…. The Trent Valley Group’s annual Modelling Day takes place a fortnight today. Mike has been stockpiling bacon and my better half has been deciding which cakes to bake. So I’d better clean the track on ‘Elsbridge’ so that we’re good to go.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

What an amazing day and a great success, partially due to the great variety of layouts we had on display - although organised by the small local group of the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association, we actually had OO9, O9, O-14, O-16.5, O standard, On2, On3, 16mm and even one I hadn't thought about before which was O-24.5 as the etched trams from the Kinver Light Railway were running on 3ft 6in gauge track !!


Adrian has posted a lot of photos in the Elsbridge topic - this was Neil Blair's layout and following his sudden passing last year, it is now in the care of our local area group and was exhibited in his memory as he had also been our event organiser. See the link below.




Many thanks to all those who came to see us and in particular helped to reduce Neil's book mountain that our group had inherited - funds raised will go towards our new group layout, a project he was keen to get started once he had finished Elsbridge. It is fitting to note that one of the three helpers in the kitchen was Neil's' mum Leigh, and his husband Dan had intended to be there as well but he has a rather important accountancy exam on Monday and had some essential revision to complete.


We are already talking about our plans for next year's show . . . . . . 


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