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Loksound 5 help please

Badger boy

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Hi - dabling in DCC sound for the first time and have got a Loksound 5 decoder and would appreciate a bit of help please (Neil from Wheeltappers away at the moment so thought I'd try here)


1. There is about a one second delay between the loco moving and the 'chuff' starting - is there a cv to adjust this delay ?


2.  Is there a single CV to adjust the volume of the random sounds ?


3. Am I correct in assuming that after changing volume cv's CV31 and CV32 should be changed back to their default value ?


(tried looking in the Loksound manual but must admit most of it goes way above my head)


Many thanks in anticipation

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On 08/09/2023 at 13:17, Badger boy said:

1. There is about a one second delay between the loco moving and the 'chuff' starting - is there a cv to adjust this delay ?

No, unfortunately that doesn't exist

On 08/09/2023 at 13:17, Badger boy said:


2.  Is there a single CV to adjust the volume of the random sounds ?

The ESU V5 no longer has random SOUNDS, only random FUNCTIONS. These trigger the “normal” sounds. So all you have to do is change their volumes.

On 08/09/2023 at 13:17, Badger boy said:


3. Am I correct in assuming that after changing volume cv's CV31 and CV32 should be changed back to their default value ?

Does not affect CVs below 256 so it doesn't matter. Before changing any CV above 255 you should ALWAYS rewrite CVs 31 and 32 immediately beforehand, so it doesn't matter what values they have in operation.

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