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Is this how to wire a DCC Auto Reverser on a Single Track section? (assuming it is possible to do this...?)


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I am starting to plan a DCC layout and am considering to have a section of single track line (loco's will travel in both directions on single piece of track).  For this my initial assumption was that the layouts at either end of this single track would be treated as reversing loops and would need to incorporate an auto reverser for each end.  The more I thought about this, I prefer to avoid reversing the polarity of these sections at the end of the single track as they will be fairly large with their own complications, they will not just be simple loops.  Also if I have multiple locos on the track and the polarity suddenly switches I assume this will cause problems.


So I started to think about rather than connecting the reversing wires to the loops, but connect them to the isolated single track.  I show simplified illustrate below (actual sections to right and left will be much larger with multiple points etc.), does anyone have experience of doing something similar and comment if this will work?


I have never used an autoreverser before, but I think it will work like this, loco travelling from left hand side reaches point A, polarities match so loco continues uninterrupted.  Loco continues through isolated section onto right hand section, again polarities match so loco continues.  When loco begins to return from right hand side and enters isolated section at point B, there is now a polarity mismatch so the auto-reverser kicks in and switches the polarity of the isolated section.  Then if loco continues and goes right at point A, the polarities match which is fine, but if it were to go left the autoreverser would kick in again to harmonise the polarities.


Is my understanding correct and will this work?  I am aware I need to make the isolated section big enough to accommodate loco and longest rake of powered coaches.


Any hints, tips, wisdom gratefully received.




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The Auto-reverser section needs extending at both ends to cover the turnouts A and B, with the gap for the reversing section starting just beyond each of the turnouts(*).   
Then it will work fine provided you only ever have one train coming into the reversing section (ie. can't have a train entering at one end, and another leaving at the other end at the same time). 


(* there are ways you could wire the rails around your turnouts so the gaps are where you've shown them, but it's not the conventional way that turnouts are powered.   The outer rails of the turnouts would need to have their polarity swapped depending on the blade positions, to match the polarity around the loop  ). 



Edited by Nigelcliffe
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