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Semaphore Gantries

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  • RMweb Gold
5 hours ago, MOH said:

Many thanks to all respondents, 


I have taken some photos but just using my mobile phone, however I feel a short video may also give a better overall aspect of the entire layout and I hope to get that done asap and uploaded, maybe along with some photos, hopefully the video/photos will clarify what the passenger station has to offer.

I look forward to seeing those as it will but what I have sketched out into context. 


5 hours ago, MOH said:

Overall the signals at Bury resonate with what I am after, again purely for visual effect but meaningful if that makes any sense.

I will try to fit in a gantry, although I can do it without subject to spaces available for posts and sighting. I do have the possibility of some three-doll brackets that would be interesting structures.

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Hi all,


Apologies for the delay and that the attached videos were taken on a mobile phone, you may notice white number boards at spots on the layout, these are for me to try and keep up with what points do what and where, necessary for me to keep account of the more than 50 points on the layout.


Hopefully the link will open okay, many thanks.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

I took at look at the videos but am having trouble in relating some of the parts to the sketch. It looks as if because of the density of the tracks and scattering of the platforms that there isn't much room left for logical positionng of signals of any kind other than a forest of posts the station area. The only way to decide what is able to be positioned where would be a scale drawing, or at least proportional, to show the relationship of the tracks on the ground and the drection of traffic for running moves and what shunts or turnbacks are required. Don't forget that positioning of signals between tracks needs quite a lot of clearance where curves are involved.

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Thanks Signal Engineer,


I realise that the signaling, and other aspects of the layout, should have been addressed much earlier, however I will try to fashion a scale drawing to try and clarify things, the layout was fashioned very much on the hoof as you can probably make out.


If my error in not dealing with the signaling in a proper building sequence makes it now unrealistic I will have to live with that, the layout is purely for fun and the grand children to enjoy, perhaps it may even encourage their interest further.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Signal Engineer,


Finally got a reasonable attempt made of  a scale drawing of the principal station and its approaches etc., the scale is 1 inch to 1 foot and the grid is shown as dotted lines in the attached photo.505148150_Modelrailways-Photo30-01-23.jpg.895cbf5053466fa7aaa93bbb9e1a3394.jpg.


Apart from the main continuous running lines all others are bi-directional, the continuous running lines run off scene and return in a loop, this pictured area does not include the freight yard and tmd sections which I will hold off on for now, many thanks for your interest and help and if you feel this is impractical to signal that's fine also.

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