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SWAG'23. RMweb Members Day.

NHY 581

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  • RMweb Gold

A lovely record of the day. Callum has, once again, nailed it. 



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On 23/04/2023 at 12:47, Phil Parker said:

I see we have a spy from Devon!



One for rogues gallery I think!!!


A bit late to the party on here, but many I extend my thanks to all who put on such a superb event last Sunday! It was my first time attending and what can I say... What a wonderful and relaxing event! Was great to get to catch up with so many people, as well as meet a few new ones. Plus, was great to finally get a see a number of amazing layouts and projects I've been following over the past few years in the flesh.


I can also confirm the legendary pasties and cakes are just that! (As the image above proves)... 


@10800 has beaten me too it, but I finally got around to editing my video from the day. 


Once again many thanks to all involved and very much looking forward to hopefully attending again next year! 





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  • RMweb Gold
22 minutes ago, SDJR7F88 said:

One for rogues gallery I think!!!


A bit late to the party on here, but many I extend my thanks to all who put on such a superb event last Sunday! It was my first time attending and what can I say... What a wonderful and relaxing event! Was great to get to catch up with so many people, as well as meet a few new ones. Plus, was great to finally get a see a number of amazing layouts and projects I've been following over the past few years in the flesh.


I can also confirm the legendary pasties and cakes are just that! (As the image above proves)... 


@10800 has beaten me too it, but I finally got around to editing my video from the day. 


Once again many thanks to all involved and very much looking forward to hopefully attending again next year! 






And by return, Callum, thank you for providing such a fitting record of the day. 




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  • RMweb Gold
26 minutes ago, SDJR7F88 said:

One for rogues gallery I think!!!


A bit late to the party on here, but many I extend my thanks to all who put on such a superb event last Sunday! It was my first time attending and what can I say... What a wonderful and relaxing event! Was great to get to catch up with so many people, as well as meet a few new ones. Plus, was great to finally get a see a number of amazing layouts and projects I've been following over the past few years in the flesh.


I can also confirm the legendary pasties and cakes are just that! (As the image above proves)... 


@10800 has beaten me too it, but I finally got around to editing my video from the day. 


Once again many thanks to all involved and very much looking forward to hopefully attending again next year! 





Hi Callum, 


it was great that you could make it and sample the cake! 

Thanks for the excellent video and hopefully you will attend again perhaps bringing one of your layouts with you...

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  • RMweb Gold

I must admit, despite intending to go around first thing and take a few quick snaps of all the layouts, this didn't happen! I did manage to grab a few of the layouts by the end, but I apologise for not making it around to the rest; too much talking, demoing, and consuming delicious food. Also apologies to @mudmagnet for not getting around to photographing his brilliant 3D printed products. Next year I'll plan my time properly... I hope!

With the apologies out of the way, as always I thoroughly enjoyed what is genuinely my favourite yearly event on the calendar. I think I said this last year, but there's a reason why people come from so far for a one-day event. That is down to its laid-back nature, the friendly faces and witty banter, and the quality of the layouts in attendance. Oh and the pasties and cake, of course! If only it was a two-day event so that I could spend the first day nattering, and the second taking photos/video.


As others have said, many thanks are due to @NHY 581, @Graham_Muz, @Stubby47, @Godfrey Glyn, and many others who have helped in one way or another (apologies to those I've missed). They have all worked incredibly hard and given up their time and energy for free to put on this event. It was great to get to chat to so many from RMweb, and also be given the chance to help a few people with photography advice.

As I didn't get around to seeing/photographing everything, this won't unfortunately be a full record of the day, but I hope you will enjoy the photos regardless. This is probably going to be the first of 5 posts.

First up, and the last item to be photographed,  @DLT  brought along this...



In hindsight, I should've overexposed the image rather than try to lift the shadows in post - oh well, I'll know for next time! As I had already started packing away, I didn't have time to ask more about the model, so that'll be over to David to explain more. (Thanks for the correction, Graham - it was a long day!)


Opposite me, Stu was present with a selection of his lovely buildings, as well as a few Scale Model Scenery kits. Here's a lovely diorama of his; complete with Land Rover (in memory of Mick Bonwick):


I also sneakily grabbed a shot of him whilst I was waiting to photograph Yelverton:




Stu kindly allowed me to borrow one of his small dioramas - both to photograph, and also to use to demonstrate photography techniques:




And if that wasn't enough, Stu also bought his work-in-progress 009 layout, The Hollow. I actually spent quite a while taking photos of this little layout; I particularly loved the use of various heights and sight lines, and the muted backscene with its silhouettes. Oh and the (presumably intentional?!) wonky roof - it's hard to make something like that look 'right' on a model, but it certainly worked here:










It is certainly a great showcase for the Scale Model Scenery products, and I look forward to seeing it finished! Thanks Stu for also allowing me to operate and pose the loco where I wanted whilst I was taking photos, and well done on making great progress on it in the run-up to the show.

Edited by SouthernRegionSteam
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28 minutes ago, Graham_Muz said:

Thanks Jamie @SouthernRegionSteam

Just one minor correction the Lord Nelson is the craftsmanship of David T  @DLT of this parish.

Oh blimey - how did I manage that? Apologies David and Godfrey; I don't know how I managed to mix you both up as I've spoken to you both at length on occasions... I think I should go back to bed and get more sleep!

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6 minutes ago, SouthernRegionSteam said:

Oh blimey - how did I manage that? Apologies David and Godfrey; I don't know how I managed to mix you both up as I've spoken to you both at length on occasions... I think I should go back to bed and get more sleep!


It happens, I also couldn't resist highlighting a bit more of DLTs talented details...






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Lovely pictures Jamie, thanks for spending the time on it.


One point about the ogives - I did originally try scratchbuilding them but quickly discovered that you can't anneal an alloy like brass so bending H-section became an issue. Fortunately, along came a French supplier* who did etched kits in nickel-silver with brass and other bits, so the curved bits are flat onto which you solder two other strips inside and outside to form the H-section. The cross pieces are brass section, and on the two shown I had to widen the overall structure to accommodate platform clearances; fortunately the brass section was exactly the same as that previously sold by Eileen's so that wasn't a major drama. 


*  https://ateliercjmodels.com/epages/631c379c-594e-4ae7-bdda-fdf984f11fd8.sf/fr_FR/?ObjectPath=/Shops/631c379c-594e-4ae7-bdda-fdf984f11fd8/Categories/4/13/Les_supports



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Thanks a bundle. :-)

As well as replacing all the tie bars and replacing the fiddle yard with a train table for one man operation, I am going to have to make it much wider and taller!

Trowland looks so much better in your photos.

Thank you for posting them here for us all to enjoy.


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  • RMweb Gold
27 minutes ago, Rob R said:


Trowland looks so much better in your photos.



Er......nope. Excellent as Jamie's photos are, Trowland, along with all the other layouts there on Sunday looked utterly splendid "in the flesh". 





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  • RMweb Premium

Fabulous photos of a fabulous day!  My HUGE thanks to everyone involved. 

As has been said by many, this has become one of the main "must attend" events in the calendar

Not sure what else to say really!


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9 minutes ago, DLT said:

Fabulous photos of a fabulous day!  My HUGE thanks to everyone involved. 

As has been said by many, this has become one of the main "must attend" events in the calendar

Not sure what else to say really!


That’s a bold claim, is it cake induced.



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  • RMweb Gold
8 hours ago, DLT said:

Everything at SWAG is cake induced.....



I am assured by my cake maker that the Vietnamese Coffee Cake will make an appearance next year. 


In addition, the Research and Development section has a few things up their sleeves.......though I suspect the Courgette and Lime sponge will still be produced. 





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4 minutes ago, Gilbert said:

That's two of the five-a-day sorted then..




The Experimental division is working on a Beetroot and chocolate muffin............



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In other news and of an equally serious nature as next year's cake, the funds from the bring and buy have now dropped into the SWAG account. 


So, that's stage two complete ( stage one being taking it on the day ). 


Please bear with us ( myself and Godfrey ) as we negotiate stage three which is working out how to get it from there, back to those who have sold items..........


We'll hopefully be in touch over the next week or so. 


As soon as this is done,I can sort out the charitable donation and then balance the books. 




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