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PALLET LANE 1977 BR blue urban branch line


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Rob.


Sorry i don't think your the first, as i noticed some of the layouts at Ally Pally the other weekend had QR codes on them. Its a good idea though.


I look forward to seeing Pallet lane at a show soon.



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Hi Rob.


Sorry i don't think your the first, as i noticed some of the layouts at Ally Pally the other weekend had QR codes on them. Its a good idea though.


I look forward to seeing Pallet lane at a show soon.




I am not surprised, they seem to be everywhere now, it certainly attracted some interest.




Photos of the other layouts on the Cheltenham thread, here some I took of Pallet Lane:


Fiddle yard this morning, raring to go:



Fuel train shunting looking from the town scene:




08623 mid shunting. One that doesn't seem to get much air time due to issues with the insulfrog points at slow speed, although since I have the feedback controller, its much happier.



40135 with the burnout brakevan and Loriot. I am still undecided what to do when Bachmann bring out the new 40 whether to replace this or stick with the one I have, will have to see what it looks like but am hoping they get it spot on..




I also managed to arrive at the show with 1 Layout and leave with 2 as I have acquired a 2mm finescale layout. Plan is to finish it then move it on, I have no 2mm stock nor any desire to get into 2mm but the blank canvass was too tempting.



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  • 1 month later...

I am not normally one for revisiting "completed" projects but the 3 class 37's are receiving some moderate surgery. As my user name might suggest I am a big fan of 37's both model and real, having owned over 40 over my life time but as of today own just the 3 for Pallet Lane - 37009,032 and 240. The locos are based on the Bachmann second release, a major improvement on the original but marred by nose front, with detail placed incorrectly and overly large buffer beam skirts. On the previous version of RMweb I outlined the mods to shorten the skirts and replace the buffers, which is a dramatic improvement if not 100%.


In this form the locos operated on Pallet Lane until last year when I decided to have a bash at the underframes. Bachmann's rendition is a bit 2D for my liking and has no representation of the brackets holding the tanks in place. So out came the scalpel, to cut away the cut outs in the corner of the tanks, while the brackets and pipe work was built from scratch:






The current modification relates to replacing the steps with PHD steps, the first one being fitted to 37009. The steps are fantastically detailled and took a fair amount of time to assemble just the one in the photo.




I was nervous as to how durable they are for exhibition use, especially as one of the Bachmann ones was damaged, but it feels solid fully assembled and glued in place. I am not 100% happy with my soldering, I am out of practice and it is fair to say soldering such small parts is a good eye sight test! With 12 sets to do I would normally assemble them on a production line basis, but the size and fragility of the parts does not lend them to this approach, and each one will be completed and secured to the loco before the next is started.


The steps stick out further than before, but the Bachmann frames are overwide so the bogies will be narrowed by removing the side frames and re securing, the frames are also too low against the axle centres. The work on the frames will be done before I do anymore steps.


Other work planned is the replacement of the Fan grilles with the Shawplan Extreme etches version, and replacement of the window surrounds from the same source. I am hoping to avoid a full respray on the bodies, any tips on the best source to match for Bachmann Blue?

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Hi Rob,

I am working on a class 37 at the moment so more underframe pics would be good. I might have a go at that myself. I agree re the bogies I have one in bits at the moment.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Pete, here are some pics of 37255 I took earlier this year which maybe of help (No1 end is to the left):










My own camera is not great so am struggling to get the detail to show up clearly in the photos. I have put as much detail as I can between the tanks, but haven't added the sand pipes on the bogie ends as my curves are too tight. Ideally it needs somebody to do replacement resin tanks and etched brackets....

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Thanks rob,

I am guessing you removed the plastic underframe from the metal bock on your loco so that you can get hacking?


cheers Peter.


Hi Pete,


Yes I did, I can't see a way of doing it properly without removing the frame to be honest, you need to be able to access the inside of the tanks to rebuild the corners. It also removes the risk of getting swarf in the motor



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Just found this on RM web, having seen the Modeller articles (don't know how I missed it!) .Great layout really creates a good atmosphere


Thanks. I don't post updates that often hence it slips down the topic list. If I have to search for the topic it also comes at the bottom of the 2nd page of search results.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More progress on the class 37 bogies, last night I decided to do the necessary alterations to the bogie sideframes. As has been documented elsewhere, the Bachmann bogie frames are overwide, and are set too low, presumably to allow enough room for up/down movements when approaching train set gradients. With the new steps, the original width would cause clearance issues so the sideframes are cut off and repositioned so the axle boxes line up with the axle centres.


The picture below shows where the cuts were made:




The photo below shows the tank access plate and support brackets added to the end of the fuel tanks. Although representations as opposed to rivet perfect they serve the purpose of removing the daylight that was otherwise see from a side on view.




A before and after comparison, on the left is the original unmodified bogie. The photos understate the difference the changes make, the modified model having a much more realistic "stance"




With the bogie mods done, I can crack on with the new steps. The plan is to do the other end of 37009 and finish painting & weathering the steps. As the locos are only ever viewed from one side The other side of the loco will be left alone until after Stormex to allow me to check the clearances in the platform in case I have to modify the loco or the platform.

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Hi Rob,

I have decided to leave my tanks for now but did do the bogie mod. I think I will try your method next time though, as you have cut inside the brake gear. I cut off flush with the bogie frames and had to move the brake gear. Your method looks alot easier.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Rob,

I have decided to leave my tanks for now but did do the bogie mod. I think I will try your method next time though, as you have cut inside the brake gear. I cut off flush with the bogie frames and had to move the brake gear. Your method looks alot easier.


Cheers Peter.


Hi Peter,


Once I had done the first one it was pretty straightforward. Re the tanks I doubt I would have done it were it not for having a demonstration slot to fill, I twas circa 12 hours work for all 3 locos, that would have taken months of normal modelling time!





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Hi Rob,

Yes some times it does come down to time, and I take long enough to get things done as it is. Plus it's always something I can have a go at later on.


Re the bogies, I had a job to get the sides to sit straight when I was glueing them back on, how did you go?


Chees Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rob,

Yes some times it does come down to time, and I take long enough to get things done as it is. Plus it's always something I can have a go at later on.


Re the bogies, I had a job to get the sides to sit straight when I was glueing them back on, how did you go?


Chees Peter.


Sorry Pete, I missed your question, I clipped the central section back into the bogie, then used the wiper pickups as a guide to ensure the sideframes were aligned horizontally. I also quickly put the loco back on its wheels and double checked before the glue had fully set, I had to redo a couple but otherwise ok. Definitely not easy to get it right, I think a couple of mine are a little high.


Out of interest what glue did you use, I have had a couple of mine come adrift, but think it could have been down to using oldish superglue, so have bought some new stuff this weekend.





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Sorry Pete, I missed your question, I clipped the central section back into the bogie, then used the wiper pickups as a guide to ensure the sideframes were aligned horizontally. I also quickly put the loco back on its wheels and double checked before the glue had fully set, I had to redo a couple but otherwise ok. Definitely not easy to get it right, I think a couple of mine are a little high.


Out of interest what glue did you use, I have had a couple of mine come adrift, but think it could have been down to using oldish superglue, so have bought some new stuff this weekend.






Hi Rob,

No worries, and thanks. I used superglue on mine but made sure there was plenty around the joins. What I have done though is not glue the inner end, this leave some flexibility when clipping the bogie back on.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks Pete, I haven't tried to remove the bogies since the mods to see how mine fair, although I have filled down the retaining lugs so getting them off should be easier.

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Thanks Pete, I haven't tried to remove the bogies since the mods to see how mine fair, although I have filled down the retaining lugs so getting them off should be easier.


Oh yes I did that too, just on the inner end lug.


Cheers Peter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pallet Lane (in its shorter format) is appearing at the Stormex exhibition in Cheltenham tomorrow, I will be joined by Neal (Calnefoxile) who will be helping with the operational duties, hopefully we will get plenty of chance to catch up with some familiar faces!


37009 has been test run on the layout last night and the modified steps are fine clearance wise, so will crack on with the rest of them post stormex. I am also hoping to pick up the bits from Shawplan to do the next stage of work on the class 37's to modify the windscreens and fan grilles, which will be the Autumn project, meaning Pallet Lane will be without a class 37 for Chippenham, the aim being that all 3 37's will be finished in time for Thornbury.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hope all goes well for you over the weekend Rob, look forward to catching up at Chippenham if not before!

......Pallet Lane will be without a class 37 for Chippenham....

Noooooooooooooo! Like a roast without gravy! :O



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Hope all goes well for you over the weekend Rob, look forward to catching up at Chippenham if not before!


Noooooooooooooo! Like a roast without gravy! :O




Neal said something similar today!! Currently taking 2 hours to complete each PHD step, never mind cracking on with the grilles and windscreen surrounds, so will have to see what I can get done in the time available over the next 7 weeks.


Big thanks for all the positive comments from those who visited Stormex today and to Andy Y for the photos he took of the layout, good to meet up with some familiar faces and put faces to familiar names.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pallet Lane has gained a little brother, will start a seperate thread in the fullness of time but have a 4x2 blank board to build a "mini Pallet Lane" on which to try out some new (to me) things including finescale track and a hand built point

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