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Loosing a pet

Kevin Johnson

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Kevin Johnson said:

I know it might sound silly but it has left a big gap in our lives

R.I.P. my little max


Not silly at all, they are a big part of our lives and give their love freely.  I have a couple of rescue cats and love them dearly but at certain times I still miss the cat  I lost in 1991 and indeed my dog who I lost when I was a teenager (in the 60's).

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We have fishes (tropical freshwater inside and goldies outside) and even some of these have personalities and respond to you, so you are sad when they die.  There is also a guinea pig, and we are going to be devoed when he goes; he should have a few years left yet, though!  The loss of a cat or dog is horrible, and I remember my dad being distraught when our budgie kicked it.


My sympathies, Kevin.

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Anyone who’s ever had the company of a pet will have been there and know what you’re going through, our latest was just over a year ago and it pains now (the one before that was nine years and even that’s still raw) but the 8 years she was with us I like to think were her best and I take great comfort from that, and we’ve many great memories of her antics.


Another dog is a massive step, but a month ago we took on a rescue Labrador, just over a year old and we’re her third home, which seems unbelievable for one so young. She’s a challenge but seeing the progress in the short time we’ve had her, and that she’s happy in her new home is very rewarding. You never replace a pet, each is their own character and has their own place, but giving a home to one that needed it was in some way paying tribute to the one we lost, her space is occupied again, her toys are played with and our other Lab now knows what she put her older sister through when she was a pup!


Don’t rush into it, you’ll know when you’re ready, but filling that void is extremely rewarding.

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Yes, I've been there and feel proud that I've given a good home to fourteen cats since 1978. All were different characters and, whilst they sometimes didn't get on with each other, it made you understand their basic instincts which in turn made you respect the individual. I never had more than four at one time but they all lived to at least 14+, including my three legged and no tail conversion after being in a fight with a vixen fox.

My wife is not really a cat lover but tolerates my love for the  species so after the passing of our 'last' cat Pepper in September 2019 we decided to do without cats as I could see that I had to compromise and please the household............this lasted until January 2020 when I got in touch with cats protection regarding adoption of a rescue kitten. I must say that my situation was not helped by constant 'bombardment' of television advertising from the RSPCA, PDSA and Cats Protection, which had the effect of bringing me to tears, so I ended up adopting two as it was a mother and son combination and my wife came with me to give her approval!

So whatever the obstacles and practicalities, it is the 'heart' that makes the decision and I applaud everybody that is prepared to give a pet a loving 'home'.


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Cats - I am not looking forward to the day when Rosie 16 years plus leaves me - I had two others in the last 6 years leave & it left a big hole in my heart,.

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Was devastated when we had our last cat put to sleep and cried when she slept on my knee the night before knowing it would be the last time but it was the right thing to do for her. She was the best pet I have ever owned and we have had 5 cats over the years. We have a new rescue cat now and while she fills some of that gap left she cannot fill it completely. I was more upset over that cat than I was over some family members!


So no- not silly/ stupid or soppy -shows you have a heart and you care


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  • RMweb Gold

It's not silly, they are a massive part of your life and part of your family so it is hard when that time comes.


June 19th just gone was the 1st anniversary of having to say goodbye to Spike after 21 years, it was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I still miss him today, it took months before I stopped expecting to see him yawning and waking up on the stairs when I open the front door after being out, kept catching him in the corner of my eye or just expecting him to be around somewhere. On the 18th, my partner was in the kitchen and felt something rub on her leg. She looked down fully expecting to see Spike there. Almost exactly a year before Spike, I lost Spliff in 2020, also after 21 years. With her though, she wandered off to find her resting place and I never managed to find her so it wasn't quite as hard as having to make that decision at the vets. I miss her just as much, they were both unique characters and very loving cats.  I've actively stayed away from the On Cats thread since last year.


It will get easier with time, even if it doesn't feel that way right now.

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On 27/06/2022 at 18:49, Ouroborus said:

There's barely a day goes by when i don't think about this guy.  Only with us for 18 months before he was hit and killed.  God i miss him.   Can't wait for that day to come when we're reunited.




That brought the tears to my eyes: “I loved you your whole life; I’ll miss you for the rest of mine


Lucy, my Vizla mix, is now approaching 12 years of age and as a medium sized dog she probably has another four or five years and as she is a mongrel she also has what they called “hybrid vigour“ - which generally means a good basic state of health. However, you can already tell that she is aging – apart from the white muzzle, she is also very stiff in the mornings until she loosens up/warms up. As long as Lucy (and my other dog, Schotty) are happy and pain-free then all the drawbacks of aging (blindness, deafness, incontinence and “doggy dementia“) will be managed. A small price to pay for everything the dogs have given me.


And when it is time I will give them the biggest gift that I can: which is to have the Vet come to the house to euthanise them, so that their last moments will be in a place that they know and love surrounded by the people they love and who love them.

I will then go to pieces….

7 hours ago, Markwj said:

I was more upset over that cat than I was over some family members!…

This is perfectly normal, although most people don’t realise or recognise that losing a much loved pet (especially a dog or a cat) is as traumatic as losing a family member. In some cases, more so. And when you look at it logically, grieving over a pet that has given you nothing but love and friendship over grieving for someone who you barely know (or like) just because they are related to you makes perfect sense, psychologically.


I don’t recall where I read it, but there was a study published somewhere that looked at “traumatic life events” - which are those events that have a major and permanent impact on a persons life: these included bereavement, divorce, moving country and losing a pet.

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

No pet can ever replace a lost one, or fill in that hole. It'll never be the same again. But a new pet can very much create a new place that's just as meaningful. It's just a different one. It's not a replacement, never can be, but can be just as special.

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One of the benefits of our vets opening a new vet hospital (apart from the great gear they have now) is that there is a back entrance out which you can go, so you do not have to face people while crying.  I was very glad of it 7 years ago when Badger died.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'll agree with everyone above - it's not silly at all. Pets are our constant companions, day in, day out, and give unconditional love - as provider of food, warmth and shelter we really are the entire world to them.


We lost our Clydie just over a year ago, and still think of him every day - and I'm sure we will for many years to come. We've since got another kitten, but as others have said, it's not about replacing them, but about creating a new bond, a new friendship.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know how you feel. I was in bits when our Noelle died aged 13, six years ago, then our Holly aged 16, four years ago.  Thankfully we have two more dogs, Maggie  and Ruby as family members.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well as I type this, my partner is having our dog of 19 years put down, old age, cancer and the heat is proving to much for him, having to hydrate him by squirting water via a syringe because he can't swallow is no way for him to live and suffer. 


R. I. P Scamp. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been trying to lose mine for ages


When we had to have our last two put down (within 6 months of each other), SWMBO otherwise known as 'The Boss', asked if we were having another dog.


"No", says I, "at least as long as you keep wagging your tail when I come home, we don't need another"


4 weeks later.....




Jim Arrived.


Although he is technically a Patterdale Terrier, he is officially a little Sh1t.


Mainly because he is small, brown,warm, round and smelly.




And this is (generally) how pleased he is to see me!!.


He is the first dog that I have ever had who doesn't always welcome me home.


He is the first dog that I have ever had who doesn't do mornings. (He will often sleep in until after 10 a.m., but his record is 20 past 3 from 9 p.m the previous evening.)


And if I go to work without him, he sulks....


For days.... and days!!





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