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J. Lyons & Co Ltd, Greenford Green Depot

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I have finally started building the control panel so I may actually start laying track in the not too distant future! However the time over the last year hasn't completely ignored this project. I have done a bit more research and have found another loco that worked at Greenford and an intriguing rail vehicle used on the Greenford system.


Looking through the IRS Records, I have found reference to a loco that was used at Greenford on test. It was the Armstrong Whitworth demonstration loco D10. Record 180 has an article about the AW diesel locos and from the information in this article it appears to have been on test at Greenford during 1933. This information seems to come from the Brian Webb Pioneer Diesel Locos book. The loco is of course available in kit form from High Level Motors. I am very tempted to get on of these as its an interesting loco. 


The intriguing vehicle is this




The photo was taken by the late Frank Jux at Greenford sometime in the 1960s. All I know about the vehicle is whats in the photo. I think it is powered as I think the power source is all the things that can be seen on the underframe. appears to be some sort of engine. I don't think that it is just braking equipment. The handle on the underframe that extend up looks like it is some form of control lever, whether it is for a motor, brake or both. It seems to have been used to carry something that was pushed on and off to the loading dock but seems to have only been done at one end. I cannot decide if it is standard gauge or some narrow gauge. I am not sure if the two men pushing something away on a barrow on the left have anything to do with the machine or are just co-incidental. Any suggestions for the vehicles use or how or if it was powered are welcome. It has given me an idea though. 


 The photo is also interesting as to the buildings on the left hand side, some nice details there.



Edited by nomisd
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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst I wade through what seems like the unending task of making a control panel, this has arrived.




It is of course a Model Rail/Dapol Sentinel. I have got one because one operated at Greenford on loan from the GWR on occasion and I have decided that I would like to try and replicate Greenford's actual roster (as well as operate it with other industrial locos). So this is the frist loco towards that. It will need de-transferring but that can wait for now. When ordering this I sort of got another loco that I didn't really plan to get but you know how it goes...




This is actually destined for mainline operation. I have been looking for a rail blue 08 but have been finding it difficult to find. I saw this under the class 11s on the Model Rail site and I couldn't really pass it up. Its completely out of my date range but it is rather nice. They both arrived this morning.



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