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steve fay

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4 hours ago, Gedward said:

Looking good Steve. The red soil really places it in the Devonshire landscape.

What track are you using on this one?


I shall be using C&L bullhead for the most part,  I will probably add some Peco flat bottom in on the down line ( this was relaid first ) as well. 
What I’ve not decided yet is whether I use Peco flexi or individual components on laser cut sleepers.  

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I made a few temporary legs to elevate the layout so I could cut in the polystyrene for the front end,  this section is removable so we can get closer for track laying.  Carving the polystyrene to form the path of the stream and placed the Skytrex outlet in place,  I will have a few trees down here,  their final placement is yet to be decided.



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Today I’ve done a little on the ground where the “man” planted forest will be,  building up in layers of static grasses and other flock scenic materials.  The first hedge row is in on the opposite side. I’ve got to be careful how much I add this side as we have to lean over to lay the track.  Once the trees are planted and I can see where the sunlight penetrates the canopy I’ll add some ferns here and there. 
There’s something quite therapeutic about going out and viewing nature and then coming home and replicating your own little world.



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Sunday fun day! More cutting and carving of polystyrene, painting the plaster with a wash of terracotta and red,  laying down a bed of real earth as this will be under a canopy of trees the grass will be thinner.  I’ve made up some slabs on top of the outlet out of DAS clay,  first time I’ve used it,  I’ll use it to disguise the joints in the 422 resin stone wall as well but these will be the last to go in after the lower section is fixed in place post track laying.  I painted in more Liquitex gel on the water fall yesterday and that’s drying out nicely,  once I’m happy I’ll go over it with clear gloss nail polish to make it really shine.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • steve fay changed the title to St Stephens Bank, Western region steam on a sunny day in South Devon

Adding some backing plates over the polystyrene on the 3rd board,  it’s cheaper than using no nails.  
just in case the pictures cannot be recovered here’s Haskins tunnel,  I will be reducing the length of the cutting on the left to provide a better view.  



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Back home from the Newport show with this superb Intentio GWR road bridge for St Stephens, not a drop of glue on this yet.  Superb kits,  Highly recommended.  I can see a nice 3D printed version of myself standing on there.


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After a day of painting and baking Teignton Lane farm bridge is looking almost ready to plant.  I will add more weathering once in place and I can concentrate powders where the chimney blast would be,  I’ll finish up the wing walls tomorrow.  I’ve gone a little more fancy with the engineers blue on this one and final weathering will take place once it’s bedded in and the scenery built up around it.  Another quality product from Intentio.



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