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Model Rail Scotland 2022


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15 hours ago, AY Mod said:

I'm trying to rationalise the concept of complaints being a form of support; but I can't.

A reasoned complaint can be very valuable to an organisation, particularly if it is one that is echoed many times (however a one off complaint can also be equally valuable) . It tells the organisation that something is wrong and gives them a chance to look at what that is and see if there are ways to improve (obviously there will be times when there is not a way to improve or the complaint despite having reasons is unreasonable). 

If the complainant can see that their comments are taken seriously they are more likely to return or purchase again. A complainant who never makes the complaint (either directly to the organisation or in a location likely to be seen by the organisation) is far less likely to ever give the organisation a second chance. 


An unreasoned complaint however is not any form of support, just saying "I hated that", "they are rubbish" etc. does not help anyone improve, just like saying "I enjoyed it" or "It was nice" does not give enough information to inform, it just gives a pat on the back or demotivates. 

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18 hours ago, Legend said:

Well I was all  set to go.  Day off work was going to Barber first to let the queue get down . Took a lateral flow test before going to barber and the bloody thing was positive ! So isolating and now got sniffly cold . Deep Joy !




Same here, having avoided Covid for 2 years

it found me this week.  Really sorry to have missed the show as I always look forward to it.  May have to ask some of the guys from the club to pick up some bits and pieces.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Waverley47708 said:


Same here, having avoided Covid for 2 years

it found me this week.  Really sorry to have missed the show as I always look forward to it.  May have to ask some of the guys from the club to pick up some bits and pieces.

Sod’s law isn’t it . I’ve avoided it for 2 years too .   Hope you feeling ok . Seems to have taken the form of a headcold here .  Definitely tested positive though . Looking forward now to Perth in June !  Don’t think there’s anything inbetween in Central Scotland .


As to retailer layout mix , well it’s certainly changed since the days of MacLellan Galleries  when it was mainly layouts and the traders were Railmail, Scotch Corner (I think they were in Kilmarnock) and good old MacMillans . But then I never had any money to spend then . Usually it was just the new Hornby catalogue I came away with which added to the magic .   But the hobby has changed . Back then it was Hornby , Wrenn and a bit of Trix . Now there’s a profusion of manufacturers , and of course many have stands themselves . I actually like browsing the traders stands looking for that elusive bargain or something that sparks an idea or two .   Remembering also that despite Glasgow hosting the largest exhibition in Scotland there aren’t many model shops around . I can only think of Cambuslang Model Centre . So retail therapy at exhibitions is required 




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Congratulations to the organisers of MRS for getting the show to happen at all.  Speaking personally, I think that my reaction to a show depends on how I feel on the day and who I meet, as much as on the quality of the layouts.  Some years I love MRS, some years I think meh.


I'm a bit surprised that we're not even allowed to express disappointment now --- surely a personal reaction and not a reflection on the organisers?  Although Bino's speculation on the motives of Simon Kohler (surely in jest?) was perhaps uncalled for.



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  • RMweb Premium

I went to MRS yesterday from 11 to 4 and congratulations to the organisers for putting on the show. 


It was the furthest I've been for two years (since MRS 2020) and I drove rather than take the bus + 2 trains option, having arranged a route that avoided the congestion through the roadworks on the M8 and an alternative to the expensive and badly organised official SEC parking.   The wider aisles made the show seem less busy and I hope it is a commercial success.  Covid precautions seemed effective and well observed (except for two large traders, now on my blacklist,  whose staff were maskless - seems to be a Yorkshire thing).


Some of the usual traders were missing and it seems odd that Hornby, as one of the show's sponsors, were not there. but I thought that there was a good mix.  Enough traders to avoid too much duplication but a chance to compare offerings and prices.  For manufacturers, I assume a good way of advertising and getting comments from potential customers and a chance for modellers to look at what is /will be available and ask questions.  The various small O gauge layouts keep fanning the smouldering embers for me to do something in 7mm, while the highlights for me were three "trains in the landscape " ones - Blair Atholl towards Drumochter, Bron Hebog and Montague Field.  The latter was the most evocative portrayal of  industrial decay and the recent magazine article did not really capture how the layout oozes (grimy) atmosphere. 

Edited by MikeB
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1 hour ago, MikeB said:

Covid precautions seemed effective and well observed (except for two large traders, now on my blacklist,  whose staff were maskless - seems to be a Yorkshire thing).


I don't know which traders they are but probably at least one did Doncaster without anything untoward. To repeat others, it's good they bothered to come at all, and were willing to suffer the restrictions.:D Looking forward to getting back to Glasgow after the 21st March. 


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2 hours ago, Camperdown said:

I'm a bit surprised that we're not even allowed to express disappointment now ---


Try a few years of sitting in this chair witnessing the undue haste to air negative opinions from a minority and then see how you feel about it. Whether that be being first to spot a problem in an EP, too few S Scale D&E layouts at an exhibition or an out of period chuffer in a TV show it's just mind-numbingly depressing; especially when there are more important things in life. A few people have just got no sense of perspective. 

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1 hour ago, AY Mod said:


Try a few years of sitting in this chair witnessing the undue haste to air negative opinions from a minority and then see how you feel about it. Whether that be being first to spot a problem in an EP, too few S Scale D&E layouts at an exhibition or an out of period chuffer in a TV show it's just mind-numbingly depressing; especially when there are more important things in life. A few people have just got no sense of perspective. 


This is a serious point, if it affects you so much why continue to it? Of all the forums I contribute to this one has to be the most interventionist; its one thing to filter out scam/spam/ah hominem, but you obviously spend significant time 'gardening' topics which don't fit. While many jobs make you want to tell people to refer to Arkell vs Pressdram most people set a point they intervene at levels that are practicable and sustainable without going doolally.  

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Just on my way home from MRS. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day there. There was a good mix of layouts and also a very good mix of trade exhibitors . Well worth the entrance fee. It was pleasantly busy which was good to see.

Although I am an N gauge enthusiast I have to say my favourite layouts were Bron Hebog and Blair Athol. I did think all the N gauge layouts were very good as well. Beijing is worthy of a mention for being a little different and a good intensity of running. But I did find all the layouts were good in their own way and they achieved what they set out to achieve. A big well done to the organisers and the exhibitors. 

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2 hours ago, Bomag said:


This is a serious point, if it affects you so much why continue to it? Of all the forums I contribute to this one has to be the most interventionist; its one thing to filter out scam/spam/ah hominem, but you obviously spend significant time 'gardening' topics which don't fit. While many jobs make you want to tell people to refer to Arkell vs Pressdram most people set a point they intervene at levels that are practicable and sustainable without going doolally.  

And if you are that unhappy with the level of moderation, there are other forums.


I've been on the receiving end of moderation, you take it on the chin and move on.  At the end of the day it's BRM's forum, they set the rules of the club and you have a choice, no one forces us to post on here.

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2 hours ago, Chris M said:

Just on my way home from MRS. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day there. There was a good mix of layouts and also a very good mix of trade exhibitors . Well worth the entrance fee. It was pleasantly busy which was good to see.

Although I am an N gauge enthusiast I have to say my favourite layouts were Bron Hebog and Blair Athol. I did think all the N gauge layouts were very good as well. Beijing is worthy of a mention for being a little different and a good intensity of running. But I did find all the layouts were good in their own way and they achieved what they set out to achieve. A big well done to the organisers and the exhibitors. 

Bron Hebog I thought was amazing, the time it took for a train to traverse the scenic area was impressive.  Blair Athol was I think more interesting off the rails, the hotel and the other buildings at the front were excellent models alone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back to the show. . . . Well with high expectations I went to the show today and to be honest I was disappointed <_<. . . .       Yup. . . Despite some of the previous posts I had read on here prior to attending, It was great !

  Layouts :- Yes there were fewer layouts and with things as they have been this was to be expected but those that WERE back exhibiting were obviously glad to be back out mixing with the unclean and were working hard to remember just what the heck they WERE meant to be doing and doing thier best to keep us entertained. I liked the mix of small medium and a lesser number of large layouts and saw good numbers in front of every layout at different times throughout the day. Nice to see a good number of n gauge as well, more than I've seen in one mixed gauge show before.  I'm not going to call out individual layouts for praise as to me ALL had made the effort to get out and do what they can to help us get us back to normality.


Traders :- A good mix of the usual suspects  working Dammed hard over three intense days to bring us those essentuals, yeah ok it's a business but YOU think what it's like standing THAT side of the counter hour after hour for three days dealing with US ungrateful !

I'm only going to mention one and thats to complain, Its that mob from Sheffield and specifically those two Siren ladies on the stand. You, yes you two, yes remember that black thing with the shiny roof ? The one that was OoS, sold out, not available ? And yes you just ' happened' to have one lonely one left . . How could you do that to me ? :cry:. Yup I bought it.


Manufacturers, (Comissioners) :- I'm not going to go into individual ones here I'll do that on thier own threads but. . . What a breath of fresh Air ! There are so many young exciting enthusiastic dedicated young Companies/ Teams/ Individuals that are pushing new High detail/ high quality products at us that I actually felt excited about the future of our Hobby !  Bachmann, sorry I didn't even make it on to your stand as I was too busy visiting all the new players and being wowed. Hornby ?  For whatever reason you didn't attend. As A lifelong Hornby supporter I have to say that seeing whats coming ? You REALLY will need to up your game. 

 Finally the Organisers :-  Simply thank you. In A difficult time I think you pulled it off, ( Even though at times it must seam like a thankless task and you must wonder why you give your time, A silent majority of us really DO appreciate your efforts.


One minor complaint though ? You really MUST up your standards, these days you'll let just ANYBODY in !!




Clive, No that NOT where you plug your layout in. . You've blown the Ruddy lights again !!

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1 minute ago, Bomag said:


Anything related to depression and mental health should not be easily dismissed. Your two posts are contrapuntal, one implies a level of depression, the other effectively implies that you are happy with swearing at people; neither may be fully accurate. It is up to you to decide what your position is but it would help the rest of us when you have 'had enough' you allow others do do the moderating.


The fact that you are royally ****ing me off does not mean I am depressed you patronising *****.



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Huge thanks to Matt (TentValleyRailway) for his video. Domestic reasons meant I couldn't make the trip south to the show but a great video of the show made up for it. ( A bit!) The standard of the layouts looked to be very high so I definitely missed out. Plans are afoot for next year when hopefully I will be in a position to be able to travel.



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1 hour ago, AY Mod said:


The fact that you are royally ****ing me off does not mean I am depressed you patronising *****.




You once gobbed at me for cussing, and I used a lot less asterisks than you.

Now nip down to your corner shop and blow another 9 quid on 4 bottles; and leave any cats alone that you encounter on the way.

And relax...............


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8 hours ago, TrentValleyRailway said:

Great day out on Friday and plenty of space between layouts and traders that it didnt feel crammed in. Blair Atholl a stand out amongst many great layouts and managed to get some footage of every layout (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCThlKoIXJyqF6ho_bj0A3bAwith thanks to everyone involved and the organisers of the show.  

In other news, now the exhibition has concluded a huge congratulations to all involved and hoping for more of the same next year 




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Great day out yesterday, finally got home at 11pm (left the house at 6am) Huge thanks to the organising team for putting on a such a good exhibition in what has been very difficult circumstances. The hall didn’t feel as busy as years gone by but that could be down to the widened aisles. It was nice to catch up with people I have not seen in 2 years. The day absolutely flew by. 
It was also good to some of newer small traders (West Hill Wagon Works etc) and actually be able to look at their products in the flesh rather than just online.

Layout highlights for me: 


Blair Atholl

Bron Hebog

Clackmannan Goods


Arun Quay

Dalby Lane


Also good to see the newer manufacturers with toolings on display. Really looking forward to getting my Accurascale 37’s later in the year now I’ve seen the decorated examples and trying to convince myself that I don’t need a 31 or a 56!
Thanks again to everyone involved with the exhibition, looking forward to next year already, will have to make a full weekend though! 



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  • RMweb Gold

Who needs a day out. I'm sitting here watching dcc125's video's and looks like it was a good show. Really should get a beer whilst i watch. As well as Blair Atholl being mightily impressive, Montague Fields stood out with the level of detail across the harbour


Andy, is this your attempt at introducing Wordle to the site?

6 hours ago, AY Mod said:

****ing me off does not mean I am depressed you patronising *****


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