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Big Jim’s attempt to become Slim Jim

big jim

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  • RMweb Gold
26 minutes ago, wombatofludham said:

Hotel in Walsall?  Did it come with hot and cold running cockroaches?

(Before anyone kicks off, I was born there, I have family there and used to work in the Civic Centre for a while.  That gives me locus standi...)



Staying right next to junction 10, thankfully I’m on the bike so don’t have to fight the traffic to get here from bescot!


it’s a nice hotel to be fair, the gym is a proper one, not just a treadmill in a store room, 25m pool too

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  • RMweb Gold

Good job you are on your diet as the KFC (Kan't Find the Chicken) at J10 was once found to have traces of faecal matter in their ice.  Presumably their large family bucket ended up being repurposed after eating there.


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On 14/09/2021 at 18:59, big jim said:





Just noticed the Halfrauds D-lock.  FWIW I am reliably informed by an acquaintance of mine who wears a dark blue suit and a funny-shaped hat by way of working clothes that any kid over the age of 12 can open one of those even if they don;t have the modified key that also opens the Aldi/Lidl (?) ones ...

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting, I went for that one as it seemed to have decent reviews and a good security rating, let’s hope I never have to find out if it’s any good! 

Broke the 1200 mile mark today too



just booked it in for a service and a bit of work, the rear brakes are contaminated with oil so I’ve had to order new rear disc and pads, while they are doing that I’m going to have a new back tyre as that is getting quite worn now and also have the gear cassette swapped over for one I have with a bigger hill climbing cog just to see how it goes, that will require a new chain as well, I’m going from a 38 to a 41 cog for those who understand these things! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Had to have a weigh in one day early as I’m lodging away the rest of the week so won’t be near the scales tomorrow!


lost 1lb so down to 17.2 Stone now, 5.7 Stone lost in total so far


Going to be a difficult end of the week as I’m living out of a hotel until Saturday so I’ve got to be careful not to over eat however the hotel is 10 mile from the end of tonight’s job and then 3.5 mile to and from kings Norton the rest of the week, also planning on visiting my sister on Thursday, she’s in studley which is about 13 mile away so I should get a few miles in to and from there too 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good exercise progress last week, managed a bit of running and a tiny bit of walking but again smashed the cycling mileage thanks to the travelling back and forth between the hotel in longbridge and kings Norton depot, I did come off the bike once though when the wheel got caught on the edge of the tarmac and hurt my shoulder and hip but nothing too serious, just as well it wasn’t on the towpath! 


Going to be a hard one again this week, potentially just 8 miles a day round trip commute, sleeping in the day and living on hotel food, have a few things planned if I’m up and about but the bit below may put pat to that…..


had the bike in for a bit of work, new rear tyre and brakes (they were contaminated with oil) and I got them to swap the rear cassette for one with a taller climbing gear but riding to work last night I had major problems with the motor throwing up faults which according to the codes was a possible hall sensor failure (code 2 and 42) it felt like when I put effort on the motor it cut out, it will eventually come back then then cut out again, I disconnected the motor from the loom at the connector and checked the connections which seem dry and after that it improved a bit and only cut out a couple of times on the way back to the hotel after about 3 miles but it’s still not right 


im hoping to get it back to a branch of Halfords near to my hotel as I’m away for the week now, thankfully I’ve got the car with the bike rack on as I needed more than a backpack of clothes etc this week so have transportation but I’m hoping they can look at it quickly for me later today so I can get back out on it, I’m going to possibly get them to swap the cassette and chain back to the original one and see if that cures it if they don’t see any obvious issue on inspection


I can’t see the cassette swap having caused the issue with the motor as the smaller gears are pretty much the same ratio it’s just the bigger one that is vastly different (12-38 swapped for a 11-42) and the issue happened throughout the gear range, it seemed to happen more in the mid gears , the problem has started after the rear wheel was removed for the tyre and brake disc, basically it’s the first time the electrical connection between the motor and sensor has been broken since I’ve had it so I’m hoping it’s something as simple as a dodgy connection somewhere, watch this space! 

Other than that I’ve now passed the 1300 mile mark on it 



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  • RMweb Gold

Well the bike is knackered, they had a look, appeared to have fixed it (on paper) but I didn’t even get out of the car park on the test ride and it went again so I’ve got to take it back to crewe on Saturday when I get home so that’s put pay to me using it the rest of the week! 

weigh in day today and as suspected I’ve gained a bit, only 3/4lb so not as bad as I though, was easily expecting a couple of lb, it goes to show just how this job can effect your body, ive been on nights for 2 weeks now, living out of a hotel for 10 days of those so just eating hotel food before work then sitting down at the controls all night, thankfully I’ve had the will power not to be snacking though the night though 


I think had I had the bike the last couple of days then I’d have probably not had a weight gain as I would have got a good 10 mile more in commuting and yesterday and today I’d have gone out for a longer ride somewhere to burn off those calories, I was planning on doing Norton in marsh to Jeremy clarksons farm rhen there to kingham tomorrow from Evesham by train but that’s not going to happen now unfortunately


not feeling disappointed about the gain, as I say less than I thought it would be, hopefully if the bike gets fixed quickly I can get back on track next week, worst comes to the worst I can use my Mums old electric bike to commute that my stepdad gave to Dominic 

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  • RMweb Gold

Shockingly bad week for exercise this week, no running, walking was up a bit and only 20 mile on the bike as it is knackered, managed 9 mile on it before it broke and the other 11 have been on my mums old RooDog bike that was given to Dominic




Halfords suspect the motor has overspun on my bike as even after changing the cassette back to the original one it’s still throwing up error 2 and 42 codes so it needs a new rear wheel/motor assembly which is going to take at least 2 weeks to arrive so thankfully I’ve got the other bike to use (as also the Touareg and now the white mini are off the road with no MOT and wheel bearing problems respectively) 


The ‘new’ bike is a bit strange to ride after 1300 mile on mine, it’s smaller, narrower handlebars, smaller wheels, not as many gears and most annoyingly no speedo or battery % meter, just a set of 4 lights, this early in I don’t know quite how much power each light represents so I’m carrying the charger and topping it up as and when I can 


hopefully I can get a few miles in next week but I’m only needing to go to the station a few times, otherwise it’s back to running to get myself back on track 

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  • RMweb Gold

Hope you get the bike fixed soon. We had motor faults clocking up on my wife's Trek MTB after a couple of hundred miles. It turned out that a cable had been trapped during the original assembly and riding had caused it to go low resistance between cores leading to a current overload on the battery. Trek just sent a new motor unit and wiring loom to the shop to be fitted, no problems since.

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  • RMweb Gold

I must admit when I initially had the fault I had to undo one of the cable ties that attached the loom to the frame to pull apart the electrical connection between the loom and motor and they seemed very tight and I wondered if the cable had been crimped but Halfords say it’s the motor so we’ll have to wait and see when I get the replacement fitted! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Weigh in day and as suspected the week of hotel food and not much cycling has resulted in a 1.5lb gain, 2nd consecutive week of weight gain, not as much as I thought it would be but I really need to get back into the swing of things food and exercise wise this week, I’m now 17.4 Stone


ive suddenly started to eat a lot more white bread again than I did a couple of months ago, before it was maybe a slice a day of wholemeal as toast with say scrambled egg and then have wraps etc for dinner but I’ve now jumped to 4 slices of white toast for breakfast and no egg, I really need to get back out of that habit as that is what makes me feel bloated, at least 2 slices and a couple of eggs scrambled filled me up nicely and I didn’t feel bloated, it’s been a strange week as I‘be used all my weight watchers points for the day every day and also gone into and over my spare weekly points which I’ve never done before, almost like I’m boredom eating the wrong things, i just need to have a bit more discipline to stay within the points and get back to making my own food again 


im off to the caravan on Sunday for 4 days so I’ll be getting lots of walking in up there as well as a few runs I recon, I’ll also try and get a few swims in too, unfortunately I won’t be able to get the bike there this time round due to the Touareg not having a bike carrier or is be out and about on that too


So am I disappointed by the weight gain, yes a little bit but It wasn’t unexpected as I know I’ve been very lax with eating and exercise through no fault of my own, if I smash it this week and lose a bit it will be the motivation I need to get below the 17 Stone mark 

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  • RMweb Gold

Time to get back into the swing of things!


rode from Carlisle to silloth earlier, 23 miles with a strong headwind all the way, the battery ran out after 20 miles because of the extra effort I had to put in so the last 3 was under my own steam! 




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Wow, those calories tell the story.  I hate the headwinds, they are bad enough at whatever speed that they first hit you anyway, but they get worse by the square of any additional speed you manage to work at.  Well done you for that distance in those circumstances, respect.....



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  • RMweb Gold

It was a nightmare, of course being on the coast it was quite open, I got shelter from the hedges at points when I went inland a bit but it was certainly a struggle, I also had my work backpack on and my heavy coat which didn’t help the mileage!


according to strava the wind was 20mph


went for a walk into silloth in the evening too and that was not too bad, walking in has the wind in my face but heading back from the pub, a couple of pints later the wind pushed me back to the caravan 





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You only have to think about the work getting through the wind passing you when you're peddling at 20 MPH, then increase that to 33 MPH and then... do that for 23 miles.  That's stuff of nightmares and a nearly 2 hour one at that!! I confess, I'm not very fond of the headwinds.  I know the extra effort is making for more exercise, so it's good.....    but that really doesn't compensate for the BL**DY 'horrible experience of trying to blast through the transparent resistance devil!!


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  • RMweb Gold

A day late for weigh in as I was away at the caravan but back down to 17.2 again from 17.4 which is pretty good as I’ve snacked a fair bit this week and had a few beers too!

the windy bike ride and a couple of swims (1000+ meters covered between them) must have helped with burning a few calories off, not going to get much more riding done this week as it’s a car in job tomorrow and Saturday unfortunately 

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  • RMweb Gold

An early weigh in this week as I’m off to work tonight and not back until the early hours of Thursday morning, down to 17.1 stone now, I’m struggling to get below that magic 17 stone mark at the moment, not helped by the trick or treat sweets we have left over as we only had one kid visit us!

exercise wise the bike is back to its former self, new motor, ecu and wiring so working like new, already got 31 miles in for the week since yesterday, been going with Dominic to and from Nantwich in the evenings riding with him to his new job in dominos pizza, managed to resist the staff discount he can get too


im confident I can get really back into the swing of things to shed that last lb and get below 17 stone despite the earlier, colder nights and lots of work meaning I’m not getting any significant walking exercise in (but I’m doing plenty of walking in work) and the running has come to a stop, I really need to try and get back into the 5k a week frame of mind but it’s a bit lacking at the moment

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The last week has also been tricky to work around the weather, for getting out and about.  It seems to have managed to find the free-time available for getting out on the bike...   and rained, right on cue!  It's also been right cold out of the Sun.  We had a real treat, this weekend, with a tornado tearing up from Salisbury to Andover and a bit beyond, before finally letting up.  It left most roads blocked with at least one fallen tree, even one side of the 303, although stacked traffic on that isn't exactly rare anyway.  It took over 2 hours to find a way from Salisbury to get to Andover to collect my daughter from a sleep-over, which normally takes 15 - 20 minutes.


Maybe the next week will be kinder to us all and we can get out and about without the need for the old Sou'wester.


Good luck for that reluctant lb to go, with your determination, it must be feeling rather nervous!!



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Think of fitness like railway modelling. You can have a while off & come back to it.

You still sound like you're in the right frame of mind & it also sounds like you have not regressed, just paused for a while.

Don't be too hard on yourself. From what I've seen on here, you've done great & are still on the right track.

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  • RMweb Gold

It’s gone noticeably colder the last couple of days, I’ve just ridden to the station at 21:30 and the grass was very dewey on the park, the paths are also getting a bit sloppy with fallen leaves too, should be even colder on the way home at 04:30 I recon 

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12 hours ago, big jim said:

It’s gone noticeably colder the last couple of days, I’ve just ridden to the station at 21:30 and the grass was very dewey on the park, the paths are also getting a bit sloppy with fallen leaves too, should be even colder on the way home at 04:30 I recon 

You may have to curtail the cycling a bit soon, 4:30 in the winter sounds more risky - especially if we get clear nights with ice.

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  • RMweb Gold

It was a bit fresh at 05:00 this morning heading home, I’ll just have to make sure I keep to the main roads rather than back streets and cycle paths when it starts to get really colder, certainly be taking my time along the tow paths around Birmingham if i do have to go that way at all 

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  • RMweb Gold

Weigh in day and pleased to say I’m now at 17 Stone exactly, ok it’s the top end of the lb mark but it’s still 17 Stone!



had a decent week of exercise last week covered 60+ mile on the bike and a few miles walking, so far this week I’ve covered 14 mile on the bike but have upped the walking mileage, last night for example I walked from new st to saltley rather than use a taxi which was a pleasant 2.5 mile walk 



im road learning peak forest to hindlow the end of the week and if my hire car doesn’t turn up today I’m tempted to put my bike on the roof rack of my own car  and use it to ride between the hotel in Buxton and peak forest depot and hindlow, I’ve also got a hotel in walsall on Friday night with a 25m pool and gym so I’m going to make sure I make use of those facilities too! 

Now I’ve reached that subliminal goal of 17 Stone after weeks of being stuck at 17.2-17.3 it’s going to give me the motivation to shift a few more lb a bit quicker and try and get back out of poor eating habits that have crept back in such as I’ve started eating bigger standard sized bars of chocolate again rather than sugar free chocolate or low calorie snacks instead which I need to stop doing! 

other than that been feeling pretty good this week, I did come off the bike one day last week, nothing major just slipped onto my knee when the front wheel of the bike went from under me on a slow turn and I couldn’t get my balance quick enough, also went over on my ankle slightly on some ballast the same night which has left me aching a bit on that side!





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