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Big Jim’s attempt to become Slim Jim

big jim

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Great stuff Jim, been following your progress and glad it's all going well. Just make sure you take rest days seriously as it's all too easy to over do things. If you feel like you've got to do something on a rest day stretch, massage roll any sore muscles or walk but gently. :good:

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  • RMweb Gold

yes I’m being careful not to over do it, I did feel a bit tired earlier in the week but I think the combo of heat, exercise and working nights caught up with me


 the previous nights work was cancelled at the start of the shift so I was home by midnight and in bed asleep whereas I should have been in work, that then threw me for the daytime as I should have been sleeping but was awake, however the next nights shift ran as normal so it was a good rest day from exercise with a good days sleep which gave me a chance to recover a bit (despite then doing 13 miles on the bike commuting!) 


Today is a difficult one as I’m now not in work until midnight Saturday so I really don’t want to be in bed all day then up all night!


this is one of the hardest parts of the weight loss, trying to eat and drink at the right time when on shifts, last night for example I had food before I left home at 18:00ish then just had a cereal bar and a litre of water overnight, I’ve just had a greggs egg roll for breakfast in new st then that should be it until dinner or teatime, I’m on the same job next week so will have to work out my meals accordingly so I’m not hungry in the middle of the night



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Got myself a ‘new’ Apple Watch earlier which will run the Strava app so I used that tonight to record a 5k run, when I got back had recorded 3 miles on the nail despite me taking the exact same route as the 5k (3.1 mile) run I did earlier in the week, it also showed me running for 44:41 seconds on the screen but adjusted it to 41:46 ‘moving time’ when I came to download it, it’s a bit strange as I defiantly didn’t stop moving for more than 30 seconds waiting to cross the main road 


Even with the adjustment my pace had improved slightly by 5m a mile! Just gutted it didn’t record the last 250m to make it a round 5k 




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  • RMweb Gold

Rest days are important in these things. When we used to do cycle touring and long distance backpacking I always planned in some short days, particularly after a hard day. It also had the advantage that you had some slack in the schedule in case of bad weather or being unfit to go on a particular day. I learned the hard way after getting it wrong the first time I attempted the Pennine Way in 1987. Bad feet due to the bad ground conditions then trapped at 2000ft in the middle of a thunderstorm near Appleby, reputedly the worst rain in the area for over 200 years caused us to abandon. Second time I got it right and we were able to stay put for a day when the weather over Cross Fell was to bad to attempt it and we had an extra rest day planned immediately before the final two-day push across the Chevoits. Around 1990 we did a three week cycle tour of the WW1 battlefields where we racked up just over 1000 miles, so averaging about 50 miles per day. Some days we only did about 30 miles and on the longest section we did 83 miles in one go.


Regarding eating, my Dad spent 25 years on shifts in the Fire Brigade. With constantly changing shifts and interrupted meal times because of fires he constantly suffered from stomach problems. It was an occupational hazard for full timers in those days. 


I always disliked the changeover if I was doing nights on big signalling commissionings. Except for very local staff I would book people into a hotel near to site. The night shift would usually travel out in the morning and sleep at the hotel in the afternoon on the first day. I would arrange meals for day and night shifts at the hotel and we would all eat together so everyone had a meal an hour before transport to site and on return at the end of shift. There would also be a supply of sandwiches, snacks and drinks available at site control during the shift so no-one went hungry.

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That’s great work Jim,

I’ve had a similar journey .


I reached 19stone 3 in 2017 , and immediately vowed to sort that out. Just before xmas I reached 10 st 7 - I could actually see my abs !


Now back at 11 and a half due to some slack times in furlough / redundancy .


The things I learned -

You can’t exercise yourself thin - you must be taking in lower calories regardless.


calorie counting apps got me across the line ( nutracheck I used £3.99 a month ). Because I still though certain things I ate were “ ok “ but they weren’t really ( rolls and cheese for lunch ? There’s goes 1000 calories of my 12-1500 a day ), and it’s educated me overall.


keep going mate 

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  • RMweb Gold

The weight watchers app is good as it doesn’t particularly count the calories in numbers but gives you smart points based on the nutritional values so as long as I stay within my points limit it works, some items can seem to vary in points depending if the person inputting them has put the correct info in such as portion size etc but they are generally normally pretty close or can be adjusted anyway


i understand I won’t run myself thin but I’m doing that side of it to improve my general well-being more than anything, so I’m not puffed out climbing up stairs, I certainly feel a lot better physically already, I couldn’t have imagined running 3 miles even a month ago yet alone covering over 160 miles on a bike 



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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, big jim said:

i understand I won’t run myself thin but I’m doing that side of it to improve my general well-being more than anything, so I’m not puffed out climbing up stairs, I certainly feel a lot better physically already, I couldn’t have imagined running 3 miles even a month ago yet alone covering over 160 miles on a bike 

The important thing is to keep it up enough to maintain what you want to reach. I actually lost two inches off my waist when I retired as I wasn't spending a large proportion of my waking hours behind a desk or sitting on trains with the associated snacking etc. 

I found that lockdown actually improved my walking performance as I got into a routine of walking 3 miles every day and doing at least one longer bike ride of 25-30 miles each week. I can now do most of the things I could do 20 years ago and in a few things am probably in better shape than 40 years ago.

 What you will notice has nothing to do with weight. That's if you do the same walk our ride on a regular basis you will see how the view undergoes subtle changes from daty to day depending on the weather and how nature runs its course through the year. I take several photos each week and find it interesting to compare what the countryside looked like this time last year and years before.

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  • RMweb Gold

Made the mistake of having a Sainsburys bakery granola bar yesterday then checking the weight watchers points afterwards only to discover it was 20 of my daily 40 point allowance for 100g, had a look at the nutritional value and it was 29g of sugar in 100g of bar!


still managed to keep within my points though by eating lots of zero point foods like egg and beetroot etc later in the day 


this morning I had to drop a car at basford hall so rode home but took the long way back via Nantwich then once round the park to get over 10 miles 



no running today though, rest day from it but going out for one tomorrow i recon, also got to ride my bike to basford hall at 01:00 in the morning and back at dinner time so plenty of movement before weigh in time!





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I checked the calorie count on red wine today, as I recently reduced the regular previous intake.  I never expected to see such a high number as 6-700 calories for a bottle; 6 small glasses / 3 Pub doubles, which seem to be rather popular these days.  No wonder I am a little lighter than a couple of weeks ago...


Cheese also came up trumps for adding weight, at approx 50 - 75 per snack, but that was rather expected to be honest.  Not a patch on the wine 'though...

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Jim, Great to see what you're doing but I can tell you an easier way!! Two years ago I had all of my teeth removed (40 years of smoking destroyed my gums) so although most of the teeth fell out by themselves 19 had to be pulled. I cannot get along with the lumps of plastic called dentures in my mouth and do not enjoy eating anymore ............lost 12kg from a starting point of 65kg so never a big bloke. Positives.......haven't smoked since 2004 and have very healthy mouth.

Keep going and good luck.



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I think I’ll try and avoid that method thank you!


anyway it’s weigh in day, was going to do a 5k run before I weighed myself but ended up doing it before I go and I’ve lost 2lb this week so down to 19.5 Stone now (3.3 Stone loss) 


still going for a run after though 

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Thought I’d change things up tonight, rather than doing 5k I set the timer for a 30 min run to see how far I could get in that time, also went round Queen’s Park instead taking in various paths around the place 



the pace has slightly improved from just short of 15 min a mile to just over 14 min 


One for the runners out there inc@David Bigcheeseplant I’ve noticed I slouch forward when running and it’s giving me middle back pain about 5-10 mins into running, when I stretch after the run my back is a bit clicky but the stretching makes it better, can I get or should I wear some sort of posture improver for when I’m working out, you can see in the comparison a few pages back that I have stopped slouching as much now I’ve not got as much weight up front and I’m wondering if that is related



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1 hour ago, big jim said:

Thought I’d change things up tonight, rather than doing 5k I set the timer for a 30 min run to see how far I could get in that time, also went round Queen’s Park instead taking in various paths around the place 



the pace has slightly improved from just short of 15 min a mile to just over 14 min 


One for the runners out there inc@David Bigcheeseplant I’ve noticed I slouch forward when running and it’s giving me middle back pain about 5-10 mins into running, when I stretch after the run my back is a bit clicky but the stretching makes it better, can I get or should I wear some sort of posture improver for when I’m working out, you can see in the comparison a few pages back that I have stopped slouching as much now I’ve not got as much weight up front and I’m wondering if that is related




The spine is the set of bones most of your body hangs on, so the more you have out in front, the more the leverage on the muscles holding the spine upright, hence they ache after a work-out.  If you have a forward lean, when you run, that can add more weight, forward of the spine, too, so even more work for those spinal muscles have to do.  It might feel odd, at first, but you could try to run with your chest lifted a bit and shoulders slightly back from your current posture.  It might feel rather odd to begin with, but it should also help you to fill the lungs a bit more as well.  


Most of the Park run folks seem to avoid the posture improvers, as the improvements without them always remain with you, but a few do and like them.  If you look at them, they are mostly pretty upright, with plenty of room in the rib cage for breathing.  I think your comment about  improvements since slouching less is rather telling and you have found the improvement noticeable.  It's a good idea to keep to a small change at a time, so the spinal muscles get a gradual change, over time and don't have big changes to cope with, suddenly, too.  Slowly, slowly, catch monkey would be best, so less strain from each of the changes.  As a slight tongue-in-cheek observation, you also get a better view of your surroundings as you gradually get more upright...  :P


Either way, it's good to see you are enjoying the successful progress, too.


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I’ve been trying my best to keep my chest out and shoulders back when running as When I run ‘upright’ I can feel my lungs getting filled with more air as it were and my spine feels fine but after a short while I start to unconsciously begin to slouch forward again which is what I was thinking about the posture improver 

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There are a lot of 'core stability' exercises out there that will help, they also improve running efficiency. I get told I am too upright when running, apparently its meant to be a constant falling forward with your legs struggling to keep up. Depending on what you read. If you can, try some swimming too, non impact so protects the leg joints. Also, please draw some shapes on your runs (strava art). 

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On 23/06/2021 at 23:18, big jim said:

I’ve been trying my best to keep my chest out and shoulders back when running as When I run ‘upright’ I can feel my lungs getting filled with more air as it were and my spine feels fine but after a short while I start to unconsciously begin to slouch forward again which is what I was thinking about the posture improver 


You're right about slipping back into the habit, that's pretty much inevitable as you begin to move towards the change.  It seems like you are well aware of the difference and will keep at it, so it should gradually get more easy to keep it going, even 'though it may take some time.  It's a bit like the other parts of your improving fitness, which can be celebrated as each advance becomes evident, but which don't happen in big jumps.   Maybe you could look at it in the same progressive way as the other parts of your fitness progress, perhaps noting where you get to before it starts to ease back.  You could set a target of, say, a 100 metres more on the next run, corners of roads, trees in the park and so on.    I've not used a posture improver, but it could be useful as it might serve as a reminder for you, while you adjust.


 Best wishes with it all, you are giving it a very sensible approach and must be really enjoying seeing each bit of improvement, too.  You're setting a great example for so many other folks and much appreciated , too.  I certainly look forward to your posts, thank you.


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I’ve found that picking a point, say the end of a hedge or fence post, gate etc to get to by a certain time is a good incentive to keep the pace up 


Yesterday as I reached the final 1:30 of the 30 min run i looked ahead down the final long straight ahead of me and visualised the point where I thought the time would be up, as it happened I passed it by some 50 or so meters 


Last night I rode to the station but did an extra lap of the park en route then in Birmingham I did the ride to Tyseley but stayed on the tow path to the opposite side of the tracks and came back past the station into the depot, I also called in small Heath yard en route 






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Quite a busy exercise day today, got 9 miles in on the bike just commuting, Tyseley to new st then crewe station to home and back again in the evening, broke the 200 mile mark on the bike too 




I also weren’t for a run, did the 30 min ‘see how far I could get’ one around the park, I noticed the pace has dropped to 0 at 3 points and the moving time is different to the actual time by 15 seconds despite me staying moving at all times, I really felt I pushed myself tonight to improve a bit but it seems to be a slower pace (I’m not going to say worse as any running movement I do is better than the none I was doing 3 weeks ago!) 


you may see that the final 3-5 mins my pace actually increased, that’s where I pushed myself that little bit harder 






rest day from running and bike commuting tomorrow and the weekend I’ve got a lodge turn at a hotel that has a gym, pool and spa so I’m hoping they are open so I can get some miles in on the treadmill and a good swim 

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Had a bit of a treat tonight in the hotel, sod it ive earned it! 


to be honest it’s mostly chicken so low points on weight watchers but the chips have Carb’d me up for the day! 

resisted a pudding though that would have ruined all the good work


the good thing is the hotel has a proper gym and pool so when I say I earned it I had already ran 3 miles and had a swim before dinner! 



here again tomorrow til early afternoon so may pay the gym another visit


im on the Trafford park job all next week so that’s a ride to and from the station every day so hopefully get 25 mile in on the bike commuting plus whatever I do exercise wise on top



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  • RMweb Gold

Nice one Jim, those before & after photos are the real result! Do you find it's easier to breathe?


I ask, because I'm overweight and I'd like to get down to 16 stone ( currently 19 stone ). 




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6 hours ago, tomparryharry said:

Nice one Jim, those before & after photos are the real result! Do you find it's easier to breathe?


I ask, because I'm overweight and I'd like to get down to 16 stone ( currently 19 stone ). 




Hi Ian,

This is not Jim, I'm sure he will reply and probably agree.  I apologise for jumping in here, but from my perspective everything is easier and not just breathing.  I recover from any form of exertion quicker and I am more flexible.  I used to have to sit down to put socks on and tie my shoes, now I can stand on one leg while putting socks on, so balance is better too.

Take care and good luck.


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