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Chuffnell Regis

Graham T

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Actually, I think that is a genuine example of the monotonously talked about but seldom seen in any practical respect "making art accessible to the wider community", so it gets top marks from me.


At one place I lived, I had a railway sleeper stuck upright in the ground, it had a chair bolted to the end still and I painted it up as a totem pole with a gargoyle face with the rail slot as a red mouth.

It terrified the neighbors children who thought it was some pagan / voodoo idol.

That wasn't helped by the occasional garden party and bonfire attended by lots of folks on motorcycles if I'm honest!

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Speaking of making art accessible to the public, a quick plug if you don't mind.  I have a painting in the Guild of Railway Artists annual exhibition this year.  It's at the Kidderminster Railway Museum on 20 August until 2 October.  Details are here.

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That's great news, well done! That's quite the prestigious opportunity.

I'm busy getting my act together for an exhibition in a commercial  gallery near home, date to be confirmed next week, but it should be mid September.


Nobody danced around the totem pole, it was in the middle of a plum orchard, it made the scrumpers nervous!

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1 hour ago, Graham T said:

I have a painting in the Guild of Railway Artists annual exhibition this year. 


30 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

I'm busy getting my act together for an exhibition in a commercial  gallery near home,


Congratulations to you both. I hope you will both put some pictures up so us lesser mortals can admire. Have seen some of @MrWolf 's before, (and @Gedward) but don't think  had the pleasure of an @Graham T

Edited by Fishplate
Predictive text. . .
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2 hours ago, Graham T said:

Here's the painting that will be in the show, it's called "End of the line" - 48612 and 48533 at Newton Heath on 21 July 1968.


Wow. Brilliant!


21/07/68 ~ was that the last day of steam ?

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, Graham T said:

Thanks Nick 🍻


It's for sale, btw!!!


3 hours ago, Graham T said:

I think the last day was August 68 John, but maybe these two had already made their last run?

How do find the time to do brilliant models and epic paintings. Most impressed.

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1 hour ago, Graham T said:

A combination of burning the candle at both ends (as well as in the middle), and having almost no social life since COVID ☹️


Creative types were "Using the force" long before Star Wars. 😎


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I think that I have seen two. Given that I am of the Star Wars generation, I never saw the first film until I was in my twenties.


And what the...... with Ewoks? Robin Hood meets The Teddy Bear's picnic? 


That was enough for me I'm afraid.



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  • RMweb Gold

As mentioned over at Aston on Clun a little earlier, I've treated myself to some therapeutic hedgery, hedge-age, hedging, or whatever you might like to call it.  Plonking bits of green stuff on the layout, anyway.


The hedge closest to the backscene is pretty much done now, I think, although I'm reserving the right to make some tweaks when I've had a look at it with a fresh pair of eyes in the morning.  I'm not entirely convinced by the lighter green bush about quarter of the way into the scene from the left, for instance; it's from Mininatur, who I used to think were the cat's pyjamas, but am going off their products a little now after finding what I consider to be better stuff from MBR, and those Dutch chaps 🙂


The tree in the centre is apparently what MBR think of as a light green high bush - looks good enough to pass for a tree as far as I'm concerned!  Also, I wanted something tree-ish, but a bit smaller, closer to the backscene in any case, to give a better illusion of distance.


As for the hedge this side of the road, that's still a work in progress.  The glue will dry clear (or at least it always has before...) and I can see a few bits of the horsehair that look a bit unnatural, so will need pruning tomorrow!  I've changed my method a bit with the horsehair, I now pull it apart wherever I can, rather than cutting it, and then trim away the most straggly parts.  I'm also using shorter lengths, as that seems to help with things looking a tad more random and, well, natural...



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Tidy. (Bet you didn't know that I speak Welsh) I have some rubberised horsehair salvaged from a rotted out sidecar seat. All I have to do now is find the scissors that aren't Miss R's dressmaking pair...

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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, MrWolf said:

 All I have to do now is find the scissors that aren't Miss R's dressmaking pair...


I have a sneaking suspicion that confusing those might be a serious error!

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39 minutes ago, Graham T said:


I have a sneaking suspicion that confusing those might be a serious error!


Like walking into the Pegasus public house in Aldershot and shouting "I thought only fairies wore little wings!"

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I can assure you that flying an aircraft is far more civilised (among many other things) than jumping out of one. All of my mother's brothers were RAF, as were my cousins and their sons too. My father's side of the family were Artillery or Engineer Regiment.

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10 hours ago, Graham T said:

As mentioned over at Aston on Clun a little earlier, I've treated myself to some therapeutic hedgery, hedge-age, hedging, or whatever you might like to call it.  Plonking bits of green stuff on the layout, anyway.


The hedge closest to the backscene is pretty much done now, I think, although I'm reserving the right to make some tweaks when I've had a look at it with a fresh pair of eyes in the morning.  I'm not entirely convinced by the lighter green bush about quarter of the way into the scene from the left, for instance; it's from Mininatur, who I used to think were the cat's pyjamas, but am going off their products a little now after finding what I consider to be better stuff from MBR, and those Dutch chaps 🙂


The tree in the centre is apparently what MBR think of as a light green high bush - looks good enough to pass for a tree as far as I'm concerned!  Also, I wanted something tree-ish, but a bit smaller, closer to the backscene in any case, to give a better illusion of distance.


As for the hedge this side of the road, that's still a work in progress.  The glue will dry clear (or at least it always has before...) and I can see a few bits of the horsehair that look a bit unnatural, so will need pruning tomorrow!  I've changed my method a bit with the horsehair, I now pull it apart wherever I can, rather than cutting it, and then trim away the most straggly parts.  I'm also using shorter lengths, as that seems to help with things looking a tad more random and, well, natural...



Proper tidy - (even more Welsh)

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  • RMweb Gold
9 hours ago, MrWolf said:

I can assure you that flying an aircraft is far more civilised (among many other things) than jumping out of one. All of my mother's brothers were RAF, as were my cousins and their sons too. My father's side of the family were Artillery or Engineer Regiment.


I was in the Air Arm, so will thank you not to mention the crabs on this thread 🥸  


I was one of the intelligent chaps who sat in the back, rather than one of the monkeys up front.  And although I have been known to jump out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft, I never really learned to enjoy it, to be honest!


Mentions of the RA are fine, even though they did pinch our tie...

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  • RMweb Gold
12 hours ago, Graham T said:

I think I'm one of the only people I know who has never watched a single Star Wars film.

No longer.  I’m part of that club too.


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