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Basingstoke Shed - 70D - Comes to Buxton


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Another update, hoist is now near complete. I have to add bracing to the uprights - which appear to be made from wood in the prototype- the ladders and a few other bits and pieces. It will havew to wait though - we are off on Queen Mary 2 on Sunday to New York and then flying down to Tennessee to see our US based daughter and family.






PS I know it should be 30368 under the hoist but she is packed away somewhere.


Kind regards,


Richard B

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I have now finished the engine hoist, it needs a notice of SWL does anyone have a close up shot of the station side of the hoist that would show the detail of the notice attached to the hoist? I would guess that the SWL would be around 20T or so. Fairly pleased with the result which really adds to the Basingstoke "feel" of the shed layout.


I just need to lay the rails to complete the job. I know that the siding is much too short but the best I could achieve.







Kind regards,



Richard B

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Not a lot of progress to report. I have been adding some of the detail on the station side of the shed.




This needs more work to the track in the foreground.



Kind regards,


Richard B

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As mentioned, a few more images created by my USA based son-in-law Andy Bain. Our daughter Alex, Andy and family left today after a great time over Christmas and New Year. They return home on Thursday.


A few more of Andy's images of 70D's H15 day. Later in the day an up Salisbury local pulled by one of Basingstoke's S11 4-4-0's passes the shed.




N class 2-6-0's wait for access to the shed.





Kind regards,


Richard B

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A brief update. Still working on the scenic section adjacent to the shed. I have made a start on the large signal gantry on the down side of the main line. Because I do all the work on the layout, I have taken a compromising shortcut by using various adapted Ratio signal kits. I don't intend to have motorised signals.






Kind regards,


Richard B

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Quite a fiddly job building the signal masts and then locating on the gantry without the signal arm fouling the adjacent mast. I am fixing the signal to the bracket using 16BA set screws rather than wire as suggested in the kit instructions. This requires drilling out the signal boards and the mounting brackets.







Kind regards,


Richard B

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Maybe it is due to unfamiliarity but signalling seems to absorb lots of time!

All the signal boards are now painted and almost ready to fit.





Kind regards,


Richard B

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Just need to add the ladders, this will be done when the gantry is fixed to the baseboard. Quite pleased with my first attempt at signals. As discussed earlier, some limitations but the result looks like the prototype.








Kind regards,


Richard B

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I have been busy with the Up Home signal gantry (West) adapted from kits as the down signals. Again, the result is fine given compromises already mentioned. Now that the signals have been completed, although some ground signals still need to be added, I might just treat myself and build a loco... perhaps the old DJH B16 kit.


The signals for Oakley are part of Phase Two of the project.






Kind regards,


Richard B

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  • 1 month later...
On 19/01/2023 at 13:31, 30368 said:

Just need to add the ladders, this will be done when the gantry is fixed to the baseboard. Quite pleased with my first attempt at signals. As discussed earlier, some limitations but the result looks like the prototype.








Kind regards,


Richard B



A very interesting set of pictures.


My own signalling efforts stalled somewhile ago. Having made the signals, in the main using the same Ratio components as here, the prospect of rigging them all up for remote operation, either mechanical or electrical, didn't appeal at all, and was to put it mildly rather daunting.


You seem to have come to the same conclusion. Obviously you've made the boards movable using the 16BA screws, and I'm wondering if the pieces of wire in the shape of a "7" at the base of the individual poles wil be attached to allow you to flick them to stop or go as required. If so, sounds like a very practical, not to say time-saving compromise, which would work really well.


Many thanks,



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Just a quick update - 70D now has it's first maintenance staff - gas welders and a boilersmith. They can be seen annealing boiler tubes for one of the G6 0-6-0 tanks that is outside in the yard.


Figures from Modelu and painted by Phil who is Mallard6022. Thanks Phil they look brilliant.






Kind regards,


Richard B

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  • 8 months later...
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Posted (edited)

Today, and at last, I re-started work on my 70D layout. I will focus on the shed yard beyond the turntable. This part of the layout will be terminated, as it were, with a road overbridge the otherside of which will form the end of the country station based on Oakley.


Nothing to see here.... yet.


Kind regards,




PS Listening to Railway Mania Episode 5 "Edward Thompson - Hero or Villain ?" With Simon Martin.

A well argued revision to Thompson's reputation as a "Gresley Hater"

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Good news today, The Yorkshire Building Society tells me they have some money of mine that I have completely forgotten about. It has been on deposit for about 30 years! I am aware of scams and this is not one.


More importantly I have fitted 2 point motors to the baseboard of 70D and whilst still a good number to do, it is progress on the most hated of model railway tasks. As an electrical engineer (and mechanical engineer) I am proud of my very poor wiring quality very scruffy. In an attempt to improve matters I have now cleaned up the act and each point motor assembly will look like this before fitting it to the underside of the baseboard, if you think this is rough you should see the ones already fitted:


I have read that SEEP point motors are poor and not reliable - too late now I have bought about 60 or so.



Kind regards,


Richard B

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A further four point motors fitted under the baseboard(s) so I shall soon turn the corner and start work on Oakley's points.


A few snapshots of the mayhem.


Tracklevel looking towards the shed and part of the reference library.



The shed yard, I know, some very tight curves...



The forground will feature a road bridge to divide the layout. In the distance is the site of Oakley station. Beyond that is the forest of tinnies.




Kind regards,


Richard B

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Enough under baseboard work for the weekend. Altogether eight point motors now fitted to the baseboard - they need wiring to power supply etc but that is very straitforward. The Main Line  board is now complete so next week I turn the corner and start work on Oakley's five points.


I need to consider over power control now, it will have to be one man operation so I am assuming a single pair of 12v dc "Buss Bars" throughout. However it may be more flexible if I seperate Oakley from the Main Line board with its own controller so that local shunting can take place in the yard as trains go by??? I'm not sure.

The shed has its seperate power supply for the many shed operations that have no impact on the main line.


Can't recall if I have posted this already - a corner of the shed interior - the fitters bay.




Kind regards,


Richard B


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Just waiting for the delivery of the final SEEP motor (I had to scrap 4 motors that were damaged during the move to Buxton) and then all points will have been motorised, at last!

I was able to run the first train from the entrance to the fiddle yard board (not yet fitted but ready for points and track)  through the site of Oakley station and on to Basingstoke.


Some of the 10 SEEP motors fitted over the last few days. All ready for connecting to the track circuit board etc.



Looking towards Oakley Station headshunt in forground and location of Station Building and cattle loading ramp beyond.



"N" class 31404 has the "honor" of running a test train from the fiddle yeard entrance, through Oakley Station site and on past 70D.






KInd regards,


Richard B

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I have not been idle. Wiring from newly installed point motors to control boards has been started but also some scenic work.

I have re-jigged the bay platform by adding the  short platform section behind the buffer stops and then cut down a resin building to represent some of the station buildings in that location.

After much photographic research I have now started to add the various fencing/bridges etc that run along the bay siding including adding the water tower and a few other features.


The much shortened Basingstoke platforms and the added fencing and trees along the side of the bay platform. The Water tower, a modified Bachmann (I think) item have been added. The water tower is much too small but I have had to compromise. The structure to the right of the tower could be an old air raid shelter but I have assumed (Imiges are not clear) it is a coal store.



A close up - some cleaning up required.


Another view of the fence - next to the fence is a girder bridge section.




Kind regards,


Richard B

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Another view of the shed and station.


The backscene boards added. I will have to paint the lower part showing the 4 main lines and the GWR line disappearing into the distance. No one seems to make such a backscene. On the R/H side I have some suitable backscenes, the area adjacent to the water tower should have the goods shed and then the rows of back to back houses at a lower level. As you may know, Basingstoke station and yards were built on a hill above the town. Further to the west, in steam days, the town fairly quickly goes to open farmland with hills and trees in the distance.



Wiring continues and I have just started building platform canopies.


Kind regards,


Richard B

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Work continues along the "Water Tower" sidings area. It is drying out following painting and when the magic grass machine has done its work I shall post some pictures.


Meanwhile I could not resist the setting sun (remember that?) picking out a few of Basingstoke's residents simmering in the setting sun.



30368 pokes its smokebox out of the shed.



One of the fitters has finished his jobs for the day and stares out to the setting sun before he washes up and returns home. The sun is so bright he notices that he has become a blur of light.




Kind regards,


Richard B


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Some images of the station area with particular reference to the water tower sidings.





Looking across from the shed bike shed!



And a view from the business end of the shed.



Kind regards,


Richard B

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Canopy on platform 1 now fitted, lot more to do but making good progress.






Kind regards,


Richard B

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In between gardening and old gits "suicide" mountain biking on The Peak Districts trails I have managed to complete a bit more station detail.








Kind regards,


Richard B

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I have just received a whole lot of printed parts from Mudmagnet Models. They make a wide range of detailing parts for stations and maintenence depot workshops as well as some parts for locomotives. I looked them up because they were recommended by Graham Muspratt, a fellow member of the SW Circle and much more. The quality of the items supplied is high and they are very accurate.


The fitters at 70D have been waiting for a flypress and a pair of pillar drills for ages. The ex LSWR large luggage barrow and sack trucks were a common sight at Basingstoke Station. I particularly like the LSWR passenger station seats. The wheelbarrows are destined for the shed yard and the luggage stacks for the station. The cleaners have not been forgotten either although I will have to buy 2 or 3 more work stands. Lovely stuff!



Kind regards,


Richard B

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Posted (edited)

Nothing much new at the moment. I bought a secondhand Hornby Churchward 28XX 2-8-0, the weathered version, I already have a clean version which I have never unpacked. These loco's did turn up at Basingstoke as did many exGW loco's given that it was a joint station and, after the closure of the GW shed, were regulars on 70D. The usual GW types being Halls and Granges as well as 61XX tanks and 57XX tanks too.

A couple of snaps of 2845 making itself at home on the shed. I have changed the standard weathering a fair bit.





Very impressed with this Hornby model, seems accurate and very well detailed. It runs well at low speed too.


Kind regards,


Richard B

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