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On Cats


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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening cat people.


This is a plea for help or advice.  

Let me start by saying that I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a cat person. My neighbour is, and her cat has gone ‘missing’.  Her cat, a she also, was always a house cat.  On the odd occasion she went outside she didn’t go far at all and was easily enticed back before long.  However this time she ‘escaped’ and has been gone a few days now with no sighting. The other times she escaped she was always found on the flat roof or Just sitting on a nearby windowsill.  This time there is no sign of her whatsoever.  The cat is microchipped and was wearing a collar as she always has done. She is just over three years old (the cat not the neighbour). 

I have tried telling the neighbour that ‘no news is good news’ but other than that I have no other ‘words of wisdom’ or advice to offer and am at a loss as to how I might be of help.  Does any one have any experience of this sort of thing and can recommend any particular course of action or steps that we might take in this situation.  I am quite happy to take practical steps myself or just offer suggestions/support to my neighbour.




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Posted (edited)

Get some posters with photo up in the local area straight away, that's how we got our blind cat back, she'd been taken in by someone from round the corner. You could also check the local vets and rescue centres but I suspect if she's been chipped they'd have been in touch. Just a thought on that line, are her details up to date? Worth double checking just in case.

Edited by Hobby
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  • RMweb Gold
13 minutes ago, Hobby said:

Get some posters with photo up in the local area straight away, that's how we got our blind cat back

how did she read the posters?

joking apart print a load of fliers off and drop them through letterboxes, we printed 4 per A4 sheet to make them go further when our cat went missing also if your on Facebook put a plea out or get someone else to do it if your not on there, even go outside with a treat box and shake it up to attract it back, our cats always come running back for food 


when Faye went missing as a last resort we fliered an estate over the main road beyond what we would consider her normal roaming area but unfortunately within a couple of hours of doing it someone phoned to say they had found her and she’d been hit by a car, when we got to her she was still warm so it had just happened, we suspect she’d been taken in (stolen) by someone as she had been missing for 2 weeks, and once they saw the flier they let her go as she was ‘hot property’ only for her to be killed less than 100 meters from making it home 


hopefully your neighbour will have a a happy ending 


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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)

Dare I ask if the cat is neutered?  If not it may well be nature taking its course.  She may well return of her own accord after a few days.

Edited by Andy Hayter
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  • RMweb Premium

Kitt went missing once. For five days I asked around and walked around the immediate area. On day five, I made up a flyer ready to print next morning and at 4am he walks into my bedroom crying for food.

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  • RMweb Gold

I do hope your neighbour finds her cat soon. I can't offer much more by way of recommendation other that what others above have suggested. When one of ours went missing overnight (he'd booked himself into a single berth of a heap of old towels in our neighbours garage, as it turned out), I went out and toured the area, both in the car and on foot with a torch, also knocking on doors and leafleting, my wife doing the same. The next morning the neighbour remembered that he'd been in his garage the previous day after all, opened the door and there was our cat, sitting pretty on top of this pile of towels.


Once she does get the cat back, I would strongly recommend something like this - https://tractive.com/en/pd/gps-tracker-cat?_gl=1*rko8w*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXAcO3yJ9VMZfD-jtxYoPB1ZIyNf2jEteUg2F_-L7pi-PxabDQU7b3RoCGd4QAvD_BwE


GPS trackers have given us peace of mind for nearly 10 years now and neither cat minds wearing one.


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1 hour ago, Captain Kernow said:

GPS trackers have given us peace of mind for nearly 10 years now and neither cat minds wearing one.

These are certainly a good idea. Our neighbours cat had a tracker but once returned home without it. Our neighbour used the tracking device to trace it to somewhere in my front garden. There then followed an hour or so of us rooting through flower beds trying to find it, a scene similar to episodes of Time Team! It turned up in an adjacent barn, only 10 yards from the devices solution.


Unfortunately our last cat hated wearing any form of collar and would somehow wrench the thing off at the first opportunity. There again she wasn’t prone to wandering, even when we took her with us to stay at our parents homes.

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  • RMweb Premium
16 hours ago, Classsix T said:

Remedee seems to approve of my now 99% complete blokespace™, a project begun and then stalled during and after the first lockdown. Kitten proofing the plethora of cables and wires has been a job in itself.




Three turntables??

And what is that "malformed" device on top of the stack just to the left of the cans?

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20 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

Three turntables??

And what is that "malformed" device on top of the stack just to the left of the cans?

Behringer mixer between the Technics 1210s. That excellent piece of industrial des...no, I can't finish that sentence. That's a PlayStation 5...sigh.



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  • RMweb Premium

On the missing cat - not a lot of advice to offer that's not already been said. Check the documentation for the chip, they will probably have an option to report it so that it'll flag up that it's a missing cat immediately if the chip is scanned. Definitely get as many sheds, garages etc. checked as possible. Empty houses too - my mum's cat managed to get in to an empty house when a workman came around to do something, and only got out again when he came back a couple of weeks later. Cat was fine (in the long run, had to spend a bit of time in the vets being rehydrated).


My cat came back after about a week. I've heard plenty of other stories about cats vanishing and then just sauntering in days, weeks, months later, the odds of the cat just coming home of its own accord one day are actually surprisingly good.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you for your replies. Advice and websites have been passed on.  I have initially run up some posters.  Flyers may follow.

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On 28/06/2024 at 17:06, Classsix T said:

Remedee's first visit to the Vet...

The healthcare plan bod wasn't there though, so I ended up handing over around £126, I'd be grateful if I'll get a large chunk of that back when I do sign up for their subscription payments...or pretty vexed if they don't.



Happy to report that in a welcome example of customer first, the Vet Surgery has reimbursed me for much of the outlay for 'Dee's first visit, less the cost of the first two months of the pet healthcare plan.

I don't believe I was being unreasonable expecting it but it's incredibly satisfying that they've agreed so readily and done the right thing without a hint of quibbling about it.



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  • RMweb Gold

I know this mural appeared on here recently but I hadn’t realised it was local to me here in Cheltenham. 

It took some finding but it’s in a cutting on the former Cheltenham-Swindon line in Charlton Kings. 


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