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The Night Mail

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I can report success. The wheel is now off the axle without dsmage.  A 2 1/2 " nail was ground down to a square end and a piece of scrap metal was cut into to make the support.  3 light taps with a small hammer and it came free.  I will post a photo on my layout thread.


Back to prangs st work.  I wonder whether air raft with minor damage were parked in an out of the corner and the log bok not signed. One former PC did that to pass the blame onto the previous driver. He later got a prison sentence for faking a witness statement.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium
17 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

One Hunter returned to the manufacturers for rebuilding.

One Phantom repaired in situ at the Lutfwaffe base where I crashed it by a maintenance unit and BAe team.

One Tornado F3 repaired having been dismantled and taken back to the manufacturers.


There were some others that were only slightly bent.



No wonder some ended up in that museum! 🙀

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The S&T department was busy on Pantmawr North this morning.


A couple of loose rail chairs were firmly fixed as well as the placement and fixing down of the outstanding slide chairs on the three turnouts.


Work had finally started on getting the signals fixed down prior to an overhaul of the various bits of wiring.


With a total of only 5 switches for the turnouts and signals, plus a single push button for the electromagnets that do the uncoupling, we decided that a large control panel with the switches mounted on the track diagram is probably a bit ott, so next week will see a slight remodel.


It also means that the long retaining wall that would have hidden this panel is no longer required.  I can breath a sigh of relief over that!


One thing I've decided to make is a small trough that the turnout switch actuator will lie in.  This will make life a lot easier when I need to fix the ballast in around these areas.  (The local club managed to glue their point work up solid when they forgot the actuators and the point blades have to be able to move to change route.)

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37 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

so next week will see a slight remodel.

On my narrow gauge layout the turnout control consists of six switches in a small plastic box wedged into a slot in some insulating foam. I suspect that wouldn’t be an acceptable standard for an exhibition. Fortunately for the world at large I won’t be exhibiting it. The control panel for my OO layout appears to be a DIN socket. All the turnouts are DCC controlled. 

Edited by Tony_S
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22 hours ago, polybear said:

Is there any risk of the oil attacking the plastic wheel centre - I know not all oils (3 in 1 is one example I believe) are plastic-friendly.


I wouldn't think so, Slaters driving wheels are glass fibre filled nylon.



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One of those days. A few months ago I bought an etched brass kit of a Midland ballast brake van. I'm not complaining you understand but it's really not very good, however I persevered up to the point today that I had the basic body finished except for the handrails - all 24 of them - but when I came to start fitting them I discovered that the holes for them are about a mm too big. The thought of somehow filling them all successfully and fitting the correct diameter rails is just too much so if anyone wants a part made Midland ballast brake kit for the cost of postage, let me know. I'm going to scratch build one in plastikard.





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The decorating department  of SM42 Towers is in masking up mode. 


The painting section  will follow on with undercoating tomorrow with a target of Saturday evening for the next section of the Forth Bridge to be completed. 


Sunday may see some modelling done.



Edited by SM42
To add more text now that Digitrains video has let me se the screen
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54 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

One of those days. A few months ago I bought an etched brass kit of a Midland ballast brake van. I'm not complaining you understand but it's really not very good, however I persevered up to the point today that I had the basic body finished except for the handrails - all 24 of them - but when I came to start fitting them I discovered that the holes for them are about a mm too big. The thought of somehow filling them all successfully and fitting the correct diameter rails is just too much so if anyone wants a part made Midland ballast brake kit for the cost of postage, let me know. I'm going to scratch build one in plastikard.





Could you not use single strand wire insulation to fix it?

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11 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Back to prangs st work.  I wonder whether air raft with minor damage were parked in an out of the corner and the log bok not signed.

One former PC did that to pass the blame onto the previous driver. He later got a prison sentence for faking a witness statement.


As I had an unenviable history of POLACs - I'm not the best man to comment on this subject.



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18 minutes ago, br2975 said:


As I had an unenviable history of POLACs - I'm not the best man to comment on this subject.



Neither am I for the same reason. However 4199 was a turd.  He lived near the nick and was once seen on his day off going to the chippy in full uniform to get discount for his famly order. He did the trick of psrking a damsged car up and not telling at least twice.  His downfall came when a wjtness turned up at court, wasn't needed but stayed and heard his statement  read out.  Afterwards he approached the prosecutor and said,  "Thst statement was true, I just never made one."


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You win some, you lose some.


Today they were wins. I've had a cheapo metal cutting band-saw for quite a while but it never really cut "square". The blade didn't drop vertically relative to the vise surface and I had to compensate by jacking up one end of the material being cut. Turns out the plane of the saw's hinge was not parallel with the plane of the vise.


To fix it I had to oval-out the hole in a piece of cast iron that accepts the 12mm hinge pin. That was done on the mill/drill (which is always slightly scary) but it worked - yipee!


And sometimes senior moments can be advantageous. I thought I had a pretty good idea how much was in a savings account but when I looked at it today I discovered there was a lot more than I thought. It seems I transferred some stuff into it well over a year ago and forgot all about it 😀.


Not sure how many more years I'll be able to ski but it looks like the funds could be put to good use this season. Despite living in Idaho  for 25+ years I've never actually skied Sun Valley but they accept my discount pass this season so I'm going to give it a shot.


(I'm already doing a week at Aspen - look, somebody has to do it!)




Edited by AndyID
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10 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

 However 4199 was a turd. 

I was concerned that the honourable gentleman was referring to an ex GWR large prairie tank in his derogatory remark, but fortunately I can report that the 41xx series of locomotives ended with 4179.

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Polac is either a derogatory term for someone from Poland, or a Police Accident (usually rtc). 


A covert transfer of railway supplies took place this afternoon at an undisclosed location near to Aberflyarff.


Both parties appeared happy with the arrangement and there were no Polacs.

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16 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

As readers of ER will know we’re getting a dog on Sunday and been out looking for dog toys and came across these two ‘characters’!


They do kind of remind me of a couple of ‘characters’ on here.

And Jamie and Brian wrapped up warm underneath the bear.

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We had a bit of an ant infestation in the kitchen. They were actually coming to get water.


Some liquid ant bait seems to have done the trick. It took about four days but there are very few ants showing up now.

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