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The Night Mail

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  • RMweb Gold
26 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I certainly agree with your last contention - equitable justice in a modern, democratic society will always be complicated, messy and (unfortunately) time consuming (certainly things can be improved, how? A discussion for another time, perhaps). The show trial isn’t about justice or crime and punishment, it’s all about the consequences of defying the state.


Nonetheless, the provocative cynic in me wonders whether or not a few suitably targeted “show trials” (I have a short list of about 42 pages of suitable candidates 🤣😁😯) would not serve to help wonderfully concentrate the populace’s mind on the business of “being good citizens”?


Your list reminds me of this...


there's also the "I've got a little list" song, from The Mikado too....



Found one without "modern topical" references!





Edited by Hroth
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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, br2975 said:

Hi mum, I'm home................................


Welcome back Brian. Just in time to give us some guidance on who to vote for at the next election and your views on the role of the church in British society, 🤣



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13 hours ago, MrWolf said:


As things stand, they have everything to gain. Maybe they will kick off and have one last dig at the victim's family, then sit in a cell for ten years at a cost of hundreds per day, smugly refusing to reveal where they disposed of the victim, Belfield, Brady et al spring to mind.

That is a true final insult.


My uncle was the arresting officer when Hindley was nicked, four days after Brady. At first it was thought she genuinely had nothing to do with it, but when the police played the tape she and Brady had made when torturing and killing one of their earlier victims,they had her bang to rights.


On a (much) lighter note, the old railway mojo is in fine fettle at the moment, there are so many nice new models to look forward to and I'm probably going down to Cornwall next week to revisit my old stomping ground. Might just pop into Kernow MC while I'm down there... 😉



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


Welcome back Brian. Just in time to give us some guidance on who to vote for at the next election and your views on the role of the church in British society, 🤣




Rumour has it that A Certain Bear may be running for PM - free cake n' pizza for all**. all muddlin' items items tax free, proper metalwork & woodwork classes at secondary school (just like wot they used to be) - along with finance planning classes, a THOROUGHLY ruthless & evil 'sterd as Justice Minister........

And most definitely a properly funded NHS

Just wait till I get really warmed up.....


** Except scrotes



Edited by polybear
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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, polybear said:


Rumour has it that A Certain Bear may be running for PM - free cake n' pizza for all**. all muddlin' items items tax free, proper metalwork & woodwork classes at secondary school (just like wot they used to be) - along with finance planning classes, a THOROUGHLY ruthless & evil 'sterd as Justice Minister........

Just wait till I get really warmed up.....


** Except scrotes




And Engineering Drawing too, so they can describe and understand what they're making!


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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, polybear said:

 ...snip... Four-point strapped to a chair and gaffer tape should do the trick.

"Bring back ol' Sparky". At least that is what I initially thought that you meant; the straps loose and the "connections" even looser. To save the taxpayer at least $35,000 to $50,000+ per year to house one of those "things", I would be more than willing to throw the switch! On, off, on, off, on, off, .................................................. till my hand gets tired.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

 ...snip... Nonetheless, the provocative cynic in me wonders whether or not a few suitably targeted “show trials” (I have a short list of about 42 pages of suitable candidates 🤣😁😯) would not serve to help wonderfully concentrate the populace’s mind on the business of “being good citizens”?

Single-spaced, 6 point font? 🙂

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30 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

"Bring back ol' Sparky". At least that is what I initially thought that you meant; the straps loose and the "connections" even looser. To save the taxpayer at least $35,000 to $50,000+ per year to house one of those "things", I would be more than willing to throw the switch! On, off, on, off, on, off, .................................................. till my hand gets tired.

I never had a murder trial when empanelled on a jury but, were the death penalty extant, I would have voted "not guilty".  I find the act of killing anyone abhorrent.  Lock them up for life, 24 hours a day in the cell, fed on bread, water and unlimited fags - fine, but killing them - no.

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  • RMweb Premium
42 minutes ago, polybear said:


Rumour has it that A Certain Bear may be running for PM - free cake n' pizza for all**. all muddlin' items items tax free, proper metalwork & woodwork classes at secondary school (just like wot they used to be) - along with finance planning classes, a THOROUGHLY ruthless & evil 'sterd as Justice Minister........

And most definitely a properly funded NHS

Just wait till I get really warmed up.....


** Except scrotes




                            💥💥 VOTE BEAR 💥💥



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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

 ...snip... As a die-hard foodie I applaud this, but there again I’m of the generation where it was a treat and a privilege to eat “grown up food” with the “grown ups” (at family gatherings there were two tables: one for the adults and one for the kids).


I’m firmly of the opinion (inherited from parents, grand-parents and assorted Uncles and Aunts) that children should not dictate what the family eats - although a wise parent takes into account likes and dislikes. But also I reckon I’m the “victim” of reverse psychology - things that most parents have difficulties in getting children to eat (e.g. spinach) were declared as being “only for the grown ups”. So of course I had to try them. And with the mind suitably prepared, the taste buds followed…. 

I’ve been able to get the various offspring of friends to eat things like liver and spinach by using reverse psychology. ...snip...


I was brought up pretty much the same way although I was served the same stuff that Mother and Dad had starting when I was quite young (the expense of two different meals was at play here). When we went out to a restaurant (rarely) and the server asked what "child's menu selection" that I wanted, I would tell them "No, I am having the adult blah,blah.", M & D never said a word as I always ate all of it. I do remember one time though when I just could not finish something and asked for a "doggie bag", (not all that common back then, either) and Mother got a bit agitated. My comment was to the effect of "We paid for it so lets take home what is left over.". BTW, the server brought, with absolutely no comment, a proper bag.


As for liking/eating what they put in front of me, almost never a problem as I would eat (and liked) most all food items. Two notable exceptions were sweet potatoes (but I really like sweet potato pie!) and avocados (and, oddly, again, I like guacamole). They NEVER had a problem feeding me spinach as it was back then (and still today) a major favorite; as are most greens. Liver and onions, bring it on! But, please, please do not over-cook the liver! More favorites are beef kidney (never had a good steak & kidney pie over here, though), beef heart (not the rock band 🙃) that is very tender and tasty when properly cooked, and a few other items.


I could go on and on, but I have just typed myself into a hunger spasm which I am now going to cure with some pork barbecue!!

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4 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:


                            💥💥 VOTE BEAR 💥💥




I reckon Captain Cynical will certainly need a publicly visible representative when CC works his magic behind the scenes....


CC is more than happy to fund free pizza and cake (pane et circenses and all that) but the NHS is going have to go through a really really serious shake up and house cleaning before it gets the serious money...

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  • RMweb Premium
52 minutes ago, polybear said:


Rumour has it that A Certain Bear may be running for PM - free cake n' pizza for all**. all muddlin' items items tax free, proper metalwork & woodwork classes at secondary school (just like wot they used to be) - along with finance planning classes, a THOROUGHLY ruthless & evil 'sterd as Justice Minister........

And most definitely a properly funded NHS

Just wait till I get really warmed up.....


** Except scrotes



I'll mail in my vote if Bear'll next-day airmail (at the Crown's expense; I collect stamps and whatever franking would be on that parcel would, most definitely, be an asset to my collection!) the cake to me. 😉

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54 minutes ago, Hroth said:


And Engineering Drawing too, so they can describe and understand what they're making!



And gardening so they know where the wood comes from plus learning about the correct time to prune things (prime minister's excluded from this last item)

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  • RMweb Premium
31 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Mention has been made about kids not eating greens. My friends 15-year-old son loves broccoli and has done so for the last three years at least.


Both my 12 year old granddaughter and 9 year old grandson like broccoli as well, whereas 10 year old granddaughter is not a fan although she will eat it if pushed. When cooking broccoli I usually try to make sure that there will be a fair amount left over and do likewise with the accompanying potatoes as they make a fine version of bubble 'n squeak the next day.


I also very much like broccoli in a dish called chicken Myers, viz:

    4 chicken breasts in a casserole dish 

    Lots of broccoli on top of chicken

    The whole covered in a sauce made with one can condensed chicken soup, 4 tablespoons double cream, 4                       tablespoons mayonnaise and a good pinch of cayenne pepper then liberally sprinkled with grated mature                   cheddar cheese.    

  Baked at 180 degrees C (fan) for about 45 minutes to one hour (depending on the size of the chicken breasts) and              served with new potatoes.


It's yummy and guests think it takes ages to do whereas it's quick and dead easy.


The above brought to you by North Hipposhire Gourmet Grub and Crimson Lake Locomotives plc.



Edited by Dave Hunt
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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Mention has been made about kids not eating greens. My friends 15-year-old son loves broccoli and has done so for the last three years at least.

Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower are my three top favorite veggies. The second two are available as a nice mix and, if desired, can be eaten raw as in a salad. The best of both worlds!

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, J. S. Bach said:

Single-spaced, 6 point font? 🙂




1 hour ago, bbishop said:

I never had a murder trial when empanelled on a jury but, were the death penalty extant, I would have voted "not guilty".  I find the act of killing anyone abhorrent.  Lock them up for life, 24 hours a day in the cell, fed on bread, water and unlimited fags - fine, but killing them - no.


Get them good n' hooked on the Fags for a few years then take them away - and watch them bouncin' off the walls.

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