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37 minutes ago, bbishop said:



Don't want to worry anybody but I suspect Big H is lurking in the background just so as keep himself abreast of what is being discussed.


I'm told that Hippopotami are like that only exposing the merest scintilla, similar to an iceberg.

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Yes driv8ng in snow is an art that needs practice but is usually possible. We got plenty of it at Gildersome but there werecalways a few idiots who ignoredcit at their cost.  We ended up with an inch of whitevstuff last night.  I went for a walk  and it was thawing. I think that it's jow frozen so we will see how well our neighbours cope.  No gritting round here vut therevarevplenty of tractors and diggers around.



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11 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


That's why there are school closures - it's not that it is difficult or dangerous for the kids to get in but that not enough staff can get in - they, on the whole, live well out of catchment (for obvious reasons).

Similarly it's why the railways get slated for cancelling services when there's often very little snow on the lines or platforms.  The trains can run just fine, it's just that staff can't get out of their streets to get to work.  Like everybody else, few choose to (or can afford to) live close enough to work to walk in.

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30 minutes ago, Northmoor said:

Similarly it's why the railways get slated for cancelling services when there's often very little snow on the lines or platforms.  The trains can run just fine, it's just that staff can't get out of their streets to get to work.  Like everybody else, few choose to (or can afford to) live close enough to work to walk in.


In my experience the signalling  side rarely dont make it in. 



Who having lobbed in the signalling vs loco dept grenade is now running for cover.

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1 hour ago, Northmoor said:

Similarly it's why the railways get slated for cancelling services when there's often very little snow on the lines or platforms.  The trains can run just fine, it's just that staff can't get out of their streets to get to work.  Like everybody else, few choose to (or can afford to) live close enough to work to walk in.


The other thing to consider, is that in many cases work has moved further away as depots and signal boxes have closed. 




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Several years ago, one dark night parked outside a friends house in my old Humber Septre, hand brake on, ignition off etc. Then the houses in front started moving sideways ....., 1st house, 2nd ...


In the snow, I had left the road and stopped on what was normally a grassy bank and we were sliding sideways downhill, getting faster and faster until we hit a bank of snow


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2 hours ago, br2975 said:

Whisper the word 'snow' and Britain grinds to a halt.


Mrs. 2975 and her big cousin are made of sterner stuff, and have no problem enduring a 'sweltering'  -5'C whilst enjoying the delights of a Reykjavik beer garden.



Bear detects strategically positioned handbags - that's cheating....

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On 19/01/2023 at 21:25, newbryford said:


As long as the pupil was at a decent standard, that's something I would always try and do with my lot when I was instructing.


Did you manage to find enough yellow snow Mick?



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I thought I had been clever last night. 


I took an old blanket to work and threw it over the car  


No defrosting for me this morning. 


Hadn't reckoned on having to scrape the inside of the windscreen. ☹️



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45 minutes ago, SM42 said:

I thought I had been clever last night. 


I took an old blanket to work and threw it over the car  


No defrosting for me this morning. 


Hadn't reckoned on having to scrape the inside of the windscreen. ☹️



Yep, been doing that morning and evening on both my commuting days this week.  NOT fun, I'll be happy to see the back of the frost now, thanks.

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1 hour ago, SM42 said:

Hadn't reckoned on having to scrape the inside of the windscreen. 

Aditi used to keep her car in the garage. When, many years ago, I wanted to,put trains in the garage, she said that was fine but would I scrape ice off the car before she went to work. This isn’t a huge problem in South Essex but when it was time to replace the Clio I did encourage her to get a car with a heated windscreen. 
It is possible to remote start my car, but being retired we don’t have to worry about going out until it warms up a bit. 

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Greetings from a North Hipposhire that still has some snow on the ground and features a tribe of brass monkeys carrying brazing gear. Fortunately the workshop has heating so while Jill was doing SWMBOey things like going to the hairdressers and having coffee with other members of the British olympic chattering team I was warmly esconsed with a soldering iron and bits of nickel silver. Mind you, to reach that happy situation I had to spend a few hours getting Hunt Towers ready for some visiting royalty friends who are coming for lunch tomorrow. That is a bit of a double edged sword as in exchange for cooking a Greek meal, which I have already started and will finish in the morning, I will amass (with luck) enough brownie points to get the workshop time next week to finish the model of a Kirtley ballast brake rebuilt as a breakdown train tool van that I am making. Wish me luck.





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13 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

ready for some visiting royalty friends who are coming for lunch tomorro

It is a good job we are not entertaining tomorrow. I suspect something approximately Greek could be created but the dining table is covered with stuff to do with the electrical bit of railway modelling. Aditi thought I would be cold in the garage so she suggested I sorted out my computer interface tasks inside. Sorting out the laptop took ages. It hasn’t been used for a while and got stuck in some sort of update loop. Then more old devices (tablets and phones) were resurrected to use as wireless handsets adding to the pile  on the table. Perhaps track and some locos will be next. Or it may deemed warm enough to go out to the garage. 

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SM42 Towers is also in preparation mode for visitors


Mrs SM42 is entertaining friends from down Sarth next weekend so everything has to be bulled up and stuff tidied away. 


Along with an improvement in the number of scenic vistas around the Towers I'm also expecting the the place to smell like a branch of Boots for a couple of days.


I really am starting to miss decorating.  A good excuse not to tidy up 



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