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The Night Mail

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  • RMweb Premium

Today looked as if it was going to be a complete zero as far as the important things of life were concerned (i.e., railway modelling) but after manufacturing some savoury biscuits as well as one of Grandad's chocolate cakes for the children then helping with the various 'essential' preparations for the invasion gathering I was suddenly and unexpectedly granted some workshop time. I'm still not sure whether it was simple largesse on the part of The Management or part of some softening up process for what is about to befall me over the next few days.



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On our way home from Niort today we called at a newly opened biscuit boutique.  What I thought was a large caramel and butter biscuit some 9" diameter came home . It turned out to be what I would call a treacle tart over 1cm thick, by some mysterious power, half of it has disappeared.   Some new mince pies have been quality controlled.  Off to bed now.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


Excuse me! Remember I know where you live.



And I you.


You might have ADV experience but a 1000 bummer raid by Strategic Hippo Command would oversaturate your defences and probably flood your driveway and garden, as opposed to trying to achieve a direct hit on the control tower.


Now let me think, what's at the low point of the garden?


1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


Since this is my last evening of peace and quiet before various family factions descend on Hunt Towers and Jill has gone to bed, I am awarding myself a glass of Lagavulin accompanied by a piece of fruit cake with a slice of Stilton on the side. Some things are best enjoyed alone.



The silence will allow you to hear the sonorous drone of 1000 twirling tails.....



But fear not, you can sleep easy tonight as I'm still gumming up with a rather tasty ginger Turkish Delight

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Got home from work today to a house smelling of tomorrow's Christmas goodies 

Friends are expected to join us for Christmas Dinner tomorrow evening, followed by opening pressies and then midnight mass. 


Been out to a friends this evening for dinner and am now full of vodka. 


This will probably be the last alcohol drunk till Tuesday when we meet up with the rest of our  generation in the family . 


After that  due to work, it will next year before I have chance to imbibe. 


This bothers me not one jot and my liver is probably grateful. 


Orders for tomorrow have been issued. 

Shopping for those last minute food items, delivering presents  general tidying and putting up more Christmas lights are on the agenda. 




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6 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

They’re having a larf, aren’t they Tony?


I mean, Italian at number one é una cosa giusta, but Greek at number two? By rights Chinese, Indian and Japanese should all be sharing first place with Italian, with French cuisine coming a handy 2nd (mainly because French cuisine is sometimes so far up its own derrière that it is incroyable). Thai, Indonesian, Malaysian, Singaporean, Vietnamese and (dare I say it?) English cuisine all deserve much, much higher places (in the top  15 certainly)


I reckon it’s the Creole and Cajun Cuisine* (with help from the Texas BBQ) that helped propel American cuisine so high in the ratings. It certainly wasn’t pop-tarts, Hostess Twinkies (sp?), chain burgers or Hershey’s chocolate


* a well done Cajun or Creole Jambalaya is truly a thing of wonder and can certainly hold its own against any risotto or byriani. And as for BBQ there’s only one critical question: Beef BBQ or Pork BBQ?


Something which kind of undermines the credibility of that poll is positioning Indonesian food at 19 and Malaysian at 39. Indonesian and Malaysian food comes from the same tradition, so much so that the two countries are always fighting over which one owns the signature dishes such as soto, rujak, gado gado, rendang, laksa etc. There have been diplomatic incidents when Malaysian government officials have made land grabs on food. The two countries were largely divided by Europeans, even linguistically the two languages are very similar when spoken and the written differences arose primarily because of the ways the British and Dutch transcribed them in written form.

And something often ignored is that much of the food in the region stems from the peranakan and straits Chinese tradition, which basically blended Chinese and local cuisine with elements of European settler foods to produce something rather special. 

And Singapore is at 52 despite the fact that the food here is basically a mix of Malay/Indonesian, Chinese and Indian, all much higher than Singapore with a unique Singaporean fusion element added.

Of course taste in food is a personal thing and we all like what we like but I wince at Korea being at 19 given the excelentness of Korean food. I also wonder about the deomographic of those who voted as in much of Asia I suspect Korean would be top five given the crazy obsession with anything Korean.

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The weather moved in today.  SWMBO went out very early for shopping when things were still manageable. I haven't been out at all.  It was reported that the rain before the snow was washing all the preliminary salt off the roads.


My light just flickered.


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9 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

.......I was suddenly and unexpectedly granted some workshop time. I'm still not sure whether it was simple largesse on the part of The Management or part of some softening up process for what is about to befall me over the next few days.




Definitely a re-grouping tactic prior to the next great offensive.  I'd dig in if I were you ......

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8 hours ago, SM42 said:

Got home from work today to a house smelling of tomorrow's Christmas goodies 

Friends are expected to join us for Christmas Dinner tomorrow evening, followed by opening pressies and then midnight mass. 


Been out to a friends this evening for dinner and am now full of vodka. 


This will probably be the last alcohol drunk till Tuesday when we meet up with the rest of our  generation in the family . 


After that  due to work, it will next year before I have chance to imbibe. 


This bothers me not one jot and my liver is probably grateful. 


Orders for tomorrow have been issued. 

Shopping for those last minute food items, delivering presents  general tidying and putting up more Christmas lights are on the agenda. 





I hope you've agreed in advance which of those are blue jobs.

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32 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


I hope you've agreed in advance which of those are blue jobs.


The last paragraph are all blue jobs. 


Pink is engaged in making perogi and other culinary tasks. 


I'm already part way through my list and it's not even 9 o'clock. 



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30 minutes ago, SM42 said:


The last paragraph are all blue jobs. 


Pink is engaged in making perogi and other culinary tasks. 


I'm already part way through my list and it's not even 9 o'clock. 




Woo there me laddo. Half way through the list . Take it easy. If you finish early I fear that some of the pink jobs may be 'reassigned'

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I got up early and went shopping for some last minute essentials.


Although very tempted, I avoided all the Stollen and Chocolate logs and instead concentrated on getting a large pack of bin bags and a packet of digestive biscuits to eat with my cheese stash, plus a box of King Cherries for Nyda.


At the price for a box, I can see why they are called 'king Cherries.


Tactically I was on top of the game. I was on my way home by the time some of the Walking dead of Donnington had partially risen,  and were starting to appear in Aldi's car park: Still in their dressing gowns and fluffy mules  whilst being surrounded in a fug of cigarette smoke.



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I have done 98% of my assigned tasks. 


Even some bonus jobs have been done. Less to do after Christmas. 


The last 2% will be done once the vacuum cleaner has recharged. 


Vacuuming is assigned to blue at SM42 Towers. 


Polish carols are now playing and Mrs SM42 is making perogi, so is distracted from my current somnolent posture. 





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Like Andy, we eat Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve:  It started when I was in the army and invariably found myself working on Christmas day, so it was easier and less rushed than tying to get home for an hour or so.  Once the children had arrived, it also made Christmas day a full fun day for all the family.


This morning's later task was to pick up all the pruning from the apple trees and get them into the green recycling bin.


This was followed by sorting out the vacuum cleaner as it had become blocked with some very odd debris which I think was from Nyda's table decorations.  Then(having washed my hands) it was time to assist in getting the turkey into the oven.


I am now on an rest period between sorting out various bits of silverware for the table.


Still, I have four hours before I start my first G&T, so I'm awaiting another tasking order.  

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We did go out to the shops today. Aditi had left her rucksack to be repaired at the cobblers and he had said it would be ready on Christmas Eve. He was just stitching it as she went in. Then we had a trip to Canvey. Aditi went yesterday to return a clothing item at the M&S customer service desk at their food store. She was annoyed with herself as she forgot to  pick up the item she had intended to collect. I did the driving today. The other drivers weren’t causing problems but so many people were just stepping out into the road. Minds elsewhere. 
Aditi said the M&S food store (no clothes or houseware) was quite quiet so she got a baguette and some cheese for lunch. 
All our other food arrived this morning , nothing missing, substitutes were a couple of organic veg items replaced with non organic.

I popped out to the garage as it wasn’t too cold to see if I could find another tiny 6 pin decoder. I was successful so if I wish I can stop Nesta being a display only model. The recommended decoder for the Bachmann quarry Hunslets isn’t cheap and I do have a couple “in the post” but I just wanted to see them move under DCC control. I have found two different small decoders that also fit, but only just. 

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I popped round to a railway friend yesterday, meeting his other half for the first time (they've been together over ten years!).


He's got an 8'x6' set-up laid out in an expanded train set style with two tracks on the lower level and another circuit above, with a spur to the corner of the room planned.  We agreed a small goods yard was best as a passenger station would appear unrealistically small.  Like me he's a great believer in spending money only on the unavoidable with modelling, so baseboards are all 8mm MDF offcuts from B&Q's leftovers bin, while he has got into Hornby DCC and is getting really good performance out of his old Lima models once converted.  As a kid he used to make model buildings with his mother and there are some wonderful representations of Western Scotland architecture.  I left very envious of having a separate room to set up a railway; I need to make space somewhere for St. Davids, so it can actually be worked on regularly (and not getting damaged in the garage).


Apart from my daughter reporting an almost critical bread shortage, we are set for Christmas and don't otherwise need to visit shops today.  As one of our neighbours said yesterday, you feel sorry for retail staff who only get one day off (her daughter works for Waitrose, they get two) at this time of year.  I feel very blessed to have two weeks, hang on we're halfway through my holiday already......


Happy Christmas to all RMWebbers and hopefully Santa brings you more stuff, or preferably some modelling time.

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9 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

I got up early and went shopping for some last minute essentials.


Although very tempted, I avoided all the Stollen and Chocolate logs and instead concentrated on getting a large pack of bin bags and a packet of digestive biscuits to eat with my cheese stash, plus a box of King Cherries for Nyda.


At the price for a box, I can see why they are called 'king Cherries.


Tactically I was on top of the game. I was on my way home by the time some of the Walking dead of Donnington had partially risen,  and were starting to appear in Aldi's car park: Still in their dressing gowns and fluffy mules  whilst being surrounded in a fug of cigarette smoke.




Big H i don't think is to tobacco that they are smoking to cause the fug- well not at least what you or i would assign the label of legal to.

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