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  • RMweb Premium
21 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:


Grade 2 listed - so someone will need deep pockets to convert that without upsetting the conservation lot.

Personally I wouldn't touch a listed building with a bargepole as you pretty much need permission just to f@rt.

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  • RMweb Premium
10 minutes ago, polybear said:


Grade 2 listed - so someone will need deep pockets to convert that without upsetting the conservation lot.

Personally I wouldn't touch a listed building with a bargepole as you pretty much need permission just to f@rt.

Apparently all plans and permissions are in place but to carry them out would set you back ten million.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 minute ago, polybear said:


Wonder why they haven't actually said how it's been vandalised, or shown pictures?

It's either scrotes out for a bit of fun or metal thieves. 

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  • RMweb Premium
58 minutes ago, polybear said:


Wonder why they haven't actually said how it's been vandalised, or shown pictures?

If it's graffiti'd, organisations often don't want to give the perpetrator any publicity by publishing images.  That way any images which do appear are more likely to be by the perpetrator and may be traceable.

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  • RMweb Premium

Can anyone explain to me why the photograph of the Eagles performance that I included in my last post appears as just that, i.e., an image, when the post is viewed on my phone whereas on my laptop it is just a link to where the image resides?


Puzzled of North Hipposhire (AKA Dave)

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  • RMweb Gold
7 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Can anyone explain to me why the photograph of the Eagles performance that I included in my last post appears as just that, i.e., an image, when the post is viewed on my phone whereas on my laptop it is just a link to where the image resides?


Puzzled of North Hipposhire (AKA Dave)

A bit like my inability to renew my TV and broadband service contract with any browser on my iPad but had no trouble using my “big” PC.


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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Can anyone explain to me why the photograph of the Eagles performance that I included in my last post appears as just that, i.e., an image, when the post is viewed on my phone whereas on my laptop it is just a link to where the image resides?


Puzzled of North Hipposhire (AKA Dave)

I Can't Tell You Why.  





Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium
On 07/06/2024 at 18:29, Dave Hunt said:

Just waiting for No. 1 son to arrive for the weekend. Tomorrow we are going to Manchester to see the Eagles in the last of their farewell concerts in UK. Something both of us are really looking forward to.




Now you've got the bug can we expect to see you at a Taylor Swift concert?

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  • RMweb Premium
38 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Can anyone explain to me why the photograph of the Eagles performance that I included in my last post appears as just that, i.e., an image, when the post is viewed on my phone whereas on my laptop it is just a link to where the image resides?


Puzzled of North Hipposhire (AKA Dave)

Looks fine here (firefox-115.12.0esr on linux , strictly candidate2 so prerelease)

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46 minutes ago, polybear said:


Now you've got the bug can we expect to see you at a Taylor Swift concert?


Given his railway modelling  preferences I'm getting more this kind of vibe.



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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, polybear said:


Grade 2 listed - so someone will need deep pockets to convert that without upsetting the conservation lot.

Personally I wouldn't touch a listed building with a bargepole as you pretty much need permission just to f@rt.

It does seem, at least from watching programs like Grand Designs and other house purchasing/house renovation programs, that the various conservation agencies in the UK are pretty much dedicated to ensuring that no listed building gets saved. They seem to exhibit an ideological purity when it comes to renovating listed buildings prohibiting most anything that could be vaguely construed as anachronistic – even if what is being proposed would not see light of day again once the renovations had been finished.


Certain things do make sense: marrying modern materials and material technology with long established traditional methods is a process fraught with problems and complications, so from that perspective it makes sense to stick with the old, tried, true and trusted. But there are other things like insisting on refurbishing rotten old sash windows(because “they are original”) whilst prohibiting replacement modern reproduction wooden (not PVC) sash windows that are indistinguishable, even on close inspection,  from the originals.


There are so many examples of the inflexibility and intractability of the conservation agencies in the UK that it is no wonder they are having a hard time trying to find people to take on the renovation of valuable old buildings. And to be blunt, because of this inflexibility, what often happens is that someone forks out a huge amount of money for a listed building and extensive  grounds, starts renovating, gets so fed up with all the demands (often conflicting) from the various conservation agencies that they give up. They let the building rot until it has to be compulsorily demolished and then they build a bunch of executive homes on the land they still own. 



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, polybear said:


Now you've got the bug can we expect to see you at a Taylor Swift concert?

As long as there is an aircraft connotation, DH will be there.


Some examples:


The (F15)  Eagles


Taylor (Supermarine) Swift


The  (Lockheed)Lightning Seeds


(Hawker) Hurricane Smith


(De Havilland) Venom


Need I go on?



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  • RMweb Premium
29 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

It does seem, at least from watching programs like Grand Designs and other house purchasing/house renovation programs, that the various conservation agencies in the UK are pretty much dedicated to ensuring that no listed building gets saved. They seem to exhibit an ideological purity when it comes to renovating listed buildings prohibiting most anything that could be vaguely construed as anachronistic – even if what is being proposed would not see light of day again once the renovations had been finished.


A few tales to support Flavio's post:


When the late David Jenkinson lived in Knaresborough his house was Grade 2 listed and some of the oak panelling in the hallway and staircase needed replacing. He had ensured before moving in that readily available American oak would suffice but when he came to do the job, English Heritage started insisting that a certain type of English oak was necessary (I don't recall what type it was) despite the fact that it was almost unobtainable. He did manage eventually to obtain some of the oak EH specified at a helluva cost but trying to do the whole job with it was virtually impossible so it was never finished by David and when he sold the house some ten or so years later it still remained unfinished. Obviously whoever bought the house thought that they could manage it somehow.


Where we lived in a small hamlet in Lincolnshire the chap across the lane renovated a pair of Elizabethan wattle and daub Grade 2 listed cottages that had previously been knocked into one. It had a tiled roof but it was known that originally the roof had been thatched so that was how he wanted to restore it but EH had other ideas. Since when the property was given listed status the roof was tiled, that was how they wanted it restored and nothing he could say could change their insistence so tiled it was.


Another neighbour in Lincolnshire was a carpenter who was involved with replacing the oak windows and frames in a listed house. He was told by the building regulations people that a certain thickness of glass had to be used whereas EH said it had to be as it was before restoration, which was thinner, and neither would shift. Even when he and the building's owner tried to get them to talk to each other they refused and things dragged on for nearly a year and it wasn't until the owner got the local MP involved that a resolution was reached. Unfortunately I can't remember what thicknesses of glass were involved nor what the eventual decision was but I suspect that it was in favour of building regs.



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  • RMweb Premium
13 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

As long as there is an aircraft connotation, DH will be there.


Some examples:


The (F15)  Eagles


Taylor (Supermarine) Swift........


Nice one HH but I don't think that Ms Smith will be on my must see list. Mind you the twin daughters of some friends are due to see her in the near future and are shelling out £400 each for the privilege!



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9 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

A relative has had to report to the DVLA that he has had some work done on his eyes. The fact that his eyesight is now better than what it was and that he'd been driving for thirty years with the previous condition couldn't dissay the medical professional. If the computer says you do it...... Officialdom lives.


Things are not so draconian here. If I were to take a chance and cause a GBH prang it would most likely result in a civil action in which I or my estate would get seriously sued.

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  • RMweb Premium
11 minutes ago, AndyID said:


Things are not so draconian here. If I were to take a chance and cause a GBH prang it would most likely result in a civil action in which I or my estate would get seriously sued.


In the UK if you have any one of a number of illnesses you have to inform DVLA by law, who then ask for medical reports before giving you the OK.  And every time you get car insurance they ask "have you got any DVLA reportable illnesses and if so (a) have you told them, and (b) have they given you the ok to drive?

Tell porkies and the insurance is invalid.


Of course there are other situations where the Doc may say "I'm putting you on these pills for a month and you mustn't drive whilst on them" - which of course is in your medical notes.  Another get-out clause for Insurance Companies in the event of a crunch.

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  • RMweb Premium
Posted (edited)

Here we have a Grade II listed  building that used to be part on a carpet factory. 


For some reason a well known department  store was allowed to knock great holes in the side if it and add a big glass extension. 


The windows   I'm pretty sure,are no longer original in either appearance or material. 


Strange how some can get permission to do all sorts where others can't 



Edited by SM42
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  • RMweb Gold
16 minutes ago, AndyID said:


Things are not so draconian here. If I were to take a chance and cause a GBH prang it would most likely result in a civil action in which I or my estate would get seriously sued.

Matthew had to wait for a year after his last seizure and have been on a settled dose of medication before getting a provisional licence when he was 18. He didn’t really intend to drive, he just wanted the photo id. Back in 1981 Aditi passed her driving test but because she took anti seizure medication and last had a seizure aged 10, she had to have a one year subject to medical review licence. This was later changed to three years and eventually normal review at age 70.

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1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


Nice one HH but I don't think that Ms Smith will be on my must see list. Mind you the twin daughters of some friends are due to see her in the near future and are shelling out £400 each for the privilege!



I remember a time many decades ago, when we had proper bands who went on tour, and it was said in the music press, that when bands like Emerson, Lake & Palmer (for example) went on tour, they lost money, but as they were promoting an album (as tours often did) they would make money through album sales.

Now, according to what I read in the musical press that still exists, nowadays bands lose money on albums (mostly because of the streaming services who pay a pittance for streaming an artist’s music) but make a lot of money on their tours.

Tours nowadays are often glitzy multimedia extravaganzas, but they still make the band (or the artist) a hefty sum (I remember reading that one band on tour - after paying for a very expensive and impressive stage show and all the costs that went with it - trousered about $100 million!).

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


Nice one HH but I don't think that Ms Smith will be on my must see list. Mind you the twin daughters of some friends are due to see her in the near future and are shelling out £400 each for the privilege!



Hurricane Smith popped his clogs in 2008, so are they going to a seance?

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