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The Night Mail

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  • RMweb Gold

An update on the appearance of the fire engine on our driveway last night.



The fire safety notice was delivered by the crew to all the houses in the immediate vicinity of the house that did have a fire!






The house is next door but one to ours!


Nobody called me in a panic so my 3 buckets of sand, the fire blanket and the extinguisher were unused.


Mind you by the time I'd got my pants on over my tights, and found my cape and mask, the brigade would have turned up and dealt with the conflagration with the couple of buckets of water.

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1 hour ago, Winslow Boy said:

Are you International Rescue? My beavers got stuck under my shed. Can you come and rescue it please.


Obviously a hoax call. 🤔



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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, Dave Hunt said:

And we all know what rabbits get up to for recreation don’t we?




According to WD, either tearing each other to bits, eating, sleeping OR making more rabbits to carry on the fine traditions of Rabbitry.


Not much different to Humanity...


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I’m currently playing the ‘I’m a poor soul wid a code in de nose’ card, which so far today has resulted in a long lie in complete with bacon sarnie and coffee in bed. However, I think that I may have milked that particular cow of all its worth so I may have to adopt a more upright posture and even possibly do something productive soon.



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2 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Eat their own poo…


Iike other ruminants without a second stomach.

I've always wondered how they tell the difference between first and second passing...




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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

I’m currently playing the ‘I’m a poor soul wid a code in de nose’ card, which so far today has resulted in a long lie in complete with bacon sarnie and coffee in bed. However, I think that I may have milked that particular cow of all its worth so I may have to adopt a more upright posture and even possibly do something productive soon.



I thought that by the time you got to pensionable age, you didn't have just one cow, but a whole herd. If it's any consolation, I woke up this morning with a body that feels as if I've been trampled by all of them.


My head's fine but from the base of my neck all the way down to my knees, I ache.


I have sneaking feeling that my left ankle will soon be joining the rest of the complaining mob out of sympathy.


In other news my daughter rang up to say that Grandson no 1 is coughing quite badly and has just been sick.  Then our son messages and says his partner and both children are down with colds.  So all of us meeting up tomorrow may not happen.


I suspect that after the non existent family get together before Christmas, caused by illness, that our children and their offspring are now allergic to us!

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

Eat their own poo…


Quite a common phenomenon in the animal world.

Dogs also do it - but tend to eat the faeces of ruminants as it allows them to obtain plant based nutrients that otherwise would be inaccessible.

1 hour ago, Hroth said:


Iike other ruminants without a second stomach.

I've always wondered how they tell the difference between first and second passing...

Presumably by smell.


Having a big and complex brain has allowed us to overcome the limitations of our senses - a mediocre sense of smell being one of them.

1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

Thanks Tony. I was starting to feel a bit better until I read that.



Oh, Dear. The Squadron Leader seems uncomfortable with “bodily fluids”. Believe me, there are worse bodily products than a little poo*

1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

I now feel quite nauseous.



…which is, of course, often the precursor to emesis (vomiting).


I can’t think of a single drug - from aspirin to the most sophisticated mRNA based vaccines - that doesn’t cause nausea, vomiting and headache in someone.

One tends to develop a degree of indifference/tolerance to medical/patient fluids and smells. Although I’ve found that without constant exposure (as in seeing patients every day) that tolerance tends to wane.

* two of the worst things I have ever smelled were the vomitus of an end stage metastatic colon cancer patient who was vomiting faecal matter and a suppurating 3rd Degree burn in a patient who had refused treatment for the burn for several weeks!

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Good afternoon folks,


Our greyhound has a fondness for fresh horse doofers, which given the proximity of two riding schools/ stables to our regular walking routes can be a bit of a problem.


Usually we (the boss and I) are able to spot them and then avoid the dog getting to it. More of a problem when she is off the lead. Old dried out doofers don't seem to have the same attraction.


A friend's King Charles has a fondness for rolling in fox poo, which is infinitely worse as it stinks and means an instant bath.


Sorry Sqdn Leader, I am not helping very much am I.


Cheers, Nigel.

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  • RMweb Premium
On 22/12/2023 at 10:54, Compound2632 said:


Are not all main line certified steam locos in this 98 xxx series? e.g. Tornado is 98 862


98 is for "preserved" locos that have been registered for use on the mainline.

The 3rd character is the power rating and the last two digits are (normally) from the loco number.

i.e. The Flying Money pit is 98872 - Class 98, Class 8 power and 72 from 4472

There are some clashes that mean the above cannot be used. Such as 98700 is 70000 and 98702 is 46100

Similarly 98802 is 71000, because 6000 has taken 98800



99 was used for private/preserved coaching stock, but it seems to be mostly ignored now, with stock still using it's regular (ex-BR) number.

That's why you can see 99328, 99352 next to 21266 and 4854.


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  • RMweb Premium
On 26/12/2023 at 10:22, Hroth said:


If your friend decided to go DCC, then their first loco would come with the decoder set to 3, so it would be unfair to leave the loan loco set to, say 1413, and let confusion reign!





That's not a paneer number.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Some catching up has been done after a 4-day avoidance of large screen computing devices.

Xmas Eve Eve was spent mostly painting the walls of the big bathroom project. 

Crevices can be so time consuming.

Not helped by it being new plaster walls that suck up paint for fun. Even watered down emulsion.

Brownie points were earned.


Got sent to the pub with brother in law on the big day whilst our respective spouses prepped the turkey etc.


"How many have you had" was the question when we returned 3 hours later - at the allotted time.

"Don't ask" was my slightly fluffy answer.......

Brownie points lost.


Junior NB and BiL then poured me another very large one to the mild annoyance of Mrs NB.


Food was consumed and games were played.


Early Boxing day was another coat of paint - a "fresh willow" look.....

Brownie points were earned.


Then Junior NB and myself tok ourslevs off to the Storm Shelter in Altrincham to watch Manchester Storm against the Guildford Flames.

(The Storm's goalie is ex-Blackburn Hawks and is an excelent netminder to watch)

A close encounter finishing 3-3 after normal play, so it's 5 minutes of sudden death with only 3 against 3. No goals, so it's a best of 5 penalty shootout that goes until the 10th penalty to decide a winner. Got our value for money on that game!


We had a visitor on Saturday and Sunday in our garden (and conservatory as it had made its way in through the cat flap but ran out when I disturbed it).

A stunning looking Bengal cat that was obviously very hungry.

It looked well cared for, but was very timid.




Late Xmas day it turned up with a cut around one of its eyes that was very fresh, but it wouldn't let me get near it - but it did eat some more biscuits.

We have kept a lookout for it, but it hasn't returned since and there's nothing appeared on the local FB group about it.


Work for 3 days this week - I may need a canoe to get home as it hasn't stopped raining all day and it was partially flooded on my way in this a.m. - but not across Rathmell Bottoms


Stay safe folks!






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