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The Night Mail

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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, SM42 said:

Happy birthday Jamie


Well it started with a lowmac


It slipped off the top off the banana van ( naturally)  and then the 21 tonnes went, the brake van and some 12 ton vans. 


Before you knew it, the single bolsters were on the move





Yes, SM42 Towers has been hit by a wagon avalanche. 


Attempts to clear up have just made it worse. 


I blame last night's 13 hour shift  leading to fatigue and subsequent errors being made by the work bench owner



It would appear you now have a new hobby:


Jigsaw puzzles😭

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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

It would appear you now have a new hobby:


Jigsaw puzzles😭


I'm just glad Vanwide Ridge remained stable. 



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9 hours ago, Hroth said:


Though its then a case of removing everything thats on top, keeping it down, if you so choose...


Swings and roundabouts!!!


That as Big H will be only to happy to confirm is where the re-organisation comes into play.

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32 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

I'm sure that Vanwide Ridge was a film starring Clint Eastwood as a grizzled old locomotive engineer whose last job before retirement was to beat some rookie traincrew into shape.

Would that be the one where they keep turning up for work in different coloured uniforms.

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4 hours ago, Oldddudders said:

sans underframe


Glad to see you are getting a handle on the local patois OD. Personally I never bother. It's just a case of shouting loud enough with sufficient  Scottish epithets thrown in until they understand.

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49 minutes ago, AndyID said:

It's just a case of shouting loud enough with sufficient  Scottish epithets thrown in until they understand. 

My boss was on the receiving on of this - in Poland, probably without the Scottish epithets. Let 'em all speak Polish makes just as much sense (in Poland) as let 'em all speak English does.

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1 minute ago, DenysW said:

My boss was on the receiving on of this - in Poland, probably without the Scottish epithets. Let 'em all speak Polish makes just as much sense (in Poland) as let 'em all speak English does.


Bet there were some Polish epithets too. Probably too obscure to translate, fortunately 😄 🫠

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  • RMweb Premium

Well well.  For the first time in weeks, I have actually managed to do some modelling today.


With both offspring now at Uni, I have already been using my daughter's bedrooms as my office when "working from home" and my son's desk now makes an excellent modeller's workshop.


This afternoon/evening (as well as cooking dinner) I have been able to:

  • Give the Airfix Jet Provost (which my daughter wanted to build, far be it from me to stop her) a coat of red on some areas missed before;
  • Experimenting with some rust staining on the Dapol Bullied Pacific, which is to become "Mortehoe", cut up by Woodhams at Barry in 1965;
  • A coat of BR Green on a Hornby 37 body (my initial spraying looks awful, my brushing standards are much better);
  • One Inter-City red stripe on a Mk3 sleeper (acquired very cheap because it needed a repaint).  Doing the red and white stripes both sides is really going to test my skills/patience at getting lining tape straight.  But this is what cheap models are for, isn't it?

Might even be able to finish some of them later in the week, but musn't be too hasty.

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Well done for getting on with some modelling. I think most of us have been in the doldrums with it lately

I might just have to get back to my cheap and cheerful Tri-ang clerestory cut and shuts.*


*Cheap that is, until I started with the correct bogies, underframe details, couplings et cetera....🙄 🤪

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A belated Happy Birthday to one of Britain’s finest scourges of the criminal underworld*: Officer @jamie92208

I too managed to get a little modelling done and progress is limping along on the build for @bbishop of this parish. The build, although straightforward, has been hampered by the fact that, quite frankly, the adhesives you can buy in Switzerland are carp (I need to glue plastic to sandpaper - don’t ask…). I can get better adhesion from spit or flour and water paste than the so-called superglues you can buy at the DIY places ‘round here (and two-part epoxy isn’t feasible for what I’m doing). Of course, you can get good adhesives (not to mention solvents, etc) in Switzerland but only if you’re “trade” as the specialised places that stock the good stuff don’t sell to civvies…


Fortunately, a Mrs iD sanctioned shopping expedition to Germany netted not only some great food (there’s a great real Italian salumeria just across tge border) but a bag full of assorted glues and a bunch of tools for Mrs iD’s “woodworking projects”. So far, German DIY glues are proving better than Swiss DIY glues.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m really, really, really envious of you lucky s**s based in N America with your immense (and seemingly limitless) supply of high quality tools for all needs, a myriad of materials and workshop space that makes Officer 92208’s French barn look like a little lean-to.


If it wasn’t for the fact that MicroMark charges a small fortune for shipping, I’d be getting regular shipments from them of small tools and various materials. 


Certainly one of the best investments I’ve made is to buy two “American plug” step-down transformers (240v to 110v) which allows me to run some very useful MicroMark power tools.


* I’ve just noticed that “scourge of the criminal underworld” could be interpreted in one of two, mutually opposite, ways….

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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday afternoon saw me on gardening duties where I was very much in a pioneering mode.  In this particular instance 'I ain't very bright, but I can lift heavy things'.


First I planted out a load of onions, and then I was asked to move  various rocks and trees (they were in pots) in a seeming endlessly, but complicated game of garden chess until they appeared in the right place.


Surprisingly, I was then asked my opinion!


Foolishly, I suggested that some were possibly in the wrong place, and for my punishment, had to make a large number of adjustments.


These newly positioned pots will now stay in situ for a few days in order for their siting to be critically evaluated.


I have pointed out that once the holes are dug, and the trees planted, they are not coming back out for  another relocation.


This morning I was informed that we will be going out to get more onions as the first sowing revealed that we had enough space in the raised bed for a further packet.


Fortunately a trip to the garden centre of choice will involve a visit to their rather excellent cafe, where home made cake can be purchased to go with a cup of tea or coffee.



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My Dear Hippo what on earth were you thinking. Responding to the question What do you think with an opinion!!! Were you temporarily incapacitated by fear or something. To respond to such a question - yes dear they look absolutely wonderful. Even I know that and I don't have a shed. Go and sit in the corner and I think about what you said.

Turns away from the Hippo and walks away in a marked manor whilst also shaking his head in despair. To learn of your hero making such a basic mistake. What has the world come too.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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  • RMweb Premium

Serious consideration being given to getting a last cut on the lawn at SM42 Towers, but first breakfast. 


Breakfast is being cooked. 

This prevents any kitchen  decorating for the time being as I do not wish to get any appendages scorched. 



Edited by SM42
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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Of course, you can get good adhesives (not to mention solvents, etc) in Switzerland but only if you’re “trade” as the specialised places that stock the good stuff don’t sell to civvies…


Can you not register yourself as "trade"?*  A certain Bear did such a thing when The Great Kitchen Refurb was in progress - I registered** with a certain well known kitchen supplier in order to get 10%+ discount (well worth having) but in the end didn't use them anyway as I found better for cheaper.  All I did was fill out a form - they gave me a rather nice hand saw as a prezzie for my trouble too.  That's a Tick.


* CC Architectural Scale Reproductions perhaps?


** B & G (= Bear & Gary; my Buddy ex-next door's name was Gary and as he used to give me a lift with heavy stuff etc. I reckon that seemed like a valid moniker).

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2 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

My Dear Hippo what on earth were you thinking. Responding to the question What do you think with an opinion!!! Were you temporarily incapacitated by fear or something. To respond to such a question - yes dear they look absolutely wonderful. Even I know that and I don't have a shed. Go and sit in the corner and I think about what you said.

Turns away from the Hippo and walks away in a marked manor whilst also shaking his head in despair. To learn of your hero making such a basic mistake. What has the world come too.


Absolutely right. One has to use a little diplomacy tact and even outright flattery, for instance:


Miss RRH: How does this dress look?

B.B.Wolf: On you, it looks beautiful, without you, it's just a dress....

Her response cannot be repeated, although the brownie points cup overfloweth...


It's easy to make a mistake as a friend did, just by the implications of what was meant as a compliment:

(Names changed to protect the guilty)

Sally: What do you think of these earrings?

David: They make you look pretty...

Of course, Sally gets into a huff because she then thinks David believes that she is a rather plain girl without them...


He was in her book of ****s for some time thereafter.


Of course, there's more extreme examples, such as another friend who realised too late that he had married in haste. 

Mrs had been invited to a wedding bash and didn't take him as her plus one:


She: Does this dress make me look fat?


He: No, it's all the ****ing chocolate you eat...

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  • RMweb Gold

We had bacon, cheese and potato pie for lunch at the garden centre.


Stuff was also bought.


The heavy rain is preventing any garden work this afternoon, so I have been tasked with making up the spare beds in case we have another onslaught of guests.


After that, it will be model related activities, which will make a nice change.

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