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The Night Mail

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Indeed. I take no stance on what has occurred, because as I only spend a few minutes a day, and not every single day, looking at this thread, and they must have been the “wrong” few minutes, I seem to have entirely missed-out on the controversial posts and am thus left utterly baffled by this entire discussion. 

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Willie Whizz said:

Indeed. I take no stance on what has occurred, because as I only spend a few minutes a day, and not every single day, looking at this thread, and they must have been the “wrong” few minutes, I seem to have entirely missed-out on the controversial posts and am thus left utterly baffled by this entire discussion. 


Its best to stay baffled....


Luckily I've never been affected by the issues raised, though I took note of the problems for future reference, and refrained from adding fuel to the smouldering heap.


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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, SteveyDee68 said:

Audi drivers





Or, as used to be reported about the transcripts of Nixons Watergate Tapes


"Expletive Deleted"

"Expletive Deleted"

"Expletive Deleted"



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  • RMweb Premium
5 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

I’ve just had an email allegedly from a bank asking me to verify certain details. It began, “ Helo.” Obviously genuine then 😅



Dozens of emails recently about my “Amazon order” requesting me to confirm it by submitting my details.


I have ordered a couple of things off Amazon recently, so it is interesting to be able to compare the layout/language used between the real and fake messages.


Real Amazon = efficient language, correct grammar, correct spelling 


Fake Amazon = opposite of the above


The scammers make the classic mistake of using too many words to try to convince the reader of the validity of their message. Every time.


Hope I haven’t just given free CPD to the scammers! 🫢



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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, SteveyDee68 said:

Dozens of emails recently about my “Amazon order” requesting me to confirm it by submitting my details.


I have ordered a couple of things off Amazon recently, so it is interesting to be able to compare the layout/language used between the real and fake messages.


Real Amazon = efficient language, correct grammar, correct spelling 


Fake Amazon = opposite of the above


The scammers make the classic mistake of using too many words to try to convince the reader of the validity of their message. Every time.


Hope I haven’t just given free CPD to the scammers! 🫢




I never respond to such emails and telephone calls, and immediately check my Amazon account (just in case...) to see if any such transaction has been attempted.  Surprisingly there is never any such transaction...


In addition, I've just had a phone call from a person claiming to represent the "Windows Technical Department". I told them to go away with some asperity and put the phone down.  I haven't had such calls for a while, so a new ***-*********** l* call centre must have got hold of a phone list.


Be warned!


* Better be careful about characterising the identity/location of the caller...


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  • RMweb Premium
19 minutes ago, Phil Parker said:

Writing my post took time as I was keen to walk a tightrope of being firm, but not suggesting anyone was doing anything wrong at that point. Most people spotted it and took heed, something I'm grateful for. Brian's post was exactly what I was looking to avoid so it was treated in the same way as every other post where a Mod request has been ignored. This isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last.



Phil:  I very much suspect that Brian's @br2975's post was being written and then sent during the time that your own "OK Guys (and Ladies), let's move away from this" warning went out - so I suspect it's very likely that Brian was totally unaware of it; if after sending his post he didn't trawl backwards a bit to check for any posts he may have missed then it can appear that he was disregarding your post (which I'm sure he wasn't).


I'm sure most of us have responded to a post at some point, only to discover that someone else has already beaten us to it (don't you just HATE it when that happens?)....if Bear had a LDC for every time that's happened to me I'd be a Very Happy Bear....

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

On a lighter note than my previous few posts, today is one of celebration at Hunt Towers as Jill and I have just completed 54years of married bliss and once I have finished a celebratory bacon butty we will be going to the seaside, stopping off on the way for lunch. Pastoral dancing has been put on hold due to the state of my creaking back but dipping my toes in the briny is a distinct possibility.



Be grateful Dave.  I've banned dancing for members of this household as a dangerous occupation as that's how Beth dislocated her shoulder. 



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All in all - a sad reflection of the state of our supposed right of freedom of speech, when we are unable to relate factual, personal experiences.


....... and yes, I do understand and sympathise with the position of the Moderators - but that does not detract from the fact that we are increasingly being gagged by a sector of society who will not concede that anyone can be criticised, or their misdoings made public.



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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

I’ve just had an email allegedly from a bank asking me to verify certain details. It began, “ Helo.” Obviously genuine then 😅




Shouldn't they have started with "Jet" instead?

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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, cctransuk said:

All in all - a sad reflection of the state of our supposed right of freedom of speech, when we are unable to relate factual, personal experiences.


....... and yes, I do understand and sympathise with the position of the Moderators - but that does not detract from the fact that we are increasingly being gagged by a sector of society who will not concede that anyone can be criticised, or their misdoings made public.

Maybe true - but those leading the gagging are, in effect, lawyers, who will seize upon any opportunity to screw websites apparently defaming anyone or anything. Thus RMweb's nose needs to be kept ultra-clean, in the interests of us all. Unlike you, I pay to be here, and would resent it going away. 


We can indeed post whatever we like on the web, providing we own the website where we do so. 

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, SteveyDee68 said:

Range Rover drivers

Ooh, I am on a list! Mine is only a baby Range Rover though. I try my best to be non irritating to other drivers. As it is black with security glass in the rear it does look something the police escort for minor royalty would drive about in.  

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium
10 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Ooh, I am on a list! Mine is only a baby Range Rover though. I try my best to be non irritating to other drivers. As it is black with security glass in the rear it does look something the police escort for minor royalty would drive about in.  


Or a drug dealer......

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  • RMweb Premium
2 minutes ago, polybear said:


Or a drug dealer......


"Ours" tend to change their cars regularly I've noticed (you can smell the weed in Radvegas from about 2 miles away).  They also do this when getting a driving ban for whatever's reason, so the rozzers don't notice their usual vehicle. 🤔

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Oldddudders said:

Maybe true - but those leading the gagging are, in effect, lawyers, who will seize upon any opportunity to screw websites apparently defaming anyone or anything. Thus RMweb's nose needs to be kept ultra-clean, in the interests of us all. Unlike you, I pay to be here, and would resent it going away. 


We can indeed post whatever we like on the web, providing we own the website where we do so. 


I don't disagree with a word of that, and I made no criticism of the Moderators.


I was merely musing on our eroding and deteriorating 'freedom of speech'.


.... and my decision for or against paying a membership fee is mine, and mine alone!


John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Ooh, I am on a list! Mine is only a baby Range Rover though. I try my best to be non irritating to other drivers. As it is black with security glass in the rear it does look something the police escort for minor royalty would drive about in.  

There are, of course, exceptions to every rule! 🤣


I knew I’d rattle somebody’s feather’s by naming the makes of car most likely to invade my “stopping space” when driving!


I should add that I use radar-informed cruise control 95% of the time, and it is that which determines the necessary gap depending upon speed and driving conditions! (Clever stuff they have as standard in cars these days, ain’t it!)


Mind you, in terms of driving styles …


BMW … pushy, always nipping in and out of spaces, exhumes an air of “I need to be somewhere else NOW and YOU are in the way!


AUDI … new boy on the block, also pushy, will agitate to move ONE car in front of you rather than be one car BEHIND, likely to make sudden cutting in manoeuvres at slow speeds on motorways


RANGE ROVER … arrogant, out of my way PEASANTS! Suspected drug dealers tend to have blackened out windows together with strangely spaced numbers on their registration plates in order to spell out names or nicknames making use of “strategically placed” black screw fixings to create alternate letters, such as turning “SP11 FFS” to “SPLIFFS”! Most likely to cut you up at speed using their sheer size.

Have I managed to not offend anyone yet?! 


Mind you, I could start a tsunami of comments by mentioning taxi drivers and white van drivers! 

The very worst driving I have personally witnessed was seeing a Toyota people-carrier coming towards me on the opposite side of the road suddenly cut across and mount the pavement outside a primary school as children were leaving at the end of the day, and proceeding to drive down it at speed (scattering mothers and children) as the female driver apparently could not wait for the traffic to clear in front of her! More horrifying was the fact she had three or four children in the vehicle with her!! How nobody was hit, injured or killed was a miracle!!


Steve S



All the above a bit of fun, except the people carrier story!

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