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The Night Mail

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

I'm not sure it's all possible on my smart phone.


At present I have access to a Go Pro Camera and various tripods and clamps, but that's it.

Smartphones seem to provide an awful lot of detailed, close-up content in other parts of the Internet not recommended for children.....


Honestly - and not related to the first para - suck it and see! Set up your GoPro, have a brief dummy run and see what you get, and whether, as AndyID suggests might be the case, sound quality is an issue. 


Most recent still cameras offer video of increasingly high order, with some now offering 4k or even 8k, as seems to be the level of quality demanded by Netflix, but YouTube or privately-circulated vids really don't need anything like that. 

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It looks as though I have to make a further apology


Sorry H.H. - sorry Night Mailers


But rest assured, 'twas not me that summoned up the spirit of Lord Valdemort ( He whose name shall not be spoken !) - I've just got into the habit of apologising - for anything, and everything.

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In answer to the topics currently under discussion;


1.  Pea shooter

2.  Bungee cords

3.   Box Brownie


4.   Mega phone or new batteries.


So take your pick as to how they apply.


I'm off to do something stupid.


Have a nice day/evening or night- delete as appropriate.


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  • RMweb Gold

Yet Miss B is not averse to trading off her 'Tiger Bay' roots in public.  Like you, I have much less time for her than TJ, who seems a much more grounded bloke in general.  His youthful misdemeanours have been buried and he turned his life around, to his credit, but it could easily have been very different.  He's a lucky boy, but he used his luck wisely.


Diva behaviour does not neccessarily come with stardom, either.  A few years back I saw a well-known (and very good) Cardiffian Blues/Jazz singer from the Mike Harries days (that I am sure Brian will recognise from my comments) in the crowd in the Claude on one of Tony Morley's open mike nights in the Claude on Albany Road one Sunday evening, chucking her weight around as if she owned the place and behaving very badly towards another singer, a younger version of herself who happens to be a friend of mine, reducing the poor girl to tears, and completely unneccessarily, just because she could.  Cow.

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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, SM42 said:

I always got the impression that the song was about a man who had cracked after years in  a relationship in which he was the one being emotionally abused by the  eponymous female.


Does it promote misogyny? 


I think you could argue both ways depending on your confirmation  bias. 


Ultimately I think it is a song about an abusive relationship and how that can lead to tragic consequences.  


Of course it could just have  one of those unexpected  dramatic twists at the end that is there purely to sell the song.

( tragic unexpected ends and death of one partner seemed to be in vogue at one time)


A twist that has become less about drama  and more about something unpleasant  as societal attitudes have changed over time and is no longer seen as  a plot twist, but a manual for violence against women.


I always used to wonder if the name of the protagonist was chosen  because of the biblical story of a woman who ultimately broke the man who loved her. 



I've always been a fan of the late blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan; one of his well-known tracks was "Boot Hill", which goes thus:


"Look up on the wall, Baby.  Hand me down ma shootin' iron!  Call ya Momma long-distance, tell her t'expect ya body home!"


I don't think anyone actually shot their partner after listening to it but if someone did and they claimed it encouraged them, even in the sometimes crazy US justice system, the judge would laugh that defence out of court.

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  • RMweb Gold

There is a long tradition in English and Scottish folk music of murder ballads. I don’t really know anything about Welsh folk music (apart from “my lovely saucepan”) , so can’t say if Delilah follows on from other similar songs. 

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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, iL Dottore said:



Just look what they did to poor old Thomas The Tank Engine:





The problem is with above (and much else besides) is that the Islington "Wokerati" are so "de trop" that they alienate people from considering different points of view from that part of the political spectrum.


Let's put it this way - it's hard to have a rationale discussion with someone of different political views when meaningful and respectful conversation is being drowned out by the modern day equivalent of the sort of people who used to write to newspapers in green crayon....


It is my rational opinion (?) that people with the views of what Flavio calls the Islington 'Wokerati' and who would write the pig dribble about Thomas the Tank Engine shown in the links are what I would, after deep and careful consideration, call t0ssers.



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7 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:


It is my rational opinion (?) that people with the views of what Flavio calls the Islington 'Wokerati' and who would write the pig dribble about Thomas the Tank Engine shown in the links are what I would, after deep and careful consideration, call t0ssers.



Seconded !

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


Or maybe "Pannier addiction, the modeller's curse. A warning from history"




Maybe "Pannier addiction - how was I conned into thinking there is more than one type...."


And the follow up "All G*R 4-6-0s look the same - how to convince yourself that the only difference is that one is a big house and the other is a little house..............."

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:


It is my rational opinion (?) that people with the views of what Flavio calls the Islington 'Wokerati' and who would write the pig dribble about Thomas the Tank Engine shown in the links are what I would, after deep and careful consideration, call t0ssers.



Oh dear. I used to have great fun reinterpreting Thomas when reading the stories to Matthew. Also I must have made up more Thomas based stories than the Awdry family. There was a demand for a new story quite frequently. 

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34 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Oh dear. I used to have great fun reinterpreting Thomas when reading the stories to Matthew. Also I must have made up more Thomas based stories than the Awdry family. There was a demand for a new story quite frequently. 


It was eating all those pickles that did it. I told you you shouldn't have tried for the world record.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

Oh dear. I used to have great fun reinterpreting Thomas when reading the stories to Matthew. Also I must have made up more Thomas based stories than the Awdry family. There was a demand for a new story quite frequently. 

Was that when you introduced him to Walter the outside valve gear that so impressed his teacher?

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  • RMweb Gold
Just now, BoD said:

Was that when you introduced him to Walter the outside valve gear that so impressed his teacher?

The nursery nurse wasn’t actually impressed.  She thought he was disturbed. After colouring in the loco he would according to them scribble all over the wheels.  I was summoned for a discussion. I said “have you asked him”. They said they hadn’t. I asked and he said it was outside valvegear. Later on there,was the incident with the chap at the Basildon Model Railway exhibition who didn’t like Matthew asking him why his GWR 4 6 0 didn’t have any outside valvegear. By the time he was a teenager he had forgotten any stuff about trains!

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:



We never had any issues with loading a Chinook tailgate, due to it being a twin rotor design but the CH53 Sea Stallion had a limit of 8-10 depending on the Loadmaster's assessment of how heavy we were, so as to keep the aircraft in balance.  The last thing you wanted was the arse end lifting up very rapidly and getting clipped by the main rotor blades.


I presume the 8-10 refers to people not hippos?

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It was a lovely day and a lot warmer than it has been recently so I drove to Lookout Pass ski area just off the I-90 freeway at the Idaho/Montana border. I believe the expression that best describes my current state is "cream crackered".😀

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That’s right: I’m Out And Proud.


I’m a GWR MODELLER and proud and happy to be so.


As a member of the GWR/LMS/LNER/SR/BR+ community, I find all this sneering at Pannier Tanks to be nothing more than GWRPhobism. 

SHAME ON YOU (you know who you are)


In today’s vibrant multi-scale, multi-gauge, multi-TOC and multi-livery forum, there’s no place for such anachronistic and oppressive views.

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


That’s right: I’m Out And Proud.


I’m a GWR MODELLER and proud and happy to be so.


As a member of the GWR/LMS/LNER/SR/BR+ community, I find all this sneering at Pannier Tanks to be nothing more than GWRPhobism. 

SHAME ON YOU (you know who you are)


In today’s vibrant multi-scale, multi-gauge, multi-TOC and multi-livery forum, there’s no place for such anachronistic and oppressive views.

Abd you'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats who are coming to take you away to the re-education clinic.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium
29 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:


That’s right: I’m Out And Proud.


I’m a GWR MODELLER and proud and happy to be so.



Bear blames it on iD's @iL Dottore's aversion to Pizza & Chips - it's a classic case of iD suffering from a very severe case of Vitamin deficiency resulting in deranged behaviour.


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40 minutes ago, polybear said:


Bear blames it on iD's @iL Dottore's aversion to Pizza & Chips - it's a classic case of iD suffering from a very severe case of Vitamin deficiency resulting in deranged behaviour.



Perhaps if you sent him an emergency aid parcel full of the relevant items Bear? I'm sure the Co-op would sponsor it as there into that 'good deed' malarky. Whats more if you play your cards right you could get a tax rebate from HMC&E so that you only end up paying 5 pence in tax for the entire year like Amazon do.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, polybear said:


Bear blames it on iD's @iL Dottore's aversion to Pizza & Chips - it's a classic case of iD suffering from a very severe case of Vitamin deficiency resulting in deranged behaviour.



I'm sure it's brought on by eating too many greens...................

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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Abd you'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats who are coming to take you away to the re-education clinic.



That's GWRPhobism, that is. I had thought better of you Jamie, I really did.....


Time to write a letter to those nice equality and diversity people and whip up Social Media...


You have been warned!

Edited by iL Dottore
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2 hours ago, polybear said:


Bear blames it on iD's @iL Dottore's aversion to Pizza & Chips - it's a classic case of iD suffering from a very severe case of Vitamin deficiency resulting in deranged behaviour.


What Bear knows about nutrition can be writ small on the head of a pin with space left over for The Lord's Prayer and the complete works of Dostoyevsky!


As much as I note that The Bear does come out with some veritable "pearls of wisdom" every so often,  stavolta l'Orso parla da uno dei suoi orifizi

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