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The Night Mail

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  • RMweb Premium
36 minutes ago, br2975 said:


"You won't catch them in here !"


Then after Hill Street Blues was broadcast the immortal line "Let's be careful out there" particularly on nights.



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My recovery has been hastened by a knock at the door and one of our neighbours delivering a bottle of Cardhu Gold Reserve whisky by way of a thank you for a favour I did for them.


As is so often the case  with things you do for friends and neighbours, there is no need for gifts, but they are very much appreciated.


All I need now is for a nice cake to be delivered by another admirer.

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On my last and only visit I found Japan was indeed a strange yet wonderful place, ful of strange contrasts and rather sensible uses of technology. 


The reason all the schoolgirls wear sailor costumes I was told is because some years ago the Japanese education  minister visited a foreign naval academy and came up with the idea that all school girls should look like sailors. 

Nothing odd about that at all.


I have completed the first training ride. All 18km that took in at least 3 level crossings including my favourite train watching spot


EN57 1678 on a service to Krzyz shortly after departing Poznan Wola



ET22 1059 shunting at Piatkowo



This was stopped about a loco length from the level crossing  that was still open to road traffic. 😲


The driver has just changed ends




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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

I am still not forgiven for passing a silent but deadly in a National Trust shop 44 years ago and leaving the scene without telling.




Rumour has it that a small fluffy white animal *may* have slipped a similar example out white browsing the Art Section of "The Range" - and boy, did it linger.  A H & W came walking down the isle and unfortunately there was no-one else to pass suspicion onto; the Hubby was heard to utter those immortal words "Cor, that's a ripe one".  

What's even more amazing is they didn't learn their lesson and came back several minutes later, by which time - and after a bit longer to mature and brew - it had gone from "deadly" to full-blown WMD.  Wifey muttered the word "Nottnice....." as she walked by.

The whole episode required one's very, very best poker face throughout.  

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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Then after Hill Street Blues was broadcast the immortal line "Let's be careful out there" particularly on nights.



After Michael Conrad - the actor who played Sgt. Phil Esterhaus - died, the actor Robert Prosky played Sgt Esterhaus’s replacement, Sgt. Stanislaus Jablonski. And his catchphrase was “let’s do it to them before they do it to us”

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  • RMweb Premium

In our local W H Smiths most days there are a lot of browsers. Some of them are reluctant to move for people wanting to reach the shelves and usually give you a dirty look when they have to move. One day there was three of them shoulder to shoulder, I managed to get the magazine I wanted and as they closed ranks I left them a ripe SBD. I then stood back for the entertainment as they started giving each other dirty looks.

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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Then after Hill Street Blues was broadcast the immortal line "Let's be careful out there" particularly on nights.



My first eight years were spent working from Ely Police Station in Cardiff.


Just before the Deputy Chief Constable directed I be moved the 2 miles down the same road, to Canton, I was experiencing my annual appraisal, during which my Superintendent asked me to "sum up  working Ely in one sentence"


My response, of "A cross between Hill Street Blues and MASH" had him in hysterics.


To this day, Hill Street Blues remains my all time favourite 'cop drama'

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  • RMweb Premium
40 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

In our local W H Smiths most days there are a lot of browsers. Some of them are reluctant to move for people wanting to reach the shelves and usually give you a dirty look when they have to move. One day there was three of them shoulder to shoulder, I managed to get the magazine I wanted and as they closed ranks I left them a ripe SBD. I then stood back for the entertainment as they started giving each other dirty looks.


Bear has several stink bombs (the old-fashioned jobbies in a glass vial), circa 1970's vintage at a guess; they've been maturing in the loft for years.

Rumour has it that a rather naughty little Bear dropped one in the corridor next to the Assembly Hall at Secondary School (causing a rapid opening of lotsa doors and windows by the Teachers) followed by a second attack later that day on the top deck of the Bus on the way home - and just as Bear was getting off.....🤣  Rumour has it that a couple of stops later the Driver ordered an abandon ship whilst he went round the Bus opening all those windows that hadn't already been opened.

That was about the limit of subversive fun in those days.  How times have changed.

One of my great regrets is that due to chinese market flu I never got to use the remaining ones on my last day at work as a parting gift to the HR Dept.  Which is perhaps a Good Thing as they'd probably go off the deep end and claim a Terrorist Attack.  Spoilsports.

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You wouldn't think cute looking little bears were capable of such things.


On the top deck of a packed 5pm Saturday number 12 bus decades ago, the first girlfriend committed such an offence (Not with one from a jar mind you). With a stern voice she exclaimed. "The least you could do is get up and open a window". Talk about covering one's own a$$! Deffo scored a few brownie points though🤩  

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38 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

I once dropped a load of devil bangers down a 4 storey stairwell at High school, they made one hell of an echo must be a design feature added by Mr Poulson


THAT Poulson?  Ruined Newcastle....

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3 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:


THAT Poulson?  Ruined Newcastle....

Yes that one.

I can see one of his edifices when I look out of the bedroom window.

His offices were in Pontefract  he used to live on the edge of Pontefract just as you leave towards Darrington 



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  • RMweb Gold
59 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear has several stink bombs (the old-fashioned jobbies in a glass vial), circa 1970's vintage at a guess;

Can one still buy these (and whoopee cushions) in joke shops nowadays.

Are there still such things as joke shops.

Asking for a friend.

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I found when we had Sam, our Labrador dog, that he was an invaluable companion when a SBD was in the offing as people would automatically look in his direction. He was also a natural fall guy as if I said, "Saammm!" sotto voce he would turn round and look at his bum. Why he did that I don't know but it was a very useful trait.



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I find the satisfaction of an SBD successfully abandoned in a supermarket, for instance, is much exceeded by the embarrassment when what is expected to be an SBD turns into an absolute ear-splitter in the cereal aisle.

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Hill St. Blues - what a great show. My favourite character was Mick Belker played by Bruce Weitz; he had what I always considered the right attitude to perps, i.e, eliminate them if at all possible. His catchword was "dogbreath" to anyone he didn't like.



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8 hours ago, SM42 said:

I managed to get away from the model shop with the paint I need and another item. 


Unfortunately, or fortunately the shop was closed for a short while whilst the owner was off running some errands. 


This reduced time available before picking up Mrs SM42 and also reigned in  the temptation. 


I appear to have got away with it this time.


I have been allocated another visit on Thursday. I think she expects me to be tempted a lot more then.




Its a test. Don't fall for it. Keep the faith. Just imagine all the brownie points you'll earn if you don't succumb. You can do it.


Right that's the pep talk done with. Can I have your Chu Chus when you're got out of 'hospital'.

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  • RMweb Gold
21 minutes ago, Northmoor said:

I find the satisfaction of an SBD successfully abandoned in a supermarket, for instance, is much exceeded by the embarrassment when what is expected to be an SBD turns into an absolute ear-splitter in the cereal aisle.

A hippo's attitude is DILIGAS.


But it is the propeller action that is the real force multiplier.


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  • RMweb Gold
37 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

I found when we had Sam, our Labrador dog, that he was an invaluable companion when a SBD was in the offing as people would automatically look in his direction. He was also a natural fall guy as if I said, "Saammm!" sotto voce he would turn round and look at his bum. Why he did that I don't know but it was a very useful trait.



'Saaammmm!' cried Jill.


'Move before he sh*ts on you!'



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  • RMweb Premium
35 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

I found when we had Sam, our Labrador dog, that he was an invaluable companion when a SBD was in the offing as people would automatically look in his direction. He was also a natural fall guy as if I said, "Saammm!" sotto voce he would turn round and look at his bum. Why he did that I don't know but it was a very useful trait.



Rather the other way round in our household. We had a boxer bitch called Kim that would occasionally let an SBD go. On one occasion my mum blamed my dad for one that Kim had done. Kim quietly slipped out of the room.

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All this talk of 'SBD' casts one's mind back to the early 1970s


The days when university students still had a sense of humour, and held a 'Rag Week' each year.


I very much doubt todays scholars would permit such things as beauty contests, fancy dress that included 'blacking up' and horror of all horrors the 'Rag Mag' full of racist, sexist, homophobic jokes that would spur todays Student Union chairs into apoplexy.


And one funny missive that appeared almost annually in the local, Cardiff Rag Mag was 'the bake bean joke'............................

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  • RMweb Premium
26 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Rather the other way round in our household. We had a boxer bitch called Kim that would occasionally let an SBD go. On one occasion my mum blamed my dad for one that Kim had done. Kim quietly slipped out of the room.

Had a boxer called Trigger who did the same thing but I learnt to give her treats so that when I did one, she'd accept the blame on my behalf!

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I used to enjoy the Liverpool Uni ragmag immensely when I was a teenager in the 60s. One of my favourite jokes was a photograph of Barbara Cartland in a fur coat with her hands tucked into a muff; the caption read, "One of the Queen's favourites, Barbara is seen here during an intimate moment worming her cat."



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