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Llanbourne North Wales in the 80s.


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Thanks Jeff, I might just buy another Oxford Landrover, as I really quite like the model, I will put the Cararama ones away.


Hi Mark, Thanks, it hasn't taken that long to do the extension to the front so far but I still have plenty to do. I am quite happy with it so far.

I am hoping they will do 33008 but in the earlier green that it carried in the mid 80s, chances are they won't as it didn't stay in this livery for as long as the later and more correct livery. A sound class 33 would be nice I have heard Jeffs (SRman) and they do sound good, they always were quite good for a bit of thrash.


Thanks Jamie.:D


Cheers Peter.


Please Mr Sutton can I have 33008 in this livery.;)


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Ahhh PCM I see that the layout is growing yet again. Polystrene is a pain to deal with all the little balls but is good to get that instant landscape. Can I recommend the "art" plaster sold by Bunning which is the old traditional "Plaster of Paris" which goes pretty hard and does go off moderately quickly. Use a artists palette knife and it is easy to "render" onto the polystrene for the smooth finish for the landforms. This is what i have done for most of my layout. I made a mistake recently and used topping compound for plaster board and it too 2 days to dry... it is for a new cutting that i am doing.

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Extra hint: add some powder paint or poster colour to the plaster mix so no white shows if it chips later. I use browns or blacks but it is really a matter of personal preference.

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Hi Peter, your 33026 looks just like how I remember them when we saw Cromptons on our ventures down on the southern region. Great weathering as always.


You have certainly have been busy, I am looking forward to seeing what you do with your depot area. Have you got any ideas for what sort of shed you are going to build?

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Thanks guys,


Hi Doug & Jeff. The garage is a bit of a mess at the moment and there is Polystrene balls all over the place.:yes: I use plaster bandage over the Polystrene it's great stuff and fun. For the loco shed area I have used Cornice Adhesive which works like plaster and dries pretty quick I normally add a bit of powder paint and a drop of PVA.


Hi Alex, thanks, as you know I do like my Cromptons though one of their less powerful older brothers turned up last week.;)

The loco shed will be based on the shed that used to be at Holyhead. I have to build a signal box first and finish off my terrace houses before I start though. Well thats the plan any way.


Thanks Dave, I do have some good memories of riding behind and on class 33s plus working with them while I was a Shunter, I do have a few pics as well.:D

the extension is comming on well, I will be out there shortly when the garage heats up a bit, it's been a bit cold here today.


Cheers Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Peter,


Looking good, it certainly will give you some extra more realistic viewing angles than those you already have. I'm glad you look like you have fun cutting and shaping polystyrene just like me too! Messy but quite fun as well.


Keep up the good work - whats that trainload construction machine in the background - that could make a nice trip into Lanbourne one day!




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Apologies for not getting back sooner on the request for photos of ex works locos on the Penmaenmawr ballast's. I was hoping I could scan a stock black & white print, but not so. I ceased D&P in 1995 and went over to colour and so any repainted locos will be on colour slides. Sorting through these is not an easy matter at the moment, hence no piccies.

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Thanks Scott, Yes about the screws, I had a new loco arrive the other day so cleaned a bit of track and gave it a bit of a test run, then thought I will just run it into the station, forgetting that the screws were there. Oooops new loco off the track within 2 minutes of it coming out of the box.:huh:


Thanks Mark, Well done on your bridge jump.:drinks: I have done a bit more today just need some plaster bandage to finish of by the tunel and near the station. The construction liv Crompton is an old Lima loco I did over Twenty years ago it lives in the cabinet with a few other old favourites I couldn't bring myself to sell.


No worries Larry, I imagine you would have a few slides too.:D If you do find them at some point feel free to post them on here, as you know I am keen on anything North Wales.;)

Hi Mark, Thanks, looks like you have been busy recently too, looking good.:D


Cheers Peter.

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  • RMweb Premium

Looks good Peter, I'm sure we won't even notice the join soon.:good_mini: How's the extension coming on or is that on the backburner for now?


Seeing your progress is maybe the kick I need to post an update on what I've been up to lately, maybe later when the football's finished!

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Looks good Peter, I'm sure we won't even notice the join soon.:good_mini: How's the extension coming on or is that on the backburner for now?


Seeing your progress is maybe the kick I need to post an update on what I've been up to lately, maybe later when the football's finished!


Thanks Ian,

I just need to remember what colours I used etc and the join should disappear (hopefully).:D The plan with the extension was to get it working then finish of the main part of the layout, that I am working on at the moment, I really to need to finish some buildings. The thing is having done some work by the tunnel and sorting out the backscene I may just carry on round on to the new bit I have already decided to move the new control panel which is now in bits. I had got to a point where I wasn't 100% sure how to do the scenery between the old bit and the new but it's coming together now.


An update on Exford Park would be nice, ;) you may have a job getting up there in the next few months, I was talking to the old man last night and he was saying the long range forcast is for some hot weather.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Bruv..the new works looking good, glad to see your busy with the layout..keep it up, I think Brock shows on next weekend so may take a look , cheers YVM :drinks:


Thanks Bro,

Haven't seen an update on your layout recently, you were talking depot. Try and get to the Brockenhurst show it's normally pretty good, Kevin is going with Leaford and the crew. Say hi to J D and the others for me.


Went to a meeting the other side of town Saturday so called into Melbourne, I couldn't get a park near the station but did get a pic of a train in the docks it's a lot quieter on a Suturday, though I did have to park in a dodgy spot.


Cheers Peter.

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Come along YVM, I'll be there on Saturday, surely thats all the incentive you need! :laugh:


Peter, your incident with the screws aound a bit like my dutch 33 that took a dive, hopefully yours didnt receive the damage that mine did...




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  • RMweb Premium
the long range forcast is for some hot weather.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We've heard that one before, I'd better get a fan heater! I was in Dubai all last week and it didn't go below 42C so I'm sure our pleasantry.gifsummer will be a breeze!


Peter, your incident with the screws aound a bit like my dutch 33 that took a dive


Nothing to do with screws it was the driver's lack of route knowledge because every time he came round the corner the track layout was different.:rolleyes: :laugh:

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Hi bruv , Nothing done on my layout for some time , will get round to it in time ....send over any pics you take over there would like to see some more oz freight ...Scott, I can`t make saturday i`m up Yorkshire on a beer hunt.:drinks: .not sure about the Sunday yet may have to work....is it on Monday as well?.. hope to catch up at some point ,cheers YVM.

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[quote name='pitbull1845' timestamp='1306142301' post='4021


Peter, your incident with the screws aound a bit like my dutch 33 that took a dive, hopefully yours didnt receive the damage that mine did...






hi Scott,

My screw incident wasn't that bad, just the front bogie so no damage.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi bruv , Nothing done on my layout for some time , will get round to it in time ....send over any pics you take over there would like to see some more oz freight ...Scott, I can`t make saturday i`m up Yorkshire on a beer hunt.:drinks: .not sure about the Sunday yet may have to work....is it on Monday as well?.. hope to catch up at some point ,cheers YVM.



Hi Bro,

Here are a few pics from the other day.

Not sure if the exhibition is open on the Monday, good luck with your beer hunt.:drinks: try and get along on the Sunday.


Cheers Peter.



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I imagine my 'Rails to North Wales' videos, volumes 1 and 2, would be useful showing some of the trains you are modelling in the late 1980's, but there is no way anything can be copied since my machines hit the skip. Merfyn Jones also filmed our local scene from 1988.

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