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Llanbourne North Wales in the 80s.


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Hi Peter

The area around the bridge looks superb now. Thanks for the advice about using the PVA on the foam board. Have just started constructing the screening building on PDW using this method and though a little more patience is required due to the drying times Its worked nicely with no problems of warping.



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Hi Peter, at last I have the internet back on and its good to catch up with you progress, its looking really good, well done.

Thanks Andy, I do miss my internet when it's not working. My progress is fairly slow at the moment I don't seem to be getting much time these days. 


Cheers Peter.

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The bridge looks cracking, you've done a really good job on it. 






Thanks Scott,

It does have a few faults but I am happy with it, It looks better now that I have done some scenic work round the area.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter

The area around the bridge looks superb now. Thanks for the advice about using the PVA on the foam board. Have just started constructing the screening building on PDW using this method and though a little more patience is required due to the drying times Its worked nicely with no problems of warping.



Thanks Marcus,

I am glad the PVA is working for you, while it's drying you cn always play trains. :senile:


Cheers Peter.

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The bridge looks great Peter, I love all those tracks , can't wait to see the trains make an appearance. 

Thanks Scott,

I hope it wont be too long before I can run a few trains but it's a real mess out there at the moment so it might be a while off yet. 


Cheers Peter.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Pete


The new section is looking superb mate the backscene really gives it some depth and will look even better with more trees etc.


I hope the good lady is on the mend and look forward to catching up with you next year, and your right about the girls "studying" together!

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I like the look of that Peter.  Good work.


Best wishes to Leanne and if ever you need any support on that score just give me  shout.

Thanks Rick.

Leanne is ok, the problem is the underskin port for the Chemo and other drugs is infected so it's a case of antibiotics for the rest of the week. 


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter, I hope you back to normal soon, as for the pics, well a Rat on a Paper Train has to be good, the back scene looks excellent now, really good work.

Thanks Andy,

I am very tempted to clean some track and run a few trains but I am in the mood to do scenic's at the moment so will keep going. Oil siding next.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter :)


I do hope your wife is well?


The new section looks great Peter, I love the scenic break too, not many people would bother to continue to ballast under the bridge, but that makes all the difference to me.............very effective! 


All the best



Thanks Phill,

Long story short. Breast Cancer, remove boob, all clear but four lots of  Chemo and 12 months of Herceptin. Had High temp the other day so off to Hospital. Due to infection so currently on antibiotics. 


The new section is coming on quite well but I do need to make up a black board to hide the fiddleyard.when taking pictures down low. 


Cheers Peter.

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  • RMweb Premium

I do need to make up a black board to hide the fiddleyard.when taking pictures down low. 


Cheers Peter.


Black bin liner curtains is what you need mate, works a treat, used on Exford and Tidworth if you can remember?



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Morning Pete


The new section is looking superb mate the backscene really gives it some depth and will look even better with more trees etc.


I hope the good lady is on the mend and look forward to catching up with you next year, and your right about the girls "studying" together!

Thanks Mate,

I still need to work out what I want to do for the fence and sort out some static grass for the fields and plant some more trees. 


Leanne should be ok though still wont be on top form while the Chemo does it's work.


Still planning on next year though so will have to catch up for sure.


Oh No studying they watched South Park, Abbie is home now and found that a book she needed is at School so another friend came round and helped her out.


Cheers Peter.

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I hope your wife will be okay know your feelings my wife has had it twice and is fine so  there is a bright future with all the treatment now on offer.The layout is looking very good and the new section is looking great.


Thanks Mate, They found it early so it's looking good. Leanne is actually cancer free at the moment but has to do the Chemo to make sure it doesn't come back.


Cheers Peter.

Black bin liner curtains is what you need mate, works a treat, used on Exford and Tidworth if you can remember?



Thanks Ian, I might have to give that a go.


Cheers Peter.

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Hey Pete, hope every thing works out for Leanne. Lyn also said same. As ever there is support from all quarters. Shows how he modell railway community care for each other!

Thanks Doug& Lyn,

Getting plenty of support, so all good.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter,


Wishing you both all the very best, I hope she's feeling much better soon.


I agree with Andrew's comment, "Can't beat a Rat on the papers"!!

Nice looking backscene, more trees probably would be a nice addition.


Jinty ;)

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Hi Peter,


Wishing you both all the very best, I hope she's feeling much better soon.


I agree with Andrew's comment, "Can't beat a Rat on the papers"!!

Nice looking backscene, more trees probably would be a nice addition.


Jinty ;)

Thanks David,

I must admit I do like the old class 25s. I think the backscene still needs a bit of work and certainly more trees.


Cheers Peter.

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Fantastic scene of the rat on the paper vans. Very atmospheric indeed.

Best wishes to your wife, Leanne. Hope she feels better soon. At least it's good news she's been given the all clear that the cancer has gone.

All the best


Thanks Marcus,

Still a bit to do, but I haven't been out there this week as it's been cold a wet plus visiting Leanne in hospital each evening after work hasn't left me any time.


All being well Leanne will come home tomorrow, but will have to go back for the next 5 days for more antibiotics.


Cheers Peter.

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