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Llanbourne North Wales in the 80s.


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Hi Terry,


I think it's been discussed in quite a few places, something about the copper wheels, and needing replacement sets from Howes.

I can't seem to find any links for the subject at the moment, but I'll post or PM you if I find one.


Jinty ;-)

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Hi Terry,


I think it's been discussed in quite a few places, something about the copper wheels, and needing replacement sets from Howes.

I can't seem to find any links for the subject at the moment, but I'll post or PM you if I find one.


Jinty ;-)

Cheers jinty...in the mean time i will call howes and see what they say.

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Hi Terry,

If you have earlier Heljan loco's they do have copper wheels which pick up all the crap from the rails and get dirty really quickly. I have replaced my wheels with replacements from Howes which isn't cheap but I didn't mind doing on my early Cromptons that much as I had picked them up when on Special. The new wheels certainly make a difference, but it worth making sure all the pick ups are doing their job.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Terry,

If you have earlier Heljan loco's they do have copper wheels which pick up all the crap from the rails and get dirty really quickly. I have replaced my wheels with replacements from Howes which isn't cheap but I didn't mind doing on my early Cromptons that much as I had picked them up when on Special. The new wheels certainly make a difference, but it worth making sure all the pick ups are doing their job.


Cheers Peter.

Hi Peter


I have just checked the 33's that are having running issues and they all have copper wheels so i am going to give Howes a call now to see how much the replacement wheels will cost.




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Well for the first time this year I have started to do some work on the layout. I quite like ballasting and have started n the new bit, but before I go to far I need some help with the signals for the yard and carriage sidings. hopefully the pics make sense. 

Beast 66606 helped me out a while back but the trackplan has changed a bit since then.

Pic 1 shows the mainline and signalbox controlled point and catch point (I know it's set wrong I moved the point when ballasting) I am thinking ground signal for entering just outside tunnelmouth? but do I need a repeater at the other end of the tunnel?

the other pics show the  up and down mainline, then the 3 carriage sidings and single slip leading into the yard. coming back to the left is the yard headshunt and two sidings that willl be fenced off and used to unload my oil train. 


I am thinking all points in the carriage and yard should be hand points but where do I put the ground signal for leaving the sidings. One for the carriage sidings and stop boards for the yard, and use the ground signal for freight yard as well.


I am also thinking an LMS lattice post semaphore on the lower mainline leading into the station with replacement colour light signal laying near by. Top left of he last pic would be a Three aspect with feathers for the junction off scene.


Cheers Peter. 






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Track work looks good peter, I like the look of a busy junction.

Oh by the way I took your advice and got myself a few new sets of wheels to fit all my cromptons so I should hopefully get time

Over the weekend to fit them in and finally get them running smoothly for the very first time.



Thanks Terry,

Glad to hear you have some wheels on the way. Your Cromptons will certainly be running a lot better once you fit them.


Cheers Peter. 

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Is this another scenic/junction/ storage area Peter?


If it's a fraction as nicely done as Lambourne, it'll be stunning!!!


Do you have a track diagram or an overview, just to get some perspective?


Jinty ;-)

Hi Jinty,

This is an extension I started on a few years ago. I hadn't done any more as I wanted to make sure it all ran well and didn't need ripping up to make changes.


I will take an overall pic tomorrow as I haven't done that.


Cheers Peter.

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Here we go, this should give you an idea how it all works. Not the best set up but I do like my garage. :locomotive:

They seem to have come out in reverse order, the first pic shows the fiddleyard boards with covers on. It stops some dust and dead bugs from falling onto the stock.


Cheers Peter.







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Thanks Peter,


That looks like a great place to work and play :imsohappy:


I like the hill in between the two open sections, it looks like the Orme at Llandudno :whistle:


Jinty ;-)

Maybe you could consider building a little tramway up it Peter? ;-)

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 I was asked how I do my ballasting so I took a few pics tonight. It's the normal watered down PVA with a drop of washing up liquid method.


I spread out the ballast dry and get it looking how I want it using my finger and a small brush. I use a small piece of wood to flatten the ballast shoulders down a bit, working on a section at a time. Once it looks right I give the ballast a spray with water with a drop of washing up liquid, I then use a dropper to add the watered down PVA. 


I have also added some detail by the point leading off the mainline. I still need to work out where to place the signals for the yard so any thoughts would be great.


Cheers Peter.







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Where did you get the little point details from?



Hi Terry, Point bits were made from plasticard. Beast 66606 posted up some pics of the clap lock point motors and bits I just copied them. I am not sure where the pics are though, maybe on this thread somewhere. I will have a look.


Cheers Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ballasting almost done. dummy ground signal and relay cabinets in position. I need to make up a few signals now and start weathering.


Cheers Peter.

Looks great Peter, just out of interest what do you plan for the fiddle yard entrance / exit after the curved section ?


Happy modelling


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