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Llanbourne North Wales in the 80s.


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Empty OCAs probably for the bricks from Bangor at LJ with the Valley goods as we knew it. Presflos for Bangor too.

Not much weathering needed for the OCAs, just a few scratches to the new paintwork.





Hi Merfyn


Great photo of this Class 40... on bricks... :no: ...Which side of Bangor are we looking on in your picture...


Thanks for sharing...



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Hi Merfyn


Great photo of this Class 40... on bricks... :no: ...Which side of Bangor are we looking on in your picture...


Thanks for sharing...





Sorry Jamie, it's at the Junction in the yard. The intention was to head for Bangor, BUT !

Cheers Merf.


It could easily have been at Llanbourne, but I think the track is in better condition there. :imsohappy:

Edited by Merfyn Jones
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I was going to ask what the cause of the derailment was, did the class 40 come off and take the wagons with it? doesn't look like any points involved. I remember some OCAs coming off the track at Southampton down yard due to pushing against loaded BDAs and becoming bufferlocked on the curve going into the siding.


Cheers Peter.

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I was going to ask what the cause of the derailment was, did the class 40 come off and take the wagons with it? doesn't look like any points involved. I remember some OCAs coming off the track at Southampton down yard due to pushing against loaded BDAs and becoming bufferlocked on the curve going into the siding.


Cheers Peter.


30 years back, I don't remember why. It was very common in the Junction yard and could have been 'road spread' rotten sleepers giving way under the 40 and those behind running on the ballast.


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30 years back, I don't remember why. It was very common in the Junction yard and could have been 'road spread' rotten sleepers giving way under the 40 and those behind running on the ballast.




 They always seem to come off there, you would hear it from the box and I use to think Jim please don't break another 40!!! Their bogies did n't need anymore help.....the 40 empty  spoil wagons not pinned down in the up refuge made a bit of a mess after running into the V between the Llandudno branch and the main line........ . 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have made some more progress around the tunnelmouth and while the layout and most of the garage floor was covered in polystyrene bits I decided to keep going. 

Here are a few progress pics.


Cheers Peter.






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A Christmas scene at Llanbourne,  how nice.


Looks good Peter, nicely blended with the mouths. Looking forward to seeing you work your magic on the greenery.





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A Christmas scene at Llanbourne,  how nice.


Looks good Peter, nicely blended with the mouths. Looking forward to seeing you work your magic on the greenery.





Do you think I should spray the trackbed white and do it properly.lol


Next I have to get some plaster bandage and get things smoothed off and keep it so the lift out sections can still be removed to clean the track hidden underneath.


Cheers Peter.

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Progress in a forwardsly direction - always good to see.  Must pop down one day when the opportunity arises.  

Thanks Rick,

Always welcome to drop by mate, I have a BRMA meeting in September so any RMwebbers are welcome, though I should do a sererate one at some point as someone told me I had 28 visitors at the last meeting.


Cheers Peter.

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Liking the igloo :D


Lots of progress, can't wait to see a little greenery appear here. Keep up with the good work :clapping:




A friend made the same comment, maybe I should buy a Penguin and sit it on the road.


Greenery might be a while of as I think I need to build up the bridge at the fiddleyard end, to be honest I haven't really worked out how I am going to do that, I can picture what I want in my head so I might makes up something out of card and see what it looks like.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter


Making good work on the Layout, thanks for sharing the photos with us...


Keep up the excellent work... this will look excellent once completed...



No worries Jamie, it's about time I did some work on the layout though I was planning to do the station roof before this, now I have started I am quite fired up and want to get it done. 


Cheers Peter.

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I have just been looking for and pricing up plaster bandage, it's not cheap is there a cheap way of doing something like it. I was talking to someone at the weekend and they mentioned using paper towels and dipping them in a plaster mix or watered down PVA any thoughts.


I have also been looking at how I want to do the bridge on the entrance to the fiddleyard I have made a mock up with I will post a pic of later. The part of the bridge that will go over the the mainline will be stone like the tunnelmouth but it goes across at an angle. Is there a way to work out how to do the arch?


Cheers Peter. 

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Morning Peter.

Hobbycraft occasionally has it on offer over here for 1.50 a pack, I don't know if you have any branches over there? I am definately going to try the methods described on here, if I ever get to that stage  :no:

Evening Lee,

Most places I checked were online so postage added to the cost, Hobbycraft aren't over here as far as I know but there is a local craft shop I might try. 

I think I will have a go with the paper towel idea though as it will work out pretty cheap.

I am sure you will get to doing the scenics on your layout, you just need to stop spraying locos everyday. lol


Cheers Peter.

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I have made a mock up of the bridge that will span the mainline, carriage sidings and yard. I am thinking brick over the mainline and girder over the rest. I was give some 009 track a few years ago so I am thinking of using that instead of having it as a road bridge. One option was to have the line straight across but the girder part of the bridge looks a bit high to the second option was to have a slight gradient and have the girder section a bit lower. here are a few pics, let me know what you think.


Cheers Peter.







Edited by P.C.M
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