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Triang Blue Pullman - donor coaches/improvements - resource listing (page 3)

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In all honesty, I believe that the Blue Pullmans have now been 'done to death'.


There are significant numbers of the old Tri-ang models circulating that, given patience and a realistic wallet, one can assemble sufficient for a rake.


For the ultra-finicky there is the Bachmann offering, with a matching price tag.


Also available, with patience and a realistic wallet, are the Kitmaster kits; which can also be accumulated over a period of time.


What this thread seems to hanker after is a comprehensive source of cheap, 'Railroad' standard BP vehicles - I'm afraid it's not going to happen!


The market is niche, and the sector of that market that desired the ultimate model have had it provided by Bachmann. If demand resurges in the future, Bachmann can offer another batch.


The balance of the restricted market will do as it always has, and scour Ebay and swap-meets for Tri-ang and / or Kitmaster items.


There just isn't sufficient demand to warrant the development of new models.


John Isherwood.

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Thanks for the responses!


I suppose John is right - I am hankering after a relatively cheap solution to the lack of raw materials!


Having said that, if I tally up what I have spent to date assembling various bits of Triang etc, I would probably realise it would end up cheaper to just buy the Bachmann model!


Steve S

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Just posted a much earlier response I started but didn't post because I got sidetracked into preparing home made kebab meat ... 


Re-reading John's post, I wonder if perhaps my ponderings are perhaps better left off forum, unless I by any chance have anything more positive to contribute other than a series of questions and hypothetical situations?


Having said that, I have now found Silver Fox unpowered bogies available on eBay with an option (not currently active) to specify powered bogies, so that answers my question as to whether both types are available!


Once again, with thanks to all those who have contributed here and responded by PM - I feel like I have a lot more knowledge than before.  My model won't be perfect (like the Bachmann is) but I hope to improve what I have so that it doesn't look out of place next to my much more modern locos and stock, without bringing tears to my eyes with the price!


Steve S

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I shall update this entry incrementally as and when new information comes to light.




A = Bachmann MR 6 car Blue Pullman - highly and correctly detailed.

Issue: just the one ... really, really expensive!  Availability via retailers, eBay or Bachmann direct.


B = Triang Blue Pullman - WR motor cars (Type 2) and Type 6 parlour car only.

Issues: all vehicles are slightly short, incorrect cab profiles on motor cars, generic underframe detail, incorrect bogies. Note that later issue Grey/Blue model has moulded windows and is not as easy to alter with Southern Pride window etches (see below). Motor cars (powered and dummy) in plentiful supply, parlour cars increasingly expensive from eBay sellers, especially boxed examples (collector fodder?)


C = Kitmaster Blue Pullman vehicles - (with thanks to John Isherwood and http://www.kitmaster.org.uk) - these are correct length models, with correct underframes and bogies for each car as follows:

     MOTOR CAR - TYPE 1 (LMR 1st class) [Kit 31]

     KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 4 (LMR 1st class) [kit ref 32]

     PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 6 (LMR & WR 1st class) [kit ref 33]

The WR kitchen car (Type 5 WR 1st class) can be adapted from the LMR kitchen car (by substituting bogie types) but the WR 2nd class parlour car (Type 3) would be more difficult (having 7 windows, not the 6 windows as per Type 6 parlour cars). The WR Type 1 Motor Car could be approximated by painting on the destination blind in the appropriate place.

Issue: difficult to find, especially unmade (expensive, again as collector fodder?)


D = Chris Leigh correct pattern cast metal motor cabs.

Issue: no longer produced and difficult to find.


E = Genesis Kits - correct bogies and motor cab ends.

Issue: no longer produced and makers retired.


F = Silver Fox Models - correct pattern resin bogies for both powered (9'6") and unpowered (8'6") bogies.  (By email: Silver Fox are looking to make improvements before making these available again)  Availability: see http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/


G = Southern Pride Models - etched brass window inlays scaled to fit the shorter Triang parlour car as follows:

     CBP1 = WR Parlour Second [Type 3]

     CBP2 = WR/LMR Kitchen First [Type 4/Type 5]

     CBP3 = LMR Driving Motor Brake First [Type 1]

     CBP4 = WR Driving Motor Brake Second [Type 2]

     CBP5 = LMR/WR Parlour First [Type 6]

     CBP6 = Kitchen First Roof Details (resin cast)

Using the etched inlays, it is possible to correctly model either LMR or WR sets recognising that each vehicle will be slightly under scale length. The CBP4 inlays will not fit a Kitmaster Parlour Car.

Issues: getting hold of the necessary Triang donor vehicles.  Availability see http://www.southernpridemodels.co.uk/


H = urbandancer (eBay seller) - not necessarily "commercial" but he is selling with Buy-It-Now on eBay (October 2021) so could/should be classed as a "one man cottage industry" in a similar vein to the aforementioned Chris Leigh. He lists the following items (prices correct as of 07/11/2021):

  • Reproduction Triang Blue Pullman Parlour Car Window Insert 3D Printed (£10)
  • Reproduction Triang Hornby Original/Western Blue Pullman Pwr Car Window Insert (£6)
  • Reproduction Triang Hornby Midland Blue Pullman Pwr Car Conversion Inserts Pair (£12)
  • Triang Blue Pullman Parlour Car to Kitchen Car conversion set 3D printed (£29)
  • Triang Blue Pullman Parlour 1st Car to Parlour 2nd conversion set 3D printed (£35)

(Note - these items are not always spelt correctly in his listings, so possibly better to do a search for "Blue Pullman" and then once you find one item check "seller's other items")

I have been in contact with the seller via eBay and suggested he do 3D prints of the correct cab profile (as per Chris Leigh's no longer available castings) but he thinks his 3D skills are not yet up to the task of reproducing the subtle angles. I'm hoping he reconsiders. Perhaps if enough interested parties contacted him and said the same?





A = Railmatch Paints - 316 Nanking Blue. Availability see https://howesmodels.co.uk/


B = Phoenix Precision Paints - BR Nanking Blue (P139) satin enamel paint.  Availability see https://www.phoenix-paints.co.uk/products/14p139




A = Cambridge Custom Transfers - complete sets in 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, S, 7mm and Gauge 1 scales for both the 6-car LMR sets (BL62) and the 8-car WR sets (BL63).  Availability: custom printed to order from https://www.cctrans.org.uk/     [John Isherwood of this parish]


B = Fox Transfers - DETAILS INSERTED HERE  Availability: see https://fox-transfers.co.uk/




Gibbo has given instructions (Page 1, post 15) outlining how to cut and shut two Triang driving cars and a Triang parlour car into two kitchen cars. Original Triang bogies could be retained, correct bogie frames fabricated or sourced from Silver Fox Models. Roof details could be fabricated or the Southern Pride Models castings used. Underframe details retained, Kitmaster spares sourced or fabricated from scratch.

Issue: uses a "full" Triang 3-car set to produce the two kitchen cars, so still need to source another 3-car set plus an additional parlour car to create a LMR 6-car set, or three extra parlour cars for a WR 8-car set  (see above regarding scarcity of Triang parlour cars)




https://www.railcar.co.uk/type/blue-pullman/ - a good deal of information about the prototypes, including scaled drawings of the various cars which Gibbo, for convenience, posted earlier (Page 1, post 16)


http://www.kitmaster.org.uk - webpage of the Kitmaster Collectors Club, with information and kits/spares (contact Steve Knight regarding availability)


cctransuk (John Isherwood) has recommended (Page 3 post 56) Kevin Robertson's books:

     Blue Pullman, Kestrel Railway Books 2005 [ISBN 0954485963]

     Blue Pullman Supplement, Kestrel Railway Books 2009 [ISBN ref]

     Blue Pullman Pictorial Supplement [ISBN ref]

     Blue Pullman: complete and unabridged (due Aug 2020)


steamport southport (Jason) listed the MR dedicated issue (page 2 post 27):

     Model Rail, Issue 13 November 1999:

          Blue Pullman means business (Prototype and Model Masterclass) Chris Leigh

          Blue Pullman Inspirations

          Scale drawings pullout



     Model Rail, Issue 71 September 2004:

          Big Big Budget Blue Pullman (7mm scale model) Ian Pethers/Andrew Mackintosh




If anyone has further information on suitable parts suppliers, paints or transfers, please feel free to post or PM me and I will update appropriately.  


With thanks again to all those contributors to date, graciously expanding my general ignorance of all matters Blue Pullman prototype and model into something approaching more enlightened knowledge.


Steve S





Curses - spent an hour researching and putting in details of five relevant books, including number of pages, page references (where appropriate), ISBN numbers, availability and cost etc and the damn forum has lost my edit. Sorry folks... am now in too bad a mood to repeat the exercise again right now. Grrrrr!

Edited by SteveyDee68
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9 hours ago, SteveyDee68 said:

Re-reading John's post, I wonder if perhaps my ponderings are perhaps better left off forum, unless I by any chance have anything more positive to contribute other than a series of questions and hypothetical situations?



Steve - There are threads on RMWeb where people have performed the "important public service" of tearing into manufacturers for having the temerity to produce a new loco but not with the exact number they wanted.  I wouldn't worry about this thread not offering anything useful.  I've bookmarked your last entry as a Go-To source for updating my Tri-ang Blue Pullman.

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6 hours ago, SteveyDee68 said:

C = Kitmaster Blue Pullman - ...... all types of middle coaches available including restaurant coaches ......



Not true, I'm afraid - there were six car types in total :-


MOTOR CAR - TYPE 1 (LMR 1st class)


MOTOR CAR - TYPE 2 (WR 2nd class)


PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 3 (WR 2nd class)


KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 4 (LMR 1st class)


KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 5 (WR 1st class)


PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 6 (LMR & WR 1st class)


So, strictly, only Kitmaster's Parlour car is suitable for a WR rake, though the differences between the LMR and WR kitchen cars are easily addressed. A WR Type 3 2nd class Parlour Car would be more problematic, having seven passenger windows instead of the six in the Type 6 Parlour Car.


The BPs were surprisingly complex - I would strongly recommend Kevin Robertson's "Blue Pullman" (Kestrel Railway Books), and the subsequent supplements, if you are seriously interested in the subject.



John Isherwood.

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Don't lose sight of the original idea which was to cheaply produce something that was an approximate representation.  Whilst making something accurate would be nice, the more work required may risk making it a project that is somewhat daunting.  It may be best to go down the route of just buying additional Triang cars just to make up the numbers, and if you want to upgrade, then construct a replacement by whatever means you prefer, and sell on the original Triang car - they will hold their value so you will get your money back - you might even make a profit on it!  That way you can get your representation up and running, and you can halt at whatever level of accuracy satisfies you.

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7 hours ago, cctransuk said:


Not true, I'm afraid - there were six car types in total :-


MOTOR CAR - TYPE 1 (LMR 1st class)


MOTOR CAR - TYPE 2 (WR 2nd class)


PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 3 (WR 2nd class)


KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 4 (LMR 1st class)


KITCHEN CAR - TYPE 5 (WR 1st class)


PARLOUR CAR - TYPE 6 (LMR & WR 1st class)


So, strictly, only Kitmaster's Parlour car is suitable for a WR rake, though the differences between the LMR and WR kitchen cars are easily addressed. A WR Type 3 2nd class Parlour Car would be more problematic, having seven passenger windows instead of the six in the Type 6 Parlour Car.


The BPs were surprisingly complex - I would strongly recommend Kevin Robertson's "Blue Pullman" (Kestrel Railway Books), and the subsequent supplements, if you are seriously interested in the subject.



John Isherwood.


Thanks, John, for correcting my error regarding the Kitmaster coaches : I will update the previous entry accordingly.  Thanks also for the book recommendation - it will be into my Google search forthwith!


Having always liked the Blue Pullman train, long before I knew what it was, I would like a reasonably good model of it.  As the Bachmann model is out of reach, I will aim to improve a Triang version. As I have had to do a lot of searching and asking questions, I thought it might be useful to others in the same position if I could put all my findings and everything I have been told into a single post, to save replication of effort (and persons like yourself having to repeat yourselves all over again, John!)


Having just seen a Triang 6-car set (motor, dummy and four coaches - not even altered to restaurant cars) sold on eBay for over £170, I still think the scarcity of the coaches is what is pushing prices up - between modellers rather than collectors.


Steve S

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18 minutes ago, SteveyDee68 said:


Thanks, John, for correcting my error regarding the Kitmaster coaches : I will update the previous entry accordingly.  Thanks also for the book recommendation - it will be into my Google search forthwith!


Having always liked the Blue Pullman train, long before I knew what it was, I would like a reasonably good model of it.  As the Bachmann model is out of reach, I will aim to improve a Triang version. As I have had to do a lot of searching and asking questions, I thought it might be useful to others in the same position if I could put all my findings and everything I have been told into a single post, to save replication of effort (and persons like yourself having to repeat yourselves all over again, John!)


Having just seen a Triang 6-car set (motor, dummy and four coaches - not even altered to restaurant cars) sold on eBay for over £170, I still think the scarcity of the coaches is what is pushing prices up - between modellers rather than collectors.


Steve S


£170 for a six car rake including two power cars - even for ancient models - is not really that OTT, IMHO.



John Isherwood.

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On 29/06/2020 at 18:48, cctransuk said:


£170 for a six car rake including two power cars - even for ancient models - is not really that OTT, IMHO.



John Isherwood.


Apologies, John - I should have said two driving cars (one motorised) to be clearer in my description. At £25 per vehicle*, that would be £150 for the six car rake, so one powered driving car for an extra £20 seems reasonable if you are happy with them as they come.  If you want to upgrade the model, though, that feels (to me) quite an expensive starting point.


On 29/06/2020 at 19:00, stewartingram said:

£170??????? Wow, and here I am with a 5-car set to dispose of, that I was just hoping for a lot less - or is it just me?




Selling together, using the above reckoning, £45 for a powered driving car, £25 for a dummy, two parlour cars @ £25 each and a kitchen car at (say) £45 could give you a guestimated value of £160 .... bearing in mind dummy driving cars are selling between £15-£30, powered driving cars between £25-£55, and parlour cars between £20-£56 on eBay!  (I've watched quite a few auctions over quite a period and have seen all extremes!)


There is a parlour car currently selling at approx £13 with a few days left, but will it finish at that price?  Is it worth the gamble of purchasing another, Stewart, so you can sell your set as a 6-car set including a kitchen car, and bump your price up accordingly?!  At the end of the day, as we all know, an item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it!  If you are happy with less, hopefully someone here will make you an offer directly.  Are you only selling as a set, or have you considered selling as individual items? Obviously doing that you might end up left with driving cars!


On 29/06/2020 at 10:19, cctransuk said:

The BPs were surprisingly complex - I would strongly recommend Kevin Robertson's "Blue Pullman" (Kestrel Railway Books), and the subsequent supplements, if you are seriously interested in the subject.



John Isherwood.


I looked up that book as recommended, John, and have picked up a hard back copy for £30 (and the softback pictorial supplement for £9).  The second book in the series appears to be rarer than a Kitmaster kitchen car in unmade condition!  


And perhaps here's something almost as crazy as what is found over on the eBay Madness thread - you can also buy the original book for £60, £75, £95, £128, £155 or even £223 depending upon which seller's site you land upon! 


Glad I found the £30 copy when I did!


Steve S

Edited by SteveyDee68
Typo!! Consistency of descriptions
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Now in receipt of both the recommended books - and what interesting reading they make!  Shame the copies of the second volume are fetching such high prices - perhaps I should have simply pre-ordered the complete and unabridged version due out in August after all!


Now I just have to chase down copies of the various articles in modelling magazines over the years...



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I built up a set about ten years back. Had problems then finding suitable bogies and settled for a mix of Bachmann Commonwealth for the power bogies and their Mk4 for the others. And Comet Commonwealth sideframes on the two Black Beetles.. I had intended to eventually change these and the cab fronts as and when the parts became available, but it now sits in a box somewhere under the layout.

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On 24/06/2020 at 23:47, Ramrig said:

Give me a day or two (or three) I might be able to help. I started a project a few years ago to rebuild a triang Blue Pullman (6 car midland version) with all of the parts listed above, + Chris Leighs cab detailing pack. Then just after I started Bachmann announced there’s and everything stopped as I new I would not be able to come up to their standard. So if I can find all of the parts I may be open to offers. If I remember correctly I also brought a new power unit that’s belt drive. 



I have found the etches, bogies, one cab front (the other is already fixed to the power car), drivers desks, keen couplings for all the cars, dummy engines for the kitchen cars, exhausts etc,  but not the power units or coaches yet. What I have found is that it now has a Hollywood Foundry power unit in it. Just need to locate it. I’ll keep looking

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On 08/07/2020 at 20:39, Ramrig said:

I have found the etches, bogies, one cab front (the other is already fixed to the power car), drivers desks, keen couplings for all the cars, dummy engines for the kitchen cars, exhausts etc,  but not the power units or coaches yet. What I have found is that it now has a Hollywood Foundry power unit in it. Just need to locate it. I’ll keep looking


Interesting! (Or should I say "interested"?!)


On eBay presently there are several Triang sets available with extra coaches - one is even fitted for DCC and has lights fitted!  Will be interesting to see how they fare.


Spoken today with someone who picked up a complete, half-made six car Kitmaster rake at a toyfair - for £80!  Now I think that is a bargain!  


Sadly, there are also the "chancers" on eBay: without naming names (oh, go on then, Danie9493) how about a boxed version with Triang track?! Currently at £19 plus £6 p&p with 23 hours to go.  Now that actually seems like a steal, especially for any collectors wanting a boxed set, except it is missing the centre coach from the 3-car set.  Shame!


Why do I call out "Chancer"?  Because under "Seller's other items" is listed - you guessed it - Blue Pullman centre coach (used, unboxed) - so, removed from the set and sold separately.  23 hours to go and currently at £11.45 plus £5 p&p (only £1 less than the bigger, heavier boxed set).  I've messaged the seller to say that collectors would be more interested in a complete set, but I think perhaps they are hoping to achieve a bigger final price through separate listings.  A shame, as they also list what looks like the Triang Rovex controller from the set separately, too, though that currently has no bids (starts at 99p) plus £5 p&p (again, an old fashioned, heavy controller costs the same to post as a lightweight, plastic coach?!). I think maybe they will be left with a controller on their hands in just over 23 hours.


On 06/07/2020 at 07:14, JZ said:

I built up a set about ten years back. Had problems then finding suitable bogies and settled for a mix of Bachmann Commonwealth for the power bogies and their Mk4 for the others. And Comet Commonwealth sideframes on the two Black Beetles.. I had intended to eventually change these and the cab fronts as and when the parts became available, but it now sits in a box somewhere under the layout.


See above re: Silver Fox Models for correct pattern side frames for both powered and unpowered bogies (making a few adjustments before the next production run).  Are your black beetle bogies the correct wheelbase for the 9'6" power bogie length?  If so, a straight swap with the Silver Fox items will be possible.  I, too, am hoping to find a solution for the cab ends in due course; if (no, when!) I do so, I shall announce here with due fanfare!



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On 09/07/2020 at 06:17, rka said:

Hornby class 67 bogies are a near as dammit fit for the power bogies, I'll see if I can get a picture of mine later on. 


Please feel free to post up here!  I know there are other threads about the Blue Pullmans on RMweb, but I'm hoping to put any viable solutions together here, so folks can easily source bits.  (Methodology is covered elsewhere - I intend to add links in due course!)




Steve S

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EBay update:  For anyone interested:  NB possible bargain identified below!


Most expensive Triang models currently are:


Pair of Grey/Blue Pullman driving cars* (boxed) for BIN £124.50 (free p&p) from Gostude**


3-car Blue Pullman set (unboxed) for BIN £99.00 (+£4.10 p&p) from mister.sticky


3-car Blue Pullman (boxed with oval of Super 4 track) for BIN £95.00 (free p&p) from Guv49


Grey/Blue Type 6 parlour car (boxed, mint condition) for BIN £84.50 (free p&p) from Gostude**


Grey/Blue Type 6 parlour car (boxed) for BIN £79.99 (free p&p) from gempreciousstone


Blue Pullman Type 6 parlour car (unboxed) for BIN £55.00 (free p&p) from egor247


Blue Pullman 5 car set (unboxed) AUCTION currently £50.00 (+£4.10 p&p) with 2 days 23 hours left from heedcnp***


Pair of Grey/Blue Pullman driving cars* (boxed) plus Type 6 G/B parlour car (boxed) AUCTION currently £50.00 (+£3.50 p&p) with 18 hours left from calsa-67


Blue Pullman Type 6 parlour car (unboxed) for BIN £49.00 (+£4.10 p&p) from heedcnp. [3 separate auctions]


Pair of Blue Pullman (FYE) driving cars* (boxed) plus Type 6 parlour car (unboxed) for BIN £47.00 (+£4.10 p&p) from cheziesnutz


Other Blue Pullman auctions come under £50 as BIN/auctions plus p&p


* 1 x powered driving car, 1 x unpowered


** an already (in)famous eBay seller (see eBay Madness thread, for example)


*** NB for anybody after a larger set in one hit, this auction does not show up when searching for Blue Pullman on eBay! Possibly time to grab a bargain, as currently averaging just £10 per vehicle as opposed to the £49 the seller is asking for single parlour cars!




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On 08/07/2020 at 20:39, Ramrig said:

I have found the etches, bogies, one cab front (the other is already fixed to the power car), drivers desks, keen couplings for all the cars, dummy engines for the kitchen cars, exhausts etc,  but not the power units or coaches yet. What I have found is that it now has a Hollywood Foundry power unit in it. Just need to locate it. I’ll keep looking


Just to draw attention to Ramrig's post above, he did say earlier that he might be open to offers so anybody interested might want to PM direct? 



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It's been a while since I posted here, but with the Class 43 HST-based "Blue Pullman" train about to enter service, perhaps I should add here that a Blue Pullman can now be easily represented by repainting a cheap Hornby or Lima (maybe even a Limby) HST set and calling it a day?!




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Excellent call ..... I am surprised that none have popped up on any of the forums.. unless it’s a struggle to obtain the nanking blue , I think fox do the transfers...and the world is awash with early Hornby hst power cars , although the bogies are poor to say  the least.... I’ll join you running for cover.

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I've had an idea to make up Western Region 2nd class cars from three carved up power cars. Has anyone tried this? I don't have one to hand at the moment to measure up.


For a start, I thought of a shortened rake of six cars. Power car - 2nd - 1st - Kitchen 1st - 1st - Power car, fitting the power bogie in the Kitchen Car. One power bogie would be sufficient (just) for the six car unit.


The alternative is the etched window inserts, but this would require a 1st class car rather than three Power Cars, of which I have two surplus already.

Edited by Il Grifone
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2 hours ago, Il Grifone said:

I've had an idea to make up Western Region 2nd class cars from three carved up power cars. Has anyone tried this?


Gibbo675 of this parish is (IMHO) the person to ask, as he gave information about cutting and shutting the restaurant car from power cars and a parlour car back on page 1 of this thread.


If he hasn't done it, I'm certain he would be able to input something useful to your idea.


Remember that the brass inserts from Southern Pride are designed for the (slightly) short Triang coach.



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On 08/11/2020 at 19:14, 47164 said:

Excellent call ..... I am surprised that none have popped up on any of the forums.. unless it’s a struggle to obtain the nanking blue , I think fox do the transfers...and the world is awash with early Hornby hst power cars , although the bogies are poor to say  the least.... I’ll join you running for cover.


Nanking Blue paint on eBay does seem to be in short supply - one (shop) seller down to their last tin already! Perhaps I shouldn't report that, in case I start a rush of panic buying of Nanking Blue paint!!



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5 hours ago, SteveyDee68 said:


Gibbo675 of this parish is (IMHO) the person to ask, as he gave information about cutting and shutting the restaurant car from power cars and a parlour car back on page 1 of this thread.


If he hasn't done it, I'm certain he would be able to input something useful to your idea.


Remember that the brass inserts from Southern Pride are designed for the (slightly) short Triang coach.



Hi Steve,


I didn't build any Western Pullman second class cars as I only built a Midland Pullman although I guess what you suggest is perfectly feasible with a little thought. The left over power car guards doors will be useful for the restaurant  cars when used with half of a first class car. The biggest problem will be splicing the second class coach to include a toilet which the power cars do not have. Do note that toilet window spacing is more uneven than the first class cars.


What I suggest is draw out the models as they are and work out what bits you need by cutting up the paper drawings to see where all the bits can be used in the most economical manner rather than cutting up models and getting it wrong.







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