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Post lockdown easing...... Rubbish!


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  • RMweb Gold
13 hours ago, AY Mod said:


I'd rather we didn't have yet another topic get stuck in a mire of statistics and opinion. This one's for rubbish posts.



Finally !! A Topic where my posts fit right in !  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

It has been noticeable around here  that as soon as Macdonut and Kentucky Fried have reopened the litter from people visiting their establishments has reappeared with a vengeance. Perhaps they need to have a "cleaning up our unwanted rubbish" placed on them.. I know they can't make everyone tidy up BUT if it meant their prices went up 10 to 20% perhaps some of the idle so and sos who can't be bothered to get rid of their rubbish from their take aways properly my start to get the message.



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  • RMweb Gold
32 minutes ago, Barry O said:

It has been noticeable around here  that as soon as Macdonut and Kentucky Fried have reopened the litter from people visiting their establishments has reappeared with a vengeance. Perhaps they need to have a "cleaning up our unwanted rubbish" placed on them.. I know they can't make everyone tidy up BUT if it meant their prices went up 10 to 20% perhaps some of the idle so and sos who can't be bothered to get rid of their rubbish from their take aways properly my start to get the message.




Sadly they wouldn't Baz. BiL is a McDonalds Franchisee* (17 restaurants) and he already has cleaning crews in the streets around the stores, the reality of the customer paying more is that then demand it be cleaned up as they've paid for it to be done.


* I like to show my sister how the increase in obesity in this country matches their increase in profits.



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  • RMweb Premium
40 minutes ago, Barry O said:

It has been noticeable around here  that as soon as Macdonut and Kentucky Fried have reopened the litter from people visiting their establishments has reappeared with a vengeance. Perhaps they need to have a "cleaning up our unwanted rubbish" placed on them.. I know they can't make everyone tidy up BUT if it meant their prices went up 10 to 20% perhaps some of the idle so and sos who can't be bothered to get rid of their rubbish from their take aways properly my start to get the message.




Mackie Ds do employ staff to pick up discarded packaging within a certain radius of their outlets, at least in some areas - I've seen them at work.


In Cambridge, they also employed students to stand around with Macdonalds> signs, as their outlet was off the main tourist footfall! It became something of a nuisance for locals when a coachload of Asian tourists descended on one, en masse, demanding "Where Macdonalds"?


John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold

There was a suggestion that the maccy D drive through packaging have the car reg printed on it when ordering to discourage littering, a good idea if it was possible how how fines could be enforced and by whom I don’t know 



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17 hours ago, melmerby said:

Many of the "yoof" of today seemed to have treated the lockdown as a free off work holiday where they can carry on doing the same things they usually do but every day.

There have been serious complaints right from the start about parties, raves, whatever going on as if nothing was happening.


A problem is when the police crack down they get accused of being heavy handed by the gutter press.


The younger generation around where I live haven't changed their behaviour one jot.

Off to visit friends, friends around to visit them, nights out, overnight stays etc.

The only ones doing their bit is us old scrotes worried the kids recklessness will bring the plague here.


Yes, what we really need now is more people blanket blaming opposite sections of society to give themselves the moral highground.  I've seen plenty of people from all ages doing what they please,  and likewise plenty of people of all ages doing what they can to help each other out.

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  • RMweb Gold
22 minutes ago, Jub45565 said:


Yes, what we really need now is more people blanket blaming opposite sections of society to give themselves the moral highground.  I've seen plenty of people from all ages doing what they please,  and likewise plenty of people of all ages doing what they can to help each other out.

Im glad someone else has pointed this out, my eldest ‘yoof’ certainly hasn’t done as he pleased during lockdown, he’s stayed home not seen his friends etc


yesterday I caught the train to work in Wrexham from crewe and an elderly couple (Who made sure she let everyone around know her 80yr old husband was vunrable) got in at crewe further down the coach and the woman cleaned and scrubbed every inch of the seating bay, windows, table top and bottom where they chose to sit at then demanded someone sat in the back to seat away moved as he was too close (despite him sitting down first) which he did to avoid conflict I think, he certainly rolled his eyes as he passed me looking for another seat! 


I then listened into them saying they were off to stay with friends in Llandudno for a few days, must admit part of me wanted to go over and remind them of the lockdown rules in wales But what’s the point


back to the rubbish point, apparently the maccy D down the road from me has reopened today, right opposite the KFC too, expect to see lots of litter appear again very soon 

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  • RMweb Gold

Our local tips opened a couple of weeks ago - on the first day the queue was apparently several hours long, and caused complete gridlock in the neighbouring industrial estate. 


The council have also reduced the normal waste collection to fortnightly as well (supposedly just for the duration, but I bet it'll stay...). It's shocking to see just how much rubbish some people put out on bin days - quite a few around with several bags piled up next to the bin. 

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21 minutes ago, Nick C said:

It's shocking to see just how much rubbish some people put out on bin days - quite a few around with several bags piled up next to the bin. 


Probably all the excess perishable items they panic bought a few weeks ago?

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43 minutes ago, DaveF said:

I went to the beach this morning for the first time since mid March.


The beach cleaning machine was in action - (the tractor part is used for gritting and snowplough duties in winter).






The beach was certainly clean afterwards



The beach huts always look quite tidy.


Beach huts  The cone seems to live there - it does have a purpose (but that is not in the photo).



We do have a deterrent for persistent offenders.


Beach Battery  The guns are actually dummies.



The tractor/beach rake combo is very similar to the one used here, the guys do a pretty good job with it.


Here are our beach huts, (controversial as many locals don't want them, and the take up has been poor).

And no they have not been discarded like that by visiting holidaymakers, the high tides in spring floated them about, and the council only just got round to rounding them up at the weekend.


 Weston-super-Mare 22/4/2020



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  • RMweb Gold

The litter was probably inevitable, Britain is a messy place, doesn't need to be but it is. The crowds and toilet mess was, however, avoidable if the relevant national government body (Westminster/England) had used even a smidgeon of common sense and thought through the critical path. The Q&A should have gone -


Q - Is it safe to open public toilets Y/N?

A1 - if Y lift restrictions on long-haul travel.

A2 - If N keep the ban in place until there is an answer to making public toilets safe to open.


The answer was - no - but they still lifted the ban and the crowds flocked to public open spaces. 


Earlier posters have blamed privatisation for lack of free facilities, as a retired local government manager (and waste collection was in my remit at one point) the two issues regarding refuse collection and fly tipping were/are national legislation defining what is/isn't trade waste and secondly the UK's citizenry don't want to pay enough tax to cover the cost of running public services without a point of sale charge. Who employs the actual collection team was a separate issue entirely and with pros and cons on both sides of the, essentially political, argument.


Some of those decisions made nationally had, and still have stupid outcomes at local level, charge at the tips* and that there will be extra fly tipping as a knock on is not rocket science, the dichotomy that glass bottles from pubs are trade waste, so shouldn't go in domestic bottle banks whilst at the same time imposing targets on LAs for collecting and recycling glass! 


* at many tips normal household domestic waste is still free but not extras, brick rubble etc., and trade definitely charged for.



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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, chris p bacon said:


Sadly they wouldn't Baz. BiL is a McDonalds Franchisee* (17 restaurants) and he already has cleaning crews in the streets around the stores, the reality of the customer paying more is that then demand it be cleaned up as they've paid for it to be done.


* I like to show my sister how the increase in obesity in this country matches their increase in profits.



We are out of range for cleaning... they chuck stuffout of their cars on the way to somewhere else..so having 'local'cleaners is a waste of time. Thinking about this it should be a 50% tax.. paid at the point of sale..with a large notice explaining more litter..more tax.. and, if it continues escalate the tax...



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One of the more persistent offenders around here are rail travelers who throw their used tickets anywhere (including my front garden).  As the tickets are supposed to remain the property of the railway company, I am often tempted to charge GWR for the cost of removal!  Very few tickets around at the moment, of course.

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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

We are out of range for cleaning... they chuck stuffout of their cars on the way to somewhere else..so having 'local'cleaners is a waste of time. Thinking about this it should be a 50% tax.. paid at the point of sale..with a large notice explaining more litter..more tax.. and, if it continues escalate the tax...




I refer you to my earlier post; notices are IGNORED!

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  • RMweb Premium

Personally I try to avoid the local domestic waste tip wherever possible - it always seems to be a lottery as regards coming home with at least one nail or screw in a tyre :angry:

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5 hours ago, Rivercider said:



Here are our beach huts, (controversial as many locals don't want them, and the take up has been poor).

And no they have not been discarded like that by visiting holidaymakers, the high tides in spring floated them about, and the council only just got round to rounding them up at the weekend.


 Weston-super-Mare 22/4/2020




Whats the story with all those little sheds, storing stuff or something?


Re signs - here churches have large metal bins outside them intended for people to donate old clean clothing and similar. The church/charities either redistribute them or sell them for recycling/rags.  Despite the signs saying "Clean clothing only" many people seem to think that the poor would love  all the old crap that they can't be bothered to take to the tip so there are often piles of old chairs, plant pots, building materials and so on around them, This costs the church/charity who have to then take it all to the tip themselves. Our local church had the same problem until they put a sign on the bins saying "God Is Watching You!" For the 2 or 3 months the sign was there ( I assume some church bigknob made them take it down or something) the area around the bin was spotless!


Re littering from cars - Our state environmental authority has  a facility whereby you can report the numberplate of people you see littering via either a webpage or a handy app and the person you've nominated gets sent a fine, the onus  is on THEM to prove they didn't litter. Very handy for revenge on those people in traffic who have caused you a slight, beaten you  at the lights, have driving skills you don't approve of and so on! Talk back radio often  has callers complaining about getting a fine for dropping a cigarette butt when they don't even smoke and so on,,,


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On 02/06/2020 at 17:35, Crisis Rail said:

.....The recreational use of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is on the rise, as more and more people are misusing the drug in an effort to get high. People inhale the gas - also known as "hippy crack" - from balloons or metal cannisters for the euphoric, pain-numbing effect.


OK, I know I should get out more, but can somebody please tell me for what purpose are those little cannisters of nitrous oxide supposedly manufactured and sold?

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15 minutes ago, spikey said:


OK, I know I should get out more, but can somebody please tell me for what purpose are those little cannisters of nitrous oxide supposedly manufactured and sold?


It’s used as an aerosol for whipped cream dispensers, apparently. 

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1 minute ago, rockershovel said:


It’s used as an aerosol for whipped cream dispensers, apparently. 


Much obliged.  Right then.  When I come to power, we'll put a stop to them right after we've stopped supermarkets selling booze and disposable barbecues.

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Regarding local taxation, expenditure and services, try going to the local authorities in France or Spain in search of free translators, multi lingual literature or someone to ensure you are getting all the benefits you might be entitled to! Mind you, this isn’t to say that France or Spain are paragons of public hygiene....



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23 minutes ago, spikey said:


Much obliged.  Right then.  When I come to power, we'll put a stop to them right after we've stopped supermarkets selling booze and disposable barbecues.


It’s DEFINITELY a First World Problem... the Scandinavian countries have considerable restrictions on sale of alcohol, for that reason, and it certainly works for them. Come to that, I’ve never seen disposable barbecues in Norway. Of course, we COULD try re-introducing bears, that certainly concentrates people’s attention on refuse disposal...


That was one thing about the old Sparklets CO2 capsules for soda water dispensers - they had no other applications! 

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  • RMweb Premium
15 hours ago, Barry O said:

We are out of range for cleaning... they chuck stuffout of their cars on the way to somewhere else..so having 'local'cleaners is a waste of time. Thinking about this it should be a 50% tax.. paid at the point of sale..with a large notice explaining more litter..more tax.. and, if it continues escalate the tax...



Us too, about 10 miles from the nearest clowns, they get to a tight corner and throw the packaging out of the window, into the field. So it probably takes them 20 minutes to consume the rubbish inside. noticable during the same few weeks each year (school summer holidays). Probably on their way to holiday caravans..

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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


Whats the story with all those little sheds, storing stuff or something?




People who visit the same beach regularly can  Buy / rent (depending on the local councils rules ) one, they are normally placed at the back of a beach. you are not allowed to stay overnight in them. But many are fitted out with seating / a camping cooker  / camping sink. Their doors are often arranged to open out in to a verandah / with roof so you can sit on the beach in windy / rainy weather..  in some areas they go for many thousands of pounds..




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