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Post lockdown easing...... Rubbish!


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  • RMweb Gold
6 minutes ago, Crisis Rail said:


......The recreational use of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is on the rise, as more and more people are misusing the drug in an effort to get high. People inhale the gas - also known as "hippy crack" - from balloons or metal cannisters for the euphoric, pain-numbing effect.


Kids of today eh? Tsk.

I must have lead a sheltered life!


ive only ever ‘done’ nitrous oxide once and that was at the dentist having 2 teeth pulled, that was no high that’s for sure 

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I see this kind of thing all the time at my 'other' residence!

People seem to switch their brain completely off when they get to somewhere they can class as 'on holiday' - our local town has one road running through it in one direction only and ALL nationalities wander all over it gormlessly, completely ignoring any and all traffic that's trying to get through whether it be a huge bus, a truck or a little car.


Do they not realise that although they are having a break, others around them have to work?

Do they think physics have changed so they won't get run over?

Thankfully, we don't get those little canisters, how many will die before that is banned?

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1 hour ago, MR Chuffer said:

This has little to do with the corona virus epidemic, there was a tendency for people to behave like this before it.


And I live " About 10 miles from the Centre of The Kingdom" too, like @newbryford, who will know what Longridge Fell is like every year after schools break up in the summer and the school leavers "congregate".

Agreed - this is why all that "bright sunny uplands- post CoVid19 - we'll do things different stuff" being spouted is just b*llocks because these sh8its have and will just carry on as before whilst the rest of us have and still have to carry on the restrictions imposed in order to work and provide (as well as those that have lost jobs / businesses) …………………… I hope it starts raining again and al least this vermin will stay indoors. ……………………………………. fuming :banghead:

Edited by Southernman46
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  • RMweb Premium

Many of the "yoof" of today seemed to have treated the lockdown as a free off work holiday where they can carry on doing the same things they usually do but every day.

There have been serious complaints right from the start about parties, raves, whatever going on as if nothing was happening.


A problem is when the police crack down they get accused of being heavy handed by the gutter press.


The younger generation around where I live haven't changed their behaviour one jot.

Off to visit friends, friends around to visit them, nights out, overnight stays etc.

The only ones doing their bit is us old scrotes worried the kids recklessness will bring the plague here.

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  • RMweb Premium

This sort of lack of respect really, well, I can only properly express it in words that'll get censored out. I suppose I'd pity them, people who must've had such a cramped and twisted life that they're unable to comprehend why they're even a problem, how damaged they must be by being so unable to appreciate their surroundings that they behave like that, how much of life they're missing (but I suppose there's some fortune to being able to never be upset by anything if you're incapable of caring to begin with, although by that measure there's fortune in being a mushroom), if they weren't such an obnoxious stain on the world.


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  • RMweb Premium
2 minutes ago, melmerby said:

A problem is when the police crack down they get accused of being heavy handed by the gutter press.


Buzzing a small number of people remote from anyone with drones is the sort of thing the police got justifiable accusations of being heavy handed for. I doubt they'd get much press criticism for coming down on scum leaving a mess and setting fire to the place.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi folks,


First, I feel I must declare that I am in my early 50s.


Now to the point.  Around here I see the 'youth' element behaving in ways that some here would deplore as 'typical', while others are sensitive taking a wise and mature approach to the current situation.  This range of approaches or behaviours is also exhibited by my own generation, as well as older ones.


There is no apparent age discriminator, it seems, when it comes to human behaviour.  To be blunt, idiotic and selfish behaviour are the hallmarks of all generations and none.  It's simply a human trait.  Likewise is behaviour that is wise, compassionate, sensible, and thoughtful.






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I don't want to get involved in long winded debates, and shall withdraw after this, but we are being fed bull dung for facts and information. The number of ICU cases in my area is currently 4 ( several hundred thousand population), the number of Covid hospital cases, approx 50, and some people didn't even know they'd got it, everyone involved in a traffic accident and admitted is swapped. Manchester nightingale is mothballed, no patients. My daughter is a medic....!


If you are young, there is an infinitessingly small chance of catching or passing on the virus, much less than the common cold.


Do not confuse coronavirus with downright bad behaviour, and downright bad parenting, and that was evident before the coronavirus struck. Perhaps they think if our leaders and betters can do what they want on the basis that it "felt right" for them, they can do too. I rest my case and will retire...

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3 minutes ago, MR Chuffer said:

If you are young, there is an infinitessingly small chance of catching or passing on the virus, much less than the common cold.


I don't think this should be another Coronaballs topic.

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  • RMweb Gold

Depressing pictures from Purbeck, three nearly killed themselves tombstoning off the arch and the ridiculous crowds left this and abused those trying to clear it up! 
I avoid it during the summer these days, when I was down regularly we used to go out in the evening to avoid the masses. 




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Not sure I get your drift @AY Mod has this happened before? My reference is Sir Professor David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at Cambridge University, and others. Lies, damned lies and statistics. I believe one set of statistics, others may believe an alternative set. And oops, I've broken my commitment, perhaps I'm a politician...?

Edited by MR Chuffer
Reference previous poster I was replying to
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10 minutes ago, PaulRhB said:

Depressing pictures from Purbeck


That was madness and it was easy to see usage was increasing. Seemingly the estate allowed more and more vehicles onto the site and took their money.

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6 minutes ago, MR Chuffer said:

Not sure I get your drift


I'd rather we didn't have yet another topic get stuck in a mire of statistics and opinion. This one's for rubbish posts.

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  • RMweb Gold
6 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


That was madness and it was easy to see usage was increasing. Seemingly the estate allowed more and more vehicles onto the site and took their money.

No they couldn’t stop them as otherwise they block the local lanes. A Policeman was asked why and he said it was unsafe to put them all out on the road. The money is mostly used to clear up, the BBC pics are excessive but not unusual, I used to know one of the wardens and they were supported by the local volunteers. 

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4 minutes ago, AY Mod said:

This one's for rubbish posts.

Hmmm. Best not say what I was thinking. ;) 


Back on topic, like Big Jim, I didn't recognize the little gas canisters and was happy to be educated. I'm not sure that recreational NO is a thing here - not that I would know of course. I'll ask my millennial son. Of course just about everywhere in this part of the world recreational cannabis is legal so perhaps there's little incentive.

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  • RMweb Gold
25 minutes ago, PaulRhB said:

Depressing pictures from Purbeck, three nearly killed themselves tombstoning off the arch and the ridiculous crowds left this and abused those trying to clear it up! 
I avoid it during the summer these days, when I was down regularly we used to go out in the evening to avoid the masses. 




Not only that but apparently the beach crowd egged on the idiots about to jump. I find that more worrying than the fact the jumpers went up there in the first place.



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22 minutes ago, AY Mod said:

This one's for rubbish posts.

No, you're right. New to this forum, but it often surprises and depresses me how many of these non-railway topics gain traction.


It is not FB, it is not Twitter, the clue is in the name, Railway Modeller Web, and I come here for model railways, not the FB/Twitter dross.

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Just now, MR Chuffer said:

It is not FB, it is not Twitter


Thank heavens. ;)


Non-railway chat is fine, I was just trying to stop this one going the same way as other Covid ones.

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  • RMweb Premium
6 minutes ago, MR Chuffer said:

No, you're right. New to this forum, but it often surprises and depresses me how many of these non-railway topics gain traction.


It is not FB, it is not Twitter, the clue is in the name, Railway Modeller Web, and I come here for model railways, not the FB/Twitter dross.


The Wheeltappers area is for non-railway discussions such as this rubbish one.


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  • RMweb Premium

It was only  last week that I made a comment to SWMBO that the verges and central reservation between the M1 and the town centre had never been so litter free, I suppose that will be back to normal before long.


I did laugh at a comment by a neighbour this morning  as he went off to work" First time I have worn trousers for ten weeks".


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1 hour ago, MR Chuffer said:

If you are young, there is an infinitessingly small chance of catching or passing on the virus, much less than the common cold

Evidence please, or even a pointer to Prof Spiegelhalter saying those things ( I have seen him talking about the low risk of fatality from Covid for young people, but that isn’t anything like the same thing).


My understanding having read a whole stack about it is that nobody actually knows with any confidence what the probabilities of catching or passing it on split by age bands are, hence the uncertainty about opening schools, although there are some pointers to suggest that the broad-spectrum immune response in children deals with it quite effectively.


Two facts that do seem clear are that:


- the probability of developing a severe form increases with age, increasingly steeply after c60yo;


- asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases play a significant part in spreading it.


Neither of which is anything like what you have stated.



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3 hours ago, Crisis Rail said:


......The recreational use of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is on the rise, as more and more people are misusing the drug in an effort to get high. People inhale the gas - also known as "hippy crack" - from balloons or metal cannisters for the euphoric, pain-numbing effect.


Kids of today eh? Tsk.

brain numbing or are they already that?

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9 minutes ago, Nearholmer said:


I live in a Radio 4 bubble and during lockdown with my doctor daughter, Tim Harford's More or Less programme was our go to listen on Wednesday mornings, which she interpreted for me.


All episodes are available on iPlayer, but if you can be bothered to go back through them, what's happening to your railway modelling, which is why I am here? I can't be bothered...


And I think, given the statistics for our area, schools should reopen. The cost of not educating our children will be far greater than the fear of this damned virus.

Edited by MR Chuffer
Predictive text glitches
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