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Paris Rome Pullman Express by Jouef

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Jouef from France made as their first steam locomotive a small clockwork locomotive with passenger- and Pullman cars labelled Paris Rome. Here is this very small Paris rome express in my  garden.








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Great!  I'm not into vintage stuff myself, but glad to see the setup running so well.


Does this confirm that FS and CIWL cars were present on the entire route?  Were PLM cars included in the prototype?

If so, that would make my modern version much more realistic.

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I used the name Paris Rome Pullman Express since the Jouef Pullman cars have the destination plates Paris - Rome. There has however in reality never been a Paris Rome Pullman Express. Pullman trains were only used on routes which could be run during daytime, and the distance Paris Rome was much too large for that. There has been (since 1890) a train called Rome Express which was a CIWL train between (Calais-) Paris and Rome (-Naples). That train had CIWL sleeping cars and a restaurant car.  More on that train here: https://trains-worldexpresses.com/600/603.htm




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Thanks.  After opening that new can of worms, I think that I'm trying to combine elements of two separate trains into one fantasy service.


The Chronology page provided me with the relative info.


That suggested that the routes themselves were forever changing, so trying to be prototypical about anything is still a challenge.  Thanks again.

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A neighbour used to work for FAO in Rome, and used the train on occasion. She recollected being on one working where her coach was detached at Gare du Nord, then transferred to Gare du Lyon, presumably by the Petit Ceinture. On other occasions, the train ran through, avoiding Paris.

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