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Clapping for Carers


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It was great to go into the garden and clap. We could hear horns, saw fireworks and whistle. Good that we could come together for something positive and applaud our NHS staff. :locomotive:

Edited by didcot
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  • RMweb Gold

Got a text on whatsapp about this 3 mins before 8. Went outside thinking I was going to be the only one out there as I had not heard about this at all before and it look like some crummy chain text. I could hear clapping and cheering all the way up the road. Very uplifting.

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Very well supported here in Torbay, too, which was heartening. Very sad that this was followed immediately by Question Time in which we heard that NHS staff do not have enough protective equipment, despite it being known two months ago that this pandemic would happen. 

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Some neighbours texted to ask to join us (outside, keeping the recommended distance), safety in numbers, fear we might be the only ones.  Suddenly a big noise from up the street, we weren’t alone!  A few long blasts on the shofar to accompany the clapping and cheering.

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Dunno about this one to be honest.....


As a one off maybe to show some appreciation for a job well done so far its all good 

(a sentiment I totally agree with, but others are also busy keeping much of the world turning)


but as a thing...far too much like the "two minute ha love" for my tastes.



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Very well received here in my part of Newcastle too. I must admit to have been in two minds wether to do it or not for feeling daft, but I thought sod it. Just before I started clapping virtually the whole street was clapping and whistling, was really brilliant. 

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6 minutes ago, Talltim said:

Appreciate the sentiment, but think the title needs some work...


That thought kinda crossed my mind , but I thought they of all people would have access to the necessary medicines ;)

Edited by LBRJ
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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, LBRJ said:

(a sentiment I totally agree with, but others are also busy keeping much of the world turning)


I don't disagree but as already seen in other countries these staff are putting there lives on the line..they deserve our respect and thanks

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  • RMweb Gold

I joined in with the clapping event to show support for workers putting themselves at risk caring for us - and will do so again tonight.


Although the sentiment may only help a little, I think the true value in joining in is to show people how don't care, or have given up, that there are a lot of people nearby who are supportive and are actively trying to do the right thing.


I also think that the more noise the good people make might (I just said might) nudge the - rule breakers, hoarders, none believers, and people inventing ways to get around the restrictions - into doing the right thing.



Hope is an important tool in fighting this foe.





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  • RMweb Gold

SWMBO and I went out to join the Churchdown clapping. She is a med sec - not immediately front line but currently having to deal with removing all elective patients from clinics to free up front end staff for Covid care. I am a Biomedical Scientist - currently redundant after 45 years as the NHS decided to centralise my viral testing screening service to 8 sites - wont go in to politics of that here, but currently applying for other jobs....


The turn out here both on the street and on the on line local community app was pretty amazing - a privilege to be part of it although plainly would rather not. And then ITV2 screened the film "Contagion"!

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  • RMweb Gold

The three of us, Me, the Mrs and her daughter who came back from uni before the restrictions went outside at 20:00, we live in a small hamlet with only a few houses nearby, we clapped and cheered and then paused and sure enough, we could hear others doing the same - fantastic support and the village Facebook group reported a huge number making noise all around the area - if this was repeated nationwide (which I believe it was) it shows the strength of support for all those in the front line of the battle against the virus.


PS - it wasn't just social media this was publicised on, I saw it on the BBC news and heard it on Radio 5 in the morning.



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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Markwj said:

I am a key worker and we stepped out of the clinic last night thinking no one will do it (and didn't ask for it either) as we are reserved miserable brits and we were shocked.

In the middle of poulton le fylde we could hear clapping, cheering, car horns and fireworks I can tell you we were moved and judging by the comments on social media and our team whattsapp many of our staff were moved to tears. We all received a massive boost last night so thank you all.


Although I must admit to feeling a bit of a fraud as a district nurse we have had no exposure yet to covid patients in our areas but by doing our job we are keeping the admissions to hospital down but I feel sure we will have contact soon!

thanks again


Mark, you are not even a little bit of a fraud.  By continuing to do what you are doing there is every likelihood you are saving lives by keeping someone away from a source of infection and/or freeing up resources for those who are in dire need.


Thank you!

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, Markwj said:

Although I must admit to feeling a bit of a fraud as a district nurse we have had no exposure yet to covid patients in our areas but by doing our job we are keeping the admissions to hospital down but I feel sure we will have contact soon!


My dad was able to live at home for the last two years of his life, thanks to the care provided by the district nursing team.  He was far happier there than stuck in a hospital or care home, away from constant contact with family and the surroundings he loved.  You may not have direct contact with covid patients yet, but those you do care for will appreciate your care.


And yes, I was out applauding last night!


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  • RMweb Premium

If you didn't know about this then fine, if you don't really bother then wake up and smell the 'communion' please. About time many more Brits get a bit more empathetic maybe? Solidarity is not a dirty word.

So what is tonight's for Kev?

I think there are many groups, as has been stated, that could be thanked. Local shop-workers have been given loads of grief as even have the Police FFS for asking people out inappropriately  to go 'home'.

There, I've been quite blunt again so if this is deleted then fine, but things sometimes need saying; just sayin'. 

be safe, stay well.

A less stressed Duck.

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  • RMweb Gold

For me, tonight's effort will be for all working to get us through this.


I don't think it would be wise to have a designated group associated with a particular night - the difference in participation may put some essential workers off!





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  • RMweb Gold

I went out last night and was amazed at how many in our road were standing out the front of their houses clapping and the occasional firework and pan being bashed. All very good and the most people that I have ever seen outside at once in our road.

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