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Self isolation support group


Message added by AY Mod

Please keep this thread free of Coronavirus information or discussion, there are two other threads to go into details if one wishes to visit.

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  • RMweb Premium
19 minutes ago, Neil said:



I don't think it is. All of us here will have worries or fears about the current situation and part of support has to be giving a space where we can express these concerns. If the thread ended up being bogged down in discussing the idiots continuing to mass then I'd agree. I'm sure that we'll encounter other difficult situations where what would be ideal for one compromises the other. There's no easy answer apart from recognising that we live in a far from perfect world, we can only do the best we can do and that none of us will be setting out to cause harm to a fellow. I'm cheered to see that we have already moved on to other topics.

Sorry about that....just those two words I wibbled about  are just a teeny bit 'hot'.:blush:

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Listening to you Guys I think we have it not too bad over here, or at least where I live.  When the Government first announced the heightened prevention methods for two,may bee three days, we had empty shelves but since then it hasn't been too bad although our local Supermarket is limiting two bags of frozen vegetables per customer.  Again in our town people seem to be taking things pretty seriously.  I wonder if it it because our community is strongly science based so when we are presented with data like the statistical analysis of the China and other that which must not be named data we accept it as a reality.  Last week my bank began restricting access to 3 customers at a time and you had to verbally answer a series of questions.  Today our local Supermarket has announced that starting tomorrow it will limit the number of people in the store at any one time.  Both the Beer and Liquor store are on shortened hours.   People are out walking but all maintaining 6' distance from each other which based on the China etc data appears to be the most significant prevention tool.  Now to modelling.  Bit frustrating, my station stop modules just don't want to behave, good job I have lots of time to mess with them.  My Oak tree after putting on some horse hair (really nice green stuff - Thks Tremendous) just doesn't look right.  I think the trunk is too long making the 'leaves' start too high up.  Will be a bit of  pain to shorten said trunk, but Heh I have lots of time.   One bit of a bummer though is I appear to have caught up on all the current MR shows so I will have to start watching old stuff.

On the subject of videos.  Whilst this may be NA there the modelling is fantastic and some of the video by Rogers is as good as anything I have seen.

Also a good intro by JlWii2000


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Thinking of things to do to fill odd bits of time previously occupied. Daughter is working from home as much as possible as grandchildren are off school. We usually do the afternoon school run twice a week plus some after school activities on those days so that's about 10 hours out of the normal calendar for me. 


A while ago I started sorting some old family photos and I got round to thinking about a couple of project ideas from the past. I've decided to try to take at least one picture each day of life locally during the present strange circumstances. Initially I will post them on Flickr, but will occasionally link one on here. 

To contrast the current picture I am picking a photo from my collection which stretches back not only through my lifetime, having been alive in nine decades (I'm not that old, just think about it) but goes back to the oldest photo I have which includes two of my Great Great Grandparents taken about 130 years ago. 

As it's Mother's Day today I picked a shot of me with my Mom over 70 years ago. A couple of years before she died we used to go through old photos as it was something she could talk about. One day she produced the 'Black Album' which was a collection she started when I was born and went through to when I was around 12 years old. This was one of the early ones. fortunately most had a date and place written on the back.


Old Pictures No.1 - Aberystwyth 15-9-1949 by Charles Eric Steele, on Flickr

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4 hours ago, Chris116 said:

Be very careful making such offers. She may make you one!

She's already started!367854920_Mrs5050knitting.A.jpg.6f411be4ea297b0d42c855ff55ba234f.jpg


I think the colour might be a match to my face when it's finished..................

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15 hours ago, Rugd1022 said:

I was about to make a start on my Airfix Ford 3-litre GT kit but my good lady has purloined the dining room table for her jigsaw session.... :lol:.




Nick one of the bits - that'll p*** her off and she won't bother doing another....


15 hours ago, gordon s said:


Nice view Colin. No neighbours.........;)


And a nice shed...

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9 minutes ago, polybear said:


Nick one of the bits - that'll p*** her off and she won't bother doing another....



And a nice shed...


Thanks, but that is SWMBO's shed.


This is the railway shed. Hopefully I'll get the insulation and decorating completed soon so that I can unpack the layout.




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9 hours ago, Limpley Stoker said:

Someone tell Humph.

I was lucky enough to see Humph and his band just a few weeks before he died some years back. It was sort of a spooky thing as I had never seen him perform in any way before but had booked this Dinner Show in a long closed venue in Gainsborough (sorry Gainsborough but it wasn't quite the sort of venue that could prosper in a small Lincolnshire town down on its' luck at that time).

He looked frail but was still brilliant.

Today's positives. I woke up. So did SWMBO. The sky is almost clear blue. The sun is bright and warm. Saving the fifth for any nice surprises.

Off to try to get an emergency Dental appointment....pah!


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9 hours ago, 5050 said:

She's already started!367854920_Mrs5050knitting.A.jpg.6f411be4ea297b0d42c855ff55ba234f.jpg


I think the colour might be a match to my face when it's finished..................


Be afraid. Be very afraid.....





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1 hour ago, Colin_McLeod said:


Thanks, but that is SWMBO's shed.


This is the railway shed. Hopefully I'll get the insulation and decorating completed soon so that I can unpack the layout.





Two sheds! Now that is oneupmanship.........;)

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Just back from Tesco's and managed to get all we needed without queueing. I really hope the message is getting through and panic buying will now tail off. 9-10 was for the vulnerable and over 70's. Limited to two of each item, but at least a box of Stella's and two bottles of Shiraz will help the long evenings.


Happy to say no sign of anyone chancing their luck....


Now back to some modelling.....

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People still aren't getting the message. The beaches were packed here yesterday.


Our local County Councillor posted this on line late yesterday:


Ok seriously people, I have been inundated with messages about the lack of social distancing.
Our beaches packed like its holiday season, its lockdown season.
I have a good friend very sick in Donegal who has been very unwell for over a week and still has not been tested.

Many of you are walking around carrying this virus and you dont know it yet. The numbers after this weekend will seriously increase. We have lots of visitors around including our Northern Ireland neighbours, show respect to each other and do the decent thing. Stay at home please for all our sakes.

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On the bright side people’s, SWMBO went into Waitrose this mornings. As she attempted to enter, a polite person stopped her and explained that the store was open for elderly and vulnerable only at that time. She did explain she was over 70 and offered her driving license as proof. A woman nearby demanded to know her secret. She didn’t manage to get through our front door on her return and is now in self isolation in the garden. P.S. - she only got 2/3rds of what she wanted to buy.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, gordon s said:


Two sheds! Now that is oneupmanship.........;)


They were already there when we bought the house. Honest.



Both required a new roof. The train shed needed serious waterproofing as the floor is below the ground at one end and water just ran in. The other shed had a mud floor which we got concreted.


The sheds were circa 30 years old but we got the house and half acre for €85k less than we sold our house in Cork city.  The cheap price is really down to location but as we are both retired it did not matter to us that the house was nowhere near jobs.  During this virus emergency we are hoping that the remoteness turns out to be a blessing. Fingers crossed.


Keep safe everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold
39 minutes ago, gordon s said:

That is a very useful and informative link for all of us. Thanks for posting it Gordon!

Edited by Kingzance
Removed unfortunate reference
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As I had failed to find mince on my supermarket visit on Saturday, Alison said she'd bring some beef (from farmer Francois's freezer, which he is slowly emptying by bringing it to her! His FiL butchers animals from time to time) and her mincer. This is an Aldi product, and once we'd figured it out, we got going. I had also defrosted a joint of wild boar, and so she carefully cut the meat up. It all worked very well, but made a lot of mince. I cooked this up with onions and garlic, and have now set aside three portions for freezing, plus one to be used this week. 




We have a much brighter day today, the wind is a little less pernicious, and the sun is quite warm. 

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Today I'm feeling rather pleased with myself as I've finally worked out how to do video calls on facebook. Mrs R has managed to have a lengthy chat with her daughter (we're a 'blended family, I think that's the expression) and I've accrued lots of brownie points as a result.


One benefit of lock-down at Fortress Rushby has been an improvement in my diet. I've realised that in the past I would tend to overeat because there was an abundance of nosh in the cupboards and I could easily pop out to the shops to top up. Though we're far from starving, with deliveries few and far between, we need to be careful and this has been the motivation to avoid pigging out. The scales have indicated that movement is heading in the right direction, Mrs R says that a toned Adonis is still some way off.

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  • RMweb Gold
5 minutes ago, Neil said:

Today I'm feeling rather pleased with myself as I've finally worked out how to do video calls on facebook. Mrs R has managed to have a lengthy chat with her daughter (we're a 'blended family, I think that's the expression) and I've accrued lots of brownie points as a result.


One benefit of lock-down at Fortress Rushby has been an improvement in my diet. I've realised that in the past I would tend to overeat because there was an abundance of nosh in the cupboards and I could easily pop out to the shops to top up. Though we're far from starving, with deliveries few and far between, we need to be careful and this has been the motivation to avoid pigging out. The scales have indicated that movement is heading in the right direction, Mrs R says that a toned Adonis is still some way off.

I too have been pleasantly surprised by the trend direction and decrements in my weighing device since returning from an aborted skiing trip in January. In my case, portion control and cutting carbs has been the answer but the rate of decrease has now sadly slowed. Keep it up Neil, I've got to shed another 10Kg to get to my target.

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  • RMweb Gold

Whatever stories are flying around about what will cure Covid just being lighter and healthier may stop you needing the NHS anyway - which is quite a good thing at the moment...do try and do some exercise as well - loads of online resources for the confined...


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  • RMweb Premium
1 minute ago, Gilbert said:

Whatever stories are flying around about what will cure Covid just being lighter and healthier may stop you needing the NHS anyway - which is quite a good thing at the moment...do try and do some exercise as well - loads of online resources for the confined...



Fortunately the sun is shining here and the garden is getting to that time of year when hard labour beckons. I have some slabs to move, some to lift and a big mound of earth at the end of the garden which needs grading. Muscly Adonis here I come.

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Called the doctors this morning to try and find out whether I should self isolate or not. The only response I got was that they are sending out the letters this week, so I will need to wait and see if one drops on my mat. I am kinda hoping on the one hand but on the other, I’m locked away for 12 weeks!

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