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Self isolation support group


Message added by AY Mod

Please keep this thread free of Coronavirus information or discussion, there are two other threads to go into details if one wishes to visit.

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Here in Ontario winter is thinking about leaving (Had a hissey fit last night and put down a couple of inches of new snow) but I was able to get outside to do a Tai Chi set on a sandy but clear parking lot.  Blxxy cold with the wind but I think worth it from both the mental and physical perspective.  Like many parts of the world we are in some sort of 'lock-down' with bars closed, inside seating in restaurants closed but take-outs OK, etc etc.  My wife is starting to show signs of Alzheimer and I do sometimes get rather stressed about something happening to me.  However, looking at the upside it means I have to do a lot more housekeeping and cooking which in turn keeps me busy.  Then there are a couple of projects on the model railway like building a couple of scale height trees, modifying my station stop modules so that the Arduino can also operate the signals via an interaction with the Mega Points unit, modifying the footprint of my signals by using some micro servos recently arrived from China and the big one reworking my girder bridge built 30 years ago out of two single track kits put side to side.  Back in the day I didn't realise that this would make the bridge too wide.  However, to do it I would have to cut the both the up and down line and I wouldn't be able to watch trains go by which at the moment I am enjoying.  Also, I dont have much good to say about Bell but starting today it appears that they are offering free 4 movie channels.  Granted they are old movies but there are some good ones there.  Then there is U-Tube.  What a fantastic resource.  For the last couple of weeks both the wife and i have ended the evening watching it.  We have traveled from Germany to Kazakhstan.  From Vladivostok to Moscow.  Been to all kinds of Model Railway Shows.  Traveled accross much of the US.  On top of all that I get chance to prattle on here knowing that people will read it (I hope).  Life is not bad at all

Oh yes just found a whole lot of videos covering a Peter Green Tribute Concert this February with a whole load of the real Fleetwood Mac/John Mayls players.  Takes me back to the Marquis where I saw John Mayls Bluesbreaker as well as many of the new UK bands.

Edited by Theakerr
Just remembered Peter Green Tribute Concert
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8 hours ago, Captain Kernow said:


Oh, and I can't be the only one who's now developing dry skin, due to the amount of gel and handwashing that is now being done?



I developed the dry skin. I find that a little bit of E45 moisturizer solves the problem.

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I / we haven't self isolated yet - I'm still working and my son's school is still plodding on, but preparations are afoot though.

… whilst my wife sits at home worrying - something I'm very worried about and trying to address / engage / keep an eye on.


My son's school phoned me to check our online capabilities. - Apparently some of the more opportunistic little cherubs were saying they had no computers at home, so couldn't do any work online whilst in isolation! (Yeah, right! I'm glad the teachers are way ahead of them on this one.)


My workplace has been very sensible, (quite a surprise!), and is preparing well trying to compromise risk (health wise) with the company survivability - a genuine and real concern.

I have successfully tested online access, via the companies VPN, and have downloaded the programs* that will let me work remotely. (I'm used to working remotely but data access is more key...)

*((I don't do apps!))


The daily commute was awful with commute times getting longer and longer - and that was without any problems. So ten years ago, or so, I changed to parking near my local station and taking the train / tram in. Several work colleagues have also changed to public commuting.

However, now that the roads are clear, I am going to drive in for the first time in ages - it is cheaper, now quicker, more reliable (lots of train cancellations tonight), and I will be MORE in isolation in my little world driving in! (Now where's my Blondie tape!!!)





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3 minutes ago, jonny777 said:



I have a milkman. He is a Milkandmore franchise and will deliver most things - at a price. He is very handy in times like these. 

We have one too, he has just persuaded us to fill in a Direct Debit form (from Hanover Dairies - does this firm  ring bells with anyone?) to eliminate handling cash.


Also cued from the post above, I had to slip into the (Community) pub next door to cancel a May event ‘celebrating’ 800 years  of domination of our dormitory village by the Norman Prince Bishops.

There were just two ‘real loser’ looking guys sitting looking furtive behind pints of lager at 3.30 aft. It was explained to me they had just made 5000 $  by ‘scalping’ International currency dealing  on their phone apps during fluctuations this week on the markets.


I asked did they do it for a living ? “No” they said, they’d only downloaded the app a few days ago.

I offer that as an alternative  to modelling ...


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42 minutes ago, Baby Deltic said:

We are the Self Isolation Society!


Not isolated yet but being a type 2 diabetic with psoriasis and a compromised immune system I do wonder whether I will survive if infected.


35 minutes ago, Crisis Rail said:



Maybe the CV stuff should be moved to the DCC thread?  - just a thought.


While we shouldn't be banging on about the ins and outs of CV here, the overriding purpose of the thread is to offer support. For that to take place we should feel free to share our worries and concerns. I feel it's entirely appropriate, and I like the image of us all bumbling along up an alpine pass in a Bedford coach. 

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8 minutes ago, Colin_McLeod said:


I developed the dry skin. I find that a little bit of E45 moisturizer solves the problem.

Thanks, I just put some on an hour ago, as it happens!


I also find that O'Keefe's Working Hands cream is pretty good, too.


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49 minutes ago, polybear said:


A mobile pub in the back of a transit.  Opens the back doors, pours a pint, places it on the doorstep....


This time next year Rodney, we'll be millionaires....


edit:  A nice little sideline for a milkman.  If we had any left.....


Panic-buying of second hand transits................:)

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31 minutes ago, jonny777 said:



I have a milkman. He is a Milkandmore franchise and will deliver most things - at a price. He is very handy in times like these. 

I've got McQueens' Dairies . Sold me on glass bottles. They only do milk and  eggs and some juices. Eggs now in cardboxes. Sadly they have to come over from Mansfield so that probably negates any sort of carbon saving or recycling saving I am supposed to be achieving. Hey ho. Arrives in the middle of the night/Tuesday mornings only so probably wouldn't notice if I was deceased:wacko::ohmyclear:

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1 minute ago, TheSignalEngineer said:

Back to the Future?



I remember them well.

Top of Holloway Head, Corner of Bath Row & Granville St. They had some new buildings (60s), remember it being derelict after they packed in brewing there.

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Thought I'd share this as a "sensible/measured approach" just taken by the local grocery store chain here - sorry rather too far away from most of you I know, maybe it'll catch on though;


At this time, we are asking all customers to respect our request of having the opening hour of 7 to 8 a.m. each day reserved for those shoppers who are at a higher risk of severe illness by COVID-19, which includes older adults and those who have compromised immune systems. In doing so, our intent is to provide an opportunity for those individuals to be the first to shop after our overnight cleaning and stocking so they have increased access to essential products.

Edited by Ian Abel
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3 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

Thought I'd share this as a "sensible/measured approach" just taken by the local grocery store chain here - sorry rather too far away from most of you I know, maybe it'll catch on though;


At this time, we are asking all customers to respect our request of having the opening hour of 7 to 8 a.m. each day reserved for those shoppers who are at a higher risk of severe illness by COVID-19, which includes older adults and those who have compromised immune systems. In doing so, our intent is to provide an opportunity for those individuals to be the first to shop after our overnight cleaning and stocking so they have increased access to essential products.


Over here in the UK many branches of Iceland are doing the same. If there is a silver lining it's that we see some signs of increasing neighbourliness and care for others.

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Things must be developing. I am listening to Radio 3. Not the first time but rare for me. Thanks also for the reminder of puzzles. I am hopeless except at the Quick Crosswords in such as Metro and RadioTimes. I also have lurking upstairs two of those 3 dimensional wooden puzzles; Mallard and Flying Scotsman, given to me about 4 years ago. Time to dust them off I think.

Oh yes, forgot to mention my casual hobby of plane spotting using Flight Radar. Normally I would be ticking stuff off most of the day. Sadly (or maybe not.....) the skies over 36E have been almost empty for days now. 

Also that Tai Chi mention. Some years back I was given advice on here by some really thoughtful Webber (was it Theakerr?) that TC was really useful in dealing with Anxiety and Depression. I have been doing TC ever since but have had to stop for the time being. However, I must do my Chi Gung some days. Simple moves, very grounding.

Good night all and thanks for the interaction. Bless you all and your families and loved ones, especially those at distance.

Here is a picture of a time when things seemed simpler and is also what I should be trying to recreate during the next 4/6 months.


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2 minutes ago, Neil said:


Over here in the UK many branches of Iceland are doing the same. If there is a silver lining it's that we see some signs of increasing neighbourliness and care for others.

It would be so good if it lasted beyond the 'crisis' . Being a complete cynic, I'd give it a few months but will be happy to eat some of my scenic materials if I am proved wrong.

Goodnight (again).


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7 minutes ago, Ian Abel said:

Thought I'd share this as a "sensible/measured approach" just taken by the local grocery store chain here - sorry rather too far away from most of you I know, maybe it'll catch on though;


At this time, we are asking all customers to respect our request of having the opening hour of 7 to 8 a.m. each day reserved for those shoppers who are at a higher risk of severe illness by COVID-19, which includes older adults and those who have compromised immune systems. In doing so, our intent is to provide an opportunity for those individuals to be the first to shop after our overnight cleaning and stocking so they have increased access to essential products.

Our local 'Iceland' store has started doing this and I believe this is being rolled out by 'Iceland' nationwide. A good fair way of helping everyone!

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3 hours ago, spikey said:

Don't delay - procrastinate today!

In the midst of other preparations today I managed to finish off a Lowmac and three Pipe wagons that have been lying on the bench for a while. Two of the Pipe wagons were the ex-LNER style body and brakes, old Nucast kits I believe. one cost £4 including postage from Ebay and the other £2 from an oddments box at Doncaster. New couplings, extra transfers and a bit of fettling and they are good for layout use.



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3 hours ago, woodenhead said:

Hmm, maybe but he doesn't believe vaccines work and is a one man self marketing machine and he is very secretive about his past.



You may say good riddance, but Youtube wasted no time in having that video taken down. 


So much for the right of free speech. :scare:

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Really helpful thread.  Not sure why but last night things really started to get me down, perhaps it was too much gloom and doom from the media and people close to me.  Perhaps because so many things I’ve been looking forward to have been cancelled. Perhaps because I’ll have no paid work for quite a while.  Keeping busy today has helped, but trying to keep others going again tonight does take its toll.  Got to keep smiling, keep positive and carry on modelling and trying to play music.

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Taoiseach Leo Varadkar broadcast to the Irish nation at 9pm this evening. It was reassuring that the government does seem to be acting. At the same time he was realistic that this emergency could last many months and we really need to exercise social separation.

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