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Exhibition cancellations (not much to do with that anymore!)

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  • RMweb Gold
19 hours ago, newbryford said:


I get the idea about not letting out news regarding model releases etc, but holding back such information as an exhibition cancellation is odd at the current time - IMO of course.


For it (the new show) to be in the mag, the cancellation and new dates/venue would have been known about at least 2-3 weeks ago.


Something along the lines of "We're sorry to say it's cancelled, but look out for exciting news coming soon in the forthcoming mag" on the website would surely have been more appropriate?


Anyway - it's done now and we can move on.



To be honest Mick I've been waiting for it to be canclled for the past 2 months along with all the other shows this year. Its cancelation now means that I and the CBMDG can now honour all of our exhibition bookings, just a year later than orignally planned which helps everyone


Its up to the organiniser to decide when they announce the news and if told to not to say anything then I abide by the request as it can cause problems when someone lets the information out and infcat what they say is wrong.


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  • RMweb Gold

I know I would have  normally been attending at least two shows this year, sadly this obviously wont be happening. I know the cancellation of exhibitions both this year and next  may have a huge impact on some clubs ?  I've seen mentioned in various posts that some clubs are going to try and put on one day shows etc. If it were possible for any of these to be live streamed in some way, or  a video posted on youtube, or for a club to do a virtual exhibition even,  together with some means of making a donation ?


In this way I could at least spend some of the money saved attending the usual shows to help give at least some support to a club or two that may be struggling.


Just a thought 

Edited by Mattc6911
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Saturday, January, 23rd. 2021

Scout H.Q. Fields Park Road, Pontcanna, Cardiff.


It is with regret that the organisers have taken the decision to cancel this popular event.


In light of the current situation, the owners of the venue have taken a decision not to consider any bookings, or events at the venue until at least ‘after Christmas’


This is a decision the organisers accept, and agree with, and following discussion with several interested parties ( traders, exhibitors and potential visitors ) during which safety concerns and numerous other logistical implications were considered, the decision was made to cancel the show for 2021.


We thank you for your support in previous years, which has helped us raise a substantial donation to local charities,   and are sure that you will understand and accept our decision.


Watch out for details of the


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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, big jim said:

Such a shame about stafford, that was the one show I really didn’t want to see cancelled as it’s one of the best and local to me


Yes a big shame. One of my favourite shows and worth the 3 1/2 hour drive from Devon!


Completely understandable decision to postpone though.


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  • RMweb Gold

Wimborne Rly Society’s Wimrail 2021 March is now cancelled due to the school saying the halls will not be available until at least September next year. 
As our show is every other year the next Wimrail show will now be 2023. 

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2 hours ago, big jim said:

Such a shame about stafford, that was the one show I really didn’t want to see cancelled as it’s one of the best and local to me

January and February are going to be a long,  cold and dark without the Stafford Show to look forward too.  Roll on 2022.

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2 hours ago, Crisis Rail said:

what's the situation with the DEMU while were at it?



You seem to be dropping in to a few topics prompting for premature decisions or statements. All event organisers will be considering positions and announce anything when it's right for them to do so. Please don't create extra work for them having to respond to premature questions.

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  • RMweb Premium

But some of us are still trying to hold onto what little positively and optimism may still exist.


Also if any shows are going ahead, some of us need to book days off and make arrangements well in advance.


I have already booked the Saturday off for Ally Pally 2021 for example as I am assuming it will be on unless I hear otherwise. 

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  • RMweb Gold

For events of all kinds to restart will depend on a number of factors, not least when the venues themselves will be in a position to reopen. They have to be confident that they can cope with the flow of people through the hall, toilets, etc without affecting their other core business such as schools and sports centres. Then there is the question of catering, currently non-existant at most venues, hotels for exhibitors and transport difficulties for tjose reliant on buses and trains.

The planning cycle for events is long and the financual commitment up front can be onerous. Don't forget that most exhibitions are organised by clubs who depend on the income for financing their day to day activities such as club rooms. I had some involvement in an event a while ago where we were inviting interest from traders and exhibitors 15 months out from the date. Provisional booking of the venue had already been done by then and non-returnable financial outgoings started several months out.

I would not personally want to be involved in planning any event due to the worries involved and am greatful to those willing to take it on for my enjoyment.


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55 minutes ago, Kaput said:

Not overly confident but I am slightly hopeful that the larger shows held in dedicated exhibition halls might be getting back up and running by March at least.


Whilst there are plans for a large show in Manchester in March, I still think the small-scale local shows (village halls) are the most likely to return first - people will be nervous about going to the mega shows for some time. Village hall type shows are the easiest to arrange and have the lowest capital outlay.

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Very much "thinking out loud" here and somewhat "outside the box", an idea I had whilst watching the snooker.


The diameter of a snooker ball is about 2", which is approximately the height of a 00 scale train. So a 00 train can be seen from the same distance as a snooker ball can, though of course the detail would be difficult to see. O gauge trains, being larger, could be seen in more detail.


Some layouts are the "tail chasing" type where a train goes round the oval for several minutes and then get replaced by another one. Generally speaking, when I see one of those at shows I tend not to watch for very long.


At the opposite extreme are the "realistic operation" type layouts - Buckingham being an obvious example, or the LBSC layout at Warley last year, or the HD Minories someone posted videos of a while back, which I could watch for hours, and generally only move on from either (a) because there's more to see elsewhere in the show or (b) to give others a chance to watch.


Now that limited audiences are allowed into the snooker, how about such a layout being displayed in a theatre setting, with commentary, theatrical lighting and sound (and possibly selected close-ups projected on to the back wall of the theatre), running through a full "day"'s sequence in about two hours, with say six "performances" over the course of a weekend?


Clearly there wouldn't be the enjoyable "social" aspect of exhibiting, nor the Trade, but with theatres likely to be limited in what they can produce for the foreseeable future, and question marks on when shows will be able to resume, perhaps a way the two sectors could work together in the interim?

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45 minutes ago, RJS1977 said:


Whilst there are plans for a large show in Manchester in March, I still think the small-scale local shows (village halls) are the most likely to return first - people will be nervous about going to the mega shows for some time. Village hall type shows are the easiest to arrange and have the lowest capital outlay.


Smaller shows also have less of a necessary lead time. While even small shows still tend to work on an annual planning basis under normal circumstances, because of the need to fit into the overall calendar and get layouts and traders booked up, they're more amenable to last minute planning where appropriate. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see clubs and societies run an ad-hoc small exhibition that's outside their normal schedule, once restrictions are lifted. it will probably take a year to get back to the regular calendar, especially with the big shows, so in the meantime there will be scope for the empty dates to be filled with one-off smaller shows that are primarily for the purpose of getting things going again.

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  • RMweb Gold
56 minutes ago, MarkSG said:


Smaller shows also have less of a necessary lead time. While even small shows still tend to work on an annual planning basis under normal circumstances, because of the need to fit into the overall calendar and get layouts and traders booked up, they're more amenable to last minute planning where appropriate. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see clubs and societies run an ad-hoc small exhibition that's outside their normal schedule, once restrictions are lifted. it will probably take a year to get back to the regular calendar, especially with the big shows, so in the meantime there will be scope for the empty dates to be filled with one-off smaller shows that are primarily for the purpose of getting things going again.


I'd agree to a large extend, but I would not expect any schools / colleges to allow any part of their premises to be used for a one-day exhibition as judging by one comment that I have been told, schools with the 'bubble' measures in place want 72 hrs from use to allowing school children / staff back in - clearly does not work for a Saturday exhibition. I suspect only leaves village halls etc, but how do they cater for toilet / refreshment facilities for the exhibitors?


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As I have hinted at before, I work for one of the UK's most successful visitor attractions - inside a large exhibition centre.


We are about to re-open.


ALL staff and ALL visitors will need to wear a mask. Some staff members will need to wear a plastic shield in addition to a mask.


Visitor numbers cut by 75%


All shops and cafes are cashless - card only


Shuttle bus to the nearest railway station cancelled.


SOCIAL DISTANCING absolutely imperative - we got told that at least 20 times yesterday in a 3 hour training day.


All items picked up by visitors and left at the counter (or returned) in the shop to be wiped down before being put back on shelves.


Clothing left/returned by visitors to be steam cleaned


All door knobs, push buttons , doors, shelves, counters etc to be disinfected every hour. The credit card machine to be disinfected after every transaction by pin .


Public cloakroom closed. 


One way system around the event and the shop. ONE WAY to be enforced by staff - NO going against the flow for any reason (except fire evacuation) .


I could go on further but those are the main changes.


TBH if my employer thinks all of that is essential to keep me and visitors safe, then I would expect other events to have similar protocols in place - maybe not as extreme, but I would want to know WHY a club/organisation thought lower standards were acceptable.


If a model railway show implemented such protocols it would remove a huge amount of enjoyment for exhibitors and visitors.

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I was told that people who are optimistic are often disappointed as thing rarely go as planned where as a pessimist expect things to go wrong so when they go right it's a bonus. 

So expect all shows to be off and if they are you are not going to be disappointed if they are cancelled but if they on then it's a bonus.


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16 hours ago, TEAMYAKIMA said:

As I have hinted at before, I work for one of the UK's most successful visitor attractions - inside a large exhibition centre.


We are about to re-open.


ALL staff and ALL visitors will need to wear a mask. Some staff members will need to wear a plastic shield in addition to a mask.


Visitor numbers cut by 75%


All shops and cafes are cashless - card only


Shuttle bus to the nearest railway station cancelled.


SOCIAL DISTANCING absolutely imperative - we got told that at least 20 times yesterday in a 3 hour training day.


All items picked up by visitors and left at the counter (or returned) in the shop to be wiped down before being put back on shelves.


Clothing left/returned by visitors to be steam cleaned


All door knobs, push buttons , doors, shelves, counters etc to be disinfected every hour. The credit card machine to be disinfected after every transaction by pin .


Public cloakroom closed. 


One way system around the event and the shop. ONE WAY to be enforced by staff - NO going against the flow for any reason (except fire evacuation) .


I could go on further but those are the main changes.


TBH if my employer thinks all of that is essential to keep me and visitors safe, then I would expect other events to have similar protocols in place - maybe not as extreme, but I would want to know WHY a club/organisation thought lower standards were acceptable.


If a model railway show implemented such protocols it would remove a huge amount of enjoyment for exhibitors and visitors.


Absolutely Ludicrous - might as well sack it all off now.


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19 hours ago, mudmagnet said:


I'd agree to a large extend, but I would not expect any schools / colleges to allow any part of their premises to be used for a one-day exhibition as judging by one comment that I have been told, schools with the 'bubble' measures in place want 72 hrs from use to allowing school children / staff back in - clearly does not work for a Saturday exhibition. I suspect only leaves village halls etc, but how do they cater for toilet / refreshment facilities for the exhibitors?



I don't think there will be many shows at all until all the restrictions have been fully lifted, which would, of course, mean that school halls are available again. But, even after they have been, it will be up to a year before everything is back on the calendar. So that will leave gaps that can be filled with small, ad-hoc shows.


Take Stafford, for example. That has, sensibly, already been cancelled for 2021 even though that's still six months away. But, in the optimistic scenario, we could be looking at having all restrictions lifted by January if one or more of the vaccines under development comes in on target with proven effectiveness. That obviously wouldn't allow time for that cancellation to be reversed, as there's far too much planning goes into a show of that scale. But a club could probably put on a village hall or school hall show with just a few weeks lead time, especially given that there will be local traders and layout operators who aren't already booked up and would probably welcome the chance to take a step back onto the circuit.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Crisis Rail said:


Absolutely Ludicrous - might as well sack it all off now.




Yes I must agree, your response to a business  training  staff and putting in measures so they can at least TRY and re open was.  Absolutely Ludicrous

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