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RMweb is 15

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  • RMweb Premium

On January 19th, 2011 I sneaked in to a then well established RMweb, and I've been made to feel welcomed, included and encouraged in equal measure over the last near-decade.

Although I struggled with whether my modelling efforts were 'good enough' Andy Y, Gilbert (PN) and many others managed to convince me to stick at it, to the point when my 'Prestatyn in N' was featured in BRM Dec 2014...still can't believe it!

A highlight for me was RMweb Live which was such a good day in so many ways; but also the ongoing friendships with respected modellers and strugglers alike which has served to lift my spirits and keep me motivated in life itself as well as in railway modelling as a therapeutic hobby.

Here's to another decade or several...!



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  • RMweb Gold

I joined in 2012, just before spending 7 years working Kuwait. RMWeb helped me cope with the loneliness and the fact I couldn't work on my own layout, by providing me with lots of inspiration and ideas for when I would be able to get stuck in again. 


Thank you all for the inspiration, no matter how grand or small your own layouts. 


Happy birthday to RMWeb.



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Wow.....is it really 15 years already?


Where would we be without it.....I can remember joining all those years ago, chipping in to keep it going, adding stuff to maintain interest, and generally being here and enjoying the site and all it entails.


No doubt about it.....at times it saved my sanity, at other times its almost caused me to lose it.


Made some great pals, virtual and otherwise, and lost a few along the way :(


But its still here, still going and still developing.....thanks to Andy, all the mods and everyone who has contributed......because without you, well it just wouldn't be the same and Id just have to go and look at internet GILF's.....;)


So thanks RMWeb, for the fun, the laughter, the odd tear and for keeping me on the straight and narrow (gauge as I model in OO ;0 ).


Sully xx

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, BlackRat said:



So thanks RMWeb, for the fun, the laughter, the odd tear and for keeping me on the straight and narrow (gauge as I model in OO ;0 ).


Sully xx


And the shirts, don't forget the shirts...

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  • RMweb Premium
On 16/03/2020 at 10:05, Accurascale Fran said:

 ...snip... Memorable moments? Well, the leaking of our Class 92 by a rival magazine and subsequent fall out on here was a pretty memorable morning in work.... :lol: ...snip... Fran

Any chance of a link to that thread (if it still exist) for those of us new-comers? TIA

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6 minutes ago, Captain Kernow said:

I eventually thought up the persona of Captain Kernow, even though I am not Cornish and don't live in Cornwall 

WHAAAAAAT...???!!! :scare:


Oh how cruelly one's perceptions can be crushed on RMweb... :cry:


What I remember most from my early days on RMweb was trying to work out what the 'Naval' story under every post by Captain Kernow was all about... :scratchhead: :dontknow:

I can't even remember the character names, now!! :no:

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  • RMweb Gold
10 minutes ago, F-UnitMad said:

WHAAAAAAT...???!!! :scare:


Well, for most of my railway career, I did have quite a lot to do with the running of the railways in Cornwall and went down there a lot to drink signalmen's tea on operational business.


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  • RMweb Premium
24 minutes ago, Captain Kernow said:

Well, for most of my railway career, I did have quite a lot to do with the running of the railways in Cornwall and went down there a lot to drink signalmen's tea on operational business.


First rule of ALL railways! Put the kettle on and wash enough mugs for those present to have a tea or coffee. 

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I can't remember when I joined, a fair few years ago now. 


For me Rmweb has been a life line. 


As some of you know I have had some health issues and family issues and the support and comradeship of this forum has kept me going through some  very  difficult times.

I have made some great friends too.

It's a place for everyone,  everyone is made to feel welcome and there's always a freindly person to help you out if you need to know something, it's sort of like a family.

The skills and knowledge of others is passed on to newcomers to the hobby and not so newcomers. 


It's not just about modelling either,  a whole host of topics are covered but the one that has stood out for me is the kindness and support I have received from Rmweb. 


Well done Rmweb for such a brilliant  site/forum.


Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest in my modelling,  helped me,  supported me. 


You are all truly great. 


Here's to next 15 years and beyond. 



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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, F-UnitMad said:

WHAAAAAAT...???!!! :scare:


Oh how cruelly one's perceptions can be crushed on RMweb... :cry:




Yes, that was a bit of a shocker to me as well. Next he's going to tell us he's not an Actual Captain.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Brithday to RMweb.


I pitched up fairly early on, can it rall really be 15 years ago - sheesh!


Some great memories and thoughts on this thread, really interesting.


Following on from a post of Neil's and also one from the master of MV Ferrett, that most notorious of the South Hams sludge tankers...


Three snaps in a pub in Barton on Humber, quite a long time ago, featuring The two Neils, Ken, John, Ian,  Tim and Simon.


I'll leave you to work out which is which.


Thanks to Andy and Wendy and now the Warners team for all their hard work and all that they have given us.


Not a footnote, as things happily continue, but a real highlight for me was RMweb live at re Ricoh arena, a most fabulous experience.


That more than made up for anything else that may or may not have happened, about which I couldn't possibly comment and it wasn't my fault either.


There, I think that just about covers it....


Barry Manilow and going N gauge, then himself was virtually "kidnapped" some months later when I got access to his log in again.


What a place!!


Not Jeremy



Nov2006 017.jpg

Nov2006 018.jpg

Nov2006 019.jpg

Edited by Not Jeremy
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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, Not Jeremy said:

also one from the master of MV Ferrett, that most notorious of the South Hams sludge tankers...


Barry Manilow and going N gauge, then himself was virtually "kidnapped" some months later when I got access to his log in again.



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I can't speak for the previous 6 years prior to my joining the site, but it has been a mine of useful information, friendly support and some of the RMWeb meetings in the past have been very good (I wish there were more tbh, as I much prefer smaller more social things these days).


Well done Andy and the rest of your team for your hard work and massive amount of patience at times on this forum!

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  • RMweb Premium

Personally I prefer printed magazines to the digital versions - but with one exception - RMweb!  It is my daily fix over a cup of tea first thing in the morning. 


RMweb is the place for all that immediate news about our hobby, 


RMweb is like being in a world wide model railway club.


RMweb is the banter found in clubrooms, and  what you find over a pint with your modelling mates


RMweb has those who make you laugh, and those who wind you up


And thanks to moderators Andy and Phil, the bouncers at the RMweb 'front door', we do not have any unwanted guests to spoil the fun!  


Happy 15th Birthday RMweb! (AM)

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  • RMweb Gold

I remember rmweb being born on the BRM forum and we have ironically come full circle. I joined as reevesthecat (we had a cat called reeves) and kept this name until the latest update. 

I visit daily and as a lone modeller this has been a place of inspiration and advice but has also cost me a load of cash with the bargain hunters threads over the years. The forum has pointed out faults on models I was never aware of and still discovered I wasn't bothered with most of them.

I donated when the forum needed money to keep going and missed it when we had the long down times, I have been amazed to see some of the spats and fallouts but have been amused to see previous members who flounced off return with a new name (they usually give themselves away)!

Manufacturers have been born and announced on this forum and it's hard for me to think of the hobby without this forum  although I realise others will have a different perspective. 

I can't imagine how much time all this has cost Andy and if it was me and my wife I would be divorced by now!


So here is to another 15 years!



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  • RMweb Gold

Well I've been a member for almost thirteen of those fifteen years and have to say that, on the whole, its been a very positive experience. Its the only form of social media I do, my wife Kim who is an avid Facebooker (is that a verb?) calls it Trainbook.

For me its served two useful roles. Firstly, its helped me progress my personal modelling and projects enormously. I keep my various threads almost as a diary of progress and post whenever Ive done anything which I think might be vaguely interesting to other users. This has resulted in my making far more structured and productive progress than I otherwise would have done with my normal scatter gun, slightly chaotic, approach. In addition, the 2mm area, where I largely preside, has developed over the years into an incredibly useful resource thanks to some fantastic modelling by the highly skilled practitioners who reside there.


Secondly, and some would say more importantly, this Luddite has learnt at least some basic internet etiquette along the way. Within a comparatively short time of becoming a 'Webber my natural potty mouth and lack of ability to not open gob before engaging brain had got me in trouble and I found myself on the naughty step and justifiably booted off. Thankfully, whilst exhibiting at the Manchester show a few months later I found myself next to Andy Y who was there promoting RMWeb. We got on (hes a good lad, dont believe the stories!), and he agreed to put me back on so long as I behaved myself which I think, mostly, I've managed to do. 


Finally, its worth pointing out that RMWeb is probably the biggest model railway  club we have and in these uncharted times that we are currently entering could be the only club we have. With social isolation being increasingly enforced and physical contact reduced to a minimum due to the advance of Covid19 social media will need to come into its own. RMWeb, along with other platforms, has the potential to do a great deal of good in helping us get through what will be a difficult few months.


So Happy Birthday RMWeb. Whilst I rarely leave my little 2mm corner and consequently only see a fraction of whats on offer I'm a big fan.  



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RMweb has always been my first stop for all things model railway.


I have found it a source of comfort and friendship - even more so in these current days of anxiety.  


Over the past few years when I've been building my layout and venturing into DCC there's always folk on here that have always been helpful.  Thanks guys.


But most of all HUGE THANKS to Andy, Phil and all the team for keeping the show on the road. And not forgetting Warners of course.


So a big Happy Birthday to RMweb - congratulations on the last 15 years, and here's to the next 15.

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It seems I joined in March 2007, was it really THAT long ago????


It's been a very interesting, fruitful and informative ride. I really, really appreciate the work that has been put into the organisation of the site. It's had the occasional dip but has come though remarkably well thanks to the dedication of Andy Y, his team and the supporting cast of contributors.


Being a bit of a generalist in railway matters I find the range of contributions absolutely fascinating, particularly the in depth posts of current and former railway employees who are unstinting in the generosity of information. Some of whom I have had the pleasure of meeting. It would be invidious to single out anyone, but thank you guys!!!


I am online most days and there is always something to interest me. Keep up the good work folks, it will help us all through the upcoming trials.


All the very best everyone and keep well.



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  • RMweb Gold

As a very newcomer, I have found the site a treasure trove of information that, unfortunately in some respects, makes my modelling seem quite inadequate. I joined after a bit of lurking because I needed some technical help and, being RMWeb, that help came flooding in. I have remained an avid reader and have offered my six-penneth where I could but I love the camaraderie and sympathy so many on here show.

Thanks one and all but most particularly, thanks Mr York. Your enthusiasm and determination has created something rather unique - well done!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm  little bit late to the show. I joined in 2012. 


Despite playing with trains since a very small chap and several attempts at completing a layout, by 2012 I was not doing any modeling at all. 

Circumstances dictated that I no longer had access to a layout and things were pretty much dead in the water. Loads of stock but nowhere to play. 


About then, via then work colleagues, I started to mooch about and tinker with trains again. Up until this point, I still wasn't doing much on RMweb but I was amazed by the amount of material and information held on the site. The quality of the modelling was very very inspiring and the little grey cells began to tick again. I became involved in my first exhibition for many, many years. The exhibitors were mainly drawn from RMweb and all have become firm friends. That started my involvment with the Small Cardiff show. Just taking the money but at the end of the show I was told ! to have a layout ready for next year's show. So it started. 


Next year saw my first ever showing of my own layout, Sheep Lane. Prior to this I had received much in the way of encouragement from many members on here but I must mention the good Captain of Kernow amongst many others. Now Tim was a bit of a hero to me. I had long admired his layouts Engine Wood and Bleat house Road ( ;))  devouring articles in the modelling press. This was what I wanted to try and do. 


On the day of the exhibition, Sheep Lane was set up and off we jolly well went. About mid-morning, an unfamiliar voice offered praise. Turning I saw Tim and John ( Re 6/6). Others who introduced themselves that day were Chrisf and the Stationmaster. There were so many others, many of whom had travelled considerable distance to visit this little show........and and this was just the start. 


Five years on, three layouts built and one pending. All with what I hope is now a  familiar distintly Ovine trait........Quite a few exhibitions attended and subject to the current climate, a few more to do this year.  It is so nice to meet members at exhibitions who introduce themselves and then spend time chatting. 


But, and this is the most important thing here. 


I have made friends with many, many people. Some I have met and others I have just corresponded with on the forum. I've learnt from many of these fine types  and as a result I am now an active modeller in a very fine hobby. 


I probably would not be doing what I am without the input of so many members, certainly not enjoying it as much. Yes there are times when there is a grump on here but over all of this, there is a fantastic friendship on this forum which is second to none.


This will undoubtedly play a massive part in keeping people going at this tricky time, something we are seeing already on the forum and we should not underestimate the importance of this aspect of the forum. 


Thank you Andy and the other 'staff' for your continuing efforts. 


Long may things continue. 





Edited by NHY 581
Sausage hooves
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