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RMweb is 15

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  • RMweb Premium

A HB indeed, and my thanks to @AYmod.  You must have the patience of a saint.


I came here after the US forum I lived on for a long time petered out, and I was laid up for months after some gruesome hip surgery to correct an abnormality ( :crazy: )  that had finally got the better of me, must have been 7 or 8 years ago I suppose.  In the intervening time I have always enjoyed the advice and support given on here, although how modelling the New Haven in HO went to the BR(W) in O I have no idea! 'Paneer' tanks indeed.


The company and support once again kicked in after I had an accident in which I almost lost half my foot (same leg, typical!) and was once again laid up for months, some three years ago.  It really, really helps.


Over the years I have met a few of the regulars, and have always seemed to have got on well with those folk, all turning out to be the people they purported to be, not 'internet personalities' - something I have experienced elsewhere in another hobby (they do exist...).  The honesty revealed just shows what good folk  there are on here.


A great resource, a place to make virtual and real friends, take a bow RMWeb!

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  • RMweb Gold

Firstly I have to add my congratulations and thanks for this wonderful facility.

I'm not the kind of person who could/would join a physical model railway club and the advice, information, encouragement and inspiration I've had from this site has been invaluable in getting from dreamer to actual modeller.

Strangely though, the highlight for me has been how the forum has encouraged actual social gatherings. For me this has included the ANTB social days at the GCR and GWR, going to football with @gwrrob and @Mallard60022 the SWAG Taunton event and the various chats and coffees with fellow members at exhibitions up and down the country. There is help given and received so often on here but one does stick in my mind. Chris @2ManySpams asked about the dimensions of SR concrete ballast bins. I was able to help because I had an unmade whtemetal kit that I could measure for him. He said thank you, end of story...... No. Much to my surprise he contacted me to say that he had made an extra one for me as a thank you. I know that mutual help and kindness of this nature goes on every day on here but that's my personal example.

I do enjoy the banter on here and @gwrrob describing me as the Ronnie Barker of RMWeb was certainly a proud moment.

I think we are very lucky to have some very knowledgeable professional railwaymen on here like @Stationmaster @russ p @Captain Kernow @Phil Hand@Oldddudders  to name just a few who have helped me.

We have some great modellers on here and have sadly lost some too, Dave Shakespeare coming to mind.

Some say that RMWeb sometimes gets in the way of actually doing some modelling but for me I'm sure I do more modelling and better modelling because of RMWeb. Can't say fairer than that.

Thanks Andy and all who have helped over the 15 years.


Edited by colin penfold
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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday RMWeb,


If it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be here and become the Bulleid nutter I am (those these days it's mostly GWR that I'm doing for clients (and a big boat)).


Many thanks to Andy Y and the other mods for their support (and the occasional prod) and not forgetting Andy's dodgy internet connection:jester:


I just wonder how many hamsters and their wheels the RMWeb servers have got through in those 15 years..

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9 minutes ago, toboldlygo said:

I just wonder how many hamsters and their wheels the RMWeb servers have got through in those 15 years..


I've had a few calls from the RSPCA but I explained they all went to a lovely farm in the hills. Apart from the one Pipex* sent, he was a useless b*stard.


* you had to be there to experience the full misery. 

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A massive happy birthday  to RMWeb.

I found it ages ago when it was still relatively small and without it, my modelling would be very limited or even non existant. I have learnt so much, visited many show's and places I would never have heard of and met and chatted to on here many many great people. 

Not to mention the inspiration I see on a daily basis, better than any magazines I read. 

I dont mind admitting It is a most enjoyable part of my life and long may it remain so. 

Many thanks to Andy Y and to all who have contributed to make it that way.




Edited by sb67
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  • RMweb Gold


I joined back in May 2009 and have read posts on many topics since then.


We all have a geat deal to thank Andy for.


I've learnt a great deal from many fine modellers here as well as a lot about the prototype - I've been a railway enthusiast since I was a small child but am still finding there is an enormous amount to learn.


In return I hope my photo threads have been enjoyable to those who look at them -  and I still have plenty of photos left to use.


I must also thank all those who comment on my photos, it is always pleasing when someone can add to or correct the notes Dad and I made at the time we took our photos.


I hope RMWeb will continue for a long time.





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Happy Birthday to the RMWeb.


I first joined back in March 2010 where I used it as an 'aid memoir' for the building of Little Muddle getting many good ideas and suggestions en-route.

Exactly seven years later my layout was first posted in Layout Topics where additional information, banter, humour (I use this word in its broadest sense of course) and encouragement has carried on to this day fueling this wonderful hobby.

I tended to just chug along on my layout, working at my own pace but once I set up the thread it got a mind of its own which resulted in not only increasing my interest in the hobby but output as well just so I could have something to post the next day!!!


The thing I have found is that posting on here has prompted me to broaden my hobby to include photography and getting a handle on this internet thingy (not always successfully I might add).


So, thank you Andy for setting it up and one mustn't then forget for keeping it going for us as well.


Here's to the next 15 years.


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  • RMweb Gold

"Penblwydd Hapus i chi...
...penblwydd hapus i chi"

According to my profile I joined in 2010 and am still here.  It has been great fun, although I sometimes can get irritated on the whole the journey has been good.  I know I can be a bit pithy in my comments ("Finescale Taliban"?  "Miss Marpleshire BLTs"?  "Kettleistas"?) but I do genuinely respect all modellers and make time to look at all exhibits at model shows, even if it isn't in my mainstream interests, which are many and varied, as I feel one should be open minded and pay exhibitors the respect of taking time to look at their work whatever the subject, simply because they have taken the time to share their creativity with us.  I wish some others would do likewise.

Which brings me to my over-riding memory of this site:  RMWeb Live at the Ricoh Arena.  Why?  Because Andy and the organising team "called my bluff" when I offered my then mini-layout "Kings Oak" as an exhibit!  Apart from Fairbourne Village Hall, it was it's first outing to a public show.  I'd pitched it as a layout that, warts and all, showed what could be done by a "returning modeller" in a small space.  It wasn't perfect and immediately challenged the model show cliché of the "Miss Marpleshire" branch line terminus by being a suburban West Midlands BLT set in 2006 with horrors of horrors, DMUs, but that first outing was a great ice-breaker and led to a couple more years doing smaller shows until I had to retire it when I became actively involved in the running of the former Liverpool MRC "Dolgellau" layout when it was acquired by the town, which reduced my opportunities to attend exhibitions.  So for that I am grateful to RM Web for having given me a brief experience of model railway exhibitions from the exhibitor's side of the fence, and the opportunity to chat to visitors and hopefully inspire them to have a go, which was my aim.

As a source of news and developments it has become invaluable and the opportunity to interact with manufacturer's "reps" on the site has been great.  It's changed a lot since I joined, I think for the better on the whole, so here's to the next 15 or more years.

Daliwch Ati as we say round here.

*"Keep Bug**erring On", loosely translated. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm writing the following purely as a notion of reflection and thanks.


What a hell of a journey! The earliest reference I can find on the Wayback Machine is from July 2008, which would mean I've been here for a fair few years; since I was 14 or 15! Looking back at early posts it's very cringeworthy, but I guess that's to be expected given my age at the time.


I can say with absolute confidence that RMweb kickstarted my "proper" modelling "career". I've never been part of a club, and have always gone solo; so to have access to a huge network of knowledgable, kind, and patient people to guide me into looking into different ideas and techniques was, and still is, a godsend. This resulted in me building not one, but two models of RAF Calshot; as I sought to improve skills based on feedback from the community. A pleasant surprise came in 2011 when @AY Mod invited me to be a "guinea pig" for his latest project; "RMweb Showcase" - essentially a curated resource of articles/blog entries. I think that was probably the point at which I realised that my efforts in posting step-by-step photos and captions was appreciated, and that I should focus more heavily on putting significant effort into posts if I wanted to teach or otherwise inspire people; just as they had done for me.


As a direct result of this community, I've gone from "thrashing around ideas" (a genuine quote I still remember to this day from a member in 2008 - and they weren't wrong!), to somehow picking up RMweb Modeller of the Year. Despite two deaths in my close family last year, RMweb has been a sort of therapy, and the 2019 SWAG event in Taunton was the moment when things really started to be put into perspective. Not only was the event the most laid-back and friendly one I've ever been to (so huge thanks to the whole team for putting on a great show), but the warm comments I received for Sandy Shores and it's resulting feature in BRM really kick-started my confidence and restored my mojo. Since then, BRM approached me to build a how-to diorama, with another two currently under construction; something I would never have dreamed would happen (and it wouldn't had it not been for RMweb!)

So there we have it, RMweb is responsible for a lot in my life!


There are far too many people to mention and thank (so I won't try through fear of missing people - you know who you are, and I am incredibly grateful), but of course I cannot write without applauding Andy York for his absolute commitment; especially when he has put so much time, effort, and money into maintaining this resource over the years. I do remember asking him at SWAG last year how he handles the trolls, to which I believe he jokingly retorted with "I don't!" or something similar. Seriously though, I take my hat off to him, and like I said, I also have so many other people to thank for their contributions over the years. It's been great to meet so many of you in person, too!


I would like to end by also remembering Don Bradley. Despite our age gap, we exchanged many PMs and stories; and despite his own hardships he was only too happy to chat and offer support like no-one else could. I obviously do not have access to the old PMs, but I recall that he, or someone he knew also suffered with cleft lip and palate as I did. Upon news of his passing, I was genuinely shocked at how it affected me; despite living worlds apart. There are of course others in Early Risers who we have lost, and whilst I haven't checked into the thread in possibly years, it's always nice to know that there is somewhere I can go that is like a second family.


Here's to another 15 years!
Happy anniversary, RMweb.


Jam/SouthernRegionSteam/Jamie Warne

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  • RMweb Premium

Congratulations on reaching 15 years. I was a late bloomer, joining in October 2009. Over the years I have learned so much from the many members on this site. The vast wealth of knowledge available is just astounding and it is great for learning new skills and finding out ways to do things, some of which has carried over into my model ship building as well. 

Heres to the next 15 years of RMWeb. 


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I've been a member of RMWeb since around 2007, when I rediscovered railway modelling shortly after my daughter was born. 


I had been an avid modeller as a child and teenager, blessed with a modelling father and a best friend who was obsessed with trains as much as I was, living in such a small village (our school had just 70 odd children) this was amazing luck and we spent many happy hours building, modifying and playing with 009, 00 and G gauge Railways at our family homes. However, of course it couldn't last and with high school distractions and then college meant we lost contact as we both moved away from home.


However, after sharing my model making on the forum imagine my surprise and delight when after nearly 10 years out of touch, my childhood friend got back in touch after seeing my posts on RMWeb!


Today we don't live close enough to see one another regularly but we both still love Railways and model making. We share ideas and projects and I find the contact continues to inspire and drive my own modelling forwards. 


So not only is RMWeb part of my re-born modelling interest, it has had another much more powerful impact in my life for without it I may never have rediscovered my childhood best friend. Thanks Andy for setting things up all those years ago, and for all the 'virtual' modellers I've shared experiences and modelling with over the years, some of whom I haven't met yet still consider friends.

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  • RMweb Premium

15 years of RMweb? Just think how much modelling I could have done in the time I’ve spent on here!


Seriously though, This forum has become part of my daily routine and I would hate to be without it. Modelling in isolation, in another country, it is a great way of keeping in touch with the hobby, a valuable resource and a means of social contact with real and ‘online’ friends. Not only that, if I want to know what’s going on in Britain, or have a good laugh, I only have to look at ‘Wheeltappers’!


There have been so many occasions where I have gained answers to my questions, often within minutes, and have been made aware of useful information and photos through the posts on here. As I also try to put as much into the forum as I take out, I hope I have also been able to help and interest others with my answers and content.


Happy Birthday RMweb and "Lang May Yer Lum Reek"




PS. And of course, a big thank you to Andy Y. :drink_mini:

Edited by Kylestrome
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  • RMweb Gold

Doesn't time fly! 


Firstly, I'd like to a big thank you to @Andy Y and the moderators for putting up with the rubbish over the years to enable the rest of us to share and learn from each other: my grateful thanks. 


My own modelling and life has been greatly influenced by RMWeb. Back in January 2007 I was waiting for my then girlfriend's lecture to finish - mine had been cancelled so I had time on my hands. I hadn't undertaken any modelling for at least 6 years, finding the whole experience too painful once my late grandfather had passed away: model railways had very much been 'our thing'. I decided to pop to the nearby supermarket and purchase a magazine to help pass the time before she finished; any excuse not to complete a due essay being a good excuse!


In the store, my eye was drawn to a copy of BRM and the layout featured was Tim Venton's Clutton. My interest was re-kindled! I thought the overall scene was excellent. I didn't really understanding P4, but I was drawn to the 'scale' track. Having confessed to Hannah my former hobby, she encouraged me to do it again! We went into Antics in Plymouth and I purchased a couple Ratio of kits and a loco. 


I can't remember exactly when I joined RMWeb, I think it was at some point in 2008(?) but I came across it completely by accident! I believe a google search along the lines of 'Finescale modelling' drew me in! Once again, I was drawn to the excellent modelling! Not long after, I sold a Bachmann Hall locomotive to @Captain Kernow (now owned by @gwrrob I believe!) who showed me his Callow Lane layout and explained P4 standards.  Within a week, I was attending DRAG meetings and Tim really took my under his wing, mentoring and guiding me to achieve higher standards (thank you Tim). I met a huge number of new friends through DRAG: Rod ( @10800 ), John ( @Re6/6 ), Maurice ( @Maurice Hopper ) and Brian and Jane Pearce to name but a few. These friends and our club would prove needed more than ever when personal tragedy struck me with the loss of Hannah over 10 years ago now. Unfortunately, the childhood cancer which she battled at a young age, resulted in her not being able to fight it off a second time. The support I got from both DRAG and RMWeb members helped me through that incredibly difficult period.  Friends such as Geoff ( @sparky ), Simon D ( @Regularity ), Chris ( @chrisf , Sully ( @BlackRat) no name but a few really helped during those dark-days with emails and messages just checking I was alright , which really helped. Thank you all.


One other person who I haven't mentioned so far is my good friend Brian ( @Taz ), who has put up with my rants and moans about the current state of the education system over the years, usually on a fortnightly basis! Poor Brian! :P ;)  We now have become a regular double act attending shows together and again, if it wasn't for RMWeb, I doubt this friendship would have formed. At Wells a few years ago we were chatting to Geoff Kent and Roy Jenkins about the merits of 00/EM/P4 and afterwards, over a cup of tea and a slice of cake, I joked and said hopefully that will be us one day! Brian's response, "I'll be grumpier than that!" :lol:   


Another good friendship evolved from DRAG - Maurice. Someone who has provided me with great advice both in the fields of modelling and career advice: another person I doubt I would have come across if Tim hadn't organised the RMWeb days.


If it wasn't for RMWeb, I doubt I would have come across any of these wonderful people, nor improved the standards of my own model making. 


Thank you RMWeb for being there over the years. 


Here's to the next 15!


Best wishes to you all.



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46 minutes ago, colin penfold said:

Have I perhaps got the wrong Phil, or are you being coy about your involvement in preservation?


I think you may be looking for @Phil H, smashing bloke who treated me to a behind the scenes day on the Mid Hants.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy Birthday RMWeb - I can’t believe that the forum is now 15years old, nor how much has gone on since then! 

I joined not long after @AY Mod created it as a breakaway from the old BRM Forum. So much has changed since then but I’m still very grateful for all that Andy has done for us since then! I still think Andy deserves an award for putting up with us for all this time...

I must dig out some photos of my old Slugwash Light Railway from the very first version of the forum - I seem to recall that Andy very kindly hosted an article on there about it, back when I was ‘Light Railway Guru’. 

Here’s to the next 15 years! 

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