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Panic buying


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I think the only thing that we could do with and can't get our hands on in tomato puree. We go through about half a tube a week as our 4 year old in a veggie and a lot of the food he likes require tomato puree. What is really worrying me in the long term in that as a celiac a lot of the Gluten food was bought up by the idiots (pasta is pasta)  and a lot of the replacement supplies are made in Italy.



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  • RMweb Premium
7 hours ago, Steamport Southport said:

School milk? It might have been different in earlier days, but by the 1970s it was well past it's sell by date.


The best thing Thatcher did was get rid of it. The stuff was vile. Always warm and in those awful waxed cartons that tasted like vomit. They also never used to have any straws. Put me off milk for life.


If you are of a certain age then I reckon you'll remember this. 





The only good thing was you used to get a Yoyo biscuit, or a Penguin if you were lucky. :D





It's amazing how many people were put off milk by school experience. I remember too being told to drink tepid milk and hating the stuff to the point where if I had been old enough to vote I would have voted for Maggie just out of gratitude for getting rid of the awful experience. Even now I still meet loads of people who don't drink milk on its own because of school memories, it is a bit of a joke when people from other countries ask "well, it goes back to school, in my day we had to drink this god awful tepid milk......".

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  • RMweb Gold
8 hours ago, Steamport Southport said:

School milk? It might have been different in earlier days, but by the 1970s it was well past it's sell by date.


The best thing Thatcher did was get rid of it. The stuff was vile. Always warm and in those awful waxed cartons that tasted like vomit. They also never used to have any straws. Put me off milk for life.


If you are of a certain age then I reckon you'll remember this. 





The only good thing was you used to get a Yoyo biscuit, or a Penguin if you were lucky. :D





You were not meant to eat the carton!


Our school milk always came in 1/3 pint bottles. I was not that bothered either way about it. A revelation then to go on holiday to Germany (1964) and find that it was normal there to drink a 500ml glass of the stuff and really enjoy it. The knack, as you say, is to drink it at the right temperature.

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Guest Half-full
7 hours ago, adb968008 said:

its not all bad though..

Foxes are starving, theres much less food waste for them to scavange.

Now schools out, theres no need for the 630-8am dose of morning daily stress am getting used to a lie in.


As an aside to this, our local binmen are refusing to empty household bins that are full of unopened foodstuffs! 

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, adb968008 said:



its not all bad though..

Foxes are starving, theres much less food waste for them to scavange.


Must be urbanised foxes, ours dine on the local wildlife

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  • RMweb Gold
31 minutes ago, Half-full said:

As an aside to this, our local binmen are refusing to empty household bins that are full of unopened foodstuffs! 


No problemo, put the unopened foodstuffs in a black plastic bag, put it in the bin, then put the normal BPB full of ordinary rotting kitchen bits and bobs on top.  Not that I'd do that but it indicates the level of thoughtfulness and imagination that the panic-buyers possess.




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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, rockershovel said:


Foul in summer, though... the prefects used to have a perk of selling chocolate biscuits at morning break, the vendors collected them from the prefects’ room window, and sold them by the stacks of milk crates for a penny each. They took the money back and “cashed up” at so much a complete packet, so their main perk was a nominal sum (I think a penny a packet, plus any unsold part-packets, which they sold at lunchtime) and the prefects made their cigarette money for basically, doing nothing. 


Prefects were allowed to smoke in the prefects room! The Staff Common Room stank of cigarette smoke, but the 6th Form Common Room was a non-smoking area. 



Sounds like we went to the same school !



John Isherwood.

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1 hour ago, Half-full said:

As an aside to this, our local binmen are refusing to empty household bins that are full of unopened foodstuffs! 

Ours haven't emptied household waste bins that contain food or anything recyclable for years.  They put a sticker on the offending bins and don't empty them (from observation of other peoples bins, not mine!)

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  • RMweb Premium
3 minutes ago, eastglosmog said:

Ours haven't emptied household waste bins that contain food or anything recyclable for years.  They put a sticker on the offending bins and don't empty them (from observation of other peoples bins, not mine!)


They rummage around, cut open the bags and check?


Although there are nominally individual bins here they're a little distance from the house (can't get a bin lorry up to the houses) and used communally, so that wouldn't work. Most food waste goes on the compost heap anyway.

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7 minutes ago, Reorte said:


They rummage around, cut open the bags and check?


Although there are nominally individual bins here they're a little distance from the house (can't get a bin lorry up to the houses) and used communally, so that wouldn't work. Most food waste goes on the compost heap anyway.

Apparently so

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  • RMweb Gold

Took the wife to work and then went to Tesco at 7am. Fully stocked all the way round. Got everything on my list.


Was quiet with no queue to get in, everyone well behaved and a clear one way system all the way round. Only downside was the alcohol aisle was fenced off with a staff member fetching items on request, so couldn’t select a variety of bottled ales and just got a pack of ghost ship.


If it wasn’t for the circumstances I would prefer it to the normal scrum....

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2 hours ago, Half-full said:

As an aside to this, our local binmen are refusing to empty household bins that are full of unopened foodstuffs! 


Expect to see large numbers of dog-sized rats any time soon. 


And remember, a rat will reach sexual maturity in 5 weeks, plus 3 weeks gestation and an average litter size of 10. 


This means that just one pair under ideal conditions (for the rats, that is) can increase the population by 15,000 in 12 months. 

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  • RMweb Premium
9 minutes ago, jonny777 said:

This means that just one pair under ideal conditions (for the rats, that is) can increase the population by 15,000 in 12 months. 


They'll be rather inbred!

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Guest Half-full
7 minutes ago, jonny777 said:


Expect to see large numbers of dog-sized rats any time soon. 


And remember, a rat will reach sexual maturity in 5 weeks, plus 3 weeks gestation and an average litter size of 10. 


This means that just one pair under ideal conditions (for the rats, that is) can increase the population by 15,000 in 12 months. 

At least you can destroy those kind of rats....


Speaking to a neighbour, this started when the binmen saw a bin overflowing with unopened bread etc, and they've been peering in folks bins to seeing if there is a large amount of unopened food, and refusing to empty, a way of shaming which I fully support.


Our recycling bins are regularly inspected to see if there are any items that shouldnt be there, and the bins stickered to say why they havent been emptied

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting, as we usually do we put out the chicken bones this morning for the Red Kites and they were swooping down to pick up bits before I had even got through the back door - so within 4 feet of me from their wing tips.  Which suggests they are suffering a shortage of feeders at the moment although it was breakfast time for them anyway.  We are unlikely to get rats as we have foxes and they are going to have to hunt because there's very little left over to go out for them at present.


Tesco this morning was interesting - wrinklies being limited to one person (apart from some which seemed a bit odd) and an interesting range of stock including brands I'd never even seen before.  Plenty of veg of all sorts but no bread flour (or indeed any kind of flour) and no powdered cinammon (weird).  Equally importantly there were no pickled onions and a limited range of butter.  I also acquired a pack of toilet rolls from the considerable stock they had on hand, and loads of boose of all types for those who like that sort of thing.  Qverall I got everything on the list except the flour and powdered cinammon.


But there were plenty of folk who didn't understand the meaning of the 2 metre markings on the flour, one bloke from the pre-wrinklies hour with a large trolley crammed to overflowing, and more than a small percentage of those present who very obviously were not regular shoppers at this branch.  The latter is the area, more than any other, where I would like to see proper controls introduced and the other is the banning of large trolleys although that could be awkward for larger families of course.

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1 hour ago, jonny777 said:


Expect to see large numbers of dog-sized rats any time soon. 


And remember, a rat will reach sexual maturity in 5 weeks, plus 3 weeks gestation and an average litter size of 10. 


This means that just one pair under ideal conditions (for the rats, that is) can increase the population by 15,000 in 12 months. 

My cat will have a field day, although I doubt any rats will be allowed to get dog sized!

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1 hour ago, Half-full said:

At least you can destroy those kind of rats....


Speaking to a neighbour, this started when the binmen saw a bin overflowing with unopened bread etc, and they've been peering in folks bins to seeing if there is a large amount of unopened food, and refusing to empty, a way of shaming which I fully support.


Our recycling bins are regularly inspected to see if there are any items that shouldnt be there, and the bins stickered to say why they havent been emptied

That's how ours work it as well - I think the public shaming in a supposedly green conscious neighborhood works pretty well!  At least, I haven't seen any repeat performances (says he with his goody-goody hat on)

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1 hour ago, jonny777 said:


Expect to see large numbers of dog-sized rats any time soon. 


And remember, a rat will reach sexual maturity in 5 weeks, plus 3 weeks gestation and an average litter size of 10. 


This means that just one pair under ideal conditions (for the rats, that is) can increase the population by 15,000 in 12 months. 


One of our neighbours has a rat sized dog, should I be worried...? ;)



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1 hour ago, teaky said:

Perhaps the rats will become a new source of fresh meat and be put on sale at the market.  Oh wait ...

I will be able to cut down on the cat food (but will have to increase the worming tablets)!

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, eastglosmog said:

I will be able to cut down on the cat food (but will have to increase the worming tablets)!

Do you think you need to stock up on toilet roll, just in case?

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Rats ? - It's the blimmin fleas you need to worry about !!


Future Legend (Diamond Dogs LP)

David Bowie


And in the death,
As the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimy
The shutters lifted in inches in Temperance Building,
High on Poacher's Hill.
And red, mutant, eyes gaze down on Hunger City.
No more big wheels.

Fleas the size of rats sucked on rats the size of cats,
And ten thousand peoploids split into small tribes,
Coveting the highest of the sterile skyscrapers,
Like packs of dogs assaulting the glass fronts of Love-Me Avenue.
Ripping and rewrapping mink and shiny silver fox, now leg-warmers.
Family badge of sapphire and cracked emerald.
Any day now,
The year of the Diamond Dogs.

"This ain't Rock'n'Roll,
This is Genocide."



Edited by APOLLO
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