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Panic buying


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4 minutes ago, ejstubbs said:


What's the alternative to flour?  That's what we're in danger of running low on at the moment, bread flour in particular.


Who knew that there were so many repressed home bakers in the UK just waiting for a global crisis as an excuse to roll up their sleeves and get kneading?  Or maybe there has quietly been a run on breadmakers as well as freezers.  Or maybe people are resorting to cake to cheers themselves up...


(For some reason peanut butter seems to be on restricted supply at the moment as well.  It's on the shelves but there seem to be only the rather unpalatable* cheap brands or the premium-priced organic/vegan/gluten free**/some-other-spurious-USP-to-justify-a-high-price brands left.)


* With due apologies to Arachibutyrophobia sufferers, for whom any kind of peanut butter is unpalatable.

** With due apologies to celiac disease sufferers, but many people seem to think that anything that's "free from" something must be 'better for you' in some way compared to the run of the mill** product.

*** See what I did there?


Ground almonds.

Mix 1 egg with 3 tablespoons of ground almonds. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and microwave in beaker for 90 seconds. This should give you about four muffin sized slices to toast and butter/ add melted cheese. For each extra egg, double everything including cook time.

Edited by Baby Deltic
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2 minutes ago, ejstubbs said:


What's the alternative to flour?  That's what we're in danger of running low on at the moment, bread flour in particular.


Who knew that there were so many repressed home bakers in the UK just waiting for a global crisis as an excuse to roll up their sleeves and get kneading?  Or maybe there has quietly been a run on breadmakers as well as freezers.  Or maybe people are resorting to cake to cheers themselves up...


(For some reason peanut butter seems to be on restricted supply at the moment as well.  It's on the shelves but there seem to be only the rather unpalatable* cheap brands or the premium-priced organic/vegan/gluten free**/some-other-spurious-USP-to-justify-a-high-price brands left.)


* With due apologies to Arachibutyrophobia sufferers, for whom any kind of peanut butter is unpalatable.

** With due apologies to celiac disease sufferers, but many people seem to think that anything that's "free from" something must be 'better for you' in some way compared to the run of the mill** product.

*** See what I did there?



As I said all but a few items we could buy, bread flour and yeast were two things missing. We bake our own bread every other day, if we cannot I will buy a loaf.


Why is there a shortage of Beer and large bottles of whiskey ? thankfully we can do without these items. Thankfully we live in a village with a decent size CooP, convenience store, petrol station store and several farm shops a bit further out. And a large (but empty) number of supermarkets in a five mile radius, but like most resigned to have a limited selection for the next week or so

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9 minutes ago, ejstubbs said:




(For some reason peanut butter seems to be on restricted supply at the moment as well.  It's on the shelves but there seem to be only the rather unpalatable* cheap brands or the premium-priced organic/vegan/gluten free**/some-other-spurious-USP-to-justify-a-high-price brands left.)




Get yourself some Meridian Peanut Butter

Contents: 100% peanuts, nothing else.

No salt, Palm oil, sugar/a.n.other like many of the adulterated "premium" brands.

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44 minutes ago, Baby Deltic said:

Ground almonds.

Mix 1 egg with 3 tablespoons of ground almonds. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and microwave in beaker for 90 seconds. This should give you about four muffin sized slices to toast and butter/ add melted cheese. For each extra egg, double everything including cook time.


Ground almonds are a great alternative to flour. Particularly useful, of course, for gluten-free.


Make amazing chocolate brownies.

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Many supermarkets are giving time for the elderly and vulnerable to do their shops.

What counts as vulnerable?

Am I vulnerable because I still have to go out to work and interact with customers?


The other problem is that by restricting my shopping, I may be pushed into vulnerable if I can't get things I need for my 4 week old son.


Things aren't that bad - I inadvertently bulk bought ages ago but it's interesting to see how fragile things can really be.




On bulk buying -


Bought 40 years worth of razor blades (I double-edge shave) a few years back (sounds loads, they all fit in a small shoe box).

Bought a big 24-roll pack of toilet roll a few weeks before all this kicked off.  I thought I had just 2 rolls left so went out and got the normal largest pack Asda do.  Turns out we had about 12 rolls left, so we're only just starting the big pack.

Bought 60 bottles of hand santiiser years back.  Worked out we used about 2 per year.  Only just started the 2nd box now, so that's 30 bottles in this household.


Not panic buying, just bulk buying!

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I'm now slightly sceptical of the claims of shelves empty of essentials, having just got back from Tescos. Sure, there seemed to be no sign of beans or toilet roll (connection there?), quite a bit of the meat aisle was empty (should go a bit further to the local butcher anyway), but there were egg custards.

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1 hour ago, Pete the Elaner said:

You will have to find something else to throw into Jim's pint.

Dip a crisp in it instead. Charlie & I always did.

Crisis over. Now stocked up on salted, salt and vinegar and dry roasted peanuts. Good for the Keto diet too.

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4 hours ago, Gilbert said:

We now hear that Tesco have withdrawn the drop box because it was being abused. One of the collectors has reported that people were taking from the drop box.  


Looks like some T*sser has nicked the jumbo bottle of hand sanitiser from the office at work....


3 hours ago, Joseph_Pestell said:

On the whole, I think Govt has reacted well to this crisis. But it was silly of them not to realise that this panic buying would occur and put measures in place, weeks ago, to prevent it.


SAS Snipers in every store.  When a red dot appears on your forehead, you know it's time to put something back....

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I just wonder how muchs stuff is going to end up in the bin in a few weeks time, then as the use by dates expire, people may find themselves needing more, only to find supplies are finally affected by sickness /border restrictions etc.


Rather than stocking up on 2 months of pre-cooked rubbish, perhaps now is a good time to consider cooking.


Thing is when I had my time of this in 2003.. eating was the last thing on my mind, I lost several kg that week, though I made up for it afterwards.


I found chicken broth saved me, ever since, first on set of a nose / throat infection.....get the pan out ..heres the reciepe..




1/4 to a 1/2 raw chicken.. ensures its got a bone.. like wing, breast, leg piece.

(when ill I tend to leave the skin on, its a little more fatty, though in winter normally I take the skin off and add a little cayenne pepper to “liven it”.. though not in a cold as the granules can sometimes stick in my throat).


2 onions

1 carrot

1 parsnip

1 piece of celery inc core and leaves

1/8 to 1/4 a piece of celeriac

Garlic cloves to suit

A small Piece of beef or turkey or a lamb chop

Tablespoon of salt

Sprinkle of pepper

5 or 6 peppercorns

Cold Water upto 2cm from top of pan. ( this will make at least 2 -3 litres !)


Boil, then reduce to minimum for 1 hour to 90mins depending on meat volume.

10 mins effort to prepare, at least 9 good bowls, will last 4 days.. nice with some small pasta... cost... maybe less than a fiver...


if theres anything in your throat, it wont cure it, but it sure makes you feel better, warmer and gives energy... and if your flat out a few days in, all you have to do when sick is warm the pan...


Edited by adb968008
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5 minutes ago, polybear said:


Looks like some T*sser has nicked the jumbo bottle of hand sanitiser from the office at work....



SAS Snipers in every store.  When a red dot appears on your forehead, you know it's time to put something back....

Is that what the IR thermometers are for!!!

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...last weekend I panic bought 2 unmade Parkside parcels vans (£12 the pair)...there I've said it, my dirty secret is out in the open.


I don't even have a platform to unload the parcels from...


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7 minutes ago, Brighty1674 said:

We’ll know it’s really serious when shops run out of SPAM..............wot no spam fritters........


 for those that habour a hatred for those fat greasy laden lumps we used to get as school dinners..

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I called into our local Aldi on the way home yesterday evening. It was very sad to see. The ladies who do the shelf replenishment were inundated with people pushing & shoving those ladies aside. Someone who had split a packet of pasta had just left it scattered all over the place, and those ladies didn't stand a chance to even clean up.


Fresh milk was in good supply, as was a lot of the various bread styles.  Tins were stripped out, but funnily enough, tinned fruit in juice was in good supply. People had ripped out the UHT stuff, but left the fresh milk, which was just 6 feet away; why? The supply & delivery chain is working just fine. 


UHT? .... Undeliverable Hyper Tension.


I'm off to join the good Kapitan's 'Snooper squad'. The logo is a venitian blind, creased down, with a big eye looking at you..... 

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5 hours ago, Gilbert said:

Where's my gun....




I've just been chatting to a member of staff at the very same Tesco who told me they'd been abused by customers because some item were not available. ...

All the supermarkets seem to be covered with signage, suggesting that staff aren't there to be abused.


Sad that they are even considered as required!

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1 hour ago, adb968008 said:

I just wonder how muchs stuff is going to end up in the bin in a few weeks time, then as the use by dates expire, people may find themselves needing more, only to find supplies are finally affected by sickness /border restrictions etc.


Rather than stocking up on 2 months of pre-cooked rubbish, perhaps now is a good time to consider cooking.


Thing is when I had my time of this in 2003.. eating was the last thing on my mind, I lost several kg that week, though I made up for it afterwards.


I found chicken broth saved me, ever since, first on set of a nose / throat infection.....get the pan out ..heres the reciepe..




1/4 to a 1/2 raw chicken.. ensures its got a bone.. like wing, breast, leg piece.

(when ill I tend to leave the skin on, its a little more fatty, though in winter normally I take the skin off and add a little cayenne pepper to “liven it”.. though not in a cold as the granules can sometimes stick in my throat).


2 onions

1 carrot

1 parsnip

1 piece of celery inc core and leaves

1/8 to 1/4 a piece of celeriac

Garlic cloves to suit

A small Piece of beef or turkey or a lamb chop

Tablespoon of salt

Sprinkle of pepper

5 or 6 peppercorns

Cold Water upto 2cm from top of pan. ( this will make at least 2 -3 litres !)


Boil, then reduce to minimum for 1 hour to 90mins depending on meat volume.

10 mins effort to prepare, at least 9 good bowls, will last 4 days.. nice with some small pasta... cost... maybe less than a fiver...


if theres anything in your throat, it wont cure it, but it sure makes you feel better, warmer and gives energy... and if your flat out a few days in, all you have to do when sick is warm the pan...


All very good, but the supermarket had been stripped of meat of virtually every type and no potatoes either.

The local butchers was shut by 2.30, presumably because nothing left to sell!

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Our little village shops are doing rather better at keeping the shelves stocked than the supermarket.


Downside is that the nearest shop is Lithuanian (or Polish or something) and 70% of the goods are labelled in languages that I don't do. And there is a limit to how much sausage and pickled cabbage that I want to eat, even in an emergency.

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1 minute ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


Simples! Fridges are only so big. UHT does not need to be kept in the fridge.


Yes, you're quite right. But! As I type this, I can get fresh milk every day!

In fact, with thanks to your reply, you've just decided my tea for tonight, which will be cornflakes with full-cream milk. Nice one!

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