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But these adverts are served up by Google Ads based on what Google knows about your browsing history.  If you're one of these people who studiously delete browsing history to thwart attempts by Google etc to categorise what you are interested in, then it will just be a random advert.  As far as I am aware, RMWeb has no control over the adverts placed in that panel by Google.

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  • RMweb Gold
On 16/12/2019 at 15:57, Ian Hargrave said:

Dating Arab Women is not quite my scene....well not any more anyway. Can I suggest a keener web oversight on the content and subject matter of the right hand side of the forum page ? Railporn up next.....only joking.






Be careful, railporn is a thing






And I get dodgy "model" ads at work as no adblocker.

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  • RMweb Premium
On 16/12/2019 at 16:11, Dungrange said:

 As far as I am aware, RMWeb has no control over the adverts placed in that panel by Google.


..... other than they presumably sell the space on RMweb to Google.


If you sell space to a purveyor of advertising, you cannot then wash your hands concerning what advertising is downloaded.


I do not wish to receive any of the advertising which is downloaded with RMweb - but I object strongly to the content of quite a significant proportion of said advertising.


Sorry - but with income comes responsibility, and don't let your (m)ad. men tell you otherwise!


John Isherwood.



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12 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Andy, is there anything that can be done to prevent Ad Choices by Google from displaying overt political advertisements?


Like this:


I would prefer not to see political advertisements supporting any candidate.


If you click on the blue symbol (top right of ad), you given a choice,

click on 'Stop seeing this ad', then 4 choices, click on 'ad was inappropriate'.

It does make a difference, I've done it for dating sites, casinos, etc,

now I only get the usual banal, boring ads.

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The blocks are used to raise revenue to support running costs.


Users may see ads served based on browsing history or other sites which may track usage. If you block tracking elsewhere you may get are served based on geography, typical demographics for site usage. That's a simple answer which will have to suffice late on a Saturday night.


If you are receiving ads which you feel do not fit you there is the option to notify Google (via the X on the ad) and you should see a reduction in the type of ad you've notified them of.


We do not control those ads have set certain parameters. Those controls are maintained by our commercial department, not me.


John, if you don't want to see any ads you can opt for the Gold subscription with removes the Google ads. Or you just accept advertisers are paying for you to have the facility available.

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All of us are subject to ads, radio, TV, billboards, from every other source, so strip ads between subjects can't be much of a bother.  Perhaps you might see something that appeals, who knows!  Thats the point, it might be of interest; if not ignore it and it'll go away with the next reload.  Not worth the angst!:no:


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16 minutes ago, jcm@gwr said:

If you click on the blue symbol (top right of ad), you given a choice,

click on 'Stop seeing this ad', then 4 choices, click on 'ad was inappropriate'.

It does make a difference, I've done it for dating sites, casinos, etc,

now I only get the usual banal, boring ads.

Thank you, though I am very familiar with the "do not show me this again" drill with AdChoices by Google. It's effectiveness seems highly variable to me.


The most effective thing to do with Chrome is click on the selling page for an unobjectionable product and that will be presented to you more than anything else.

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2 hours ago, cctransuk said:

..... other than they presumably sell the space on RMweb to Google.


Yes, to pay for the costs of running the site so that cheapskates who don't want to pay for Gold Membership can still access the site for free.


It's quite simple, if you don't want to contribute to the running costs of the site by seeing adverts (which you can chose to ignore), how do you want to pay for access to RMWeb?  

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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, Dungrange said:


Yes, to pay for the costs of running the site so that cheapskates who don't want to pay for Gold Membership can still access the site for free.


It's quite simple, if you don't want to contribute to the running costs of the site by seeing adverts (which you can chose to ignore), how do you want to pay for access to RMWeb?  


Why did BRM buy RMweb? Not for any altruistic reason, but to use it as a platform to raise their profile; and that comes at a cost in running and maintenance. To then seek to offset that cost with unmoderated display of, often, dubious content is, IMHO, cynical.


I access RMweb because it is there - if it wasn't, I'd probably achieve more modelling output. As it is, I almost certainly spend more time inputting than outputting. I certainly wouldn't subscribe if the site became subscription only, and I would be far from alone in this.


This does NOT make me a cheapskate - merely someone who has better things to do with their heard-earned cash, and is prepared to support the site by offering input. What I do know is that RMweb would quickly wither and die if all those of my way of thinking were to leave / be excluded - and I strongly suspect that BRM know that too!


John Isherwood.



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1 hour ago, cctransuk said:

Why did BRM buy RMweb? Not for any altruistic reason, but to use it as a platform to raise their profile


Agreed - it's a form of advertising for the BRM brand.


1 hour ago, cctransuk said:

that comes at a cost in running and maintenance.


Agreed - the issue is who should pay and how much?  What monetary benefits do BRM get from running / hosting RMWeb?  If the costs involved in running and maintaining the site exceed the value that BRM feel they get from owning RMWeb, then they need to seek additional ways of covering the running costs, since as you've highlighted the purchase wasn't for altruistic reasons.  That therefore means that they have to:

  1. make the site subscription only (so subscribers pay for the full running costs);
  2. sell advertising space to Google (or anyone else who is willing to pay to get their adverts on the site), so that the full running costs are covered by advertising; or
  3. adopt a blended model where some people can subscribe (Gold Membership) and not be shown adverts, while those who don't want to subscribe are shown adverts.  That therefore means that users have a choice as to whether or not they are shown adverts.
1 hour ago, cctransuk said:

I access RMweb because it is there - if it wasn't, I'd probably achieve more modelling output. As it is, I almost certainly spend more time inputting than outputting. I certainly wouldn't subscribe if the site became subscription only, and I would be far from alone in this.


Like you, I wouldn't be on RMWeb if it was a subscription only site and I agree that the number of members would reduce significantly if that was the approach taken by BRM.  Clearly the value of the site is in its content, so without the collective valuable knowledge of many contributors the site would have little value.  I suppose the question is how do you monetise the value of the contributions of individual members?  It would be easy enough to suggest that Member A posts loads of helpful information and should therefore be shown fewer adverts than Member B who only asks stupid questions and contributes very little.  The problem is that quality of input is subjective.  It may be technically feasible to suggest that those who have the highest post counts could be shown the fewest adverts, but there are several members on here who post a lot of ****.  Perhaps a members 'Community Reputation' score could be a better measure of the quality of posts that someone contributes, but if this was used to serve up fewer adverts to those with a high score, what would be shown in place of adverts: blank space?


Personally, I have no issues with the adverts served up (perhaps Google just knows me better) if it provides me with free access to this site.  I will click through on some adverts, but those of no interest, I simply ignore.


14 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

The most effective thing to do with Chrome is click on the selling page for an unobjectionable product and that will be presented to you more than anything else.


I agree with that.  The adverts that I have clicked on in the past are shown much more often after that - just don't click on the 'dubious content' or you will get that regularly!!!

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Dungrange said:


Agreed - it's a form of advertising for the BRM brand.



Agreed - the issue is who should pay and how much?  What monetary benefits do BRM get from running / hosting RMWeb?  If the costs involved in running and maintaining the site exceed the value that BRM feel they get from owning RMWeb, then they need to seek additional ways of covering the running costs, since as you've highlighted the purchase wasn't for altruistic reasons.


You seem to make the assumption that someone other than BRM should fund the running costs of RMweb.


In puchasing RMweb, as in any purchase, BRM should have assessed whether its value to them as a advertising platform for their own use would cover their running costs. It would appear that either they came to the conclusion that it would do so - and were wrong - or they calculated that they could sell advertising space to all comers and get their own advertising effectively for free.


All indications are that the latter scenario was the one that actually happened, and it is that attitude to which I object.


Even more cynically, members were then told that they could avoid the adverts - indicating that BRM knew that the adverts would be objectionable to a lot of members - by paying a subscription.


It is clear that BRM regard RMweb as simply a source of free advertising and revenue, and yet we are told that we should be grateful to BRM for letting us have free access to RMweb. There have been subtle hints from the powers-that-be that support for RMweb from BRM is minimal, which reinforces this perspective.


Let's face it, without a minority of the membership, RMweb would be simply a gathering place for fan boys and frothers; for that reason the accusation of being a cheapskate is, frankly, laughable.


John Isherwood.

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