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The London Festival of Railway Modelling- 21 & 22 March 2020


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4 minutes ago, AY Mod said:

I'd like to thank the majority here for their patience before we arrived at this point; the team really did hope to be able to bring everyone a show and have been agonising for days about doing the right thing (but not having enough information to determine what is). I've read rubbish (particularly on Facebook) from people (most were probably not going anyway) demanding it be cancelled and that a statement is issued immediately. Balance that with traders who really wanted and needed to have a good show, some with stock specifically bought in for the business the event would generate them, as this is likely to be the last significant event for some time for some of them where the show circuit is a very important part of their business. We know many layout owner's and their teams have personally agonised balancing their personal concerns with a spirit of not wanting to let people down so we thank them in particular. And in the middle of that are the visitors who we owe a duty of care towards and if the official advice is that large indoor events should not be held then we have to follow that advice too.


We are sorry and we hope everyone can have a safe weekend.


Well done Andy, I'm sure we all appreciate the work that has gone on and the wishes of trying to keep the show going but with today's escalation the decision was inevitable. 

Thanks again 



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1 hour ago, AY Mod said:



Statement as of 16.3.20

Warners Shows have decided to postpone the London Festival of Railway Modelling, 21-22 March 2020.


We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding events to the hobby and this decision was not reached lightly, but the right one for the health and safety of all involved.


Naturally, we are all very disappointed and we are currently working with the venue to secure new dates.


Thank you to all the sponsors, exhibitors, layouts, societies and visitors for their continued support for the show during these exceptional circumstances.


We will shortly be making contact with everyone who is involved in the show to organise transfers / refunds



Thanks for letting us know Andy. A disappointing but understandable decision. 


You say the show is being postponed but on the website it says it is cancelled?

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Phew - that's saved me the next few evenings cleaning wheels......................


An inevitable decision but a sensible one.


I'm sure that DL will be southbound again before too long, but many things are far more important than model railways.




Stay safe folks



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13 minutes ago, bart2day said:

You say the show is being postponed but on the website it says it is cancelled?


We are looking to see if we can do 'something', we'll say more if and when - but that would be a while.


My wording is taken from an official internal release received just after the posting made on World of Railways.

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2 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


We are looking to see if we can do 'something', we'll say more if and when - but that would be a while.


My wording is taken from an official internal release received just after the posting made on World of Railways.


Just to add the MRC's perspective, everything Andy says is true for us too. I'd like to especially thank the messages of support we've had from layout owners and teams.


Doing something is of course difficult and would require a lot of discussion with a whole host of organisations and people - most exhibitions are organised a year or more in advance and given this decision to not hold the event is only hours old, we need some time.

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Given tonight’s announcements from the government I think this is sad but inevitable.


Let’s hope that we all get through this, with clubs, layouts, businesses and ourselves intact and around to enjoy many more exhibitions in the future.

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Show is a show, health is health - most important thing is the well-being of everyone. That's not just attendees at the show, traders, Ally Pally staff but also and those you've travelled around to get there. I for one would have two-hours on a train both ways.


Hopefully the traders/public/exhibitors can avoid any major financial losses and layout owners can post some more pictures and progress of their layouts here online.


Postponed?, cancelled? Either way It will be back.

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Very many thanks to the Warner’s Team - you must have agonised over this decision.  We (Redruth MRC) were going to meet tomorrow to decide whether we all still wanted to go with Hoopers Aggregates.  As this is a very large layout we really didn’t want to let the show organisers down.  However, a number of us have ‘underlying medical conditions’ and were somewhat fearful.


At least I can now finish some of the stock that I had planned to bring and had run out of time to do so.


All the very best wishes to the Warner’s Team.  Hopefully we will see you after all of this is over.


Take care,



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@Andy Y

I feel most sorry for those traders who were hoping for a good show, particularly those with limited or non-existent internet presence.  Is there anything that can be done, eg via Buy and Sell, to help those traders through this difficult time?  Im sure those of us who might have shopped at such stalls would be keen to try and support such traders where possible.



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I appreciate that this forum is not the place for political comments, so I'll try to avoid that, but a lot of people will be waking up today with a sense of uncertainty...

I am no fan of Piers Morgan, his manner irritates me; but this morning on GMTV he made a lot of sense on this subject.

It is 'suggested' that we socially isolate, yet without a unambiguous mandate from No 10, that leaves the businesses in a state of limbo, for there are bound to be insurance implications and I see this as the death knell for countless businesses.


I love this hobby, I really do!  I can think of no other that brings together such a breadth of dissimilar skills and interests. As I child I would look forward to my Sunday afternoons, when I would get the train set out and be in a fantasy world for hours. Now at the start of my senior years, I find myself looking at the world and asking 'why is it done that way? How can I model it?' 


Yes it is a great shame that this exhibition is cancelled and I hope that it, and all the others, can happen next year. I have my shopping list and I'll probably contact a couple of traders directly.  I really don't care about the price of my ticket and whether or not I get the money back, it's the price of a couple of coffees and something sticky & unhealthy.  That's life!  What is more important to me is that I can continue in this hobby knowing that I can still go to exhibitions and buy the bits I want from my 'local' model shop in the years to come.


Thank you BRM, for being courageous in taking this difficult decision.  Although I do not feel frightened by Covid-19, my Wife has a condition which would put her at risk, as does a good friend, so we have to remember what's important.

See you all in 2021 :-)

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14 hours ago, Clearwater said:

@Andy Y

I feel most sorry for those traders who were hoping for a good show, particularly those with limited or non-existent internet presence.  Is there anything that can be done, eg via Buy and Sell, to help those traders through this difficult time?  Im sure those of us who might have shopped at such stalls would be keen to try and support such traders where possible.



I had decided a couple of weeks back not too attend this year (notwithstanding a free ticket which would have come my way this week) because of the already known potential risk factors of Covid-19 in relation to me.   What I already had in mind and would suggest to others is that if you were intending to buy or order anything at the show you simply carry on and do so with the traders you intended to buy from.  


Nowadays there are numerous ways of placing remote orders,  and delivery services (various) still seem to be operating as normal so - apart from possibly 'seeing before buying' we can still follow any intended shopping.  And in the case of many (but not me as it happens) there will be more to spend because there will be no outlay on travel and entry costs.  The caterers might lose out but we can still support traders.  And if there are any new announcements which we might have ordered at the show we can still do so by remote control if they are announced online etc.


Don't forget many model railway retailers are still 'small businesses' in overall terms and they still need our support and what else are you going to do if you're 'isolated' for a couple of weeks but still fit enough for railway modelling?

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22 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

 what else are you going to do if you're 'isolated' for a couple of weeks but still fit enough for railway modelling?


I have no wish to take this off topic, but just to comment that I have been working on my layout for up to 13 hours a day (on my rest days from my job) and 4 to 6 hours a day when I do go to work - because I had an important show to go to - Aly Paly (and later Railex).


Now with no exhibitions until December (Peterborough) I haven't done a thing today - what's the point - I can always finish the layout tomorrow, or next week or next month.


As you may guess, my layout is too big to run at home - no shows = no running = no incentive to do anything.


Next layout will be my first ever 'home' layout!

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4 hours ago, AyJay said:

I am no fan of Piers Morgan, his manner irritates me; but this morning on GMTV he made a lot of sense on this subject.

It is 'suggested' that we socially isolate, yet without a unambiguous mandate from No 10, that leaves the businesses in a state of limbo, for there are bound to be insurance implications and I see this as the death knell for countless businesses.



If the government were to "order" businesses to close then it would open the flood gates to claims from the Insurance Companies.  Result?  The Ins. Companies would very quickly go under, and the businesses wouldn't get paid out anyway.

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Whilst advice places some businesses in an invidious position it certainly "flattens the curve" for insurers who stood - and still stand - to be called upon beyond their immediate means if multiple Sum Insured claims are lodged.  


May I echo Mike Stationmaster's suggestion that we all continue to place orders as we might normally have done.  Many items are  readily available via business websites or social media pages.  You don't get to see before you buy, true, and you won't find every nut, bolt and gran-of-rice option available that way.  But it all helps to keep our friends and the modelling family in business.


It does also drive greater use of delivery vans and existing mail services but they are out there anyway and in some cases additional business might be welcomed. 

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Not an easy decision to make with such a big show. But likely the only option in the end.


I wasn't intending to attend (not for any reasons other  than personal finances).


Good luck with future show options, but if rearranging is liable to cause a lot of extra work, might be best to just leave it to next year by which time hopefully things will have settled down a bit more. However, whatever decision is made, best of luck and take care.

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Inevitable the way things have changed this week. Full marks to Mr Y for his management of the communication of this in my view - it's not an easy balance.

There will be as many reactions and feelings as people who were involved / thinking of going / not sure.

Experience has taught me that our first reactions can be one thing: our later responses maybe something else.

I'd fully understand exhibitors feeling flat about modelling for a while, even if also relieved at not having a health risk to worry about at the same time.

Same perhaps for some customers who'd been looking forwards to the show.

Maybe, after a pause, there'll be the incentive to do some modelling to make up for the disappointment: after all, this is a hobby for many of us, a source of pleasure to help us step away from the world and relax for a bit.  That can be a helpful thing at such times.

For some the cancellation is a business issue too: amongst the 'groups' affected that we talk about, there will also be those indirectly hit as exhibitions close, such as some local van hire companies for example, along with hotels / accommodation / the rail companies (etc), venues, as well as those directly affected such as Warners in this case.

Hopefully we can all continue to support one another as partners whose passion / hobby and business come together at events like this.


Edited by Keith Addenbrooke
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As part of Stafford exhibition team I can sympathise with all the issues that Andy, the exhibition team and Warner’s have gone through In the last few days.


They like many exhibitions both commercial and clubs invest a large amount of time and money into putting on a annual exhibition


I feel that the whole matter was managed very professionally by the exhibition team and most importantly the communication of what was going on.


To make important decisions you need to know all or as many facts that are available to you to make the final decision.


Let us all hope that once we get over this crisis that no long term damage is done to all those effected.


I am also aware the Warner’s have also had to cancel two major Motorhome Shows in the coming days and weeks.





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Yesterday I received an e-mail and I'm surprised that there has been no mention here. The e-mail read;


Good afternoon,


Earlier this week we announced that we have had to cancel this weekend’s (21-22 March, 2020) London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding events to the hobby and this decision was not reached lightly, but we feel it’s the right one for the health and safety of all involved. Naturally, we are all very disappointed. However, we have been working with the venue and are pleased to announce that the London Festival of Railway Modelling will now take place on 22-23 August, 2020 at Alexandra Palace!


As part of your Show Subscription Offer you were due to receive a free ticket to this weekend’s show. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following alternatives:


Option 1 – Free ticket to the re-arranged London Festival of Railway Modelling on 22-23 August, 2020

Option 2 – Free ticket to The National Festival of Railway Modelling in Peterborough on 5_6 December, 2020 or The Festival of British Railway Modelling in Doncaster on 13-14 February, 2021

Option 3 – We cancel your free ticket but add two additional issues of BRM to your subscription free of charge


When you have decided which option you would like to take out, please contact the subscriptions team on XXXXXXX.


Kind regards,


I have phoned up and made my choice.

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1 hour ago, GrahamB said:

Option 1 – Free ticket to the re-arranged London Festival of Railway Modelling on 22-23 August, 2020

Option 2 – Free ticket to The National Festival of Railway Modelling in Peterborough on 5_6 December, 2020 or The Festival of British Railway Modelling in Doncaster on 13-14 February, 2021

Option 3 – We cancel your free ticket but add two additional issues of BRM to your subscription free of charge


Please can Andy Y confirm that the show has been rebooked at Alexandra palace for August 22/23 2020? 


John K

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1 hour ago, GrahamB said:

Yesterday I received an e-mail and I'm surprised that there has been no mention here. The e-mail read;


Good afternoon,


Earlier this week we announced that we have had to cancel this weekend’s (21-22 March, 2020) London Festival of Railway Modelling at Alexandra Palace. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding events to the hobby and this decision was not reached lightly, but we feel it’s the right one for the health and safety of all involved. Naturally, we are all very disappointed. However, we have been working with the venue and are pleased to announce that the London Festival of Railway Modelling will now take place on 22-23 August, 2020 at Alexandra Palace!


As part of your Show Subscription Offer you were due to receive a free ticket to this weekend’s show. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following alternatives:


Option 1 – Free ticket to the re-arranged London Festival of Railway Modelling on 22-23 August, 2020

Option 2 – Free ticket to The National Festival of Railway Modelling in Peterborough on 5_6 December, 2020 or The Festival of British Railway Modelling in Doncaster on 13-14 February, 2021

Option 3 – We cancel your free ticket but add two additional issues of BRM to your subscription free of charge


When you have decided which option you would like to take out, please contact the subscriptions team on XXXXXXX.


Kind regards,


I have phoned up and made my choice.


As a layout owner that was booked for Ally Pally, I received an email canvassing layout owners and traders to see if they were available for the new date before making it public.

This was received after the above ticket email was sent out.

We were asked to refrain from mentioning the new date.




Unfortunately, the new date clashes with other commitments and I cannot attend, but hopeful that DL will be there at a future time.






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10 minutes ago, John K said:

Please can Andy Y confirm that the show has been rebooked at Alexandra palace for August 22/23 2020? 


We are intending to re-schedule it and a formal announcement will be made in due course. The date has been booked with the venue and we are discussing with layout owners and traders at present so please wait for confirmation. As with the Facebook postings you were involved with last weekend why demand information from people? The exhibition's department handle the event with the MRC, I'm not directly involved.

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The new dates are on the world-of-railways website:




"Warners Shows have decided to cancel the London Festival of Railway Modelling, 21-22 March 2020. 

We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding events to the hobby and this decision was not reached lightly, but the right one for the health and safety of all involved. Naturally, we are all very disappointed. We have secured a new date (22/23 August 2020) - more details will follow in May.


Thank you to all the sponsors, exhibitors, layouts, societies and visitors for their continued support for the show during these exceptional circumstances.

We will shortly be making contact with everyone who is involved in the show to organise transfers / refunds."


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12 minutes ago, adrianmc said:


We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding events to the hobby and this decision was not reached lightly, but the right one for the health and safety of all involved. Naturally, we are all very disappointed. We have secured a new date (22/23 August 2020) - more details will follow in May.




 That's a nice bit of positive news, made me smile this morning :)

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Excellent news!  I am not rostered to work that day as well so it is going in the diary.


Let's all hope this farcical mess has been sorted out by then.

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